Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Episode 959: Air Raid Troops
When Sola was training with the youth of < >. Her Yuri, by the way, was crossed over Leia with Mizuki.
"Leia! Sudden descent!
At the behest of Mizuki, Leia descends about 400 meters from a height of about 500 meters. Thus, when she reached the prescribed altitude, she pulled the reins and sent instructions to Leia, causing her to stop abruptly.
At the urging of Mizuki, Yuri, who had a bow behind Mizuki, leads the arrow. When he immediately looked at the target - something like a balloon floating in the air - he fired an arrow.
"Huh! Huh! Phew!"
Shooting an arrow three times. Yuri had three balloons shot through perfectly. Nadal was measuring those series of flows with a stopwatch.
"... a double for a minute and 32 seconds."
"Well, isn't this what it's like to be the first few days?
"I don't know how to compare you to this lame kid."
Nadal also agrees with Kate's words. There are a lot of places that need to be reworked, but it seems to be a good move for beginners. Incidentally, a series of streams is a perfectly normal thing for a dragon cavalry to fly off the ground to reach a predetermined altitude, unleash a Tenryu brace system attack to destroy a target, shoot - or slash - after a sudden descent to destroy another target.
The important thing about the foundation seems to be the flow so important that it is said to be stuck in this, and it is also used in the sense of measuring the power of our people. Nadal trained Mizuki in the first place. The power of Leia is believed. Given that, they could have said that this degree was reasonable when it came to plausibility.
"Oh... hey! Come on down!
Because of the results in the meantime, Kite speaks up and tells Mizuki and Yuri. In response, Mizuki manipulated Leia to descend to the ground again.
"Good. That's good, Leia"
Mizuki strokes Leia down to the ground. Besides, Leia grunted her throat in a good mood. Meanwhile, Nadal gives the results against those two.
"One minute, 30 seconds."
"Uh... sorry."
I apologize to Mizuki, who opened his eyes a little unexpectedly, because Yuri seemed sorry. Truth is, if it's just Rui Tree, the record will shrink just a little bit. At the point before I started this training right now, Yuri was showing me a series of operations once, but the record was growing - specifically, about 20 seconds - more than it was then.
It should be the gift of training and Leia's qualities that allowed us to exceed our average in a short period of time. Nadal's right, this Tenryu seems to be of good quality. It was a coincidence, but you should think you were able to capture a good Tenryu. Of course, there's Nadal's arm.
"Oh, no. That's not what I meant... Yuri, it seemed pretty early, didn't it?
"Oh. Well, I'm a newbie and I'll make it a few days, not bad. I'll keep my heart beating too."
Nadal keeps his eye on Mizuki. As I said earlier, I could press my heartbeat that it was good as a skill, both as him and as a kite. As for there, it will be safe and sound. As such, Nadal went on.
"To be clear, the cause is that Leia's vigilance hasn't been solved yet. Plus, he's still not used to flying with two people on board. It's not balanced. I only have practice with this. Now, make sure you get an average value."
To the advice from Nadal, for now, the two give a relief look. If you're not skilled enough, just practice. And they all stopped once to practice. It was nothing to worry about.
"Well, and. As a matter of fact, the shortest time is far away. The average is the average."
"For your information, how much is it?
Yuri asks Nadal's words. He was honestly interested here.
"Less than 30 seconds on a single. As far as I've got it, well, that would be the fastest."
"" Eh. ""
Nadal's answer causes the two of them to cramp their cheeks for a moment. It was cutting a third of the average. It is an overwhelming rate when it comes to overwhelming.
"Ha... it's a combination of this guy and the sun direction. No metastases."
I think both of us agree with the trend according to the V-sign - the human form today - I see. It's a combination of kite and sunset. I can say cheat.
"Ma, show him once. Even a single one would be helpful."
"Aye... Hitachi"
The sun turns into a dragon to the extent that Kite is tempered. Besides, kite crossed.
"Good... go"
Eh, and the sunshine kicks the ground. That's how she helped, and with some acceleration she rose to the universe all at once. And at the same time, Nadal activates the stopwatch. Until now, it's no different from the Mizuki Leia group. but what changed was when we got pretty close to a predetermined altitude.
