Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Episode 2641 Joint Exercise Edition - Battle Side -
A joint military exercise led by Emperor Leonhardt that brings together all the imperial armies. Among them, Kite successfully intercepted the adventurers who were cutting into the front line and successfully drove them back. However, even after that, I was still afraid to paint the mud in the name of Emperor Leonhardt. With the McDowell family as the starting point, we will urge the lords to move, and we will give instructions to Aura to force the meeting to end.
So she decides when to cut under Keitaro's direction. But I still work with her and act as a substitute. Just before I opened my mouth, I had enough domination to be worthy of Hermes' grandson.
Our horse riders can get through it.
Then we'll probably need air support from a flying boat. If that's the case.....}
Basically, everyone wants to take care of it, but I don't want to take any pain. That's a natural story, but I don't want to keep doing it forever. Therefore, I will determine the gap of the story and turn on the conversation system of the communicator - because I can't hear him if anyone can speak to him.
Hmm... Freeline Agent
What's going on?
"Can I continue this story for a moment?"
The last thing I want to be told. The faces of the lords twitched. Of course. It's the job of aristocrats and politicians to make sense of their unspoken intentions, understand them, and somehow convey their intentions.
It is suddenly the main issue after wearing it out. Let's do the same. However, there were not many of the lords who thought they would be coming soon, and it was also seen that Aura's words were sending a nod to the surroundings.
"If you prolong it too long, your reputation will be degraded from foreign countries." This in turn leads to a decline in the rating of the attacking faction. It's good to devise a plan, but don't forget that time is limited. "
Of course, I know.
Yes, that's why I wonder who's going to take the lead.
"I didn't hear that... but who's going to ask?"
Timeout. We all understand that the McDowells were not in a hurry, and that any further controversy was judged to be in the name of His Majesty. And I understood that I should therefore enlarge my belly.
Of course. If you tell the McDowells here, the McDowells will move at that moment. The McDowells can do it, and they want it. Until now, it was only a consideration that it would become the sole venue of the McDowell family and deprive them of the venue for the work of other families.
"If nobody does it, we move."
{That's right... the McDowells are the main fleet. It's not a card to be cut in the beginning of the war.
That's right. We'll take care of the battle for you.
Honestly, it doesn't matter who goes the worst, but McDowell's isn't the only one who goes. Until now, the lords, who had no idea who to go to, would keep the McDowells at bay.
Well, who's going?
Decide quickly. The lords shut their mouths under unexplained pressure. But one of the princes said that he saw this as an opportunity.
If so, leave it to us. However, I don't have enough strength, so I'd like some support. "
It doesn't matter. Is the Magic Squad enough?
{...... Magic Machine. It's definitely about the large size of the new axle...... "
"Basic operations remain unchanged. You can act with high breakthrough power in these situations."
That's no problem. Let's open up the front with them, the adventurers, and us. ”
Apparently, the lords decided to open up the enemy area with the lords as the main axis to coordinate with these lords. Well, no one thinks this will succeed in this one invasion, but it's important to show that you're willing to attack. Therefore, the formation was formed using Aura's pressure as the starting point. Kite heard about it bypassing Kuzha.
Is that what it's like?
"Huh. I didn't expect that Count Lemesse to be named first." I don't know what's going to happen. "
"Right... oniisama threatened me with good medicine." If it's a story I've heard recently. "
"I'm listening, I'm listening too." Looks like you're redoing your son's education. There's no such thing as a pleasant scream. "
Looks like it.
The neighbors and neighbors are each other. It is better to build a good relationship than to fight. Of course, if security is good, it's still good. If the next generation is going to be able to manage, it is decided that it is better. Therefore, the two of them laugh at each other, but then they refresh their temper.
"That said... I can't show you where I left off." Kuzha, add Al and Rill to the front and tell them to become the main force of the Magic Squad. Well, tell the two of you to get mad at each other. I can't keep up with the two arms anyway so we can work together. "
Yes, sir.
Al and Lill had returned to the Duke of McDowell's army, not the Adventure Department. However, I told these two to use the two dedicated planes that were completed in the first battle, and I told them to join the Magic Squad.
”Speaking of which... can oniisama come out too? For the time being, I included it among the magic pilot."
"No, I still want to trust Aegis and Firefly with the flying ship." I don't have a bad feeling about this, do I? "
Responding to Kuzha's query, Keito sees the fleet of the < < Heavenly Great Phoenix [Bird in the Sky] > >, which took over the city center on behalf of the Heisenberg fleet. Among the eight major guilds, there is some reason why a group with a particular focus on flying boats is standing in the middle. That's what Kite had in mind.
"... Aegis. The enemy flying boat formation is definitely crane wings?"
Yes, the enemy formations are crane wings… I thought they were trying to draw in our fleet and intercept them using the city's defense systems.
The fleet of < > is taking over and intercepting the fleet of lords from the left and right.
I still see it, but I suppose that's what it's meant to be. Kite judged it from the defending formation.
