Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 697: The Girl's Mystery

Tina went out herself to adjust the communication magic props, but she lost consciousness of only one thing. That means Canaan is in the investigation team.

"... sorry... um..."

Canaan, who was feeling uncomfortable, rattles his nose the moment he passes beside Tina. The discomfort she felt was that Tina's smell went hand in hand with that of Major Sophie Tia.

"... after all, it's a fake..."

Convinced of the discomfort he felt, Canaan tilts his neck. To such a Canaan, the charming garment that was beside him tilted his neck.

"What's going on?

"Uh, no, you know what? From that major, Tina and I smell... or the master..."


To the point from Canaan, Charming Clothes - and Tina, who watched from afar - unwittingly flaunt her face. This does not mean I was completely alarmed. Tina and I use a perfume that is different from any other for disguise so that the beasts don't find out.

but this whole place was unexpected or Canaan's nose was amazing. In spite of being a half, she had more physical abilities than a coarse beast.

Perfume comes from the top. It doesn't make the body odor disappear. She sniffed her body odor, which she could not hide, and even smelled Kate mixed in Tina. That's why Meizu, who was asked about it, starts the comms machine in a whisper.

"What do we do?!?

"Wow! I mean, I didn't think it'd be amazing this far!

From the end of the comm, Tina's hurried voice sounds. Fortunately, a magic trick has been developed that prevents voices from leaking out so that they don't understand the content of the call. So Canaan doesn't understand the conversation. And Canaan, who is trying to unravel his doubts about the fact that he started the comms machine, has not noticed.

"Gu... I don't know what I'm really gonna do..."

Tina's distressed voice reaches the ear of the charm. Until now, I had been able to fool the noses of the beasts because of the perfume, but they had no idea that Canaan would find out the least I wanted me to. As a result of being too close, I couldn't help but mislead myself in a fundamental part of it.

"I don't think even a master on a boulder would get his hands on a soldier. Nah... hmm..."

He apparently thinks about Tina's smell itself, including mistakes. That said, they still can't help the smell of kite. Canaan was tilting his neck, not like that.

"Um, Canaan? It's not safe to walk forward, is it?

"Oh, whoa, it's dangerous"

With the attention from Charming, Canaan rushes forward. Apparently, for a time, I was able to interrupt my thoughts.

"... hmm?

Start walking forward and Canaan tilts his neck again. Apparently he felt uncomfortable again. Try to hold your ears and distort your face.

"What's going on?

"What, this... thing is so May..."

"Oh, with that said, you already had a beast boy from today on... hey! The Beast Girl... uh, is there a girl who says Canaan or something!

One of Musashi's disciples, who was giving me a pull in front of me, turns back and raises his voice as if he noticed something. There was a magic prop in his hand that resembled an earplug.

"Oh, yes!

"Use this! Earplugs! Hand it out to the other beast men's children!

"Ah... thank you!

Canaan waves to show his appreciation for the hat-shaped earplugs thrown at him. She was staring at her face because the vapor erupted in May. And he put it on his head, saying, "Oh, my God."

"Oh... and fluffy ears..."


Enchanted clothes touch Canaan's head with a sad voice on her mundane chemimi shaped hair, which disappeared thanks to earplugs. What's more, Canaan's hair was as soft and comfortable as feathers, and she had a reputation among women.

and walked for a while with such chatter to reach a slightly larger hall-like space. There were tools around there that were considered to be for repair, so I guess it's an area for repair technicians to take a break or something.

"This is the entrance to the maintenance area... to make sure the comms are in good shape. Can you hear me?"

"... um. I can hear you. Right in front of the door?


"... good. There's nothing wrong with that. Okay, this one's moving to the command room now. In the meantime, I need you to test the comms, but I need your attention. '

To make sure the comms are in good shape, Tina makes it clear that she has no problem with the Musashi voice that activated the comms and begins to return to the command room. Apparently, the noise was properly removed.

"Uhm... sounds flow from the comms, but the deaf get in touch!

Musashi communicates with him as he lays his hand on a headset-shaped demonic prop attached to his own ear. Get in there, it's a real ruin. A faulty comms machine can be life-threatening. So confirmation was important. That's how the music starts to play from each headset. That was the music of an upbeat woman.

"Wow. Do you have one of these..."

"Oh, I might like this a lot..."

About half of them react to authentic music from different worlds for the first time. And Kate realized it was the voice of the girl she was used to hearing.

"Hmm? Oh, this... Alisa's"

"Uh-huh. I left something in the concert hall that was used for the test. It was about a decade ago."

"You know what?

"I know, it's more suspicious not to know."

Canaan turns to Kite to answer the Enchantment Inquiry. There was a mix of bitter laughter somewhere there.


"The world's singing princess. He said he'd be at the next meeting."

"Oh... this is such a tune..."

To Canaan's words, Charm again hears Alisa's music. Speaking of singing princess to her, she was a singing princess Elsa who was a fan on Earth.

This one basically used to sing beautiful songs like pure love and ballads, so on the contrary, it was rare to hear these upbeat numbers. And so the music suddenly ended where it played for another 30 seconds.


Everyone looks a little short on bumps, and abruptly cut music. I couldn't help it because it wasn't broadcast to make them listen in the first place, but it's true that it was a good song, so I won't be able to help it again.

"If you want to hear more, you can buy it at the city music store."

Kite laughs when she sees the unfortunate charm. You can easily think of a musician as a CD shop. The difference is that it is not the CD format that sells it, but the right to download the data accumulated in the store into a dedicated magic item.

Because there is no internet, it is necessary to search every store for re-downloads, but once you buy it, you can download it as many times as you want, so it was not that inconvenient.

