Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Episode 1478: To the Cooking Festival
A few days after completing the trade fair. Kate worked in two positions to prepare for the cooking festival while running the Tensakura School stall.
"Good. That's it all, and..."
Kate fills out her signature on the last document and puts the pen on her desk. Now that you have finished writing all the various documents regarding the start of the cooking festival. So now we can do this year's harvest festival publicly until the end if we don't even have trouble.
Kate sighs small and looks out the window. The long harvest festival would have been less than a week later if it had ended so far.
"Good, good..."
I still miss you when everything is over. So Kite is alone. Yes, I look out the window looking just a little lonely.
"What's going on?
"Hmm? No, hey, hey."
Kate sits deeply in her chair at Aura's inquiry while she clears her ears to the hustle and bustle she hears from outside the window. This festival is the largest festival of its kind. Due to a combination of factors, such as the seasonal pattern and even the nature of the matters that dominate this festival, the duration of its opening, etc., the movement of people is really intense.
So compared to other festivals, the scale is the largest. Then it will be next year no matter how soon we can hear this.
"From now on, is it suspicious to look forward to next year?
"Mmm... no problem"
"... right"
Kite leads to Aura. What shall we do next year? Kate thinks about it now. I just left this year, so I'm not planning something on my own initiative. Instead, I wouldn't even plan one festival for the next winter. Three hundred years since I left. Because I don't know one thing about it.
"Right. Let's get rid of one of Aitsura's cases by next year. So... right. Let's call them all."
"The people of the earth"
Fun, Kate looks up at the blue sky. Those I knew on Earth also loved the festivities with all the alignment. Calling them to celebrate the festivities may indeed have seemed like a kite.
"Right. If so, can we fix things up?"
The two worlds connect at some point. Kate believed in it, and probably thought it would trigger us ourselves, for better or worse. That's what Aura asks him.
"Oh, I'm sure"
At some point, if it's going to happen, you might as well call your family. That's what Kate thought. And that's why his face was fun.
"Oh... that's fun. I knew this was always the best time."
"Mm-hmm. Hey, I like to see Kate's face at this time too"
"Ha ha. Thanks...... Ugh! If that's the case, why don't you bring it to your sister next time?
We're trying to form a coalition across the corner of the world. Then it would be nice to talk to him even then. And that's what Aura tells him.
"But before that,"
"Oh, I know. Before next year, it's not over yet."
Kite stepped away from the window frame as she seemed to smell just a little lighter. He's right, it's not over yet. He knows a man who has been stuck at his feet at a time when he will not be stuck at his feet, but will not be stuck at his feet. Then we will just finish this year without alarm until the end.
"Okay. Again, what about hygiene control?
"Mm, no problem. Alcohol for disinfection is well prepared."
"Oi, it's worth mass-producing Heavenly Cherry Alcohol in Alchemy."
After all, a huge number of participants cook at the cooking festival. Moreover, since there is public participation, hygiene aspects also needed to be taken into special consideration.
Therefore, the system of mass production of alcohol used in the Cherry Blossom School cooking room was put in place. This was also to be sold around the McDawell family and the Victor Chamber of Commerce from a public interest point of view.
"Well, let's get back to cooking."
"Oh, kite. If you say so, you've finished sharpening the knife."
"Oh, seriously. Okay, thanks. I'll take it."
Kate thanked Aura for calling and decided to pick up the knife she had sharpened in preparation for this cooking festival. Thus, as an individual, he also decided to prepare for the cooking festival, which would be the last mountain area of the harvest festival.
Well, a few days from that day. It was also a harvest festival with several rainy days, but fortunately it was sunny on this day when the cooking festival began.
"It's sunny today, huh?"
This is exactly what a cloudless sky means. With that in mind, Kate nodded one. The participants will feel comfortable participating in this. This year's harvest festival and various incidents occurred, but at the end of the day it seemed possible to decorate the beauty of the end.
"Hey. For now, Tina, what's your proximity?
"Uh-huh. I can do it."
Tina nodded uncommonly in an apron at Kate's inquiry. Not that she can't cook either, but Kate still did better when it came to cooking. She is busy researching and rarely does light dishes do that much more authentic cooking. It's not as light as wearing an apron. Therefore, the result was that Kite wears apron more often.
"Well... Tina. I'll leave it to you. What's your problem?
"Uhm. I have already submitted soaking etc. to the clerk"
"Then you'll be fine."
It is normal, but it is a dish. Time consuming dishes really exist. Therefore, such dishes as boiling or dishes that need to be soaked were prepared first and were allowed to be used as one of the ingredients by submitting to the person in charge. And it's such a tina, but ask the other kite.
"So, is that the kind of lord who can get it?
"My goodness. Dada told the stupid prince to scatter it. Make this. I wasn't asking you to make that one."
That's what Kate says, this one also shows a refrigerated room with ingredients that seems to have been inspected. This is also natural, but there are limits to the amount of ingredients that can be aligned with the McDawell family, of which Kate is the host, even though it is now a harvest festival.
In this case, for example, the meat of demons has not been obtained. There are no other types of condiments that you can't get too much of. Because this is all about demand and supply, and you can't really get it without limits.
