Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Episode 753: Fighting the Shadows
From the visit of Farnese, the next day. Maple and Sho, along with several adventurers from the adventure club, had decided to set sail for a casino ship lying across the floating city of Raingard.
"Uh-oh... that, what the hell, I thought, was it a casino..."
One gets stunned unexpectedly. I thought it was a big, brilliant airship, but that was the casino ship run by the Viktor Chamber of Commerce. The scale is 300 metres large. Height is 60 meters. As a privately owned airship, it was one of the largest.
"So, what do you say, Mountain Shore?"
"... you can't, this is... bad. He's totally on guard."
To the maple inquiry, Sho shakes his head small with regret. What he was exploring was a secret detective. It was also a snitch targeting ourselves. There's no way to do this, but in the meantime, I've been noticed by some kind of secret detective.
And then it's reasonable to assume that other scouts have noticed that as well. Since then, it has basically been a situation where there has always been a spy sticking up in the upper management. That meant that, again, the spy was still sticking around.
"... you want to sprinkle it somehow..."
It's not very gratifying to know that you're always stuck with a secret detective like this. There is nothing wrong with being seen entering the casino. But the problem is getting inside.
I hated being asked what information I got, etc. Look, the informant's gonna take care of it, too, but then the problem comes. I didn't like the possibility of getting my hands on my way home. I want to be honest with you so you don't know where you've been, or you want to capture me.
"... all of you, get your smartphones out. I've been thinking about a few plans."
A maple I thought about for a while finally gives the answer. They're watching, but they're watching, which means they don't know what they want to do. If you take it backwards, you don't have a hand.
"Why a smartphone?
"It's troublesome when you put it in your mouth and get lip reading."
"I see..."
The accompanying students are convinced by surprise. Sho is actually learning lip reading too. They're still not perfect on the way to mastery, but they can discern it if they're still marginal. If so, there is no reason why the professional snitches can't.
If so, don't move your mouth or your hands. The smartphone is equipped with measures to prevent peeping. It took a little work, but it was a handy hand.
Together, for now, we start having operational meetings on the smartphone. So, as soon as it was over, he left the inn and started moving while being stuck with the scouts.
After starting the journey, about 30 minutes. The maples were acting in several groups.
How's it going over there?
"I don't feel... I think"
One of the students answers the maple inquiry. Fortunately or naturally, there is no room for all students to paste a secret detective anywhere. Rather than that, the Adventure Department's priorities fall far short of those of other countries in the first place. We have to cut it off somewhere more than just a limited number of people we can bring in.
So the movement of people in and out and executives is the only thing monitored, but Maple read that there is no such thing as being able to paste secret detectives into ordinary students. And it turns out, maple and sho were the only surveillance stickers.
"Now, good. Sorry, I went out of my way to get a store..."
"Haha. I don't mind. The kids are the only ones coming anyway."
Shake your head at Maple's words as Peach Lee rehems the neighborhood's children's clothes. Maple was coming now at Peach Lee's. So I ate candy and waited for other moves.
No one has found out what you went out to do. I didn't do anything to expose it in the first place. Even if you are supposed to go to the casino, you do not know when or who will go. Besides, we haven't fully figured out who or who is in this relationship yet.
If so, today they decided to pretend to be on vacation. I'm not expecting the scouts to distract me, but they'll still loosen their eyes on the others. Sho is also somewhere else pretending to be on vacation alone.
Furthermore, I had asked Sola to help me make sure that the adventurers in the adventure club went outside and distracted me as much as they could. Now I don't know which is the real deal. There's nothing more I can do than limit my hand. In the meantime, he decided to set up a trap.
"Well, not a bad hand."
Musashi tells those two. Fortunately or not, a handover has been obtained with Musashi. So I approached one of my disciples in the middle of the lookout and asked him to cooperate. Musashi was also comfortable with me in two replies if it was a request from Tensakura School.
"Do you want to go through the maintenance aisle? Even the snitches can't get into the maintenance corridor. All the entrances and exits there are managed by Nong et al. If so, you can go in without finding out. It's another dream. After a moment of deception, go through the maintenance aisle to the casino at once, or"
Maple nods at Musashi, who mouths the back of this aftermath. That's exactly what she thought. If you're being watched, be watched. Take it backwards. After a while, I contacted an app similar to SNS.
"... good. Well, thank you."
"Now look at your clothes too."
