Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Episode 923: The Moon Child
Well, we were supposed to stay overnight at Rutherford's house, but for now, the kites were supposed to be welcomed by Rutherford. Well, this was no wonder or anything, and nobody ever doubted me.
Anyway, his father, Rackham, is among them. Where the hospitality was opened, even the chiefs of the Lake Lion (Koshi) tribe did not question it. So Kite and the others took the hospitality for now, but Rutherford decided to ask what they really needed to hear.
"Father, there's one thing I need to ask you."
"That look of Canaan. How the hell is that going to change? Even among the awkward relative, I see that power was comparable to that of Sister Yale."
"Hey!? Stop damaging your reputation!
To Rutherford's words, Yale, who was eating rice beside Charm and Canaan, raises a similar protest to a scream. but it actually is, so I can't help it. Actually, she can be the strongest of Rackham's children. The same goes for propriety for martial arts, but his physical abilities are also quite strong as if he were a father and mother conceded. Besides, Rackham laughed and decided to push ahead.
"Ha ha. So?"
"Hey! Don't go through it! Because it's not true! Because it's a lie! Because I'm not that strong!?
"Ha... I am proud to say that the awkward have touched the truth of this world quite deeply as a child of heroes, as they are still young. but I've never seen or heard of any changes that might have been oligarchy."
What Rutherford inquired through all Yale's words was Canaan's change in the fight against him. Surely this was something everyone wondered about. And there were other questions.
"Furthermore, my father has blonde hair. Her mother, Lord Mary Jane, has only blonde or dark hair in her bloodstream. Is that why silver hair is born?
Rutherford asks the most questions. Even if you suspect metaphorical seclusion, Canaan is suspicious. Both parents can only have blondes or brunettes. Yet she has shiny silver hair.
Actually, that's why he didn't initially think Canaan was the son of Rackham and Mary Jane. Therefore, Rutherford dared not go out on his own when he saw the possibility that Russell was in charge. Of course, this is what Nieli knew. After consultation.
I didn't plan to become a person at all, but I had to take a person shape because Lu came out, and even from there, Rutherford thought maybe.
It can be said that Nieli is also a gateway to martial arts, but the late martial arts bone. He said he really respected the man in front of him. My father brought Canaan in to wonder what was going on, so I understood that this girl would be the one to hear the rumors.
"Oh, that one? Sora... I don't know. Can't you do that?"
Rakham laughs, tilting his booze. Kate and the others flatly called Kanan 'The Moon Child', but this is actually an unknown word. Or so much knowledge that even a beast man didn't know so much about it.
"Canaan is the Moon Child."
Rakham tells. but no one knew that. Nevertheless, that would also be natural. I'm proud to grasp so much - and admit it around - that even Rutherford didn't know. And that's not impossible either. As a matter of fact, this was the first time I'd even seen Rackham or Reynard.
"Well, it's not impossible not to know... in fact, I've never seen it either. I mean, I've never even seen Kite before, have I?
"If you're half-baked, I do. but the perfect" Moon Child "is the first."
Upon Rackham's enquiry, Kite traces her memory and agrees that she has hardly ever seen it. Even he says he doesn't know more than Canaan exists. In a way, it was so rare. And he continued looking at Canaan.
"Well, as I leave the details to Tina..." The Moon Child "is not a name for race or anything. That's just what they call him."
"This may be referred to as a compatibility issue. Essentially, factors are not compatible according to race... but in general, the species of beast man and blood-sucking princess with ancestors, for example, the Golden Lion and other god beasts who serve the moon, are not considered compatible. That's about as much as it's said to be part of the cause of the poor friendship between the two species."
Once again, Tina explains what is commonly known. species that are incompatible with each other as organisms, it really exists. As a matter of principle, there is no alternative to all this.
"But... actually, this is the other way around."
"On the contrary, is it?
"Um. Not the other way around. It's too compatible, but it's why."
Tina laughs. So, she went on.
"The" Beast Factor "of the Beast Man is activated using the magic of the Sun and the Moon, depending on the ancestral Divine Beast. In contrast, the Blood Sucking Princess... the" Blood Factor "of those commonly called the" Night Clan "can also be activated using the magic of the Moon. Is this good?
Rutherford nodded to agree with what Tina had told him. This is what he found out, too. That's why I thought they said it was incompatible with the biology of both races.
but this seems to have a narrative. It would be a strange story to say that they both use the same force to activate factors, but that they are not compatible there. As such, Tina, who saw the consent, decided to continue the commentary further.
"Now... your lords and the family of Golden Lions will embrace the magic of the Moon if you apply it to this. Well, let's preach to Buddha, shall we?
Tina laughs. Both the Sun and the Moon have the concept of stars. When that happens, you may inevitably assume that this Enefia, or Earth, has the same magic flow.
If so, no wonder it is pouring down on the earth where people dwell, like the sun and moonlight. And it was the beasts who were ancestors of the divine beast who were accepting that power and strengthening themselves.
By the way, I'm not embracing the moon magic in a lump sum just because the look of the divine beast is a nocturnal animal who said lion or wolf. They are up to the beast of God. And there's more to that story than usual if you take it to Rutherford. Tina was right, it was a theory to Buddha.
"Uhm... I would say that the Lord and the Golden Lions and the Divine Werewolves are probably maximized at that point. There is no longer enough capacity to accept more power... so it doesn't look like it's compatible. You're too strong on the other hand. It doesn't mean that you will destroy yourself even if you have powerful powers. Especially since it's a baby. There's no way I can stand so much power."
