Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Episode 2480: The Kingdom of Magic - Pantry
Kites were invited to the magic city of Sandra, where they were taking hands-on classes. They finished their two-week journey and only took part in the Exhibition. Therefore, the first day of the "Exhibition" ended with a viewing only, but we went back to the teaching school to discuss what we saw in the discussion room today.
"There were so many things."
Hmmm. No, you could say you had some interesting technology.
That should be remembered. Tina remembers the maker of the magic tool who became the winner on the first day and decides again. She was questioned by the lantern.
"What was so innovative about that?"
"That's right... well, if it's been adjusted to be highly efficient as an individual performance, there's no need to take it out and say this." Such a thing was not only magic armor, but also a natural way to make magic tools. In that case, I can't say I have a great skill. ”
In response to the question from the lantern, Tina clearly stated that although the basic points were highly stuck, they were only to a very high degree.
"Well, what was innovative was that magic armor was very innovative in terms of its defense." That magic armor. Strangely enough, you saw that the damage to the wearer had been reduced, didn't you? "
Yeah. It almost felt like a no-no-no.
"That's right. The opposing magician had a good arm, and it wasn't bad for the magic tool technique either." It would be good to have a lead researcher in any country. "
Tina remembers the winner's last opponent and makes it clear that the opponent was never a bad hand either. On top of that, he talked about the magic armor created by this winner.
"That's the kind of attack I want from the opponent." So, what is it that is attributed to it is the special force field deployed in that magic armor...... it's a phase transfer technique. "
"Phase transition? Phase is definitely a magical dimension of the space where it exists."
"That's right. If you're out of phase, you can't interfere." If it is a high dimension, it is not possible to unilaterally interfere from the high dimension. Phase transition is about skewing that phase. "
This is basic knowledge in using spatial and dimensional magic. It was a matter of course for Hitomi, who oversees the technical department of Tenzakura Academy, which aims to return to the earth. Therefore, Tina stopped at the brief summary and proceeded with the conversation.
But that magic armor was blocking the attack by triggering a phase shift, right?
"That's right, we were changing the phase to stop the attack." I couldn't cope with a magician who was able to cope with the phases of the drifting rocks. If you try to do it, you'll have to prepare magic that acts on dimensions and space... but the other party is probably the cause of the defeat because they have become obsessed with their own technology. "
I feel like it's a place to focus on that technology, though.
"I see. The exhibition is the total settlement of the technology that I created." If you abandon your skills at the end, you will have no children. I won the game, and I lost the match, so I'm going to win. "
This time, it may be good to say that the venue called "Exhibition" divided the victory and defeat at the end. Tina laughed when she heard the light point. Both seemed technically superior, but the winner seemed to win in the sense of interpersonal battles. That's why Tina mentions it all over again.
"Nevertheless, it was proven that the winner's technology was superior in the battle. We can still see something technically sweet or unsuitable for mass production, but in a few decades it may become a popular technology.”
It's a pretty awesome piece of technology, isn't it?
On the contrary, it would be a technology that would make a name for history.
With excitement somewhere, Tina makes it clear that this winner will make history. And Keitu came to that place exhausted.
Welcome back ~
"Ah, welcome back. What have you been doing?"
Someone ordered Kuzha and Aura to send out invitations because they were in a hurry to make arrangements.
"Invitation... whose?"
"The winner this time"
Apparently, Tina was supposed to instantly skip the instruction to Kite and ask her to try to invite the winner this time. I was in a hurry to fly the instructions, so I seemed to be tired. Therefore, Tina once again tells them about the greatness of this winner.
"With this technology, we can expect to improve our defense dramatically by utilizing magic machines." It can be a little draining, but it's very beneficial as a boost against powerful monsters. "
"Ah... it's true that magic machines are big, so they're really big." That said, it's only natural because it's a magic machine to fight a big opponent. "
"I don't think so." It's not beneficial in terms of how to protect it. "
And as long as you understand that, Keitaro will be able to invite the winner this time. The lantern understands that. And, it was her who thought about it, but suddenly I remembered it.
"...... why don't you put that on your magic armor in the first place?" Doesn't it seem just right to be Sora-kun's? "
"Ah... mmm. Well, you can think about it if you want to." That is still too much technology for the developing world. It would be somewhat difficult to cover your whole body with it. "
"That's right."
Tina, a genius engineer and a magician, seemed a little surprised when she said something difficult with a slightly troubled face. But it was a new technology, and above all, there was a problem.
"Above all, that magic armor uses various innovative technologies, so it has the ability to distinguish itself from ready-made magic armor." However, at the same time, there are many places where internal standards match. And the magic armor that was put together to unfold that defensive wall was dedicated to it. It's a little difficult to incorporate that into it. "
It's because it's a one-off.
