Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Episode 1272: Improving Weapons
When Kite and the others went into the mine to collect material, Tina and the others were ready to check the status of each weapon and connect to the next. Al and Lil, who were accompanying him on this journey, had received a direct call from Haitang Ong. Even so, the reason for this is to adjust the weapon.
"Oh, are you here?"
"Long time no see, predecessor"
"We're out of time"
The two bow their heads against Tsubaguo who put their weapons in front of them. Needless to say, I am cordial with the Duke McDawell family led by Kate and the blacksmiths of Nakatsu Country and hence Masashi Murakami. Many warriors rely on those fringes to volunteer for the army to make a name for themselves in Nakatsu. And so was Blacksmith, the so-called blacksmiths.
So in the McDawell family, the adjustment was also basically made by a blacksmith from Murakami, which meant that it was also possible to make full adjustments here. So, this is another apology, so these two were adjusted immediately by Haitang Ong. He's free until Kate gets the material anyway. You can say, spare me some time.
"Hmmm... I think it's been a long time... roughly how long"
"Well... I'm sure I came before when my grandfather retired from the knight."
"Me too... I thought since then"
Lil agrees with Al's words as he handled his memories. Basically, it is a big mess of character that is inebriated and doesn't care about many things other than blacksmith, but I still can't say that it will be the old edge of kite.
Especially the knights who belong to the house of the Weisslitters - here, of course, the Weisslitters of the Ales - which, in this case, is also the Lord's retirement. All this time he had also left the country to participate in the retirement ceremony.
Even so, both Al and Lil were still students at the School of Magic Conduction at that time, and neither was dressed as a knight. I mean, we're in the middle of growing up. So when it comes to being felt a long time ago, there's no choice, I guess.
"Hmm... if so, not long ago. Five years...... no, about three years ago. It was when it sank a little, but maybe it just became obscure."
It was five years ago, to be exact, and I think it was quite a while ago. Al thinks so while listening to Kaito Ong, but he doesn't say it. So what I said was something else.
"I thought that was about it. Your predecessors are feeling much better."
"Well, I can't help regretting my past failures forever. Besides, I saw that one too. Again, I found out up there. Don't let this get you down."
Though far from laughing, Haitang Ong, who had a fun and fierce grin, was uplifting his general motivational fighting spirit. The style was very different from what it once was, and I had also made it clear to Al and Lil that he was a legendary mason when I suspected that such a dilapidated old man was really one of the legendary braves.
"Well. So let me see your Lord's weapon. I also heard from two people, an orange infarct and a stroke. Well, let's not praise the kids for using it in a bad way."
"" Thank you ""
Haitong Ong is a legendary mason. Therefore, they also bow their heads deeply to the statement of gaze from above. It is a wave of their Lord that < > is regarded as a sword in this country. Definitely the best in the country, and the world's best forge if you do poorly. Even the prestige of the country is in its arms.
Just saying that he uses it in a way that's not bad enough can be enough praise. but this is not bad. That is, I didn't say it was good. So I could naturally say that the bitterness would continue.
"But um. I can only say that this was bad for Nong et al at the time, but since it is still a user's problem, let me also point out some bad points."
"" Yes ""
Sakura.Al and Lil squeeze themselves into the slightly bitter language of Kaito Ong. The two of us know and understand that we are immature. Even in the battle between them, I was just reminded that I was a young man when I saw Ishikusai and Soku. So I honestly decided to listen to Kaito Ong and correct his spine.
"Uhm...... then, lad first. Lord, have you been in strange ways lately?"
"In that face, is it a picture star? Feel it if you dare. A slight rush, to put it badly. Those things are hidden."
With an instant Al's bitter seeping look, Kaito Ong understands his discernment to be accurate. Of course, there is no reason for Kaito Ong to know or intend to know about this cause.
They forge. I'm not a counselor. Of course, there's a relationship between the user and the blacksmith. So if you want to talk to me, you can accept it. but Haitang Ong is a forge of kite, not two forges. In addition, they are descendants of their companions. I'm not even familiar with you two. I don't accept consultations, and I'm not interested there. So Kaito Ong, who sighed one, told him why he had come to that standout.
"A long-used weapon manifests the habit of a user. Which time do you specialize in. Which method of attack do you specialize in? This is even kite. From there, Nona Blacksmiths can spot the habits of their users. Of course it appeared on the Lord's weapon. As the difference between the wear and tear of weapons,"
Tsetsu Ong explains so with Al's weapon in his hand and showing him the bladed part. Al didn't know at this time, but apparently there was a slight distortion in Haitang Ong's eyes. This is a distortion that really skilled craftsmen can finally see. I don't know Al, a soldier, but I can't help it.
but that was also where Al attacked his enemies the most. Not even Al himself realizes, the area he uses to kill his enemies with the most weapons. That was what Tsetsu Ong looked like.
"Well, it's harsher to tell the orange infarcts and strokes to know this, and they went to your lords to figure it out. You need to look at the many users to spot the habits and see the weapons used by the users. And if you knew, the lords may not care because they are only happy. Anyway, it is the role of the blacksmiths to correct this distortion."
