Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 1131: gossip - meeting two people -

Fully foresighted of the escape plan, I was then taken into custody. However, the place next time it was transferred was not a locker. Of course, it's not like a comfort house. It's a slightly larger mansion on the side of the church.

"Well... this is the next Yuri's house."

"... Huh?

Bless your face with grandeur. I didn't understand what you were saying. I was led to a normal room. It is a normal room with no change. There's a bed, there's a desk, there's a light - and of course, it's a magic prop - and it's a normal room.

A little better than when I was outside. There are other shelves like bookshelves, but there was nothing inside here on the boulder.

"No, 'cause you don't feel like getting out anymore, do you? There's no point keeping a guy in a cell who's unwilling to leave. Everywhere you go, you'll be a bartender."


His words took my breath by accident. That's right. I knew it well in that act. Where I tried to escape, I can only see a future that is completely visible.

We should have targeted the best timing, the best opportunity. And yet, they were totally seeing through it. This man has no chance of winning no matter how he scratches his feet. He was far above himself in all his intelligence, force, etc.

"Well, and. This room is sturdy, too. Slightly rampaging is no problem... so rest for now. Come and get me at dinner time."


He walked out of the room with the sound of it. Now I'm completely free. but still can't move. It makes me feel like all my actions are on his palm.

Even his words about not running away from here seemed convenient to make me dance on my palm. Isn't something set up? I guess I should just call it a suspicious ghost. If I suspect one, I suspect the next one. I was in such a state.


Poof, and falls into bed. It was a decent bed for the first time in years, unlike a barn. Since you came to this hell, you can say it's the first time. Honestly, it felt so good, I felt like heaven, I wanted to say.

"I wonder what will happen next"

There's only one thing to think about. This is what's going to happen. I didn't have the strength to disobey the earliest. They showed a perfect and overwhelming difference in power that far. My teething heart was completely broken.

"... maybe it's a good idea."

Everyone dies at some point. With that in mind, living as his comforter here would not be a bad ending. Fortunately, if it was him, I wouldn't throw it away where I had kids. They will feed their children together.

At least we can avoid a miserable ending like the women who are living by selling their sexuality to both bandits. Compared to that, you can say heaps.

"... that...?

A little, tired. I guess it's because I've lived with care ever since. If I gave up everything, it would have been easier. Consciousness goes far so that the tensile thread relaxes.

"Already... here we are..."

Consciousness falls to the brink. I didn't care about many things at the earliest. I didn't even care to be offended while I was asleep. In that way, my consciousness would be completely interrupted.

My unconscious consciousness awakened for a while after that. If you say it around, you can say it's the night. I should have taken action at first light of noon, so I would preferably sleep for nearly 6 hours.

"... Oh, you're up"

When I woke up. It was Vivian who was beside me. She was sitting in a chair reading with every soft grin. It's been years since I've seen a book. Therefore, it came as a slight surprise.

"Oh, this? There are writers in this city."


Is he even there? I was honestly surprised. This place is no different from the outside. A little, no, it's just pretty dangerous. And she continued.

"As you know, there are a lot of people in this' Naruto '. Many of them are criminals... but not many of them have been wronged like you."

"I know. Because pretty much everyone did when I was there."

"Haha. Yeah, I guess so."

Perhaps this Vivian is one of them. I think so. She said she threw away all her past before she met Kate. Therefore, even "Yuri (now)" I do not know.

"Well, some of them are like peer companies being bribed and dropped. This writer is one of them."

"Oh, that..."

I accidentally try to reach out to the book Vivian was reading. I knew the author. I heard the wind of sickness and death, but I didn't think it was dropped here. Though I've tried to tell him greatly, what I'm saying is he's a junior civilian. I am no different from the ordinary people who are informed.

"Oh, you like this? I'll lend it to you when I'm done reading it."

"... good?

"Yeah. I'll see you after reading it."

While I find it foolish to believe in people, I couldn't beat this temptation. Even this used to favor reading. I've read all of this author's books, and I spared quite a bit when I heard he was dead. As one of my fans, I also attended the funeral.

but I also knew that there were some very famous rumors on the literature that he was very badly friends with a writer. So I didn't wonder. So much so that this author's arm was excellent. If you can't kick it down, you can physically kick it down, no wonder they thought.

"Do you like books?

"... yeah. I was an editor before I worked for the Imperial Castle... and I know him."

Well, there are so many books in my original room that I can get into those rumors, and I'm good at sorting out materials. I was expected to work for the royal castle of the kingdom. Headhunted, that's why.

That's why they dropped it. I stumbled upon embezzlement when I was bookkeeping with my old pestle. I thought it was a mistake on the books, but it's actually embezzlement and bribery that's what the story is about.