I don't think so.
Tina nodded to her understanding of the lantern. So, after that, this day ended while discussing what to do if you were to incorporate that technology into the magic machine and magic armor.
Now, the first day of the exhibition is over, and Sunday is the last day of your stay in Sandra. On this day, Kaito was supposed to participate in the "exhibition" as originally planned, so he was free in the cabin from the morning.
Father, what do you do first?
"Of course, it's impossible to cut you guys with your first hand." Of course, if it's a good enough opponent to cut like Luke, I'll cut it. "
In response to Al Azif's question, Kite laughs and makes clear what they have in store. They are the trump card for Kite. I didn't want to show it off. Besides, Al Azif is in a good mood.
I see... but what then?
"I see... I'll play Spirit Magic for the first time." How much longer will it take? "
I see... let's hope that someone like you will come out and cut us off.
"Do it."
That's fine as a kite, and this time, it's just an invitation to stand as a panda. Therefore, all I had to do was fight a few battles appropriately and raise them appropriately. So it was him who spent some time until the start of the match, but there was a voice there.
"Excuse me, are you okay?" I wanted you to be in an odd dressing room. "
"Ah, senpai. Did you have an odd number too...?"
"No... I just noticed a strange inscription when I looked at the state of this knife." I'm sorry to bother you so suddenly, but I want to hear it. "
As soon as he sat down at Kite's suggestion, he offered Kite a knife he had inherited from his mentor, Ku Houlin. He still doesn't know the full extent of this knife, so he decided it was best to ask his fellow Kite.
"Where's the engraving...?"
"This is the part of the pattern. I was decomposing and cleaning up for the match once... I was shown the coach's engraving before, but I felt a little different. I have the impression that it's a little different from the rune characters."
"Hmm... surely this isn't Flynn's." Of course, it wasn't a runes. This is a sculpture carved by my sister... and my teacher Skasaha. Such a small inscription. I've noticed it. ”
"No... I noticed it just now, and I'll disassemble and clean it as many times as I can, so I don't want to be praised for it..."
Engraving is several millimeters. It was really hard to find with the naked eye. In response to Kite's praise for finding it, she shook her head for a moment with a slightly troubled face.
By the way, this knife was not instantly made by me, but it was used as a medium for sorcery, so I could use it. Some sorcery required a medium, so it was only possible to bring it in without having to make it yourself.
"Haha. I see... yeah. I can say that this inscription is noble to my sister. That person, do you want to engrave this in this size? As usual, Bakemon was extremely powerful. This is 2,000 years old, right? So it's not anymore now, huh?"
What kind of thing is that?
"It assists with activation." Simply put, it can be reworked in such a way that it can be activated even if it is somewhat disguised. I see. I don't know if she's younger... "
It was the mother of heroes who raised so many heroes. Kite smiled bitterly as she saw Skasaha's engraving.
"Oh, oh... is it difficult?"
"We need to get a rough idea of all the runes that the apprentice will trigger." And then we'll figure out what kind of mistake it's easy to make and we'll fix it automatically... if you can say it's easy, it's a hole. "
"I-I see..."
You can do such a thing with an engraving. First of all, it was definitely determined to be difficult. As soon as he understood that, Kite went on.
"So, there's a bonus of disguising it so that you can find it when the bonus is no longer needed... hahaha." Did Flynn dance completely on your sister's palm? "
"One day, senpai... no, I must have anticipated giving it to my future disciples."
"Why do you think that?"
"Flynn didn't need a knife until she graduated..."
"Ah, I see..."
I've already sent a knife with such an inscription to someone who doesn't need the power to help build magic for my apprenticeship. It was obviously in anticipation of being handed over to someone who wasn't Ku Houlin.
"Well, it looks like he hasn't demonstrated his potency anymore, so it's just a knife now." I realized that, at the very least, I had removed the hair from the amateur. "
”I see... then you don't mind anymore?”
That's what I'm talking about.
Apparently, I didn't mind when I was spotted. Instantly, I understood it and put the knife back together. Looking at it, Kite muttered suddenly.
"You've gotten used to it." I'm having a lot of trouble wrapping up his cloth. "
"I practiced every day. You need to know the structure."
"Every day?"
"A modeler who disassembles parts and mimics them one by one?" I brought it here. I want you to make exactly the same thing as this. "
It was the moment when I put up the knife in a rather familiar motion, but it was not with the hand of someone who should not have touched the knife until a short while ago. Kite was going to hear about Skasaja's training for a while.