Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Episode 1436: The Unknown Labyrinth
An unexpected event during an experiment that occurred in the middle of a harvest festival. It was an entirely unexpected event to swallow several buildings in the seminary beyond Tina's defenses and turn them into 'labyrinths (dungeons)'. In such a 'labyrinth (dungeon)', Kate was leading an intrusion force.
"This is..."
What Kate saw entering the Labyrinth (Dungeon) is probably a group of buildings that mimic the old civilization. but I could see the collapse everywhere, and it seemed right to say one way or another, a bunch of ruins.
"I've never seen the way..."
"It probably mimics a group of buildings of old civilization in Laeria. There's no point in not knowing the rest. On other continents, on boulders, are ruins from other countries."
After all, what Kate and the others know best is the civilization to which Legado and the others belong in the Enesian continent. I am still familiar with this in relation to the fact that we are both on this continent, and everything is in our territory. So I know. but I couldn't even find out about old civilizations on other continents on boulders.
"Hmm... would you like to join the advance party first"
"That would be good...... advance party. Major Sophitia, who leads the squad. If you can hear me, respond."
He should rendezvous with the advance party before checking anything on the rabbit or on the corner. I agree with Kite who made that decision. Tina uses her aliases in the military at all times to activate the comms. but that's how I waited awhile, but there was no response.
"... you can't. No response."
"Is it completely extinct but therefore unresponsive, or does it not react due to factors on the tool side? Which one?"
In Quon's inquiry, Tina opens the internal mechanism of the communicator and starts the communicator to try to ask for a response again. Of course, there was no response to this. but that's good.
"... the communication itself has been disabled. Conceptual blockade of information. Communication is isolated in such a way that it is possible to communicate under the concept of a communication machine. Talking is likewise restricted. It's a hassle inside… it's one of the possibilities envisaged"
"Hmm... so you might think that the only reason you didn't hear back from the advance team was if you didn't hear from them."
"That would be good. A vital reaction could probably be observed because this is a signal that is separate from communication. I'm guessing there's been a trade-off in the transmission of information."
Tina also guesses and agrees with Einadis' allegations. The reason they decided this was because we didn't see any signs of engagement here. If the fight is going on here, there should be blood stains somewhere first, and if you're still fighting, you should hear the fight.
Above all, the advance party was ordered to avoid combat and wait in a safe place, and together, if the hierarchy is divided, it is ordered not to move on. Given the commander's arms, it was difficult to think of total annihilation. and one of those three. Kite was doing what she could with Kite.
"Hmm...... the height of the space is approximately 200 meters. Is the radius...... one to two kilometers? Don't you know exactly how much boulder it is? I know the outer walls are stone based... but I don't know what it is from here on boulder..."
What Kite saw, who jumped up slightly to confirm his surroundings, was a huge space, even with the Great Ordinary Buildings. Thus, after an early confirmation, Al questioned him with a slight impatience.
"Do you know the world or something?
"... No, you can't. Probably in a different hierarchy. From this hierarchy I can't feel the bond."
"So let's be sure. 'Labyrinth (dungeon)' was taken in before stabilization. It would be nice to think that the first thing taken in would go down there."
Following Kate's words, Tina was pointing the tip of the cane in the direction of the day after tomorrow. With her power like that, a little magic prop floats. but it wasn't the demonic props of the old civilization, it was the drone-type demonic props she sent in before sending the advance party. An advance party was dispatched because communication with it had been interrupted.
"Is it going to be a hassle... Tina? What's the marking and mapping for this occasion?
At Tina's request, activate the special uniform that Firefly brought in this time. I knew from the beginning that this was going to be a 'labyrinth (dungeon)' exploration. The possibility that the comms will not work has certainly been taken into account. Therefore, she was equipped with a variety of uniforms to support exploration rather than combat use.
Along with that, he equipped Ichiba in case the rescue with Luria and the others went to the lower level and if it was likely to be a long stretch. I have no more faces when it comes to combat. Therefore, they were provided with equipment that the combatants could not help.
"Well, let's just move on... I don't really want to give an obvious signal that this is the situation... Al. Raise the flare. If the advance party's safe, that'll get us through."
"Oh, yeah... wait a minute"
At Kite's direction, Al launches a signal bullet. The building complex, if I may say so, also resembles townships such as Bill Street on Earth. So although the outlook is bad, it wasn't enough that Kate couldn't see the whole thing like that.
If a signal bullet was launched so that it could be seen in its entirety, it was likely that the enemy would also find it. but there's no sign of the advance party where I came in. If so, follow orders to check the perimeter. Probably secured a safe place.
Then we'll have to use a signal bullet now that we can't use the comms. So while Al was getting ready, Kite decided to get ready as well.
"Soleil, move over this building with me and we'll explore the reaction."
Piko, and Soleil snapped on Kate's back. With her eyes, it is possible to confirm if something happens and there is a response of some kind even if the signal bullet cannot be launched. You should take advantage of it.
So Kite hits a wire gun into the roof of the tall building there that was nearby and travels to the roof. So Kate nodded one at Al, who was downstairs.
Seeing the green signal bullet launched, Soleil checks for the perimeter. Along with that, Kate closes her eyes and sharpens her senses to see what's going on around her.
