Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 2216 The Battle of the Warriors - Hidden Secrets

At the request of his brother, Ku Hulin, Kate began teaching magic the moment he took a new step as his apprentice.Along with him, he started studying rune characters at first sight, but that's not why his days change.

To put it bluntly, the study of magic was added to the daily training of the instant.Therefore, while the instant was studying everyday, Kite returned to everyday life, but the instant started studying rune characters for a few days.There was a visitor to Kite.It was no exaggeration to say that he was not an unknown person, but on the contrary, that he was one of the people who was entertaining.

"Hmm... I haven't had an Alliance meeting in a long time... well, sure, there's been a lot of things going on here for a while, so I guess we haven't all gathered face to face..."

"Yeah... well, it's an alliance that was originally set up for the general meeting, but it won't dissolve once it's over.Your participation rate may go down. "

"I don't know where that is, and I don't think there are many guilds that can see that much value in the Alliance as it stands."

"That's what I want to do, too."

Lantellija nodded one thing about visitors to Kite's words.Apparently, most of the injured people at his place have returned to the scene, and even if he and Elusha are absent, the system has returned enough to move.Likewise, most of the other guilds were in a similar situation, so we decided to set aside time to check the damage situation at that time and confirm the current situation.

"I see... well, if that's the case, I have no objection to it.Even here, I want to check the damage situation, and if I'm going back, I want to check there. "

"That's true even for us.So, this is just for the moment.... "

It is a Lantellija who has reached an agreement with Kite, but separates the words once and for all.So he took an envelope out of the bag he brought.

"As before, I wanted to receive one request."

"With us?"

"No... the whole thing. That said, of course, not all of us... can you check this out for now?"

So this envelope is a request form?Kite receives the envelope from Lantellija and checks the contents.But I decided to take it and bend my neck.

"What the... what is this?"

"Oh... what a surprise. Don't you know?It's not unusual to pick it up.... "

"Ahh... are you doing this?"

"Sometimes. Because the scale is the scale, so do the participants."


You're doing interesting things inside.Kite strips her teeth inside and laughs amusely.And at the same time, I figured out why this was hidden from me.Because you can't be interested.

And because everyone knew it wouldn't be a busy thing to show interest.So, while showing a spectacular smile in my heart, I opened my mouth with the appearance of something a little troubled.

"... I see. I'll join you.Luckily, we're pretty good at it. "

"Okay, thank you.Thanks to this, they don't have the strength to fight. "

"Does that mean Celeste and the others are in?"

"Yeah, that's why. I didn't know what was going on....."

I don't suppose the boulders know that.Kite smiles a little bitterly at Lantellija.All this can't be helped without knowing their background.That's why Kite dared.

"I don't even know if it's a boulder... well, that's fine.For now, I'll join you. "

"Yes, but please keep the meeting room schedule accordingly."

"Okay, how many days before the meeting?"

"It should have been three days ago.It is assumed that the preparations will be perfected by the previous day and the meeting with the military will be completed. "


Speaking of which, is it a reasonable date?Kite assumes that Lantellija will probably hold a pre-meeting with the army in advance, and makes this decision reasonable.After further checks, Lantellija went to the next place, and one kite dropped it off at the kite and returned to the office with pleasure.

"Alphonse kunh. Let's make it a little bit easier ~"

"... Ah, Al said he was going because he was just called by the base. That was a while ago."

I see.

I wonder if you've heard from me. I sent you a call myself.Kate understands Sora's response, which she said was natural because she didn't understand the situation.So he sat deeply in his seat with his skip engraved, tapping his desk and activating the communicator.


"Oh, something rare happens."

Anytime, no matter what happens when you put in a communication, someone will definitely come out within three calls.Nevertheless, no one is willing to live today for some reason.Al must have contacted the Duke's residence.So Kite decides to act in line with expectations.

"I have a request from Run and I'm going to the Duke's Mansion.Looks like I can't get through to you. "

"That's right... ah, does Run's request seem like an alliance move?I heard something like that earlier. "

"Oh, yeah... with the militants... and especially Toryn.Think about it with your participation. "

Me too?

