Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Episode 785: Intercontinental Allied Forces
At the request of Emperor Philio, the next day. Kate had now been summoned by Emperor Leonhardt.
"So tomorrow we're going to have the council again... tomorrow will be prolonged"
"I'll finish it all tomorrow, huh... you're unscrupulous"
"You have to. Some countries have already submitted power of attorney and returned home... no resurrection of 'Death Generals (Let's)', only a nightmare for every country. I woke up and couldn't sleep for three days."
Emperor Leonhardt shakes his head in one of the hotel rooms. Both Shea and Mel were very busy, which meant that she was so busy there that she couldn't even meet her husband completely.
It's about the adventurers who took the day off yesterday. Civilians and clerks were desperately moving towards forming coalitions. How quickly we can form a coalition. That changes the impression from the people of each country.
Looks like we decided to hurry just to tighten it up first, even if it's somewhat awkward here. The details will be discussed here again when we send envoys in various countries.
"So, no one else called Lord McDawell. Your lord's army, The Uncrowned Troops.
"Huh... the reconstitution has been provisioned, you think?
"You're right... rather than I had to, but that's the answer. The messengers of the Valtard Empire and the Millennium Kingdom have asked for it in the Union."
Emperor Leonhardt sighed again. It's a clear story. At present, Kate and Tina do not exist publicly. And there's no Lux or any of them. If so, this was the best course of action.
"Is it the hardest thing to destroy each of these hidden forces... or is the commander in Kuzha and Aura?
"On the face of it, it will be... because it is about you and the others, I have accepted your return anyway. Your lord will fit at the top. Together, each country is now in the process of adjusting for the movement of its members."
"So, all the Uncrowned Troops that didn't hide were sent to the Empire, and the Command was also the Empire, and... you were troubled."
"We gave away our own secret power, but it would be the say of all nations... and because of that, we needed to elect commanders, even dignified ones."
The two laugh at each other in a slightly frightened mood. Indeed, each individual in Uncrowned Troops (No Orders) has enough strength to determine battlefield trends. but therefore the cause with the Death Warlords is profound. I guess I don't want to have the factors to be poorly targeted right now without the brave Kate.
On the face of it is the reconstitution of Uncrowned Troops (No Orders). Folk acceptance is good, and anxiety can be removed. Just bear with them for a few days, everyone will be able to bear it if they say so. No country can do so much as drop a country in just a few days on a boulder.
And when it comes to the Death Warlords, there's no winning when it comes to Kate and Tina. It is the presumption of the upper levels of the Empire that it is with them to be alert to each destruction. There will be no simultaneous occurrences. It was a reasonable decision.
"So the commander is Mel?"
"Um... I don't mind just leaving it as a decoration. It's so important. As the face of the Empire, no royal family can show itself to another country unless it is placed."
Emperor Leonhardt becomes a very tired face. I was wondering if it was time to put Mel back, and this is it. If you say or get someone else, it is possible that you are in a hurry for merit at the margin of handing out the heroes. That's troublesome.
In the end, it was Mel who knew who Kate was and was getting along best with the crew of the Crowned Troops (No Orders) staying at Maxwell. She can help Kate even if the danger is imminent, and Shea, who is in the Duke's house, can be a good aide. This was a decision I could make that looked good overall.
"Um... and that's why I told him what we should talk about. So..."
"This, is it"
Seeing the information submitted by Kite, Emperor Leonhardt turns his face into something dangerous. The message is that Tistenia the Demon King was being manipulated.
"... secretly, flushed to countries"
"... unanimously?
"Um. The existence of the 'Lord' is secret. So it was consistent with all countries. If it does, it could be perceived as an unprecedented disaster that is not enough in the confusion. I want to avoid that in every country... ostensibly, the brave kite doesn't exist, because"
To Kite's inquiry, Emperor Leonhardt nods. As for the information that was circulated to other countries, the information of the Kuons who immediately engaged with the "Death Warlord" was kept.
I didn't tell her about Kate. Because it's strange that Quong and the others are listening. So what I told you was that the Death Warlords had a true Lord, and that was what caused the war.
"So, it's been a day... guess what?
"I'm still analyzing it... but even with my prospects, I think it goes with your reading"
"I was going to crush Tistenia, the Demon King, and he was summoning me..."
"And next would be the real thing," he said. In the information phase of the "Lord" before that, we agreed with each other in a strict manner... well, it would be futile, I know. Still, better than not doing it "
Emperor Leonhardt looks tired. Only 23 troops. Besides, they are powerful people who are not. No matter how hard you try, there's no reason to prevent it from breaking in. Plus one of them can move. I can't use my hands anymore. That said, if you're lucky, it's possible. Better than not doing it.
"That said, it doesn't work for the time being... in the national perspective?
"Oh... in fact, Bernstadt defeated General Agra. The sword princess Quon engages with the" Death of the Sword "and fights against each other. Lord Berntaine is profound, but the battle between the sword princess and the demon swordsman has long been well known. I'd like to think that we had no hand wounds this time, but we did everything we could... I guess it doesn't move very much. The wounds of a clown and your lord have healed. If the word of your lord with that woman in the red dot is certain, it will be necessary for a while to restore magic."
"The proud man can be suppressed with Eight Heavenly Generals. Other than that, modern and famous adventurers exist accordingly... do you manage?"
"Oh. They should have a complete system in place over there."
As it stands, Kite and I haven't completely recovered our magic power. That's how massive a procedure was used. It would be natural to talk about it. It's not how much kite and inexhaustible magic we have together. There is a good limit. I had to wait for my consumption to recover.
but if it is, it is with the enemy. You're right to see that Tina is in perfect condition here, and that she won't move until the enemy is able to give her full strength. If you're coming to die, it's enough as of the other day. If it was premised on some purpose, we were off for a while over there.
