Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Episode 2672: Joint Exercise Change - Break -
A joint military exercise led by Emperor Leonhardt. And the upper level of the adventure department led by Keitaro, who was to gather ambassadors and lords behind it to participate in the evening party.
When I met Bernstein again, he introduced me to an Archillian named Urca's ambassador. That's why Archill talked about the discovery of a new ruin in the Urca Desert and the thought that the ancient magic armor unearthed from it was an original object used by bandits in the Urca Desert.
Therefore, the moment I received a request for cooperation in investigating the armor, I stopped on the way from the private room to the party venue when I separated Archill and Bernstein. I asked Reil to keep an eye on the surroundings and reported to Kite on the current situation.
"That's why... if you accept it, I won't be too afraid to offer you one of the armor I've found."
"Hmm... indeed, those desert bastards have been drinking boiling water from all sides. It looks like there's a lot of statements coming from the demons saying," Let's crush them too... "
There are a few difficulties that need to be crossed in order to transport the packages from the Demon Territory to the western part of the continent. Even though the route has some difficulties, it seems that there were many relatively safe routes through the desert of Urca. It seemed like I had a lot of trouble because I couldn't use it here.
"You don't know anything?"
That's not true, is it? The Republic of Urca has the strongest connections with the Empire. Of course, the Demon Realm... that's why I received a statement from you. Don't make me feel confused. It's closer to the Demon Clan. ”
Oh, I see.
It seems to have reached the Urca government. Moments later, Keito's response seemed easy. That said, if Keito - and hence Kuzha - was able to move, it was in another country.
The regular army in front of the Urca government can't move, and there is a < > face to move as an adventurer. It was a fact that I could only adjust the amount.
"However... for the time being, there was also an intermediary from Mr. Bernstein, and I undertook to talk about the intermediary..."
Oh, I don't care about that in the direction of acceptance. Regardless, it's going to be a story that I don't care about. Best of all, we may be able to end their reign, which has been going on for more than a dozen years. Cooperation is not a bad decision. "
Even as a kite, it was clear that the bandits didn't think the current situation was good. However, because of the fact that even Bernstein was wounded by hand, he did not want to bypass the situation. We may be able to get that information. There was no reason to refuse.
So, did you say anything else? How to actually hand it over? "
Um... the Ambassador wants to use the southern route.
Southern route......
In an instant, Kite said, "Is it safer for you?" Such a moment asked him.
"Are you sure there were two routes to Urca?" I used the northern route, and the southern route to the south..... "
Yeah. The Northern Route is a bit dangerous because it will penetrate through the desert of Urca... If you use your hand like me or Viktor, you'll be stupid enough to know when you're kneaded by the mass of the great powers.
But you're dealing with a bandit, right?
Try to reach out to my ship. Even the < >, a phrase coalesced with the Demonic Realm, comes out. I can't do it without my sanity. Of course, both Urca and the Empire will emerge, so don't end with a mass operation. Even as an imperial government, I don't intentionally do it because it's too far away and the profits are thin. "
"I-I see..."
The McDowells, led by Kite, who is known to hate bandits. Don't touch that flying boat, it was just like giving me an excuse to get lucky.
Of course, if this happens, I can't keep silent < >. We have to turn the world's greatest guild against the world's strongest nobles and fight against two great powers. It was more obvious than the fire of victory or defeat.
"Well, it's just that if I do something or some of them, they'll use a relatively off-road route." A common route is the southern route. Go south once, then west. Then head north to the final route called McDowell territory... it's a long way from here, so it'll take a long time, but it's safe. "
"I want to use you this time."
{Hmm... well, maybe it's reasonable. Even if I'm doing it, is that route better...? "
Given the concerns of Archill, and thus the Urca government, Kate decides that this is plausible. The moment I asked this question.
"Is there anything that bothers you?"
First of all, I don't know what it is because it's an unknown armor. If there is something that can be moved intentionally, or if there is an original armor nearby, it could be targeted. Better not cut through the desert. This time, I won't be particularly able to move, so the worst could be shot down. ”
"I see... but is there still a chance we can retrieve it even in the unlikely event that it goes out to sea?"
