Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Episode 1223: Nakatsu Kokuni/Arrival
From a chat with the Rufaus and the others, the morning after dawn of the night. The kites were flying the airship again and coming to Heavenly Cherry Blossom School.
"Good... you've gotten used to it a lot"
Kate looks at the instant handiwork and pushes her heartbeat that she won't have to work as an assistant anymore if she looks like this. Plus, I smiled instantly.
"Right. Well, I've repeated it so many times already."
"Or... good. You can leave this to the transport boat."
Once again, Kite presses his heartbeat against the moment to grant further permission. We naturally arrived by transport boat at Tensakura School to transport students from Tensakura School to the airport.
It is not possible to transport this large number of people to Nakatsu on a boulder at once. Besides, this airship is only a transport boat for carrying things. Not suitable for prolonged transport of personnel.
Therefore, it was decided to charter a few airships to transport personnel and take them on board to Nakatsu. And I instantly entrusted one of them. It's my license. There would be no reason to let them play. And well, if you say so, I'll dress up. If I told you, I could have told you that I cheated on the cost of hiring a pilot. And those moments fumble into mouth.
"Should I be able to move military aircraft, too?"
"Haha. If you're not prepared to bury a bone over here, you should stop it."
"Hmm... I don't think that's necessary..."
"Hmm... well, if you're a senior, say so"
I think it might be a good idea for Kate to think a little bit about the words in the moment. Moments would be good to say no to some of the best already in the adventure department. Adventurers as blessed as he is with the physical, mental and surrounding environment are rare. As he continues his training, he will probably be able to gain good power by turning down as a hero in as little as a decade.
Moreover, as soon as the moment returns to Earth, his division, Ku Hulin, makes it clear that he will be fully archaic as a warrior. Enough, it's good to see that you can get the strength to also be able to transfer across worlds on your own. And he makes it clear that he will also act as his assistant on Earth in support of Kate. If so, it was easy to assume that we would frequently travel to and from Enefia and Earth.
"Besides, we won't be able to do that practice in time this time anyway, and we won't be flying military aircraft in the first place. Give it up and be patient over here."
"I know."
"Well...... anyway, that's a personnel ride in for now. Sakura, what's going on over there?
'Oh, yes. This is where we get in every class now.'
Cherry blossoms report to Kite's inquiry via headset, who will be working as student association president for the first time outside in a long time. Originally put in that respect, he should go outside for a moment and do the work - the moment is the meeting of the Federation of Clubs - but unfortunately he has the great responsibility of flying the airship.
So Sho on his behalf, not that Sora was being defrauded. Sho had to check Kite's guide to Ko Pilot, and he stayed here.
"Good... hey, in the light."
"How's Principal Sakurada doing?
"Mm-hmm. So far, it seems okay. Maple's watching it with you."
"Oh well. Okay, then."
Kate asks about Principal Sakurada's situation from the light, and she nods, "Is there a problem?" Who is the oldest man in the Heavenly Cherry Blossom School series? It's still him. That said, the person in question did not fall because he was originally a police officer and worked out. I was just concerned because I'm just old and intense.
"Well, it's a hot spring, and can you slow down"
"It works a lot, doesn't it?
"Well. Naturally, fatigue recovery comes from a variety of medicinal sources. That's why there can be electric baths."
'Wow. Not better than the bad hot springs in Japan?
I brought it in.
Kite laughs at the inquiry in the light, revealing the seeds. That's why I decided to wait for the personnel to load up while we chatted there. After a while, the cherry blossom contacted me without saying anything about it.
"It's over -"
"Aye. Cherry blossoms are annoying too. Then I'll close the rear hatch so you don't come near me."
Hearing the cherry blossom reply, Kate manipulates the bridge console to close the rear hatch. It's still narrow because it's cargo space, but I just have to get you to put up with it for a while. Either way, it's patience until the transfer.
"Good. Confirm rear hatch closure... ready to launch"
"Ready to launch...... start take-off"
"… Confirmation of take-off start"
While Kate checks the instantaneous procedure, she makes sure that there is no mistake so far. That's how the spacecraft with the kites and the students of Tensakura School slowly proceeded towards Maxwell's airport again.