"... that, thank you"

"You're welcome."

For the first time in years, words of gratitude came out of my mouth. I've never said anything like that in my whole life. Really, it's been a long time.

"Um... so, what can I do for you?

"Oh, I was. I'm sorry, it's time for dinner. When it gets too late, Morgan will."

"Wow! You guys! I told you it was rice! If you don't eat, we won't be cleaning up forever, so eat up!

Almost simultaneously with Vivian's words, the door to my room is kicked out at a time as if I had been listening. It was one young nun who came in that way. It looks good to say it's pathetic, but it was so vibrant that I couldn't feel anything like it.

She knows. It was a woman named Morgan. It was the woman who was carrying the meal to me. She was the only nun in this hell and the administrator of the church. From Vivian, they were listening.

"I'm sorry. I was just talking to you."

"I'm telling you it's rice, I'm just coming! You just get out of bed and come downstairs, too! I won't carry you from today on!

Plumpy and angry, Morgan leaves the room behind. To the nun's habit, he left like a storm.

"Haha. Let's go. It's a lot of hassle to be late."


Even though I'm under barometric pressure, for now I'm hungry, so I follow Vivian on foot. Ahead that way, a few children were heard.

"Haha. Here, right next to the church orphanage... or the dining room is with you, isn't it? It's just that Morgan and the kids eat over there and we eat over here. Oh, Morgan's over here today, too."

"Why such a shape?

"Originally, this house was built next to a church. Kite lives here."

"... wait. So this is his house?

"Yeah, you are. Me, kite and morgan's house. Morgan often sleeps with orphans in church, so maybe that's it."

Vivian nodded clearly at my inquiry. Apparently, I was supposed to be treated as the residence of his house. At last, he was presenting the look of the comforter. but it didn't matter because I had already given up. And, knowing or not knowing my insides like that, Vivian went on.

"Well, that's why you have to put up with the kids coming over here often. It would simply be awkward for a large adult man or woman to sleep with you over there, which is why we added more."

"I'm not in a position to say no."

"Haha...... well, still fine for the time being. Because Kate's hurt. Because those kids are sweet."

Apparently, he can secure sleep for the time being. Besides, if I knew I was here, the kids wouldn't be around. There is no such thing as optimism. So I had nothing to worry about.

That's how I got down to the ground floor, but what I was guided was a slightly larger living room commensurate with the size of the house. Looks like a kitchen counter. In the visible kitchen, there was a figure of Morgan. And beyond that, I can see another room. Probably an orphanage in the church.

"Oh, you're here. Wait a minute...... yes, everyone! Chiu-ku! Time to take a bath - I'll bring dinner to Kite, so the older kids will take good care of the younger ones, as usual."

"" "Yes!

The children listen honestly to Morgan's words, and at the same time their voices are distant as if the waves were going to pull. Looks like he's headed for the bath. There's no way she can do everything by herself in a boulder. I guess I'll leave it up to you to take a bath. In the meantime, she seems to be having dinner or something.

"Oh man... really, those kids..."

"That's sweet, everybody."

"I mean, I have to tell you something about Kite. I honestly don't go in there... how much he likes me. I thought you were a kid general..."

Morgan, who gave the children a bath, prepared a meal for three, in a very frightening manner. Besides, I asked.

"... for three?

"You, Vivi, me. For three."

"What's his share?

The question arose because there are four people in this House. Plus, Morgan, who finished preparing a meal for everyone, gave me a very frightened look.

"He'll let you sleep in your room. That idiot, get out into the gap where we took our eyes off... nah, this is the best time to solicit Yuri, man. Thanks to you, the wound opened and now I'm wearing a healing pill on my bed. I'll deliver the meal later, but it's a one-person menu."

"... idiot?

To the information from Morgan. I honestly could only get this one word out of the depths of my heart. Seriously, idiots stood in the extreme, too. I never thought I'd even use an injury. Obviously, it was flying.

"Yeah, silly."

"Yeah, that's stupid."

My words seemed to be a normal reaction from both of us. Besides, I'm just a little relieved. Apparently, he's the only one flying and the other two are decent enough to say. I just figured that out, but I'm relieved.

And that's how I decide to keep eating, listening to the two thrilled people with their stupidity about kite. In there. Well, I had a thought.

"Really, idiot"


There was a certain emotion seeping in there, cursing him as an idiot. That's a romantic sentiment of love or love, if you're going to paraphrase it. Even if I'm only with you for a little while, I'm in love enough to notice. I can tell you what. So over the next few days, I was going to have a new day listening to their conversation.