Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Episode 2089 In the Grasslands - Internship -
At the request of the Astor family, Kite and Sola decided to teach Lily and Fabrice, the children of Uncle Astor. The two of them were supposed to teach Lily about alchemy, and Sola was supposed to help Fabrice practice swords.
So after each first tutor. Since Neue would be tired on the first day of training today, the afternoon training was to be postponed by 30 minutes.
"I think I can handle it somehow. Luckily, Mr. Kenneth is also cooperative, so it doesn't seem to be a problem."
I see. I don't have much difficulty here because of the alchemy class. "
"Alchemy, I thought it was you, so I wouldn't have to struggle...."
Sora sighed and shook her head to Kite, who made it clear that there was nothing wrong with her. Kenneth is an old man who was practicing swords on Fabrice. He was one of the knights who served the Astor family, and after his retirement, he was a former Uncle Astor, but he was good enough to have Fabrice do his homework. Well, let alone that. Kate shook her head to Sola, who exhaled.
"I don't think so. Well, there's a lot of people in the Adventure Department who haven't mastered alchemy since it's not for combat... but it doesn't really go well with us from Earth."
"Because you know chemistry?
"Isn't that right... eh? Are you serious?
Because the right answer was given, Sola unexpectedly confirmed to Kite with her face. To him, Kite nodded with a smile.
"Oh, actually, this is really the right answer. Alchemy should understand the chemical components... such as carbon and nitrogen... well, early on, Marine Liebe."
"My ship?
Yes, I forgot about the boulder.
"Hmm, I don't remember the magic that assists in memory for that ~"
Ketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketaketakeaway That said, not everything can be remembered from the relationship of the degree of magic, but only these academic aspects are remembered by Sola and others. You might say it's a part of the job.
"Ahahaha... well, such knowledge of chemistry and magic... fire attributes, earth attributes, and so on. It is very important to be able to read both of these with analysis. But Enephia is still undeveloped about this chemical knowledge. In contrast, the Earth does not have enough magical knowledge, but scientific knowledge is advancing. We're both learning that we're good at alchemy."
"I see... maybe you're so good at it."
"Oh, that's the exception. He has a talented pattern. It's a five-finger area in Enephia."
Is that how you treat it? As always, Sola stepped slightly on a creepy kite because she sees herself as a family member. Nevertheless, one of the kites was overwhelmed.
"As far as alchemy is concerned, Mr. Langli, this is the area where alchemy is used in battle. This is the area where instant smelting can take place without a smelting team."
"Punch, how do you end up in this area?
"Punch, this is the end of the space. Areas that would not be possible without being a genius. I thought I might be able to do it for now, and I saw Tina and I freaked out. That guy seems to be really capable, so I tried, and there's too much I can do..."
Are you really a genius? Sola accidentally pulled herself into the lampster's arm. Tina says that if she really tries to be extremely serious, she can make a genuine Homunkurus. But when I heard that, I didn't want to make Homunkurus because it was troublesome to take care of and take responsibility.
"Well, he seems to be able to do it, so it's a gift of insight. Somebody else can imitate it. Even so, it seems that I only really tried to do it with driftstone alchemy. He didn't think he could do it."
"Hah... well... anyway. So you're good at alchemy."
"Oh, basically, with the academic knowledge we have here, we can understand most of the matter. If we can further increase the accuracy of the magic of analysis and see that it is the nucleus, we can manage without knowing the name of the substance. Knowledge is simply how easy it is."
"Heh... hmm? That means the Enephian alchemists....."
Maybe. Sola chewed on Kite's words and thought of something. Besides, Kite tried to get ahead a little interesting.
"What do you say?
"Er... perhaps you're making up for the lack of power tricks?
"Exactly. Well noticed."
"I wondered how easy it would be to do the opposite."
"That's what I'm talking about."
Kate nodded with approval to Sora's words. And it seemed that Sola understood why Uncle Astor asked Kite to teach.
So, did Uncle Astor ask you to do it?
That's right. Of course, it's an excuse. "
If you get the knowledge, you can make a profit. Otherwise, it can be used as a pretext to attract kites to the party. That's what Uncle Astor thought. Therefore, for some time afterwards, the two of them will hold a meeting on this request until dinner.
The second day I arrived at the Astor house. At nine o'clock in the morning, Kate and Sora will go out again to train Fabrice and Neue.
However, unlike the first day, Hans basically took the form of watching, and Sola and Kite manipulated the magic equipment for training. Nevertheless, I didn't intend to leave Hans irresponsible from the beginning, and I was going to take a look at the extent.
"Now... then, which do you want to do first?
Well, from me.
When Hans asked, Sola walked out on her own. After yesterday's work, it seems that Sola borrowed a magic instrument from Kite that should be called the prototype of the training magic instrument.
He is serious about his roots, too. That's why he practiced at work. Of course, it was only a baked blade, but after that, I had to take full advantage of the Adventurer's performance and do something about it.
