Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Number 1420, gossip - Kenshin as well -
While Sola was under the direction of the Bronzites, she was still capturing the followers of the Evil Gods. As someone who received the invitation and permission of two people, Musashi and Kite, to participate in the festival, all this time he was moving to protect the city of his disciples as the "Daimashou" sect of Yanagi.
Unlike the Bronzites, he usually enjoyed the festival as a participant until this time in order not to let the watchmen do anything far-fetched. but that was enough.
Soto closes his eyes just a little. Only then could he understand so that the flow of the world would be in his hands. Reading this stream is the basis of the Divine Yin Current. In this talent we can do both the sect and Father's stone boat sai, which are articulated below Kate and in the Master's syllabus, to this extent equally. I just can't read the more time consuming or detailed parts than Kite.
Nevertheless, it can be said that this has finally culminated in the swordless removal, which is the depths of the new yin stream. One-on-one, they had reached the realm where they could use it, and they could read about a single stream of the city without asking for the precision of Shinnoku or Kite.
It should also be noted that from the parents and children of Yanagi, it is only a monkey imitation of the new shady current used by the modern generation. It is only a stepping stone for learning to turn in the shadow of God.
It is not intended to take away weapons, but rather to focus on observing the opponent's movements and flow by sealing his own hand of attack. In the end, they say that if you want to reach the depths, you should strengthen the foundation.
"... one... two... three..."
Soto, who reads the world currents, does not ride the currents, but searches for the starches he has not even tried to ride. When I say what caused this precipitation, I can clearly affirm it. Those who are trying to disturb this festival.
but so far it is not those who multiply this festival to think about stealing and other good things. They multiply the festival and do things, but they do not intend to inhibit the entire festival. Even if I can't get on the stream, I try to get on the stream. If that's not even the case, the answer is one. who interrupt the festival itself. In other words, they are only enemies.
Knowing the flow means it is easy to ride and block the flow. So Soku walks quietly without even being noticed by the city guards, even though he is armed during the festival.
From its serenity and blending into the city, and from the constant surveillance of the Duke and the Imperial Guardians, it was enough to let them know that the moment they took their eyes off it, they would lose it. But more than that, they can still be tracked down because this dares Zokuto, and they understood more than anyone else that if they were serious, they would easily shake them off.
"This is..."
"The disciple of that brave man, Kite, and his master, who called him Kensei..."
Kate was right. From the bottom of their minds, the scouts relieve themselves that they were glad they didn't have to get their hands on the sect that seemed full of gaps. If we were in a hurry to finish him off in the middle of nowhere, we would have died the moment we stepped in between. Yes, I understand.
If you're going to fight, you can't defeat this man unless it's straight from the front. You're not going to be the one to think about surprises. Yes, he's also an assassin. It was enough for them to understand it from the bottom of their heart.
Now, why don't you give me a hand? Infiltrate one relief against the hermits who cool the liver. They understood, too, but Soto did so in a way that he dared to look.
He was trying to understand the difference in power from himself so that he wouldn't be disturbed. He reads the flow further and guesses where these 'starches' are headed. On top of that, we're headed to the thinnest spot on this side.
Is this the center of it? When Soku spots several enemies, he decides to target them. That's how he moved around, in the heart of that square they're after. You could say that's the corner of the area where the bureau and others meet. Oddly enough, it was near the branch of < >.
"Ho... here we go again..."
It was Berntaine who stood in front of such a branch of < >. He wasn't like Einadis. He was on security all over town at Kate's request.
Above all, I was outraged by the so much innocence of the followers of the Evil Gods trying to interrupt the festival, and big names like him are the object of watching over them as enemies. Furthermore, the size of the guild makes it easy to monitor the guild itself. Therefore, unlike Quong et al., we decided to refrain from doing so on the inside. He asks about the sect where the illusion appeared as if it had materialized.
"I heard it from him... but you didn't, did you?
"Hmm... you're strong"
"Well... you know what I mean?
"Oh... my blood hurts. but I'm sorry. This time..."