{That's right... I see. I will arrange the reception system here. After that, I'll tell the ambassador of Urca that the report has been made. "
"All right."
Kite's reply instantly nodded. After that, the two of them returned to the party.
Now that he had completed his consultation with Shizuku, Kaito stopped the split thinking and continued to talk with Shana and the ambassadors, but he did not only talk with the ambassadors.
Of course, I was also talking to major players from all walks of life, but this time, if that happens, there is a fear that Shana's physical and mental strength will not be maintained. Therefore, it was Kite's role to follow up on it in a timely manner.
"Hey, you're really used to it, aren't you?"
Shana was surprised at Keitu, who quickly escaped from the center of the venue without anyone realizing it. Well, if you've been doing what you like in the social world, Kite is definitely better. On the contrary, Shana was still a rookie here.
"Sometimes I learned from friends that escape was important."
"I see... haa"
At first glance, Shana was also given a minimum education as a royal nobleman. So I was able to talk in the social world, but in her case, there was the power of blood. For once, it could be suppressed with a bracelet, but she didn't do it here. Therefore, Kate offered for a moment to her looking tired.
If it seems hard, you should wear a bracelet.
"Fufu... I'm fine. I can still go... ah"
If that's the case, just for now.
"... thank you very much"
Shana's power is certainly very useful in the social world where these eye-catchers hang out. However, the burden was not so heavy, and it seemed that it was too much for her because she had been releasing her strength for a long time.
Therefore, even though the movement was very graceful, it was forced from Kite who sensed it. Shana decided to stand on his face. She was slightly relieved by the various signs around her that she could no longer feel them.
"It's not impossible." It's going to be a long chrysanthemum..... "
Are you more alright than I am?
"Of course. When I was busiest, I went around McDowell's territory from morning to evening and crushed the monsters." From there, I went to the Imperial City to attend a party. Compared to that, it's still a lot. "
"W-Well, that's it again..."
I can only say that I can because I am a kite. Shana probably isn't joking. She pulls her cheek at Kite's words. So she nodded one by one.
"Well... that's fine." Yes, by the way, is it better to talk about it now? ”
"It looks like the thought circuits were divided... so I was talking about something."
I can't believe I was noticed. Kate should not have been able to see from her behavior - the ambassador she was talking to didn't notice at all - but she was surprised how she had been noticed.
Therefore, it is judged from Shana's appearance that this is not a bluff or kama. I honestly admitted and decided to ask.
How did you get noticed?
"With the power of blood, it seems that you can see the division of thoughts to some extent." We can see that those who divide the circuits of thought have a double blur. "
"I see... this is unlikely to bypass the division of thoughts."
This is information I didn't know about. Kaito half smiles bitterly at Shana's words. And I asked because I was concerned about him.
But did that happen from the beginning?
"No... I noticed the other day." It is time for Kite to come. It seemed like you were busy at the time... but then there were two waves in you? I realized there was something like that. ”
"Oh, is that the time..."
Although I have been busy for a while, it is indispensable to visit Shana. So I managed to spur time, but I was still busy, so I had to divide up my thoughts and do other work.
"Yeah... that's what it looks like when you're splitting your mind for the first time." I probably noticed it because I've seen it over and over again. ”
"I see..."
“Thank you so much for being busy.”
Keit smiles slightly at Shana, who thanked herself. Well, if it's a job, I don't have a lid or a body. So I laughed. That's why he recovered his mind and answered the story honestly.
"Well... there's no problem over there." It was simply a request for an investigation from us. "
Something confusing again?
"I don't know... I wish I hadn't."
"I see... it seems that there are many people who would like you to have a good night's rest too"
"Ahaha... if I can take it, I'd like to take it... well, after this exercise, will it be a little better?" After that, too. "
When it was over, it was over, but the various things that had been delayed until now seemed to be moving. Keitu sighed inwardly against Shana's onion.
"I see... then, let's rest here a little longer"
"Ahahah... yes"
It was the courtesy of Shana. Kite is grateful for that and decides to let her spoil it. Then, after taking a sip just a short distance from the venue, the two of them went back to the venue.