Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 688: The Floating City of Raingard

It was Musashi the one who welcomed the kites off the airship. He walks over here with his brothers, laughing.

"Oh, are you finally here? Arrived a little earlier than planned."

"Ha, Dr. Musashi. Long time no see."

"Mm-hmm. I'll help you this time... but today, well, I guess I'm tired of traveling on boulders. Non says nothing of detail either. In the meantime, let the guide be the little ones. It's huge... it's not out of line."

Against Kite, who bowed his head, Musashi hangs a decree on the gatekeepers and the gestures that Kite brought in. He whispered to Kite as he moved on himself.

"So, what about the princess?

"A little later. Since Kojiro is not in a state, we have decided to take a moment off. Later, my spouse told me to escort him."


This is also the residence of Princess Asahi. Therefore, her appearance as a princess is supposed to be hidden, so the journey was out of time. Protection is naturally kite.

"Yes, I do. How much finishing touches?

"In the meantime, if you're on the second tier, you'll be able to explore. We managed to get to about reading the signs, so..."

"Hmm. Well, it's a critical point. Mm-hmm. Well, besides, what we really need is your help this time. They're just bluffs for that. Smanu will help you."

Not to mention the disciples, Kite is not under Musashi's command. So, though small, Musashi bows his head.

"No, don't say that. Even as far as I'm concerned, this city is one of the few places far away from home. It's a shame to mourn."

"Hmm. If you say so, it's worth making a city out of it. Please, disciple."

"Yes... so, first at the lodging?

"Uhm. I don't always go, and the Lord will later be where the kingdoms of a thousand years will enter..."

Musashi mentions the place he is on his way to, feeling a little frightened. If this were ever the case, Kate would use a mansion for the Duke's house that improved the house he used during his training here, but that can't be the case this time on the boulder. Therefore, as has been communicated since the same accommodation, Musashi and the others have developed a taste for the corner of the Japanese style. So I get a voice that I'm going to miss somewhere in there or no.

"Heh... what do you say, like Kyoto..."

"Well, there's a Japanese-style house lined up, here's the corner..."

"Mm-hmm. I relied on my memory to recreate the townships of the capital."

Musashi tells the praise of the calendar and what an unexpected voice, somewhere with a nose high and so on. He was confident.

"So. And then I tried to use the wisdom of Kate and her daughter-in-law to build a big cage, which is where your lords will be staying. Pure Japanese-style inn, I don't know. I have my hands on it, but it has become a flavorful place to stay over time."

"Heh... you know, speaking of which, I was wondering... what's going on with your buddy there or something?

"Mm-hmm. It's sort of a golem there. Even so, I used it in the ruins. No worker can just redeem tens of thousands of people in the city of the lake on boulders. We have to cultivate farmland, and we have to graze. I don't have enough people to get that far, and I only move once every two years... well, most of all. Most countries also bring in people to take care of themselves like that. It's about the lords and adventurers who use it."

In response to the questions obtained by the calendar, Musashi tells them as he indicates the direction of its cage with his jaw. Naturally speaking, there are too many royal nobles, soldiers, and adventurers. It was natural to wonder who would take care of him.

But naturally, they are mostly royal aristocrats who need caregivers like maids and deacons in their positions, or who can normally self-cater as soldiers and adventurers. They don't normally use it, but if necessary, like the kites, they were supposed to use it.

"Well, that being said, the meeting is mostly festive. Merchants and cooks from every continent will serve their meals, and the Golems are sure of their rice skills. You don't have to worry about rice."

"Ho... thank God..."

The calendar is relieved by a slight relief. Cooking laundry can still be managed with magic props. but only cooking on boulders, could not be done with demonic props. In that regard, I was a little worried about what would happen for a month.

and to keep walking while we talk like that, 20 minutes. The inn, which is the same accommodation, was seen. It was a large inn with a school building in Tensakura School.

"This is not the cage. Three floors, with hot springs. Of course I have an open-air bath as a big bath."

"Do you have a source?

"Ha. Well, no. It seems that the ancient civilizations used to climb to the source of the hot springs on boulders... in fact, there are pipelines beneath the earth that allow hot air to pass through. Use the heat drain there to keep the water boiling. A man who likes to bathe around here has thought about it. It's been a long time making it a good salt plum temperature... but it's one of these luggage cage specialties. All the baths in this building are boiling."

If we gazed a little at Musashi's words together, we could see a corner near the building where the hot air would rise. Perhaps there is a hot spring there.

"Well, if you say so, not everyone gets in. Hot springs are also fitted inside each room. I wouldn't even go with a cypress bath, but it shouldn't be a bad salt plum. Come in whenever you want."

"Yes, I will."

Fujido nods at Musashi's words. That's how they went inside with the guidance of Musashi and his brothers, but this was like an Edo-era cage as each person imagined it.

If not, there would be an improvement in habitability due to the presence of kite's hand, and it would be to the extent that shoes are removed and put in, toilets are provided everywhere, etc. There was nothing for the fellows to greet me again, and the golems were so busy moving. Thus Musashi, having completed the guide, assembled the gatekeepers and told the advance party of the Adventure Department.

"Let's make up our minds about the room in Unu et al. Well, if there's anything wrong, ask the folks at the nearby house or the golems. Even the golems can answer the simple question. Now, Nong et al have decided to go... but the executives will welcome you later."

Musashi and the others were originally here to say hello and ask Kite about the situation. So when it was over, all I had to do was go home. And in that place, Canaan raised his voice.

"Um... where is the Sword Shrine?


