Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Episode 12 Raid Alphonse SIDE
Captain, there is one person who looks out from the roof of the school at once in a noisy position due to the disappearance of two captains. He is a black robe figure. The person grates the hood and removes the unperforated white mask he had on his face. What showed up there were pale-eyed pale-haired, stern-faced youths. But his stern face was also now distorted by discomfort.
"I put it on cool and put this mask on, but I don't have a place to breathe and steam..."
He is a young man who reflects on whether he should have at least drilled a hole in the nose area alone, but he has a delightful color in his eyes.
"Lil said he could use < >. But not yet, dude.
That's the young man doing Lil's grading, but he finishes the grading and comes back to joy.
"Al at the end, but at first you said the Duke's army was the strongest or something.... you'll fight like the two of us just now, right?
Nippy distorted his stern face, wearing a mask and wearing a hood to disappear.
In the midst of the confusion caused by the disappearance of Lucius and Lille, executives gathered and raved. Naturally there was also the appearance of Alphonse there.
"My brother and sister are gone," he said. If this is normal, I would suspect one of the occasional quotes... my sister is solid, my brother has a wife, and hey.
It doesn't have to be Al to easily determine that it's impossible given the character of the two of us. Even if it were a quote, you would surely be asking someone to tell you about those two.
"In the meantime, I can lay low on the side of Tian Cherry School. Behave as if there was nothing on the face.
Al orders his men to do so and sink into thought.
(The strongest class user in the Duke's army for both of them. I don't expect to lose when it's that easy... My sister is about as good as the head of the Imperial Kingsguard Special Forces Battle Maiden Battle Corps (Valkyria) coming straight to the scouts, and she's not supposed to lose.
Actually, he's already defeated, but there's no way Al can know that right now. One of the executives asks a question to Al, who is sinking into thought.
"To your wife?
"Let me know. In the worst case scenario, I need your wife to move.
That's what I'm asking you to tell me, but the upset runs to the executives who were listening to it.
"I need your wife to move...
"The enemy could be more than the Dragons..."
and squirm all at once. Al, who saw it, smiled bitterly and stopped it.
"No, that's the worst case scenario. I don't think the Duke's army is the strongest we can handle, but now we have to prepare ourselves for the worst.
Al says so, but in his heart, he had another idea.
(If my brothers are strong enough to lose, I have to buy time on my own and miss school students. The rest of the crew don't have this about all I can do, so I think we should let the schoolchildren get away with it. All you have to do is wait for your wife to come while you're buying time.
I'm already thinking about the possibility of not winning. As he thought about it that way, Al raised his eyes with signs of disgust for some reason.
"All hands, battle posture!
Put your arms on once and for all. There was a man in black in front of the door. Who does an executive who notices a man in Al's voice?
Don't say, "Come without any intention in this situation, it has nothing to do with your brothers, right?
Al says so. Raiders raise the concentration of magic that wraps around them all at once and scatter it all around them.
Apparently, when they decide that they are willing to fight and the executives try to attack the Raiders simultaneously, at that moment, the Raiders increase the concentration of magic scattered all around them. Then, the executives other than Al collapse in unison with the sound of dogsagging. He lost consciousness because the concentration of magic around him exceeded his own intolerable concentration.
"This... brothers, no, stronger than me.
That's overwhelming, too. That's what I thought Al, but the will never shrivels. On the contrary, I'm trying to have some fun.
"So, what are you going to do?
Asked so, the raider approached at once with a spear in his right hand.
"No questions asked, is that why? Fine, I don't know how far I can go, but I can't pull either!
There are helpless people behind themselves, there is no letter in Al who is imposing himself as a knight to withdraw on the last line.
When he manages to evade the assailant's penetration, the spear destroys the wall and creates a way out. The raiders do not wave spears in the narrow indoors, but go straight out and look back, similarly attacking Al, who came out.