Okay, then an hour. When Kate broke up with the moment and left Ko Pilot to Xiang, he was coming to the airship where he would fly himself.
"Oh, no problem."
"This one's fine."
"Neither do I."
Following Kate's words, moments and Sora replies. This time, apart from the moment, two of Sola Al were supposed to serve as the other captain. Though Sola's arm is slightly concerned, Al has also been remembered as an army to operate the airship. And for once, in fact, he even let the transport boat operate in pairs of Sola and Al instead of instantly. So with Al's assistant, it would be fine, the decision was made.
Furthermore, with this division, it is possible to control each airship alone, even in the unlikely event of anything. He was also a candidate for thought. In addition, he also places Lil as an instant assistant. This would be fine in the unlikely event of any airship happening. Note that kite co pie is tina.
"Good. Then we're off. It will be local time but we will arrive this evening"
Copy that.
As Kate said, Sola and Moment raise the output of the airship. Approximately fewer than 150 people are on board per ship. The size of the airship is about the same as it was in the summer, but this time it was broken up in the second half of the first half of the year and the three ships were able to handle it. Needless to say, the increase is due to the increase in the size of the Adventure Department.
And furthermore, since we're only going to Nakatsu this time, it's not farther than then. So I flew at about 200 km/h for about 12 hours. It is a distance from Japan to the hinterland of China, in the sense of the Earth. On top of being relatively close to the sea, it was possible because it was a McDawell family airship.
Kate takes the airship to a situation where the autopilot can start, while first thinking about the current situation.
"Well, don't do anything where you say."
"Oh, yeah."
Kate laughed at Tina's point. I won't do anything when I say what I'm going to do. Even if you can be an autopilot, you need to stay here just in case.
I've refrained from any other leaves, and Aigis and Firefly are operating the airship directly into the main circuit, but it's not good that the kites aren't here. That's why they were supposed to come on behalf of them who couldn't move.
"And so!
"This is why!
"I don't know how."
Tina twitches into Yuri and Soleil's words. And I'm just saying, if you look at this, you'll see.
"It's Nakatsu country, so take a flower bill."
Suggested by Yuri following Soleil. In other words, Soleil was bringing flower bills.
Fortunately, the bridges of airships of this size are very wide compared to planes on Earth. There is usually room to eat and drink, and there are toilets, showers, etc. It also has a simple bed for sleeping.
It's Enefia, which is several times the size of the Earth. The burden on the pilot was not comparable, and this is what would have happened if a relaxation area had been set up against it. I have an autopilot, and I basically only go straight ahead, so I'm asking for that on the road. There was nothing wrong with doing anything but being in the cockpit in case of a demonic raid or something.
"Ha... well, I'm free anyway"
To the three cheerful people, Kite sighed. Needless to say, free time is free. So I don't have any problems. And the safe route to Nakatsu is fixed, even if the military patrols regularly on the road.
You may say that there are rarely any problems. So the kites are free, so they decided to get excited about the flower bills because they're running out of time.
So that's roughly 12 hours later. Surrounded by darkness already at night. The kites were in Nakatsu. This time, though, unlike before when Kate arrived, Hot Springs Street was a destination about an hour away by airship from the capital, Dawn.
So when Kate asked the fleet of Nakatsu countries guarding the capital to conduct an immigration screening, he was moving further east through it to the vicinity of the volcanic zone.
"Good. Immigration clearance is over, and... hey, is everybody awake?"
"I'm hungry......"
'Speaking of which... I'm hungry too...'
"Hey, I'm sorry..."
Sora and Kate sighed at the instant response. I did leave at 7: 00 in the morning so I'm already around 7: 00 in the middle of the night and it's a good time for dinner. In addition, there is a time difference of approximately one hour. So if you look at it as local time, you can say it's already around 8pm. Except for Kite, they're all high school eaters. It would have been a good time to get hungry.
"Ha... be patient for another 30 minutes. A delicious meal awaits you at the kiosk."
"Wow... kaiseki dish"
"I don't know that there. I leave it to the other side."
"Sorasola. Who is it?"
'Oops... but seriously hungry...'