Maple bows his head and bids farewell to Peach Lee. Musashi and her rendezvous, of course, for a reason. Everyone knows Maple is pretty smart. If so, it is assumed that the scouts know the extent to which they do.
That's why I made it my body to listen to the stories of the past, and we joined. In fact, I was listening a little bit to the past. Musashi said that the secret detectives were also interested in boulders when it came to talking about Japan, which seemed a little neglected.
Okay, good luck with that.
Maple, who walked for a while with Musashi, joins Sho and breaks up with Musashi as he is. Then naturally, the snitches got together in one piece.
Maple puts his hand in his pocket and uses his input history to enter it that way. After that, we just have to move to a predetermined location, and we're done. So Maple and Sho nod each other small and start walking.
Heading there is the entrance to the maintenance area set up in several parts of the city. The other students who were already going to the casino were in there to make sure there was no surveillance. The watch over the entrance and exit is familiar. There was nothing wrong with it. Thus, when it approaches, the maple sends a signal.
At the next moment, a junction unfolds around us. Musashi was asked to talk to the guards so that they could miss out on discomfort after this junction had unfolded.
If it's Musashi's word, neither do the adventurers who notice the development of the junction. Because I thought the city dwellers were going to do something. So many of the snitches who had not been informed of it opened their eyes and revealed their surprises.
What has unfolded is a simple juncture like no other. It's just to unlock the shapes that have been deployed. This was inexpensive and powerful because it was a specialty technique. It was easy to shatter the covert shape of the snitch affixed to the upper level of the adventure department.
And if that's the case, the scouts just have to be exposed and alert to the next hand of the enemy. If you're going to expose a secret detective, the next thing you know, it's the elimination of the secret detective.
But what the maples aimed for was that momentary gap. In that gap, Maple uses a ceremonial god that she had learned from Tina in advance. It became a split between elaborate maple and sho and ran out at once.
I'm just going to invite this one to alert me and poke a gap in that moment and run away. In a way, the snitches make decisions that are not mistakes. And if that's the case, there's only one way to go after him. When the scouts rush to re-hide their figure, they start chasing the two who distance themselves from Gungu.
"I knew it. I thought even a few professionals couldn't judge all this."
Hilarious, and Maple flashes the paper of the ceremonial god. This is supposed to be a secret in the Adventure Department. Anyway, it's Japanese magic. Among those who knew who Kate and Tina were, only maple and cherry blossoms could be used. It was just one of the trump cards.
"Hey, let's hurry up."
No matter how intimate they are, they can't think of anything they don't know. Sometimes I was in a hurry, and the two of them were still lurking in a simple junction and waiting on the spot, which I never thought would happen. The moment the gaze of all the scouts fell off for a moment, the two lurked within the bond.
As a result, the two of them lost sight of the secret detectives for a while, while they chased after the other students, they decided to rendezvous with the other students through a maintenance corridor without surveillance eyes.
Then, a little. The maples are fine and keep going down the maintenance aisle. but it was still undeniable that Russia, Sho glanced at him as he approached the exit.
"... uh... this, maybe..."
"Entrance and exit, there's one."
When Xiang wears ninja-style protective gear, he senses more heat sources using his headset. Sorcery doesn't completely cover everything up.
"... I knew it. Sounds like you have to fight to get out of here."
"Even though you're a secret detective?
Sho has no basis whatsoever, but judging by the fact that the secret detective is standing in the way of grandeur, yes. A secret detective who should be hiding is exposed. All I could think of was that.
"The weapon... just my cane and a small hand on the shore of the mountain, you know... doesn't even seem to be the opponent through which the protective tools..."
It was long before we fought. Anyway, there are only two weapons that look like weapons. And the trump card, Formula God, is wary of boulders, it is good to see. If so, I can't use it anymore. The oddity comes through because it's the first look, and the second time it's less effective.
For a while, Maple ponders how to fight his enemies. No, to be precise, how to escape the enemy. I don't think I can do it properly and win. Then we'll have to do something about it.
"The bills I have now... are on the shore of the mountain. Are you sure you have a Mirage Body?
"Hmm? Oh. Well... but I don't think it's gonna work for a guy like you to come here normally, do you?
< >. It is a technique (skill) that creates your own phantom. If you are Sho now, you can only create a few, but instead, you can guess the accuracy. If I was good enough to spot their ploy, I didn't think I'd spot it.
