Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave

Episode 1531: Signs of Connection

The true will of Vahlheit, secretly brought back by Charlotte from the Opro ruins. Having received the will and the final request spoken for Kite, he was taking action within that day to ascertain the veracity of that information.

Nevertheless, there is no way he can move in the current state of affairs on a boulder. So once we played this thing to Emperor Leonhardt, we faked it as part of the work that was going on and let him bring in the demon stone to inspect the security golem.

So, it's all been decided for a few days. A sample found from inside the security golem had been brought into Tina's lab beneath the Duke's residence. As soon as the inspection was carried out, the details would be reported at the meeting that had been set for the next morning.

"In conclusion, this is indeed a 'vibrating stone' … according to the old civilization, a 'vibrating stone (Vive Stone)' is a mistake"

Tina, who had participated remotely in the meeting from her own lab, clearly stated that the sample was Vibrating Stone. Besides, the emperor Leonhardt asked.

"Temple of the Devil. So how likely is it that you know the mine vein of Vibrating Stone?

'Pretty, expensive. At least it is true that you are worried about the future of mankind. It's hard to believe this is a lie'


Emperor Leonhardt engraves a deep wrinkle between his eyebrows in Tina's words. Again, I can't help but want to think this isn't a lie as well as being fooled once.

but if this were true, you might find an untapped 'Vibrating Stone' mineral vein. It's a situation where we don't know what the current Vibrating Stone is or where it's buried. Now that the battle was near, poorer could have been far more important than the research record of the old civilization.

"Lord McDawell. One thing, I want to ask you again '

"is... what is it"

"Undiscovered ruins previously obtained by your lord in providing information on Legado. What was the total number of them?"

"Double digits will not go down"


Emperor Leonhardt nods one thing in Kite's response. Nothing. He didn't want to hear the numbers either. Dare I say, this is just a search for a fit of hands. And on top of that, I asked with a serious eye.

'... Lord. Can you believe there are children somewhere in this undiscovered site?

"... that's a difficult question. Not really..."


The children of the angels, the Angelic Childrens, were brought in without knowing, either, Valheit. but at least charlotte said he didn't know it existed. If so, it is likely that you are not in the final showdown or have not engaged that prominently.

If so, no wonder one or so remains to this day. I didn't think we would all be found as Vahlheit either, and one person would be good enough, so find me, I was just saying.

"... it is true that the number of children modified by Vaarheit and others is 100."

"Yes. That said, more than that number was brought in..."

"Mmm... that's a terrible story"

The emperor Leonhardt sighed a sinking sigh when he heard Kate's words. He could only say to the boulder that he would extreme sour nose for this. So he was also in agreement with Kite on this case in the direction of protection. The rest will depend on the situation of the children. That's how he only glanced at me once. He shook his head and regained his mind.

'No, now's not the time to say that. Goddess, if you lived at the time, could you not know something?

"I haven't seen it. But now I'm just reminding you if there's a verse for me and your brother."

"Hmmm...... thank you"

"Your Majesty. For now, I was wondering if it would be crucial to conclude the ongoing investigation. Sometimes you'll find new information. If you do, you may find him evacuating to the shelter like his daughters."

Kite plays against the emperor Leonhardt, who thinks what to do. There is too little information in the current situation for both the raven and the corner. But fortunately, there are times when Legado is not what he once was, or Charlotte is. Furthermore, with the fringe of kite, we can ask the gods to help us. A dramatically more accurate survey has been made.


"If that and this are going on, they can both be damaging. On earth, no one who pursues two ravens gets a ravenous ravenous ravenous, he says. Firstly, consolidate your feet and, secondly, investigate the unexplored ruins. If you can find it in there, it's good, and if you can see it, it's good to think again."

'... is that true? Mm-hmm. Well, keep it that way about the current investigation. but still, in view of this one case, we should come even more forcefully for the uninvestigated ruins. Lord McDawell. I also want full cooperation from the Union in this case. I need you to ask the public to persuade the Union. "

"Yes, sir."