(Well, I wonder what's going on. Even if you fight like this, you lose a lot of color. The opponent's gear is spears. This one is a sword and a shield. The reach is higher on the opponent. The other person is unlikely to have a flying plane. If so!)
Al used a magical armored flying plane that he wore with that in mind and jumped up into the sky. Normally, the attack on this side would not arrive either, but he had the means.
"Residual waves!"
Al shouts so mouth-to-mouth, while at the same time releasing a slaughter that wraps up the magic of waving a one-handed sword. However, the raider protrudes his left arm forward and emits a blue and white light from his palm to offset it.
(What kind of monster is it that just a magic release has the same power as a move (skill) using a weapon (one item)?
Although magic is not directed, moves (skills) are directed and converged on that magic.
By contrast, magic releases are just releases of magic. It cannot be done without considerable power differences, such as undoing the contracted forces.
But they did it. Normally, you could lose your will at that point, but Al was happy.
(There's still someone so strong besides your wife...)
Even Tenryu could crusade on his own if he were a young man, Al in a situation where there was not even a decent opponent in the Duke's territory to be a practicing opponent besides Kuzha and the old ministers of Kate at present, but he was therefore slightly hungry.
"I'm coming! Cross Wave! Hourly Rain!"
Al, who created slaughter on the cross with one swing and massive slaughter with yet another, but the raiders still stick out their arms in the same way they did ahead, seemingly preventing it with magic releases this time.
Al uses slashing as his sword to constrict the greatest magic power he has ever had. But I was stunned just before I activated the move (skill).
The flash caused by the magic emission is supposedly dazzled in reverse, losing sight of the attacker. Nowhere on earth.
For the next moment, I felt the magic coming from the back of my left, and I wandered the shield on my left arm with < >. Apparently he made it, and the raider, who was about to stick out his spear, left the sky flying and stepped back.
(Now flying. Well, he... is it? I guess I can afford it if I have enough strength......
As can also be seen from the development of flying planes for magical armor, flying techniques are delicate and their constant use during combat, where two or more sorceries and martial arts are used simultaneously, can be quite challenging.
(Well, what shall we do? The sky is not safe either. Same on the ground. But no matter how powerful the magic is, the flying technique lasts for minutes without a flying plane... No, is this a hopeful observation?
The raider, who sees a moment of thinking so as a gap, sticks out his spear at once. Al fights back with his sword and shield and more physical surgery while dodging it, but the winning eye seems thin. But don't give up. Slowly accumulate magic to aim for a moment's gap, but the Raiders don't show any gaps. But for some reason, for a moment, the raider stops.
(I don't know what happened!
That's what I thought. For a moment when I tried to launch an attack at once, the raider's weapon instantly becomes the same sword and shield as itself and is prevented by a shield.
(Nah! I thought you were storing it in different spaces!
Al thought he was holding multiple weapons in different spaces, just like himself, but he wasn't.
That said, there is a surprise, but Al couldn't miss the raider's gap, adding a heavy blow as it were. The raiders received the power of the attack, but for some reason the velocity embraced and clashed to the ground at once.
The impact of the collision with the ground caused the dust to strike, but the next moment, along with the sound, a spear with purple electricity appeared from the dust to reveal the image of the raider.
(Not good!)
From the magic that dwells on the spear, Al understands that if he strikes directly, he is sorry. And Al uses < > with his magic power as a shield, using the curved surface of the shield, deviating greatly from the spear's orbit, and diverting it. Though I succeeded in recieving it, the magic has been taken by chance.
I can't recieve this power over and over again, and Al, who decided so, tries to get close at once, but the next moment, he feels a shock behind his back and crashes to the ground at once.
I managed to regain my position at the moment of landing, and when I looked up and turned to the front, there were two familiar people there.
"Apparently you were brought here, too.
"How about that, did you lose, too?
That was, after all, Lucius and Lil. That's how Al's defeat was decided.