Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

High Fantasy [Fantasy]
2730 Chapters ongoing 36,178 Views
Word Count
6,000,000 Words
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 Shadow brave. There used to be a man called that in a different world. His name is Heavenly Sound Kite. He was a junior high school student and a transferee from Earth. He fought to protect the world through numerous encounters and breakups, and was finally recognized for his achievements and sealed up as a nobleman in a country of another world. He also worked vigorously as

 an aristocrat, but the strength of his influence became a vendetta and broke the country. Worried about it, he entrusts his people with the decision to return to Earth. Three years after

 his return. He was attending a private high school where a company became his mother, living as a student even though he was caught up in various disturbances on Earth.

 Oh, no, one day. Heaven broke over the high school he attended, and the roar rang. When the light thus subsided, the sight he saw was that of a different world that he knew. That's how he decided to resume his adventure in another world after three hundred years in order to return to Earth the schools that he had transferred to the other world together. The day before Earth Edition and Kate's Earthly Age, which happens behind

 the book. Thank you too, Tan

 * Contact * May 26, 2019 · Started

on Twitter → "Himazin @ himazin_writer"

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Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave


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