Then why did you say it? Al honestly thinks so to the words of the laughing Haitang Ong. And of course, I would dare to inspire Al like that, but I didn't say it for that. I made this point because if we point it out here, we won't be able to start talking.
"Well... now, back to the beginning. As I said earlier, this is the sweetness of the prospects of Nong et al.... No, even Nong et al., the return of Kate, is foreseeable. There are circumstances. With that return, your lords are growing much faster than they expected."
"Thank you"
Al bows his head again to praise again. He himself has become aware that he has grown to fly in more than seventeen years that he has cultivated since Kate's return. Therefore, there was no light or humility in this. Besides, Kaito Ong nodded one thing and offered direction to Al.
"Well... in that sense I thought the Lord should increase his strength by now"
"Strength, is it?
"Uhm. Your Lord, well, would not have been conscious... Your Lord's power reduces the lifespan of weapons. I don't know what the cause is, and I'm not interested. The only way to present it is to enhance the weapon. If so, yes. What Nong presents is a rebuilding of his body. Keep your soul intact, and train yourself again as a demon knife."
"Can you?
There's no reason for Al to be surprised. Keep your soul intact, which means keep the nature and fundamentals of the weapon intact. In other words, the conversation is quick when it comes to not modifying weapon moves (arts).
but this is a very difficult geisha or a geisha that, as Al was surprised, is usually considered impossible. The soul of the weapon, if you will, is present in the part that hurts the subject - for example, the body or the tip of the ear. That's because no matter what the weapon says, it's for fighting, so the craftsmen can put their souls into it the most.
And when that happens, the material is fixed at the time it is made. For example, if you transform a copper fillet into a steel fillet later, you can call it another sword at that point. It's no longer equal to rebuilding. So it was no exaggeration to say that at that point the soul of that weapon could be transformed into something else.
"If you can or can't, you can. If it is not, it is."
Without any vanity or falsehood, Haitang Ong makes clear what he can do. This could have been a nosy thing to say. As Al did not know, he is only a handful of skilled artists.
but the absence of it was also tantamount to a sign of how high he was aiming. I naturally assumed that this level could be achieved.
"Well, there were some deficiencies if it was at the time of the explosion by Kite a few months ago. If it's goodwill, it's no problem now. Instead, let's wave your arms fully."
Oh, I just want to do it myself. Al laughed, "Let the technicians do what they want. Look at the aura and understand."
And because of that, a blacksmith like him is motivating me, and it's an offer that benefits me. Al decided that he should go thick here and bow his head.
"May I ask you a favor"
"Hmm. I'll take care of it. I'll take care of it..."
I accepted Al's offer in an upbeat mood - or made him accept it - and Haitang Ong turned to Lil immediately back to his serious face.
"There is no need to dare to speak of the tip of the Lord. I'm going straight to the straight line about this. Well, every now and then I spike slightly diagonally, hitting the curvature of the bone and creating distortion, so I just have to tell you to fix that."
"I will refine."
"That's good. What Nong et al can say is the degree of annoyance from the side. If the Lord understands, that's fine, and he can't say how to fix it as a body surgery... But the Lord saw a lot of distortion in the patterned area, not the tip of the ear."
With Lil's snort as good, Haitang Ong reveals that there is a problem with the part of the pattern that supports it, and presents Lil's spear pattern to her again as it did when Al.
Even so, this time the skin of the demon that had been wrapped around the pattern because it was in the process of being repaired had been removed, and the core part was visible. There were countless scars inscribed on them, and they had made known to all who saw how many battles they had endured.
"To the boulder, this one will be known to the Lord."
"... this dent or distortion..."
"Mm-hmm. It's a wound I put on you to protect your Lord. There is nothing more wrong with this than being a weapon. No, but I've heard some of them from two of the previous repairs: Orange Milk and a stroke. Slightly more drained than usual. When striking, it is essential to care for them and protect them with magic. Try harder with that basics."
"... Yes"
Seeing the wounds of his own partner more than he could have imagined, Lil nodded with a slightly sorry face. This spear has been in her hands ever since she was born, a weapon that really equals her own identity as well.
It still seemed a little hard for her to know how many consumables she had used so far. Haitang Ong, who thus concaved Lil once, describes the measures on it.
"In the case of the Lord, it is not necessary to dare replace the tip with a new one. but it will be necessary to make the pattern a little more robust. However, the material used in this spear pattern was the most efficient and maximized by Ballantine bloodthirsty < > blacksmiths three hundred years ago. This is the same core material used for Halbert in Ballantine. Therefore, we cannot replace this place."
"So, what do you want me to do?
"Uhm. Change what's covered in core material. I don't have much of a problem with this. but changing this still makes a difference in the Lord's user-friendliness. To the Lord...... no, so does the lad, but to the Lord I ask you to help me fix it"
When it comes to fixing our own weapons, there is no such thing as a cooperating idiot in this Enefia. Therefore, Lil nodded with no hesitation at the offer, which was also close to the order of Kaito Ong. As such, Al and Lil will not only be asked to repair the weapon, but also to strengthen the weapon, and they will be able to move and fine-tune things to get what they need.