Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Episode 876: Mission Briefing - Deep Sea Edition
Have breakfast, roughly 2 hours. The breakfast was about 8: 00 in the morning, so it was around 10: 00. Some of them went outside for a little while and said they were sightseeing or had a stomachache, but all of them had returned to the hotel once.
Because we are going to be briefed on this request. Waiting that way, apparently this time a client arrived.
"Are they all here?
It was one of the captains of the Kingsguard Corps who came. It looks like Wendy, division leader and Alisa's sister, didn't come because she is familiar with Kate on the boulder. It would seem strange to come. If you ask me, they're focusing more on Alisa's escort now than they are on you, and they say it's a no-touch here.
"Well... this is Dahlyer, whose life from His Majesty led me to take a commentary on you. Remember that."
It was a mermaid man who came in. If you ask me in more detail, they say the 3rd division of the Kingsguard Corps is supposed to be involved in this sinking ship exploration mission, which seems to be the squad leader there. They say the rank is lieutenant.
"And it's not that hard to get you guys to do it. All you have to do is protect and investigate the outer perimeter of the sinking ship... but this is a very dangerous area. There are many other adventurers to go with man-made sea tactics this time. Do your research while you fight with them."
That's what Dahlyer tells you. It's a basic story, so this one didn't raise any particular questions. There's a Kingsguard out there for once, but we don't know what's on the sinking ship. After considering them, the main subject of this investigation was not the Royal Lorelei Army, but the Adventurer.
Adventurers are the most likely survivors in an unknown situation. The most likely damage reduction was the formation where the adventurers surveyed the perimeter of the sinking ship and the Royal Army alerted the perimeter.
The Royal Army had decided to have a role in preventing demonic incursions around the area while working with the surrounding area. So besides the kites, there were many adventurers working around the sinking ship. So the kites are one of them.
"Well... so this is the area you're going to be asked to investigate, but on the first day, it's about a kilometer on the south side of the area close to the sinking ship. The survey schedule is scheduled for three days, but may be prolonged for a few days or so. Keep that in mind. Please note that other than the next day, follow up with instructions depending on the investigation."
Darya shows the seabed topographical map around the sinking ship together. They say this one has already been investigated by the Royal Lauresian Army and will only become a full-scale investigation by the adventurers later.
"That's a lot of scope."
"Oh... it was originally a half-wood ship. Further demonic raids were expected to scatter fragments fairly extensively. What's more, as you may know, this is not the only ship that sank. This is the ship that seems the most obnoxious this time, and there are seven other civilian ships sinking, big and small, just between meetings... oh, half by the aftermath of that last battle, though."
In the wake of Fujido's doubts, Darya presents a list of sunken ships together. It was this other sinking ship that made the investigation even more difficult. There will be nothing about this one, which means that there was already a joint investigation by the Royal Lauresian Army and the Adventurers Union, but that is only a halt to the investigation.
In other words, wreckage other than the intended sinking vessel is also scattered nearby. While removing the wreckage, we also had to investigate the intended sinking vessel. It should be noted that the location of the Magea national airship seems to be different and will not affect this investigation. That's where Dahler explains it.
"So... I'm going to give you guys another overview of the sinking ship that we're going to have you investigate. The total length is 150 meters and the height is 25 meters and the total width is 15 meters. Although the outer shell of the ship is reinforced with metal, unlike the blueprints due to additional investigations, the interior would be wooden. I don't know more about this one. Completion is the Ragna Federation on the western tip of your Enesian continent. Information received from the Ragna Federation confirms this. You'll be conducting an internal investigation, and I'll have you fetch the ship's plans later."
Dahlyer looks at Kite and tells her so. Beyond being a natural but rule-of-law state, publicly built ships are publicly registered. Then, naturally, there is no wonder that some company has the plans, etc.
If this became a fairly old ship, it might have been impossible to lose it to boulders due to the consolidation and decommissioning of the operating company, but fortunately it wasn't that old. Looks like the Ragna federal government commissioned an operating company to drop me a copy of it. Even for an operating company, there is a combination of insurance, and it is gratifying to have a proper investigation. He didn't spare any cooperation.
"The operating company has also provided further information on the route of the ship. Apparently, he was taking a route around Enefia to the west."
"Around the west... you mean through either the southern part of the millennium kingdom, or the northern part of Valtard?
"We plan to investigate the detailed routes in our internal materials. The collection of the materials has also been requested. Until we get back to the boulder, the operating company won't know exactly where it is."
There's no way to know where and when you're free in Enefia. Therefore, even if the route is determined by a single plan, there is no way for the operating company to know if it is fulfilled properly. And it's Enefia. Depending on how demons appear, it is likely that the ship's route of travel will normally change.
"That said, as information of concern from the Union, one has been received. They say the ship under investigation could be passing through Ursia once. It contains information that it came from Ursia."
"Does that mean you're also leaving from the south side of the Ragna Federation..."
Kate modifies her opinion earlier. Basically there are also two routes when crossing Enefia in the sea. That is the boundary between the Millennium Kingdom and the Valtard Empire, mentioned earlier by Kate, namely the route that passes between the twin continents and the Isis continent, commonly known as the North Route, with one. And the other was what is commonly known as the South Route, which goes straight through a canal in the south of the southern continent of the Twins to Ursia.
I thought it was a rush flight because it was about to come to this meeting in the Ragna Federation, located in the northern hemisphere of Enefia, and I saw it as a north route, but apparently it was a super long flight out.