Nevertheless, there will naturally be those who want to use the seasoning. Kite had access to such unprepared ingredients and seasonings. Also, it could be used if properly inspected.
"It's been a hassle and hassle inside... well, this time it's not about cooking, it's about getting them to eat, it's about publishing recipes. I don't know what else to do with it."
As a matter of fact, Kate was running around the territory narrowly in order to get the kind of ingredients that were not available in these Dukes' homes. I really needed to go out to the local area where I was selling the ingredients. What he was getting like that were the ingredients specific to Enefia. And Tina happily told Kate that she remembered that.
"Well... it's a difficult job inside"
"Oh. This is what we can do because we're here, and it's what we have to do because we're here."
"Umm...... kukuku"
"Hmm? What's up?
Kate tips her neck in response to Tina suddenly laughing out of her own opinion. Really suddenly, I laughed without any context. She opens her mouth more pleasantly to Kite than she did earlier.
"No, what. I just thought this was a job that the Lord would do... but I didn't think that the rest of you would be in a position to do that job. More than a decade ago... I was told I was a genius and I can't even foresee a future like this. That makes it weird and fun."
"Dude... I don't know what time it is about the future. I started saying that a year ago. How could you possibly expect us to be in this relationship?
"Well...... so it's fun"
Tina nodded contentedly, acknowledging Kate's words. It's normal now, but I've never thought about being held by Kite like this. Either way, Kite didn't even know that at the time.
So I guess she couldn't help but wonder from that time on now. And that's where Yuri flies in. but she sighed half-eyed when she saw them both like that.
"Pippy. It's forbidden for a couple to come and go like this. Or aren't you ashamed of the boulders?
"" Hmm?
To Yuri's point, Kate and Tina blinked her eyes and looked around just a little. Apparently, he had caught a little attention. It is a way of gathering a wide variety of gazes, from the enviable gaze of a young girl to the jealous gaze of a young youth as well, and even the smiling gaze of an elderly wife.
And I hear Kite was also embarrassed by the boulders for this. Keeping away from Tina while blushing her cheeks considerably - Tina also looked quite embarrassed - she made a track modification.
"Oh, haha...... yeah, erm... Yuri. What's your schedule for now? I can do this one..."
"I can do it. It's been a while since I've cooked like this, so I'm a little crazy on my own."
I didn't seem to tear it down to Darkless Arrow Cod in a boulder situation with Yuri. If you point it out or tear it up now, Tina will bend the navel a lot, and most importantly, we don't have much time. I can also say that I had no choice. So Yuri nodded with pleasure in response to Kate's query, which she regained her mind.
"Speaking of which... Since when do you cook in an apron in this face?"
"Hmm... no, you hardly had one. Me and you are good, though."
"... what the hell. Can't you blame me?
"Why not?"
The two unwittingly laugh at Tina's slightly obstinate inquiry as they were listening to the conversation. Apparently, they caught me not cooking much.
Well, that would be true when it comes to facts. Above all, in their case, there is a house called the McDawell family, where there are more dedicated cooks than they are aristocrats. She didn't have to cook, I guess. And when we talk about no other love like that, it's apparently time for the start of the cooking festival. The clerk arrived.
"We're opening Day One of the Cooking Festival with this! If you have a blue number tag, come to the attendant at the tournament described at the reception once! If you don't know where, come to me! If you have a regular number tag, please go to the attendant over there!
The attendants raise their voices and encourage the participants to move. A blue number tag is one held by some of the participants. Participation in the Cooking Festival is certainly unlimited, but the judges' bellies are finite.
We are scheduling three days for that, but there are limits nonetheless. Whether there is a break between them or not, there will still be limits. Because there are many celebrities on the jury, it is even more troublesome to manage hygiene.
Besides, not everyone wants judges to judge them. Only honor can tell me that you've been vetted. Sure, the store would have foil on it, but from the general public, most of it wouldn't matter where it's foiled like that. Therefore, those who wanted evaluation by the jury at the time of application applied to do so, and those who said otherwise were good could have submitted food and recipes and ended up doing so. Still, according to the number of applications, the lottery system will be used.
"Well... shall we head to the holding room?"
That's why the kites had these blue number tags. This time, what they were asked to do from the operation of the Temple City was become eyeballs. Therefore, a special number tag was given as an invitation and was to be reviewed.
Even so, if it wasn't just them, but Tensakura School, the three Kagurasaka sisters, led by Mutsukura, and the members of the Cooking Research Association, a club of Tensakura School, received this. These three were divided into separate dates for the same reason as the stalls - I want to disperse the eyeballs - with the kites on day one, the harmonious moon on day two, and the culinary research group on day three.
"Well... it's our turn... the last one."
"There's a lot of ginger. Something's wrong."
Once again checking the process chart at the designated reception, Kate and Tina snorted one with laughter. This place is probably still called entertainment. The most eye-catching kites were to be turned to the last one.
Still, it won't be the last time, because then the big fateful professional cook refrains. If Kate and the others had a big fate as entertainment, this professional would have been the big fate as cooking.
Nevertheless, then inevitably the wait is longer. I can't help all this. but I had to attend the opening ceremony, so I was already in the venue. Therefore, the three of them decided to check their order, etc. and come to the opening ceremony again.