"Oh, I don't mind. Even I agree with that."
Berntaine agrees to Soto's out-of-the-box offer. And, that was him, but he walked out looking at Soto's skill.
"Can I take care of this one?
"… well aware of the commission. I won't leave a scratch in your hall."
"There is... I think I should go somewhere else. Puri, don't help this husband. Even so, you don't have to do anything. Just don't secretly retrieve the guy you defeated."
Physical specs would be up there, but far above yourself if it's technology. Soto's power will surely be equal to his own. Having spotted it, Berntaine decides to leave it to him, and he decides to go elsewhere to cover himself. He certainly understood that he was better at discerning enemy movements than himself.
Soto will not have any conversation with Puri, but will be sitting alone on the spot. but it's not like I haven't done anything. I was reading the flow and reading the enemy's movements. And for a while. By the time he finally opened his eyes, it was all already over.
Absolutely. Fear. Fear. Whatever. As a fierce man who had reached Rank S himself, Puri beside him was puzzled by the fact that he understood only a few things that had happened, including all of those things. Definitely even adventurers would count faster from the top, far ahead of themselves. I understand that.
"You... what did you do?
Perhaps all the enemies were stunned. That's understandable even to Puri. but I don't know anything more. Something is happening and the enemy is unconscious. Even if I know that, I don't know anything more. moves, not forces. It was a divine business to do one thing at a time.
"... there is no reason to answer the enemy"
Soto just answered Puri's query so quietly. Thus, he leaves the confused Puri on the spot and walks away. but where he disappeared into the alley, there were those who inquired about his back.
"... one thing, I'd like you to know"
"The secret opens your mouth in front of the Lord."
"... this is a questioning as one who serves the Lord Kite, who lives in this land... and is also your disciple"
"... If so, let's hear it"
Against the secrecy that endured a moment of fierce hostility but answered, Soku turns his heel and sees his face. He was a beautiful man with brown skin, Stra, both under Kate and one of the leading assassins.
I can't follow Soto in secret. Leonhardt, the emperor who thought so, ordered that he be attached to Kite. And even for Kite, I don't believe he's going to move in a detour. So he accepted his life.
"Why were we helped this time? I hear you fell into Shura Road."
"... it's not like I hate folk grass. No, I don't want to do as much damage to civil grass as possible. That's all."
"If so, why the enemy?"
"I want to try to fall on Shura Road once or so... that's all"
Soku mocks himself like some old man, and smiles so loudly like some young boy and turns his heel back.
"In the end, if I abandon Takeshi, it won't change my sexual roots."
Think of it as something crazy. So grunting Sokuto understands the oddity of so own behavior in Stra's inquiry. I got it because of you. Again. If it's going to happen, he's the one who decided to walk down Shura Road.
In spite of this, I have been forced to fight for the people here by a man named Tatsumashi who should have abandoned him. You should have overlooked it, and there's nothing he needs to do. Kate is here to make things right. The battle was over when the raid could be detected. There's no point in taking the risk on purpose, but he's here.
"Kenshin was like..."
Was that so? In the end, Soto noticed that Takeshi Ma was also himself. Kenshin is the same. The sword and man, the sword and the heart are connected. Therefore, training the right sword is also learning the right mind. Who was it that told me so? I didn't even have to remember. It is a tributary ancestor/syllabus.
Undoubtedly, Soto is proud to say that he surpasses his father on that point of view. He was the one who talked to Monk Sawaan and met his thoughtless thoughts during his own sword training. I am proud to say that only that point of view can be exceeded, and I did a stone boat sai and decided that only this point can never exceed the sect.
And that pride is what forms his backbone, and at the same time the backbone of his sword. Kenshin and thoughtlessness do not change, but only that point can change more than he stands as a swordsman.
"... it's a strange thing. It's not too bad to get back to your abandoned self"
If my father was here, he would have laughed a lot. Though Soku thought so, he returned to the battle even more temporarily as his former self.