"At first glance, it's a ridiculous formation..."
"Well, if you go in, concentrate your fire." It's definitely an insulting formation... for the time being, we need to find out how many artillery cannons there are. ”
"Well... tell Al and the others not to chase too deep." As it stands, we need to find out how much firepower the enemy has. "
Aigis gave the magic unit the instructions of Kite. This time, it was close to a powerful reconnaissance, because it assumed failure. Because it was a dangerous mission, I decided that it was impossible to return safely without Alda's skill, but the opponent was my opponent. Just in case, it was impossible to shoot him down.
"Sora... As you can tell, Count Lemes is the advance party that scouts the enemy." We'll go down to the ground, and we'll go around supporting them. "
Huh, that count?
"It's not surprising... but of course, it's not just the Count." It's a coalition of some nobles. "
After all, Sora was my first impression. The worst image of the bandits pulling into McDowell's realm clung to my head. Unlike Kite, I rarely listen to the lords of the neighboring territories.
Inevitably, even if I became suspicious, I had no choice. That said, I was convinced when I was told that he and the other aristocrats were together, most importantly Kite.
"Ah, yes... except for us?"
"Except for me, I think it's time to start the battle, so I'll drop the flying boat." In fact, take a look. "
Sure enough, I noticed that the adventurer-operated flying boat was slowly beginning to descend. Until now, we didn't descend because we wanted to avoid an attack by the defending Marines, but we had to move and get out.
"Senpai, at the same time as landing, ensure the safety of the surrounding area and build the barrier." There are a lot of attacks that can reach the ground. "
Okay... what are you going to do?
"I can't help but feel uncomfortable. I'm going to go around supporting Al and Lil."
Shall I go with you?
"No, this is a joint operation with the lords, so it will be a magic motion." Senpai wouldn't be able to follow me, would he? "
In response to a flash of inquiry, Kite shakes her head clearly. His gaze was poured into the < >, and he seemed to be wary of the existence of some kind of secret strategy.
"If we try to follow the combat actions of the fleet of flying boats and magic machines, we won't be able to take action like the adventurers who are attacking us." That's not the way to see it. "
”I see... it's true that even if we go there, we'll still be on our feet and arm.”
"I guess I'll just have to say yes." If we were to fly halfway, we could end up in the middle of enemy territory. At the very least, we need to be able to return on our own. "
{I see... I see. We will try to secure our positions after landing. "
It is not that there is nothing to do because there is another one left. Rather, it is conceivable that there is nothing we should do if we accompany them. So for the moment, I decided to give priority to setting up a position after landing. So Kite left him and Sora behind and jumped off the deck of the flying boat that had begun to descend.
"Well... Al, Reel. Either way is fine." If you can hear me, answer me. "
I can hear you. I can see what you look like... but I'm checking it out. "
"Just in case, I'll be with you... < > can't be too alarmed."
One of the Eight Great Guilds......
"Oh... no wonder you have any secret strategy." As soon as I entered the crane wings, it was no surprise that I had been beaten so rarely. Of course, it's mainly a fleet of flying boats. The flying technique can be used normally... I'll let you support the other adventurers in the fleet, but be careful. "
Roger that.
Al nodded one by one to Kite's instructions. While listening to the response, Kite moves to the vicinity of the carrier-type flying boat, which is one of the ships in the core of her fleet waiting behind.
"Aigis, you don't have to worry about being targeted at launch time." I'll help you, but please keep the barrier on the front thick. "
Yes. It's already been implemented... The Mage Squad is ready to launch. Beware of nearby vessels. Alphonse-san, go ahead. "
Roger that.
Responding to Kite's instructions, Aegis notifies the surrounding flying boats that the magic machine will be launched. This aircraft carrier is currently only operated by the McDowell family and the Guard Corps. Even when forming a fleet of flying boats, many marquises were not accustomed to them, and it was not uncommon for them to interfere with their routes.
With Kite watching, the fleet regrouped to match the launch of the magic machine, and Al's magic machine started to ride.
Still... it's a lot easier than it was the last time I got on it.
"That's how much power I've gained." Al, take the front guard on behalf of the defensive flying boat. "
Roger... Activate the large-scale barrier deployment device. Stable output... no problems with safety devices. "
”Nh... it doesn't seem to be a problem.”
This time, because it was a large-scale exercise, Al's aircraft was optionally fitted with equipment that enabled the deployment of a large-scale barrier that could support the surrounding aircraft in the front line. The trial run also led to the unfolding of the barrier. While listening to Tina's words, which confirmed that there was no problem, Aegis continued to issue the launch permission.
Confirm the launch of Alphonse Weisslitter's dedicated aircraft. Please start from the person who is ready to start sequentially. After launching, please wait until the fleet of flying boats is ready by other magic machines and lords. "
Radar confirmed the launch of Al's dedicated plane, and Aegis allowed the magicians to continue. As a result, the Magic Squad that had received Aegis's orders started and formed a formation.