If it is intended solely for the continent of Ursia, it passes to the south of the continent of Enesia, and if it is also intended for trading along the way, it chooses a route that leads further to the continent of Ursia through the south of the twin continents. This time it looked like he was picking the latter.
"If so, could the shipment also contain items from various places accordingly?
"Oh, I can think of enough. If we had gone further through the Grand Canal of the Twins to the continent of Ursia, there would certainly be loads of those two continents."
"Depending on where you left off from and which route you took."
"It will... you'll probably have to start by finding the voyage log first."
"... are you okay, sailing log..."
"That's up to luck, that's all I can say..."
I shake my head like Dahlyer is concerned about Kate's words. A voyage log is a record that contains daily records on a ship. It is a document that must be kept aboard the ship by law, both on Earth and today.
Originally, it was something like a log describing the speed of the ship, etc., but now it was also possible to write down the date of stopover, the sudden occurrence of an incident, etc., and become a black box in case.
That said, unfortunately, this is mostly written down on paper. There was a great chance that it would be lost if wet in water. Although it is supposed to be stored in a sealed container in case it sinks in Enefia, it is often not protected because it is written down every day and put in every day. It would be reassuring if you protected them properly, but if not, you may consider the investigation to be even more difficult to navigate.
"If we can find the voyage log, it will be easier to do some outside research later. For once, no other sunken ship has gone to any other continent. All shipments outside of the Enesian continent may well be considered shipments of this ship"
In the words of Dahlyer, Kate should basically investigate what appears to be a shipment outside the Enesian continent. Well, it would be the last replenishment that could be considered as a reason for the ship in question to come to this meeting. If it is an ultra-long journey, it is also possible to replace the sailors.
Basically, it is good to assume that the captain is the only one in Enefia who keeps on board the ship on a journey that will also be on an annual basis. Sailors aboard the Ragna Federation would already be sailors on ships returning to the Ragna Federation.
"Well... so, any questions?
In the wake of Dahlyer finishing his brief, he now goes into presenting his doubts. Then, for some time after that, he was to be briefed on this assignment.
Then, for a while. The kites after the briefs were partly beside the break and partly into procuring the tools to use in this job.
"This will be an investigation mission under the sea, so we need the lights as a basic story."
"Hmm... does that mean you need something like a flashlight"
"Yeah, I will"
To Ayazaki's words, Kate nodded. No matter how clear the ocean was, the boulder will not have a transparency of 100. So no light has reached the deep sea 200 meters deep. If we're going to investigate, we need a light source for sure. And this was one of the tools that the adventurer side should have prepared.
"Well, fortunately, the temperatures in the surrounding waters seem to be pretty warm, so don't worry about your body temperature being taken away. Of course, it's 200 meters deep, so it's not super warm... so you'll need something like a wetsuit, besides breathing magic equipment."
"Is that why you made me prepare my swimsuit?
"You don't want to get your body temperature taken away by a wet, hard-to-move quote, do you? You can't normally use protective equipment."
Kate speaks clearly to Fujido's inquiry. That's how he took it in the hands of the city's tool shop - a shop that deals with equipment for adventurers, even though it was a single wristband-shaped demonic prop.
"What's that?
"A tool to tension a thin membrane and protect your body from water pressure... well, in brief, the personal use of foam that was even unfolding on the ship you saw by the time you got here. It's something to wear on your arm and use... well, you can't help but change the price depending on the depth,"
With Kite laughing, she sticks a bracelet for the number of people - except for Kite's - into the basket for her hand.
"Couldn't you buy this in Maxwell?
"No, unfortunately... 'Portland Emelia' would buy it. When it's an inland city on boulders, no one buys this stuff unless there's a bigger lake..."
"Purchasing route, are you okay with not holding it down?
"That's just in case, so I asked the Victor Chamber of Commerce"
"Well, that's great..."
Fujido half-laughs at Kate's answer to Ayazaki's question. It looked like it was holding down completely to the purchasing route.
"Well, aside from that. You shouldn't overconfident this... interlude, this just covers your body with bubbles. None of them have defenses. You should think that the bullet in the water is almost that, that is, death. You can blow your arm off and you're done."
"Let's be careful"
Ayazaki nodded as he stuck a bracelet-shaped demon prop into the basket himself. This is a bubble. It is only as effective as a pressure reducing chamber to keep the body from being deprived of temperature and to get the body used to water pressure.
You can say that none of the defenses are as good as Kate says. If so, it is only this time that we have brought a team with the main focus on avoiding Kendo and Karate. That's how he shoves it into the basket for the number of people, and Kite looks at the next.
"Um, for now, I decided to do this sizing later... and all I needed was... someone forgot their swimsuit, or something?
"No, I haven't heard. How's Fujido?
"Neither have you. I heard the girls say something about new bathing suits."
"Then don't you have to buy anything else?"
That's what Kate says, shifting her gaze away from the swimsuit corner. Basically, swimsuits are sold everywhere in the Kingdom of Lorelei. There are quite a few who wear it as a regular outfit. Of course in winter it gets a little colder, so not many weave hoodies, but if you are the one living alone in Lauresia, the swimsuit was Zara all year round.
"Later... the flashlight..."
Kite next starts looking for flashlights to buy for the number of people. Follow that and start the search with all the faces that were once here shopping, too. As such, it was going to be spent that day preparing for an investigation mission starting tomorrow.