Toryn, who was helping Sola, suddenly turned to the water and looked surprised.Kite nodded one more time.

"Oh, I'm going to need to lead a squad this time.I'll leave one of my squads to Sola, but I need an assistant. "

"Hah... is that a pretty big request?"

"Think of it as pretty big.I'd like to participate at about 50%... but what's the matter? "

"Fifty percent of us?"

Sola opened her eyes unexpectedly to Kite's muttering words.The Adventure Department is already a 100-person guild.At the time of its inception, it had nearly a hundred adventurers, but there were a variety of factors there, and already more than 200 were superior.Half of them will be a hundred by then.The scale was quite large and the size of the request was noticeable.

"Ah... it seems there was a massive mobilization at the behest of the army."

"... is this bad?"

"No, it's just a joint exercise. There is no danger.Al must have been called to the base, too. "

"Ah... no, it's just a big case lately.Is it natural to do one exercise? "

In view of the situation yesterday, Sola thought perhaps Kite had set them up.Given the number of recent incidents, it seemed that it was not bad to conduct joint exercises.And as a kite, I'm going to show my support for this decision by raising my hands.

"Ah. < > These aren't the kind of adventurers and regular armies that can do without cooperation in Enephia today.It's the right thing to do in a joint exercise and see each other's habits and arms. "

"... I know, but why is it so fun?"

Well, there's a lot going on.

Kaito laughed amusely at the strange Sola.And he was a little overwhelmed by the words, and slightly recalibrated to convey the necessities.

"Oh, I'll leave a copy of the requisition here for now.I'll take charge of the cherry blossoms and the rest of the group.In view of the situation, I, Senpai, and Sola will be required to participate.And if possible, Suzuki... I'm walking with Leia, so I'll tell her later. "

"Oh, I see. Does it look like it's going to take too long?"

"No, that's not true. According to the request form, the schedule is two days.I will be back in the evening on the second day.It's near Maxwell. It's a good place to get in touch in the unlikely event... but don't think you can go back at night because you can't go back in between requests. "


The risk level of the request is not as high, but it seems that the detention time is long.Well, I was told that there would be various joint exercises.So I decided to wait here for the cherry blossoms all day and started making plans.When I put it there, I was asked instantly.

Me too?

"Ah, I'm the main squad, and the other two are leading the squad.And judging by the content of the request, the cherry blossoms are for seniors.I became a senpai from a holistic perspective. "

"I see....."

I don't know what it is, but that's probably right because Kite made that decision.instantly nodded at Kite's words.So, when we finished talking, Kite handed a copy of the request form to Tsubaki.

"Tsubaki, copy this and present it to the bulletin board.Please also follow the cherry blossoms.Sonya checks the number of accepted adventurers and works with them downstairs to make sure they don't overflow. "

Got it.

I wonder if it is something like this. Kite nodded one by one after giving one instruction.This time, the request is not so difficult as the content of the request, but it was assumed that the scale of the request would be quite large.So I was going to be pretty busy considering adjusting the number of people.

"All right, this is the end of the whole thing."

"Lord Kite."


"What should we do?"

"Nh, ahh, two."

In response to Rufus's inquiry, Kite patrolled for a moment.It has been determined that this will be a fairly large request, and Al and the rest of the army have all participated.Both as a fighter and in the Adventure Department, he was skilled and seemed to be ready for battle.So, this is Kite's conclusion.

"... that's right. I'll leave it up to you two.You can join if you want to, or you can't.We have enough combat power. "

"Really... can I have a look at the requisition form and make a judgment?"

"Of course... but I see. Well, to tell you the truth, Rufus will be Sora or Momentary, and Alice will be mine.Based on that, think about it.I'll go over the details later. "


In response to Kite, Rufus decides to consider whether or not to participate based on it.So there was no last question, and Kite decided to go to the Duke's Mansion, where she would probably be aware of her visit.