Now, that's such a zodiac, but there are two shadows that were watching him. The person was drinking at will to the grilled chicken provided by the Tensakura stall. There's also a tray with fried chicken in front of those two, so apparently they were stopping by both.
"Ha-ha-ha! I'm still serious about that! Hey, the word fucking serious suits me well!
"Hahaha! I wonder who you look like!
"Definitely, it's not Non!
"That's for sure! It's not you!
Needless to say, they are my father, Ishikusai, and Kusu, who was his Lord. The two of them were laughing so hard at the sect that they couldn't abandon their seriousness, as expected by the sect. And such two were drinking the seriousness of Soku as a dish of liquor, but together they were also eating the dish of Tensakura sake.
"even... yummy, this"
"Mmm. It's delicious."
Clothes are crisp and juicy inside. I put out the expensive gold and asked for fried from "Rock Bird" - the price is higher than fried from regular chickens in order not to cause price destruction - so it was apparently the first time they both ate "Rock Bird". I thought it would be difficult to stick around, but it was easy to eat out and cooked, and I thought it wasn't bad.
"Well... well, here we are."
Nothing. Soto is a better age than to be dead once in his life. So I'm not going to unnecessarily give you both a hand. but is it still a place called Parent Generation where children are children at all times? Seems like I really cared.
"Even so, it's a fulfillment. It's not real."
"Ha. That must be a good place to be formal about everything, a bad place. That sword of yours. You won't have to lose it there. I really feel troubled because of the sexual roots there."
"Right. I don't know what the sword path is. I'm the way to tea."
Kusu laughs at Ishikusai's words as he drinks. Plus Ishikusai laughed joyfully and sighed one at a time.
"Even so... I thought God and Xing would solve it."
"Ha ha. Ma, maybe I shouldn't say that. Anyway, it's from our local area."
"That's true, too"
"Well... well, my husband in Crown told me to check on the Admiral. This is a failure."
"I'm seeing something good about it, so isn't it good?
"Or so it is."
Kusu nodded contentedly when he saw the full starry sky created by another god. Naturally, I didn't come with them for no reason. In their case, apart from Soto, the clown gave instructions to determine what Kate was going to do. Nevertheless, this possibility was, of course, taken into account from the outset.
"Ha ha. Well, we've considered this possibility."
"Whoa, this is Crown's husband. What do you say?"
"Excuse me... never mind. I prepare it in front of you."
Rumors make a shadow. It was the clown who just showed up. He thought it was possible that this could happen. He had asked Kusu and the others to monitor him from within the city.
He's still the one who shouldn't be walking around town much. I guess it was reasonable when it came to plausibility. And there was fried chicken in his hand like that too. However, this one should be tasted with powder. As always, it was a free-flowing fit for the dojo.
"Am... that's an interesting idea, as always"
"It's delicious inside, isn't it? No, it's not like I'm gonna be great."
"" "Ha ha" "
The clown laughs frequently at Kusu's words, as does Kusu and Ishikusai. And after laughing so often, Kusu inquired.
"So, what can I do for you?
"No, I am happy with the boulder. Besides, the formation is too thick for boulders here. If you're going to try a total battle, it's still a fool to do it, even though you're not. Let's go no-touch this time... or I won't drink either."
Again, this man is out of the picture. It seems serious. Kusu always discerned that the sexual roots of clowns like eating people were serious. but that's why Kusu was more alert to this man than anyone else.
Because I'm just like myself. An attitude like eating someone from Kusu is an act to lure them off guard. If this clown is acting just like that, he must have one thing on his belly. We're taking some action against ourselves.
Nevertheless, lying and telling the truth are mutual. It's a regular trick. And it's not time for either of us to move yet. Therefore, you instinctively understood such an atmosphere. Ishikusai took Virtue.
"Ha ha... So, also a dedication from Non"
"Hey, hey, hey."
The clown stays in the clown's mask and drinks from the virtues offered by Stone Boat Sai. So, oddly enough, while drinking in the Temple City with both enemy allies, the fighting by the kites began quietly and ended quietly.