Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Lesson 2417 The Kingdom of Magic One afternoon...
After the collapse of the [Goblin Kingdom], I returned to McDowell territory, and each of them rested their bones, healed their wounds, and started preparing for the next time. The upper level headed by Kite also returned to Maxwell for the first time in a long time, resuming their activities and moving in preparation for the next.
Under such circumstances, Kaito did not have a request to take the paperwork in the morning, so he was attached to the calendar and Alice's training, but together with that, the lanterns were together.
I'm here!
The sudden birth of an iron fist caused the calendar to jump backwards by kicking the ground with judgment. There, Alice cut in.
C 'mon!
Ngh. When you press hard on the ground, the alchemy in the lantern is activated from there. Another Iron Fist was born to intercept Alice. Alice pulled her sword and parry with her buckler to the iron fist flying from the left. As a result, the calendar told Alice that she had firmly grasped the iron fist passing over her with a spark.
I'm sorry!
It's okay!
The iron fist that Alice supported was even higher. The calendar kicked it into the lantern. But there was another iron fist coming from the front.
Accelerates the reflex nerves by improving the visual acuity of the motion. The calendar looked at the iron fist that was loosely approaching like a beard feed, and the sword was wielded in an instant. I stepped into the void and waited in a comfortable slashing position.
"Oh! Wonderful! But there's more! Oraoraoraoraoraoraoraoraora!"
Splendid. If you dare to pronounce it, the iron fist will be cut up and down by such a splendid slash. However, at this moment, the lantern used alchemy to move the ground and left the scene.
Moreover, at that time, I disassembled the iron fists that had been cut apart, and re-trained them into countless small fists. For the calendar - and for that reason - she was screaming.
"Hmm... after all, Mr. Lantern." You're a genius, aren't you? "
"Oh, I've never seen anyone use alchemy so brilliantly before..."
If you try to do alchemy, you can do a lot of things. However, the flow will be three flows of analysis, decomposition, and smelting, as Kite told the Astor family earlier, so it will be very laborious.
Therefore, there are quite a few people who intend to fight with this, but the lanterns were not disadvantaged, but they were properly crossed with the two close subjects. Correct genius work. That was a good way to say it.
"Lord Kite, how are you going to make that high-speed journey?" After all, I'm not familiar with alchemy, so I can't consider it. "
"Rather than analyzing the ground, it's analyzing gravity and moving." Analyze and disassemble the gravity applied to itself. I changed the vector sideways. Steady, it's falling to the side. In addition to that, I re-trained the ground at my feet. Control the coefficient of friction to adjust the speed. When you leave, try to go back to where you came from. "
"... what about you?"
Are you really doing it? Rufus stared at the lantern as if he could not believe it. I knew she might be an alchemist like no other in history, but I didn't think she was that good.
"Certainly, alchemy is also extremely impossible to deconstruct and reconstruct physical phenomena... come on." I don't think you're going to do that. "
No, I have to be assistant to < >?
"That's the only way to get back..."
Keitu sighed deeply in amazement at the sound of the lanterns moving across the ground. But I tell him that the lanterns are dazzling.
Because it's quite difficult. Because it is necessary to reverse winding after modification. That's a lot harder than training normally. "
"I'd be scared if I could..."
I don't like this guy anymore. Keito dropped his shoulder as he mourned at the genius of the lantern. I knew she was a genius at first, but there was a limit to it.
Think about it, Lantern-san. In that case, you can't use flying magic. "
You can do it, right?
From the theory of Keitaro's words, Alice and Calendar raise their fervent voice as if they were in the midst of a flying lantern with evidence. All of a sudden, the lanterns were flying. Naturally, Kite had a big head for this.
"It's the third time... haha"
Thirdly... it's a gravity flying technique.
"Yeah. To be more specific, it's an analysis of the gravity that the alchemy places on itself." Decompose it and manipulate the vector. Acceleration is.... "
Acceleration is due to the weight of gravity. If you want to decelerate, add it to the negative. "
"I'll explain..."
Kite shook her head in amazement at the answer she gave before she analyzed it. Nevertheless, he did not think that this could not be done.
"Well, in Mr. Hikari's case, he was a researcher on gravity at the time of Earth." That's the first person on Earth, that kind of realm. From that point of view, it must have been a matter of time before the alchemy became possible. ”
"I-I see..."
Perhaps it was because Keitaro said it in a daze, but it seemed that Rufus could understand that his genius in the lanterns was too many. I just had to twist my cheeks. Kite raised her voice against him in the light.
"Lantern! Come on down!" I can't train! "
It's good to fly according to the kite, but of course, Alice's calendar is also a dream of flying magic. It had to be said that the long-range attack was overwhelmingly unfavorable even when it was flying under the standard lamp. So it was her who landed, but Kite gave the signal again after she regulated her breathing and took a distance.
Well then, let's get back to it!
I don't know...
It's a lamp that can be used even for flying magic. It would be easy to dispel if it was a live magic, and it would be a close-quarter battle if it was to find a way to attack.