That makes sense. That's why Maple starts thinking just a little bit. And I noticed a mistake. So again, the maple uses a smartphone to transmit the operation.
"This... does it really make sense?
"If you don't let me through, I'm in trouble."
Maple shakes his head in a sigh in response to Adventure Department adventurer questions. If you hit it, it's about right. but there are no other measures that seem best besides this. I have no choice. Thus, we walk together to the entrance to and exit from the casino.
"... you're really stuck in grandeur"
In the last hall that leads to the entrance and exit, a man and a woman who completely concealed their appearance stood. There is no wind with a weapon, and there is no sign of doing anything.
but one will could be seen from the signs of creeping up. That's the kind of will that won't let you go from here. It was like a gatekeeper.
"One of the detectives who was watching over us, that's fine."
To the maple inquiry, a secret detective nods silently. I guess I don't speak out because I don't understand myself. The only thing I know about a secret detective is his amethyst eyes. Other than that, I don't even know the color of my skin.
"Expose yourself... what's the intent?
Against the Maple Inquiry, the Secret Service still doesn't issue anything. All I'm saying is, guess from the signs. And if so, I guess I'll still be stuck.
"... < >"
Having determined the will of his enemies, Maple uses magic that creates a phantom of its own. In principle, it's normal pneumonia. And at the same time, all adventurers in the adventure department who can create shots and identities create identities. but the secret detective still doesn't show any upset. Because, to this extent, we can see through it.
By Sho's decree, adventurers in the Adventure Department make fleshy moves towards a secret detective. Besides, secret detectives get up. Intercept more than come. That's what he does now.
For a while then, the entities mixed with the splits cross their fists. Fortunately, they won't be able to use the weapon that this snitch will be carrying with them. I could also see how he was buying time.
"... being tried, or buying time..."
If it's being tried, it's still good. But if you buy time, it won't be a busy thing. If so, this battle will have to go to a decision fast. So the maple is there, hitting the next hand.
To the sound of the pebble that sounded, the motion of the detective stops only for a moment. Suddenly I was surprised by the sound sounded, rather than being confused because I didn't know the source of the sound. This was a small hand acoustic bullet that Sho received.
The good thing about this is that we don't know where the launch took place. Even if the characteristic shows where the sound is sounding, we don't know where the bullet was fired. Unless Kate and Tina were super people, they couldn't tell.
But he's a spy and a pro. If so, it was only in the realm of instinct that I realized that this was positive in conjunction with one of the previous cases. So I mingled with my split, erased the signs, noticed one who was secretly approaching me, and forcefully struck out the fist that had been granted the effect of a coma that was in both of those hands.
but that was the one that saved my life. At the next moment, he bends his knee to the forehead with the feeling of something hitting his neck muscle. It was one of Sho's small hand functions, the anesthetic bullet.
"Break through now! Your life, now I'll keep it!
The Maple Decree echoes. With that in mind, everyone left at once and rushed into the casino ship.
Meanwhile, that moment they ran into the casino ship. Two black shadows descended upon the place of a secret detective who had been deprived of his freedom of movement even if he had not managed to lose consciousness. That way, the sound of Bachi, the power of the coma that was limiting the motion of the detective, disappears.
"Homla... sorry"
"You're alarmed."
"He did a great job, tell him."
From his voice, he said the detective who fought the Maples was a woman. Returns a bitter laugh at a man's spy called Homla. This was a test. I could have killed him sooner with a poisoned dagger. but at the request of the client, it was reserved for testing.
"Swissen... do you know what happened?
Apparently, the last one that came down, this one is also feminine. And at the same time, the spy who was stuck is said to be Swissen. Everybody, it would be like a code name.
"Oh... I felt something hitting my spine. It's like a demon bullet."
"My body is broken. With that backwards, the moment both arms were blocked, another boy laying low was firing something from his small hand."
"I see..."
Swissen understands what happened from another woman's spy. Actually, Sho's little hand wasn't held by Sho. I handed it to an Adventure student who specializes in scouting and let the phantom enter the room and disappear and lurk. So it was also this student who emitted the pebble acoustic bullet.
And the next moment I thought I'd spotted this strategy, I had an anesthetic bullet fired at my neck muscle. It was a truly roundabout operation that the enemy had managed to establish thanks to the fact that they were testing us.
All right, back to the report.
To Homla's words, the other two snort. As such, they also entered the casino ship.