For a while, the two of you will check the surrounding conditions. And it was Soleil who opened his mouth first.
"No. 11 o'clock direction. The windowy frame of that building near the center. About the middle of nowhere."
"Mmm...... ok"
Ahead of what Kate, who was pointed out by Soleil, saw, soldiers from the advance army were sending signals using glass reflexes at their mid hips. And the reason for that, Kate also understood.
"Soleil. Apparently, they're throwing a big welcome party"
What I heard in Kate's ear was the sound of something moving and coming this way. Apparently, he was kicking the rubble in and coming, and after a little, he didn't even need to clear his ears.
"Do you want to snipe?
"... how many... 5? That's a hassle. You need to see if there's any enemy reinforcements from here."
Kate jumps off the roof as she hears Soleil's response on her back. I don't have a problem with this height. By the time we landed that way, everyone was already in a combat position.
"It still looks like this."
"It would be weirder not to be"
There's no point in launching a flare so you can see it all around you. but that's why the enemy also finds them. So Kate's point was the best.
So, roughly thirty seconds. A golem about 3 meters long and 5 meters across emerged, breaking through the walls of a worn out building. The number is 5. The material is metal from where I saw it. Detailed structural materials are unknown.
"A six-legged spider-shaped golem... Tina, you analyze. The others are crusaded individually. Al, if you decide that both of Lil's names seem dangerous, pull them off immediately."
"Kite, if possible, capture one as unharmed as possible. For future reference."
"In what sense?
In response to Tina's request, Kate asks with a slight nod of tongue. but you don't need to hear the answer. Because that's all I do.
"In both. It doesn't make sense to be instrumental in infiltrating here, and with that knowledge, it can be useful in advancing technology."
"Aisa... I'll take care of the captured individuals. Well."
Kite identifies the enemy's movements as they relate to the unity of the spider-shaped golem. It didn't seem so quick from the sound I was hearing, but the power seemed pretty likely. and two forearms of a spider-shaped golem deform in front of his eyes like that.
"Hmmm... is it close to the chainsaw...?
From the tip of the deformed two forearms was born a blade of radiant light, which was moving at high speeds. I guess I knitted a demon blade with magic. It is a difficult technique to move at high speeds, but mass production would not be impossible if an old civilization could make something that could even transcend the continuity of space. and a spider-shaped golem rammed into the kite making such observations and guesses.
"It's late."
It would be possible to chop off your arm if you tried. Kate makes that decision as she jumps over the spider-shaped golem. but I don't. Tina wants to be captured as unharmed as possible. if so, until it does so.
"Firefly. Find the core if possible."
Copy that.
The possibility of a golem appearing in the enemy was taken into account from the point at which the advance team entered. Therefore, the firefly was also allowed to hold the corresponding equipment. Then all you have to do is play moderately.
And that's how the spider-shaped golem that was jumped over by the kite slipped just the top part. As he spun, he opened the part that hit his mouth and pointed a gunshot at him that seemed to have been inside.
Which is it? Kate thinks only for a moment. Machine gun, or laser? The response needs to change depending on it. And that next moment. Light converged only for a moment in the mouth of the spider-shaped golem, and a powerful magical laser beam burst.
"I see."
You should defend yourself against this. Kate decides to defend herself against this attack in view of a situation where she doesn't know where the students are. That's how darkness protrudes before his eyes. The power of Luna was expanded.
"No matter how many shots you shoot, it's no use. This is the power of the Great Spirit."
That's all Kite tells you about the spider-shaped golem that turns up the sound and shoots laser beams at Kite. Note that the absorbed laser beam is offset against the next attack that came in inside. All you have to do is use the remaining energy for another battle.
And, repeating that several times, apparently the spider-shaped golem also realized that this attack was futile. He was redirecting the lower direction as he towed the kite, and he rammed in as he fired a laser beam as a restraint.
"Hmmm... the movement is smooth inside... if it's the Al's, what the hell is the limit"
Agility is good to say inside. The output of the laser beam earlier was also medium high. If you look at it as a military item, you can say it's a few steps above the modern golem. It may be large, but it may be able to compete well with the legado's lowest golem.
Therefore, Kate decides that she should attach a piece as much as possible to those who are said to be super. And even with that in mind, he jumped backstep from the range of chainsaws that the spider-shaped golem that had penetrated was about to shake down. And at the same time. The rune lettering that was engraved on the ground hiding the darkness emitted light.
"Hmm... is this what this is all about"
The meaning of the carved rune lettering is restraint. As a result, the spider-shaped golem becomes immobile, restrained by geese in chains of magic that have jumped from the ground. And a firefly came down there.
"Master, check the power furnace slightly above from the center of the lower torso"
"I'll take care of it"
Copy that.
I was instructed by Kite and the fireflies took out a spear made of absorbent stone. If you poke this directly into the magic furnace, all the magic flow will go that way, and the golem will be stuck.
To put it plainly, you can think of it as a lightning rod. It doesn't make sense if it doesn't flow that way no matter how many flow paths there are. That's how he turned his back, and at the same time the firefly stuck a spear at the core of the immobile spider-shaped golem, and the movement would stop.