"I see..."
Rutherford was told and understood. The point is, they become too powerful. It's too strong to accept flesh. So it's hard to be blessed with children. What a wonder.
If so, if it were possible to be born, this power would be weak, that is, half of what Kate said, or very rarely would it be born, that a man with only enough flesh to withstand that mighty power would become the "Moon Child". And Canaan was the latter. And, looking at Canaan like that, Rutherford got even more doubts.
"Then I wonder... why was Canaan weak until earlier?
"Oh, that or. Well, I don't have a choice."
He was eating guts and meat - he gets quite hungry as a consideration for his power consumption - and Canaan notices the gaze from Tina, stopping the chopsticks.
"Oh, eat, eat. It would have consumed a lot of energy."
"Oh, yeah."
At Tina's urging, Canaan returns to his meal again. They were so hungry. I was eating a few times the usual. They exploded their physical abilities, but as a result their energy consumption was also out of digits.
She said her body was experiencing high fever, which was also due to it. He said his metabolism had jumped a few dozen times more than at any given time.
"Well, let's make sense. Until recently, he knew nothing about the power of a bloodsucking princess. You didn't leave it completely rusty. Or I wouldn't have used it once since I was born. I didn't fall asleep completely instead of rusting. That's why you can only give the same performance as a normal beast man's half. If you know what the factors are, you won't be able to use your powers. If you know you have fangs, you can't use them."
Tina tells you something that makes too much sense. I told Reynard a few days ago, but he didn't know, so he couldn't use it. And we're going to have to train to use it. A considerable amount of training was required to use the earlier force.
"Now, when we talked about it, Canaan woke up so forcefully at that moment that he should be able to be stronger in pain."
So I convince one Rutherford that it was in such a way as to make him feel fever. And if so, I was also convinced that Canaan's memories before and after that were vague.
At that moment, almost she was losing her reason. I guess the cloudiness of memory and the disappearance of reason are just the result of instinct unlocking the limiter.
"Well... then I don't know if we're going to talk about the earlier forms... hey, Canaan. Stop eating with the boulder. I'll tell you the story of the Lord earlier."
"See? Oh, yes"
Canaan seems to be quite satisfied because he ate quite a bit, and stops eating hands for now. With that in mind, Tina decides to explain "The Moon Child" again.
"Well," The Moon Child "features silver-haired burning eyes. Well, it's not Canaan now. This will be this color in normal times, no matter what color of hair or eyes the parent is"
In the wake of Tina's words, we observe Canaan as well as Rutherford. Even so, there's nothing strange about Fukuko that I'm already used to seeing. Head with bright silver hair, characterised by bouncing as if it were a beast's ear. Crimson burning eyes like blood. It is the same as usual about Canaan. but this was apparently a testament to The Moon Child.
The trouble with this is that it can normally also result from inheritance from both parents. Both Tina and Kate now suspected you, ignoring the possibility of a mutation because it was so small.
"Well... on top of that, let's start with the first phase. In addition to burning eyes, hair burning like flames. The change in hair to" Ernshan "is referred to as the first stage" Ernshan ". Because the burning aura matches the long hair up to the waist and it looks like a flaming glow. You don't get extraordinary physical abilities in this state."
That's what they said. Together, they remind me of what happened to Canaan shortly after he got up. Her hair was reddish and discoloured as if it were burning. Besides, Rutherford was distracted by the crimson aura and hadn't noticed, but her hair was stretched to her waist then. That was paired with her wrapped crimson aura as if her hair had given the impression of a flame.
"And then, a second form. Your eyes shine in silver like the moon. This is referred to as the second form," Eunzatsu ". Because your eyes look like a silver moon floating in a scorching heat. In this state, the eyes are awakened with a special demonic eye called the" Moonless Eye ". Of course, physical abilities rise further into the wrong digits... but they didn't make as much sense as you did because you were unconscious."
Rutherford understands that it was this second form that he saw. but even that one still seems to be about to say half awake. I was able to control it, but Canaan was sometimes immature, but he just swung at me.
"And further up. Third form. This is called hemolysis. The Lord has seen it too. Scarlet wings appeared on his back."
"Ha... that was the manifestation of the third form?
"Uhm. That is Scarlet Wings. When that appears, the Son of the Moon (Moon Child) will have no meaning whatsoever in heaven or earth. Even the sky would run around as freely as the ground. It's going to increase your output."
There was no point in Rackham stopping it either. Rutherford was able to respond with his moves because he was still a powerful Canaan, but there are limits to that. It would have been tougher than that.
"And last. This time it's even, and I can't do it like that... but on top of that, there's the final form. Its name is" Fire God/Scarlet God. "There is not much physical change. but in this form a scarlet engraving appears throughout the body. The fiery scarlet wings and the mighty power of God deserve to be called God."
Tina tells the final stage. In the second form, it far surpasses the bestialized beast man. Equivalent to < >. It was something that Kate and even Tina, who is now explaining here, didn't know where the end of it would go.
"but... well, this street doesn't seem to work and consume a fair amount of calories. It's just a temporary boost."
"Ngu... sorry..."
Apparently, I can't contain my hunger anymore. Canaan had secretly reached for meat from the middle of the explanation. Tina laughs at her like that. In the end, nothing changes. In fact, Canaan had hidden powers, just to say.
That's what I'm talking about, and I'm with the Solas, whose Dragon blood is about to be revealed. Only to varying degrees. In the end, nothing changed. Canaan merely lamented the fact that the training content had increased, and nothing else had changed.