"I see... then, let's start with a four-legged beast. Kate, I'm going to get you ready, so help me."
In response to Hans' offer, Kite will place some of the materials he brought along as he instructed. After a while, an instant dog run of about a hundred meters around the entire circumference was produced. There were a number of obstacles along the way, like obstacle racing, which had to be avoided by jumping and dexterity.
"Okay, here's the thing. Sora, you go through this course for the first three weeks. About a minute a week."
In response to Hans' words, Sola grasps a spherical magic tool that acts as a training magic tool controller. Then, the controller unfolds the magic equipment that was glowing and spherical in pale green. Then, as Hans did yesterday, it transforms into a four-legged beast form.
So far, so good.
First off, the startup and deformation went well. Sora feels a little relief in her heart. Basically, this magic instrument is powered by magic, that is, the power of will. Therefore, deformation and movement are carried out according to their own will.
However, there was the difficulty of Kuzuha in childhood. Nevertheless, if you get up, you can handle the rest. That's why Sora finished the course three times, even though it was a little rough.
"I wonder where... this place is?"
"Well, it wouldn't be bad. Okay, next. Go around the course three more times. But this time, I'll attack, so stay away from it for three weeks. Now you can not only avoid obstacles, but also jump if necessary. The time limit is a minute and a half."
"Of course. I was just looking at my arm. In fact, you have to jump while running away from Neue. I'll leave it up to you."
"... cumming. Copy that."
Indeed, Hans was right. Therefore, Sola is also convinced by the words, and uses magic to change the shape of the quadruped beast to the controller of the training magic equipment that was once sphericalized again. He then concentrated again.
When you move to the right, to the right. When moving to the left, to the left. Sola once again grasped the controller with a light green light and remembered the fundamentals of the operation.
(Be as careless as possible and focus only on the direction you want to move)
When misinformation enters, it becomes motion noise and makes an irregular movement. Sola is once again firmly aware of the advice she received from Kite yesterday. At first glance, it seems easy to operate, but this misgivings and redundancies seem quite troublesome.
Otherwise, if you are worried about the operation, it appears in the movement. Here, Kite told me that with the sword, he should think of it as sword training.
(Don't worry, move naturally. With the image of myself riding on it....)
Slowly, the magic equipment that turned into a four-legged beast began to run. Then Hans threw a ball of fire as soon as he ran.
Upon recognition of the fireball, Sola immediately sends an image of the jump to the controller. Then, the four-legged beast-shaped magic equipment once bent and jumped forward.
"Wow... the instantaneous power isn't bad. Well, how about this?
Hans, who decided it was good for Sola's reflex nerve, developed some sort of magic after that. And then a few moments later. Suddenly, a shadow falls around the four-legged beast-shaped magic equipment. Seeing it, Sola opened her mouth.
If you are slightly lost in operation, you may speak up and confirm your recognition. Sola follows Kite's advice and speaks out.
Sola listened to the instruction to accelerate with her own ear, and based on that, she made the image even stronger. In response, the controller reacted and the four-legged beast-shaped magical instrument raised the dust and accelerated rapidly. Right after that. A rock just like Neue settled in the place where the Four Legged Beast was.
"That's right. I have to make a decision in an instant to avoid the approaching Neue. You can run with a dash, or, of course, you can stop suddenly and run."
Sola carved Hans' advice into her chest. In this way, the obstruction of Hans sometimes accelerates, sometimes decelerates sharply, sometimes slips like a sliding, and continues to be avoided, and Sola manages to finish three circles.
"Okay, that's enough. Well, that's enough if you're my substitute for about a week. Neue isn't used to it yet. That's how they fly from the beginning."
In the meantime, did you manage to reach the point? Sola was able to apply the physical skills she had developed as an adventurer, and she felt a little relieved. If this is Hans and the other trainers, it would be good not to do this kind of trick, but it would not be as good as the boulder. And when Sola thought about that, Hans threw the controller at Kite.
So, you're next.
"Yes, what should I do?
"Well, I don't think you need to confirm the operation like Sola anymore. I saw it yesterday."
In response to Kite's question, Hans sighed. In the first place, as of yesterday, I knew that Kite could use this magic tool. And Hans - about using this for training - is an expert. Therefore, Kite's operation was certainly a play, but I understood that it could be used properly, not as a baked blade. Therefore, it seems that confirmation of further operation is unnecessary.
"So, you're going to be attacked by me, so just like Sora, you're going to have to stay a minute and a half above the dog run that Sora's kid made just now."
Kate nodded at Hans' instructions and passed the magic through the controller. Then, unlike the previous Sola, the controller emits light light light blue. It seems that the luminescent colors can tell the form.
"Well, it's a pass mark for deformation and speed. Well, here's the real deal. Have a good time."
Inspired by Hans, Kite nodded and grasped the controller. After that, it took about five minutes for Kite to pass Hans's exam again.