Therefore, Alice and Calendar exchanged stories and devised a strategy with the magic thread - the calendar object - and even though the lantern on the other side seemed easy at first glance, the insight was usual. I was not the right person to be cautious.
”Hah... I didn't expect to be able to use alchemy to increase my fighting power so much...”
Do you have a rank... B?
"There is. The calendar and Alice are comparable to Rank B's current arm." Especially Alice. Enough to estimate Rank B... you can play against those two. Rank B... if you have that insight, you can win two against one. This is the most troublesome match. "
In response to Rufus's rough words, Kite shakes his head and admits them. And on top of that, he said.
"On top of that, the most troublesome thing about Lanri-san is his insight... no, this is good, but the level of insight is too bad. Because of its high level of insight, I'm good at being an alchemist....."
"I've heard of it. Those who had achieved great success as alchemists were extremely insightful."
"After that, you're an observer." The ability to determine the truth of the world and to infer from it. These two are essential skills as an alchemist. "
Both of these were gifted lanterns. This pushed her to her present strength.
"Well... what's the matter?" Hitomi-san is a difficult opponent to conquer right now, but..... "
The sorcery of a fellow melee warrior didn't work at all. Kite reappreciates her arm in the lantern and rejects it clearly. Alchemy analysis is used to analyze the magic of the opponent in battle, and disassembly can be used to unlock the magic of the opponent. If you're a master alchemist, you can dismantle most sorcery.
Even though it wasn't that far, the genius ability of the lantern was enough to decurse the current calendar and the amount Alice used. And it was in the lanterns that the two of them took the lead.
"You two!" Don't think the teacher will silently wait for a response!? "
And here comes a sudden stop!
Unexpectedly, the lanterns that slipped to the ground suddenly stopped against Calendar and Alice, who had only been delayed for a moment to react. A spin on the spot and I finally got to the spot. Use your feet to build the base of the magic circle. I carved the technique there with my hand.
""... eh ""
"Oh, I got it! I got it!" If you do it, you can do it! "
Five giant artillery cannons were produced by the lantern tower against the two people who were rising above the sky. That said, the explosives could not be made, and it was just a spherical mass of iron that was fired without the sound of an explosion.
Ah, yes!
"Come on, come on! Let's go, let's go!"
Dong-dong. Alice parries with a buckler as she wields her sword at the bullets that are fired along with the sound. Then the two of them progressed toward the cannon, but when the blade reached, the cannon herd suddenly moved away.
Make your voice louder with a little bewilderment. Rounded his eyes with a little puzzle. I can't hide my confusion with a swarm of lukewarm cannons. Well, you'd be puzzled if the cannon grew from the ground on a boulder like this. I was not to blame. However, my body still responded well.
Thanks to you, the two of you were able to react to a near-surprise shelling. That's why Keitu sighed as they continued to defend themselves with their swords and shields to close the distance again. Because I knew what the purpose of the lantern was.
”Hah... you still don't have enough experience?”
Can we make up our minds?
”I want you to relax a little bit... but what's the matter?”
Kite thinks only a little bit about what to do with the inquiries under the lanterns. The end is in sight where the idiot has proceeded honestly. Needless to say, it was a victory in the lantern. How creative is all this?
How strange an experience is important. So Kite decided to let the two of them go through a defeat.
“Leave me in restraint. I'll take care of it."
I'm cumming!
Pfft. The sound of a clapping hand echoed, and the screams of the girls echoed. The ground on which they stood suddenly warped. The ground enveloped the two bodies that had been taken off their feet and lost their posture.
“Yes, that's it. The two of you didn't know the Alchemists could use all of it.”
Kaito pointed out that both the calendar and Alice were wrapped in hardened ground, and their faces turned bright red. This situation seemed embarrassing to me.
"The reason for this defeat was that I was distracted by the cannon and neglected to pay attention to the changes at my feet." The first half wasn't badly coordinated... but I dare say, we should practice how to stop the attack while moving a little bit more. No, you were too grown up to be a lantern. "
I'm a teacher, so...
"Well, that's right." Besides, both of them still lacked the experience of fighting an alchemist. Considering that, this defeat was unavoidable. You don't have to be discouraged. ”
The calendar and Alice responded to Kite's guidance in unison. This is the first simulated battle with Lanchi, and I wanted to see the arm of Lanchi, so Kite suddenly planned it. So both of them were undeniably ill-prepared, and Kate didn't mean to be harsh about it. Then the lanterns released the two of them from their restraint after a long period of advice.
"Phew... Mr. Sanchai. You were really an alchemist, weren't you?"
"This is also a genius, isn't it?" I don't want to feel that way.
Is that so? Because both Alice and Rufus are Enephia's people, responding lightly to the calendar. He was distracted by the way he was shown his genius work. And the sound of applause echoed in such a place.
"Well done. I've heard so many rumors... but I can't believe it."
Everyone was slightly alarmed by the echoing man's voice. No one in this room had ever seen him before. Then the man who appeared suddenly walked towards us.