Kijima ghosts and star charcoal bell sounds The wildflowers, who had left their assassins, heard that there was a lonely village nearby and headed for lodging and plundering.

The village is also a large distance from the streets and a fairly small substitute, the two objects reported.

"It's a vibrant village, and there's not going to be a lot of people who can take it. Just a bunch of dark-faced guys. Come on."

"I don't even have a young daughter. I don't even see any kids. It's a creepy village. And there's a strange epidemic, and there's a lot of people lying on the floor."

After hearing reports of objects, your head often thinks.

"I don't know if it's evil to use someone who's been corroded by a disease in the catalyst of surgery... but I wonder if I'll get sick to you guys, and let's avoid that village"

"I like that. I don't want to go to that village anymore."

I was relieved to hear your decision.

"Honestly, it was a very unpleasant feeling. I wonder if the land itself is being snuck up."

One of those things that I say with a frivolous face.

"Maybe it's a hit. You were originally inspired, but you got even stronger while you were dating me. That's why I'm letting you see things."


With a loving smile on his head, the said sight had no choice but to smile bitterly.

But that night, things changed.

The two men, who turned to see things, fell ill.

Because of the strong suspicion of infectious diseases, they are put to sleep in isolation from other faces, and nursing is carried out by your head and tiredness.

"If it's an infectious disease, they're already in danger. And so do we."

Said your head. I was only here for a few hours after the sights came back, but it is quite possible that I have fallen for the others. I haven't been in the village for a long time, but it looks like this for both of us.

The two had a high fever and after frequent vomiting, they were starting to erupt strangely viscous sweat from their skin.

"This sweat is different. And I feel slightly, a sign of" serious "curse and kuraa."

In front of the two people who laid him in line in the cabin, your head arms say.

"I'm tired. This is obviously not a normal disease. It's the result of interference in paranormal areas. I have to take care of these guys. You may have a heavy load, but can you go with the village and find out what caused it? If we can find a way to cure these people's illness, we can do it."

"I'll do it"

Tired snorts without hesitation at the confirmation of your head. Your head laughs when you see it.

"I really think the opposite is good. But... this guy is tired, also for your training. Get away from me and try to solve this problem by yourself."

There was no anxiety at all. The joy of being trusted and trusted and the sense of purpose. And it was full of intentions.

By the time tiredness reached the village, the yang had begun to lean.

The village was as impressed by the reports of the two visitors. Even if they show up tired, the villagers don't look like they're just talking at a glance. I don't even show you how to avoid it openly. Almost indifferent and pale.

(That is indeed terribly shady......)

Looking at the village as is the report of the sight, Tired frowns.

"Excuse me...... I'd like to ask you something..."

Speak to the middle-aged couple who have a pair of handkerchiefs, who seem to be on their way home from work in the field. We are both unusually thin.

But the couple merely glanced at the tiredness with a frigid odor and tried to leave the scene in cold ignorance.

Tired sighed, pulling out his hips and slashing his husband's back from behind.


"No, no, no, no, no!

I couldn't seem to ignore this act of stray stone. The couple screams. Not only has her husband fallen, but her wife has also lost her hips and incontinence, looking up at her tiredness in tears as she trembles in fear.

I stick my cut in that wife's throat, and tired laughs.

"I have something I'd like to ask you... May I...?

"Yes, no! Ask me anything. Whoa! I'm in the mood to answer anything right now. Come on! So help me out with all my life!

When tired speaks amicably, his wife worships with her hands together and begs with tears.

"I heard that this village... has many people suffering from epidemic diseases..."

"It's not just a disease. Snooze. The village is sneaking around! The deeper the business, the heavier the disease!

"Deep in the business...?

"Those who do bad things will be plunged into their hearts by the sins they have committed, will lay low on the floor and continue to suffer, and will eventually become the monster of the Namekuji."

Hearing the woman's words, Tired thought this was a quick and good story. And I wonder if this is also a gift of everyday deeds, and smile sarcastically. In addition, I wonder if it could be connected to the study of witchcraft.

"Do you have any idea...?

"Amazing. On the contrary, I know what caused it. To Princess Rumi, because she neglected to offer the red dough!

"Princess Rumi? Red Dumplings?"