"Well... when that happens, the question is... where are their bases?"
"Not in the Empire."
"I know. We understand their fears better than anywhere else. We won't think of anything convenient to help ourselves..."
"I'm letting it investigate properly. It's also true that there are those who wish to sell whomever they want to stay away from if they want to stay away from the headstand at all."
"Then you'll be fine"
You'll be fine, but I won't fail to investigate. There, after all, the emperor Leonhardt held his sights together as emperor. He was fierce, but he also had a good eye for politicians. And in that place. One civilian came in great haste.
"Heh, Your Majesty! Oh, I'm sorry..."
"No, I don't mind. I just got off the hook... so, what's up?
"Ha... that's actually... the messenger of the neighbouring country of Luxerion..."
"It's nothing strange now. What can I do for you?
"No, the... coming, Cardinal. Sir Ayul... now Lord Heisenberg is being dealt with."
"" Huh!?
Kate and Emperor Leonhardt open their eyes and look at each other. Cardinals. That is the generic name of those who assist under the Pope of the Land of Luxerion. In other words, the position is the number two position of the organization. Besides, the name was above all the name of an amazing person.
"... let it pass. Lord, just in case, keep it down."
Kate stands beside the Emperor Leonhardt as he dresses in the clothes of the Imperial nobility in an instant - which is also a senior military official. What is the purpose. More than I know, I needed maximum vigilance. On top of that, they summoned the executives who deserved to be called, and called them when they were ready.
"... excuse me, Your Majesty the Emperor Leonhardt"
"Cardinal Ayul Veda. Nice to meet you."
It was one young woman who came in. When I was in my early 20s. A golden thread hid most of the beautiful golden hair that suited him with a veil. I don't know for sure because my physique is clothing worn by a relaxed clergyman. That said, I could still see the femininity. I guess it's not bad.
When it comes to being a Cardinal, you're very young. but they have a reason for this. She says she is the daughter of the current pope. That's where they're taking us in, and they're standing in the cardinal. Luxerionism enshrines equality between men and women. Sometimes women became popes. It's nothing strange to be in a high position.
Note that the mother is unknown. Originally, the current pope came from a church in the country town of the Patriarchate, where he seems to be the daughter he got. The details are that the village there was devastated by the plague, so no one will know unless we ask them. It is the view of the upper echelons of the Empire that her mother also died of the plague at that time.
That said, it seems that it's just the parent Conne, or not, and that the person in question also has extraordinary knowledge. The depth of sight was now visible. My specialty is healing system magic. Speaking of clergy, it would seem.
"You understand that too, but for minutes now I'm busy everywhere. Let me get right to the point... how can I help you this time?"
"Yes... this time I want to propose the signing of a ceasefire agreement, I'm here. Visits in unprepared situations. Forgive me."
Ayul's words give rise to a stir among the civilians. The Luxerian nation on our path has offered an armistice agreement. No, it's not crazy. Everyone knows that's all that's happening right now.
"... is that your lord's proposal?"
"No, my father, Yunal Veda, has the same idea. And now is not the time for humanity to be hostile. With my father, I understand that... so he said we should take our hands together first."
The most dog-monkey friends in Enefia today are the Empire of Entesia and the Luxerion Nation. It shuts its mouth if it knows politics at all.
That's why she said. I can't read the intent. If giving up or reason makes sense so far, what the hell has been the battle so far? Makes me want to think so.
"All nations know that we are friends of the dog monkeys. So why don't we put our hands together and show that the coalition is a rock... and that's what my father thinks?"
Emperor Leonhardt can't say anything back. Sure, that makes sense. That way, you will think that when we should do the same for all countries, and because the folk grass and the others have joined hands, you will think about working with other countries who understand the seriousness of the matter and rub it together. But that's why. Emperor Leonhardt couldn't believe it.
"... the word. Do you have any other intention?"
"I won't sit down"
"That's not what I'm asking. I asked him," What about my father? "
"... none. I believe so."
Neither Kite nor Emperor Leonhardt missed the fact that Ayul's reaction was delayed for only a moment. Apparently, Ayul, he suspects that there is something about him. Naturally.
That said, it seems that more than that, she is not believed by her father. Maybe I'm just keeping it in the cardinal externally. And there was a word to show it.
"That said. I understand that my father and I have no reason to believe... so I am asking you to stay in the Empire and be my liaison officer."
The face of the Emperor Leonhardt becomes something dangerous at once. I understand what you're trying to say. Whatever you think of this, it's a hostage. The Patriarchate offered his real daughter to the Empire as a hostage. I can understand which country this is. That's the only way to take it. And if so, the emperor Leonhardt could only give this answer.
"... I can't give an immediate answer to the boulder on this case. Let's bring it back, but expect a good answer."
Thank you. Thank you.
When I hear the words of the emperor Leonhardt, Ayul bows his head. That's how she left the room behind.
"... Lord. What do you think?"
"Are you sure you want to smash it?
I don't mind.
"You've been poking a pretty painful spot"
This is what Kate feels like. In a little while, a lot of countries will know this. Naturally, the empire's response is noted. When that happens, it's awkward at a not-so-slight level.
"If I can't take my hand here, the Empire is disturbing the harmony, I can't help it. You must have touched it when this was the Empire."
"Are you prepared to do something, can you only conclude it?"
"Only. To make the Allies function properly."
"Huh... we can rub it big when we get home... or we can hurry back a few people and hurry to gather information and deal with it immediately"
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Even the hasty move begins to move even more hastily at the behest of Emperor Leonhardt. And so, on this day, Kate was going to be followed in this response.