Sword Shrine (Tsuginja). That is not the name of a shrine dedicated to Vegetarian Naruto in Japan. Same name, but this one was completely different. As such, Musashi, who sees that Kanan is not Japanese, also discerns the circumstances behind his grandeur and meditates small.

"... follow me. Let me show you... Hey, you lords, stay home first. If you go to a shrine with too many people, you can't help it."

"What did you say to your wife?

"That's not a witch from Sword Shrine. You can't possibly understand. There is a possibility that you will be on your way. So we'll see."

"I'm in awe. Okay, Doctor. We go first."

"Um... oh, muse. Keep your lords home early. I'll see how much power I can get later. Don't fail to adjust your weaponry."

"Yes, thank you"

Musashi will send out the gatekeepers first if he includes some words to the gatekeepers. Musashi, who thus sent out the gatekeepers, turned straight to Canaan.

"So, my daughter. Leave your stuff for once. Call me when you're ready. I'll wait there for you."

"Thank you"

Canaan bows his head to Musashi's words as he sits on the chair set in the lobby. As a matter of fact, this time, Kanan asked Kite to admit to coming here, saying he was a little overwhelmed. For one thing, I wanted to come to the Sword Shrine, but that's why.

As such, Canaan moves to the given room to place his luggage once. The room was Tina and Yuri - she was the main team - and a charm.

"Grab your bags, I'll help you. Charming, help your lord too. Let's just say that Canaan alone has a lot of weapons."

"Ah... thanks"

Canaan thanks Tina with an equally mysterious face for taking Canaan's prepared weapon with some mysterious face. All this weapon belonged to the Qasims, who were her former companions.

I brought here what Kate had recovered for me. Although I could not understand the intent of the charm clothes that were said to be so, I shall follow their instructions for now.

"? Yeah, okay..."

"Give this to the shrine. There are shrines in this floating city to serve the weapons of dead adventurers and soldiers... and it is rare to come here. Kite and the rest are rarer when you can come."

"It is..."

Tina explains it in a low voice and understands the situation in the same way as Meizuma. Originally, the only way to this city is to have a special handout like the kites, or to be chosen at the biennial intercontinental conference.

Even that intercontinental conference is carried around from continent to continent. If you don't have enough skill to travel the continent, you'll only have about one chance every 10 years. Because if we live that far, or if we don't lose the weapons of our dead companions, we can't do it unless we're blessed with luck. What's more, it's crowded. The timing of such a quiet service was actually a rare opportunity to seize.

"Okay. Well, I guess this is okay"

"Well, let's go downstairs."

In response to Canaan's readiness, Tina and Charming begin moving with Kasim and the others' weapons. That's how we got to a single lobby area, where Kite and Musashi were waiting.

"Is that it, Master?

"Follow me. It's important."

"... thank you"

Kate attaches importance to her condolences to the dead. It was only if so that he showed his sense of righteousness that he would have to turn himself. Besides, asylum seekers today are themselves. He thought it was his role to reassure his late predecessors.

Thus, together, after the inn along the way, we begin to walk towards the city centre. In the meantime, everyone was silent. And few of them spoke up. And when they saw that they were both armed and cleansed for their devotees, they hesitated to speak.

"This is the Sword Shrine." Witches, are you in the back?

Keep walking, about 15 minutes. We reach the shrine called Tsuginja Shrine. There was no substitute for a Japanese shrine. It is huge in size and is not significantly different from one of the leading shrines in Japan. Thus Musashi approaches the office where the witches live once.

"Ah, Master Musashi... no, ma'am, I was returned to my house earlier. Your son cried, and he said," Shut up. "

"Right. I need you to open the door. Dedicators."

"I did... will I be bookkeeping?


Musashi, who wondered if he could decide this on his own on the boulder, calls on the one he left behind. That's how he asked Canaan if he would bookmark it again.

"Oh, please... uh, should I book it here?


"Use this brush... if you're not used to it, do you have a pen?

"Oh, that way..."

Feelings like this matter. Therefore, it makes no difference whether you want to book with a pen or with a brush. So when Canaan borrows his pen, he books his own name in the booklet at the reception. That's how Canaan bookmarked it, and then the witches questioned the kites behind him.

"What will you do?

"I'll make a note of it. Master of the Alliance."

"Oh, Master Kite. Okay... then, come here."


Kate bows her head and receives a brush from the witches. but that's where Canaan noticed the anomaly. The witches called Kate's name from before she was named - before she booked it, to be exact. This was due to the fact that the people of the floating continent knew Kite, but had not been stopped.

Kite was ready for this, too. At the time he set foot in the land on the boulder, the possibility of not meeting with those who had gained his own acquaintance had been cut and discarded. I didn't even think it was possible.

"How do you know about the master?


To Canaan's inquiry, the witches become. Knowing it or not, it's Kite who's close to the shrine gods here - though they're never gods or clerics. You can't be a stranger.

And if that's the case, Canaan's question was the best. Besides, as Kate books, she tells the back Canaan in a grinning mood without turning her face.

"Uh... don't worry too deeply about me. It's no use caring, and that's not the time now, is it?

"... right"

I'm uncomfortable with what Kate said, but that's second to none with Canaan in the first place. What matters now is not how the witches knew about Kate, but to give Kasim and his weapons to the shrine. That's how I waited for Kite to finish bookkeeping, and the witch lowered her head and opened her mouth.

"Please wait while I show you around"

When one of the witches says so, he comes out of reception. She was one of the most high-ranking witches on this occasion, and it was only because of the presence of Kate and Musashi that she responded. Then, they would follow the witch's guide and start walking again.