In line with Kate's decree, the sun's direction breathes in as it rises. There are 10 balloons to target in total. but the next moment. Kate jumped from the top of the sun direction and turned to the opposite of heaven and earth to squeeze her bow.
Kate inhaled heavily as she fell. That's how I stop breathing with my inhaled breath intact.
"... Ha"
At the same time as exhaling her accumulated breath, Kate shoots a squeezed arrow. And at the same time. The sun set off < >. It thrust as it split, but the sun also began to descend once and for all before seeing the results.
"Good! Hitachi!
When Kite releases only an arrow for the number of balloons, he turns and becomes a big letter and slows down under the resistance of the wind. Then, when Kite's voice is heard, the sun direction accelerates even further and walks side by side with Kite.
Kite grabs the back of the sunset that runs alongside her, taps her back and sends a signal. As a result, the direction of the sun slowed down, knowing that Kite had been able to catch it well, and he spread his wings like a glider, increasing both slowly and slowly.
"This is how it works."
As the sun began to glide in the wind, Kate lowered her hips on the back of the sun. And at the same time, all targets are destroyed, causing Nadal to stop the stopwatch.
"A 40-second flat. Well, it's like this because I'm clueless."
I had to leave my mouth open that Nadal nodded satisfactorily, while neither Mizuki nor Yuri were pompous. I was wondering if there was a way to do it.
"Oh, that's why. Don't bother stopping me. I don't need you anywhere."
Nadal tells them, looking at the shadow of the gliding sun. In the first place, it's taking time, because they're stopping to destroy intentionally. Without this, the record shrinks more.
That's what Kate did. but this is something we can't do without excellent collaboration with each other. Furthermore, the side of the dragon also requires intellect that can fully understand the will of the operator. You have to be smart enough to understand what you have to do.
In that regard, since Hitachi lived with Kite and the others shortly after birth, he had the same intelligence as elementary school students even at the time 300 years ago. So I heard exactly what Kate said, and she was able to destroy the balloon herself.
"So, another Yuri. I'm a stubborn tutor, so I don't know the details, but how do you improve your physical abilities?
Yuri is asked by Nadal to recall his magic tricks about faster moving vision that he usually uses. She's basically a sniper. Basically, the battle was good at a distance, and I didn't use much higher technique.
Then, because it is better to increase the range so that it can be seen far away, it is better to increase the angle of view and visible distance than to train the mobile vision, which leads to improved combat power.
"The eyes greatly enhance the distance."
"After all... can't you make it a little?
"Can you do that?
Yuri tilts his neck. It should be noted that not many names are called for magic about physical abilities. There seems to be one, but no one cares.
"Then you'd better drop your distance but increase your recognition acceleration and motor vision. This one will get used to it and practice, but you can pack it that way. I don't know. Scope."
Nadal is not a warrior in the first place, he is a dragon tuner. Therefore, I don't know much about combat. So just the advice, I seem to have left my handouts useless.
Of course, it doesn't mean you can't fight, but the majority of it is based on the ability of the Dragons. As a warrior's skill, you can't count on it. And with that advice, Kite came back.
"Ooh. Is that what this is about?
"Whoa... well, it's a single, so it's just for reference, but that's enough."
"Right. Basically, no matter what you do, if you stop moving all the time, you can say you're top notch as a dragon knight and a dragon rider."
Take over Nadal's words and Kate will explain again from the top of the day. As a basic story, the reason it's taking the most time for the two of us to act is because we're stopping. Aim and shoot. Aim and release. Aim and slash. It stops Leia once so that she can target it firmly.
As long as it's gone, Rui Tree alone can shrink more time now. Furthermore, because there is no change in speed, the burden on Leia is also reduced. These are completely made and top notch.
And of course, if Mizuki and Yuri breathe, Yuri can jump off Leia and catch them in the air, just like Kate did earlier. I guess it's still a place to train.
"Later, it depends on practice... then repeat your current practice later,"
Tell Nadal to repeat it over and over again. That's how they began to learn the art of attacking from above the sky on this day.