"There has been a god in this village for a long time, named Princess Rumi. Instead of protecting the village, Princess Rumi asks for a sacrifice. Once a year, it's called red dough, peeling off the skin of three babies, severing their heads from their torso, stabbing them in large skewers and shaping them like dough, and dedicating them to Princess Rumi. And while Princess Rumi was being eaten red dumplings, the villagers must all gather in front of Princess Rumi and eat the leftover baby's body crushed into meat dumplings with a smile as we all say 'delicious and delicious'."

As far as I heard about the middle-aged woman, I was tired of saying that she was a patron saint temptation monster possessed by the village. During the last two and a half years of wandering, I have already encountered three such demons.

"Why didn't you dedicate the red dough...?

"You only had two babies to dedicate in time. Going on baby hunting outside the village is not enough all the time, but only this year, those who went on baby hunting outside the village could not return. Looks like he screwed up and got caught trying to expose the baby. So many substitute villagers went away on a baby hunt, but they didn't make it either...... And Rumi-chan, angry, said that she would turn the profound into Namekuji in the village, and one in four people in the village lay on the floor, and her body gradually turned into Namekuji."

I'm tired of listening to you when you say you're a really shady, nasty God.

(Though a small village, sneaking around the whole village... turning people into demons has considerable power... you're a monster. But in a small village like this, you have to make three babies a year to give them babies)

First of all, I think it is better to determine the strength of the enemy.

"What about Princess Rumi and them... where?

"That's it. This is the one further behind the altar in the highest part of the village. What... you? You. Ahhhhh! Whoa, whoa!

The woman began to cry when she saw her husband, who had been slaughtered tirelessly, bleeding heavily and stopped moving.

"Each other, it will be sad to be single...... Until the afterlife... please come with me..."

When I told him in the eyes of mercy, Tired waved a sword and snapped his wife's neck, which leads to her husband.

When tiredness went to the altar and to the dots, two armed villagers stood before the altar. I see tiredness, whether you're probably a gatekeeper or not.

"What, your lord? This is no place for the rest of us to come."

"Let's go. Otherwise!

"Hey, what! Gee hee!"

They were two gatekeepers calling high pressure toward tiredness, but tiredness remained silent, slashing and abandoning the two gatekeepers pale.

There was definitely a dust behind the altar, so I go inside. Create and illuminate lights with surgery.

The stone walls and floors had traces of mucus everywhere. And there's a pretty strong demon drifting from the back of this one.

Walking to the back of the cheek, it turned into a hall. Looks like a storage unit, but not a lot of stuff. And it wasn't just the stuff, there was a shadow here and there.

The shape of my eyes was people, and I was wearing clothes, but they were clearly different from people. The skin was adhesive and healing, and the face had disappeared with eyes, nose and mouth. No, I could check my eyes and mouth different from people's.

(So this is the villager who was turned into Namekuji)

Tired was convinced when he saw the aliens like a mixture of men and Namekuji.



"Pussy pussy"

Whether they reacted to the lights or to the signs, the Namekuji humans cursorily turn to tiredness anyway.

Some of them came at me with animosity, so tired slaughters this.


A man with no hostility approaching him opened his mouth. Compared to other Namekuji humans, there has not been much progress in namekuzification. I can also check my face. However, the skin is already naked.

"Me and two of my people just took a pass through the village. It's been a sneaky roll. If you can, this sneak... No, please untie the curse. Somehow, I'm still sane, and we can have a conversation."

"Okay. There's a princess Rumi who cursed you in the back, isn't there?


When tired put his sword away and asked, the Namekuji man nodded in horror.

Going further back, there was a stone drawer. I can see even darker demons drifting from beyond.

Open the drawer with caution. The stone drawer was thought to weigh quite a bit but the slip below is very smooth and opens lightly.


Reacting to the light of tiredness and the opening of the door, a voice rose from within.

"Are you Princess Rumi?

Tired speaks up. Inside was a stone room, with a woman sitting in the center. Although in witch clothes, he was a demon mixed with men and Namekuji, just like those who were in the hall before he came here. However, the appearance is the same as any other Namekuji human being, but the strength of the demon emitted is as if it were different.

(Awesome demon...... If you got into a fight with this, can you beat me by fulfilling it...?

Confronting a Namekuji woman, tired takes a breath.

"I don't know... my concubine is Princess Rumi. What about him?

Princess Rumi gives her face. Unlike other Namekuji humans, I can see their faces properly. Though she was quite the ugly "lump".