It should be noted that music is prohibited to be sold only where it belongs to the Merchant Guild in order to be able to download it globally in view of the possibility of losing demonic props for music playback. Once you buy it, you can download it anywhere, so you can rest assured.

"If that bothers you, won't you be able to ask in a little while?

"I don't know if they sell concert day tickets or..."

Hear what Canaan has to say and the enchantment looks far away. The adventure department's activities here were basically on a rotating basis, with the possibility of seeing a concert if possible. but before that, the question was whether tickets could be bought.

"Why don't you go home and ask?

"Uh... do it"

"I don't know it's sold out, but..."

"After all?"

"That's right."

The two give up half the time mixed up, and we'll see when we get home, and nod to each other. It just so happens to be close. If you can ask, it would be normal for you to want to ask.

"If so, shall I give you a few from our house?


"... who?

Kanan tilts her neck as a charm seeps her expectations into a stra with her mouth pinched across her. Meizumi meets from time to time, but Canaan never met her.

"Ah, it's Mr. Stra. Look, in East Town..."

"Oh, Mr. Administrator of East Town"

The whole city knows that the upper echelons of the Adventure Department occasionally get talks with the upper echelons of the Duke's house. That's no exception to Canaan. Therefore, there was no wonder that I knew her, so I accept the words of Charm without question. Stra was nearby simply because Kate was there. By the way, Stella's with us, of course.

"Is that good?

"Yeah... I'll be staying at our house when you get here. So it's sung well in the banquet pastime, etc., so I don't really need to hear it at a concert... right? Our people don't go to concerts very often. I said," Please give me a ticket for friendship. "I was supposed to give it to someone every now and then."

"Oh, if that's what you mean... be sure"

She's the princess of one country at a bend. No wonder I stayed at the Duke's house, not at the hotel. So don't hesitate to ask for tickets. By the way, this was a good seat close to the so-called "S" seat, as it was also the finest one handed out to interested parties.

"haha... well, good luck"


"Well, let's go!

Charming and Canaan regain their temper and concentrate on the last brief they started. When rewards await, they are motivated by mere work. That's probably where the girls are.

"Okay! So, are you motivated!


Stra seeps bitter laughter into the two motivated people. It doesn't mean anything, I didn't tell you this. To get a little attention out of here.

"My lord, I have a report for you."


"We have just received the results of an investigation into the case of an example. but a little there, I want to put it in your ear"

Apparently, it's just where some kind of contact came in. Stra whispered the report.

"I asked about the request because I thought a party to which a girl named Canaan belonged was receiving it. My client was under no obligation of confidentiality to the boulders, but only the details of the request could be told in your name."

"Right... so?

"Ha... that's..."

In response to the kind of voice that prompts Kate to go ahead, Stra looks a little harder to say. but he decided to, and he looked at kite and said what it was about.

"... escort of a girl by the name of Canaan. That's what I asked for."


Kite smiles at what has been told. Without having to think of it as Canaan, I would be a Canaan who is now motivated there for the concert of the global singing princess with the charming clothes.

"Isn't there something about that girl? Even as a result of the examination, there is an error between what the person is saying and the result. Obviously, there's something."

"... test results, or..."

To Stra's words, Kite takes into account. Kanan once told me that he was a member of the army, that his father was an animal man, and that his mother was a dragon half. However, this was also confirmed to have been a mistake at the time of the physical examination I went to fold my membership.

"The Beast Man and the Night Clan, or..."

There's no need for the mother to hide it. Kate secretly thinks so. The Beast Man and the Night Clan are not that good friends. I'm even glad to say that some lineages are hostile.

If we were to live in Blanchett territory, where there are many Beasts, it would have been a means of self-defense for a mother without a husband to falsify her own race.

The Beast Man has the Beast Factor, but because of it, he attaches importance to the connection of the clan. Being excluded from it, it is not easy to live. What Canaan didn't know about this was that there was no way out of that situation. It was reasonable to assume that her mother had died before telling her.

"... one of the parents must be the child of some famous family, Running off, or being banished... if you're going to look there, your father who remains a mystery is still the key."

"We are looking into it additionally on that line. My client would be one of my parents' associates."

"I guess. My father secretly asked me to escort him to a place where he was ashamed that he would never see him again."

"Uncle, that's the key. This is probably a man close to his parents. It would be reasonable to say that the escort sent by a person close to his parents'

Tina, who was listening to the two conversations on the comms, pinches her mouth. She was whispering from Canaan about her comings. It was a guess from there.

'but... if not... you know what I mean?

"The hand tag you kept for when the hostile forces were in trouble, huh? Guards have a good chance of surveillance. Ha... I picked up a nasty guy."

'Well, that would have been the right answer. It's not a bad decision, and Canaan's not a bad kid. "

"Is that the only salvation, or... shall we work out measures? If it's the latter, we could get caught up in an internal war."

Thanks to Kanan, Kite was able to improve her reputation, and even with the addition of personnel, she became positively acceptable. Even the charms and Tina gained new friends. Given that, I had no hesitation in breaking some bones for my team.

"Ha... if I could, my father's gesture would come to kill me, I don't know..."

To a future that is not thankful to anyone, Kite mentions with a sigh. Canaan is a sad thing to be targeted by his father, and if you try the kites, you'll have to deal with the nasty event of the nobles.

And unfortunately, I can't cut off the bills that are in Kate's hands or Tina's. Even if it was a hassle, I had to deal with it. And because that's how I was looking at Canaan, Canaan noticed that gaze.

"? What is it, Master?

"No, it's nothing"

Kate shook her head with a smile at Canaan, who laughed at her without knowing anything. These things we're just talking about cleaning up behind us. It's a good story if you choose to talk about blood. And so, elsewhere, the Kanans broke into the second tier.