That's what Sora tells her to rush to laugh Al's point and wipe her cheeks. That said, while doing so, the city was already within sight and the airport approached gradually.
Sometimes it's the famous hot springs district for Kate's visit to Yuji, and it's a pretty big city. Because many adventurers are visiting Yuji, a spacecraft with the Alliance's crest may be moored, regardless of fame. So the moment found itself familiar early.
"Is that... < >?"
"Well, it's a big place over there. You know I had several airships. No wonder one of them came."
"You're right about that."
I nodded honestly for a moment at Kate's words. He knows the enormity better than anyone. If so, no wonder he was everywhere, even he thought. and as in line with such a group of airships, the kites will also descend the airships as directed by the airport's controller.
"Good... that's it, you're done. Unit one, landing complete."
"Just like the machine."
"The reference machine is good... are we all here now?"
Let me make it clear that Kite was able to land the second - the number one machine - and the solar - the number one machine. Now, if we stop them properly later, the airport will store them later.
"Anchor for mooring...... good. You can leave it to the airport."
"You said, why don't we just go to the inn?"
Sora rises from the cockpit after finishing the process for mooring, just like Kite. After that, if you pull out the keys and keep the demon conductor idle, you'll be fine. That's why I'll include Kate as a reminder for once.
"What about the keys and idling?
'I'm sure of that. The anchor is set up. "
"Right. Then it's no problem. Good. Then head to the inn."
Kite nods at Al's response and rises from the cockpit chair. Now there's nothing they should do. We all know that we have already arrived, and this time we are not moving as a school - rather than being able to move - so there is now no collective action or anything.
And not one inn this time. So there is no point in taking collective action, so if I got off the airship, I would just follow my own maps, etc., and aim for my own inn. So the kites decided to head straight to their inn.
"So. Mr. Kite, once again."
"Long time no see, Master Floyline"
"Haha. Now please do it with Heavenly Sound. I can't even use McDawell's name."
Kite was greeted by the familiar general manager, but it is a familiar way to call it, so please pay attention. Kite here is Heavenly Sound Kite, not Brave Kite. The Floyline surname could not be used. Of course, I can't even use the McDawell surname.
"Yes, I am. It's just been a while."
"I haven't forgotten, you just want to say?
The general manager nodded at Kate's words. I've known him a long time, too. I came to Hot Springs once a year no matter how busy I was, so I saw him at least once a year. Kite was listening when he was guided here to be like God of the Land here.
"Haha...... well, nice to meet you for a while. This time it's about a week..."
"I know you. If you're in a room, as usual. You've all arrived first."
Kate nodded at the general manager's words. Ladies and gentlemen, it's not about Tina and the others, it's about Kuzha and the others. This time, only one of the biggest inns in the city has been rented out. The largest number of people are supposed to stay there.
but I can't redeem nearly 500 people for that on a boulder. So a number of other inns were held up, and Kate kept this inn of her own familiarity in one of them. Fortunately, if it's luxury, it's one rank lower than the inn ahead. That's the form Kate gave to the others.
That said, when it comes to hospitality, etc., this one is never lost either. Of course, the Duke family secretly supports it, so the equipment is top notch. Enough, no wonder kite stayed. I guess this one is better overall than that big inn at the time of his familiarity.
He was going to mingle with the common visitors and rendezvous with them. Kuzha and Aura get very angry when only Kate and Yuri go on vacation. So it is.
"Oh yeah... what about the hot springs?
"Of the city, is it?
"Oh. The baths here are good... but we still have to keep them in the water when it comes to this city."
Kate was laughing and remembering the money and water in the city. This was the case with the hot springs where the various facilities were located, which I was talking to in the light. You can think of it as super hot water. Besides, the general manager told me with a smile.
"It's been a long time since you've been here. It is now even bigger and has expanded its facilities. And now we're starting to sell fruit milk, coffee milk and, at the end of the day, liquor."
"Oh, come on... you've come to my liking for a long time..."
"How many minutes, Master Kite the Brave?"
The general manager pleasantly tells against the kite who pulled his cheek. As such, Kate decided to check the location of the room from such a general manager and move it with her luggage.