Again, this is a request. None of the guilds that the Empire has asked for with this has been rejected for any number of reasons. but with the Union's backing, there was a chance that those places would move as well. This is good for now, but it would be better if they had their hands on investigating the unknown ruins.

So I guess that's why you asked Kite. In the meantime, it was decided to continue the investigation of the discovered relics, and after that, the meeting would be closed.

Now, after the first meeting that morning and the Duke's mansion, Kite was back at the Adventure Ministry Guild Home with Tina and Charlotte and other officials who were in. but that's how we welcomed them into the front door was one commotion.

"... what happened?

"Oh, here I come! Hey, Heavenly Sound is here! Let him through the chairman!

Kite was looking at the crowd that was ready to go in and round her eyes, but if she found him like that, someone would raise their voice. and that's how cherry blossoms emerge from the crowd. I also made Kate understand that her face was serious and something serious was going on.

"What happened?

"Yes... actually, while Kate was at the meeting, the school contacted me. This arrived."


The cherry blossoms gave us a single envelope. Size is square type 2. Size enough A4 size paper. The thickness of the division is not that high. It's a common, everywhere envelope. but when I saw this, kite also opened her eyes.

"This is... Hmm... Tina"


It's an eye-opening kite, but with serious eyes, I turn straight to Tina once I see the letters that were written on the cover of the envelope. That's how she activated the Devil's Eye.

"... real, let's just say. At least there's no chance they're disguised as witchcraft."


Genuine, and. Then I guess I should think of this cover letter as a return of interest to what I've done before. That's what Kate decided, giving the next instruction while taking only one deep breath to keep the feeling of deviation from her.

"Everybody, I know you care, but once you're out of here, move. Gathering here stimulates the guests. One... No, in two hours, gather in the dining room if you care... Tsubaki! Are you there!"

"Yes, my lord. Here. '

Tsubaki bows her head from the top of the blowout at Kite's inquiry. Besides, Kite jumped up the blowout all at once, though slightly indiscreet.

"Circulate the entire guild. I return to the Duke's residence. The boulder needs to be discussed with the Empire. Together, give instructions to assemble over there on the remaining upper levels. If you were out on request, if it's a distance you can return in an hour, let them return as a matter of urgency, unless it's better. Tell Rufus and Alice that urgent business has been done at Heavenly Cherry Blossom School. Well, you won't know far..."

"Yes, sir."

This project is not a good thing to draw conclusions on its own, neither on the corner nor on its own. With that decision in mind, Kate decided to make a decision at the Duke's house. As such, Kate decided to return to the Duke's mansion, where she was supposed to have just left.

As soon as Kite returns to the Duke's mansion for the most part. In the meantime he was making an immediate report to Emperor Leonhardt while waiting for the assembly of the upper echelons.

Fortunately, right now, it's just after the meeting. What's more, I don't know how long this meeting will last, so he had all his appointments open in the morning. So there was a rush from Kate and she responded immediately.

"Oh, my God! Did you say it was from Earth?

"Yes, I haven't checked inside yet... but now I've decided that I will still be able to report to His Majesty, and I've just rushed to report it."

'Hmm... right. I don't know if it's auspicious or vicious, but at least it's true it arrived. "


As I said earlier, I haven't even checked this contents yet with Kite. Instead, I was going to check with him while he took over, but I didn't have time for him to check faster than Kate expected.

To this extent, it is possible, I suppose, but in fact, he is noble and his opponent is the emperor. I got dressed because I was going back, so I needed to get familiar.

Therefore, on the contrary, something that should not have happened to keep the Emperor waiting - no matter what Kate's position was on this, he was not asked about it - about it.

'Hmm... Lord. Report on its contents, how long can it take'

"In less than an hour. This is the thickness of this portion. It depends on the contents, but reporting is enough."

'Then report back at that time. I'll leave my plans open. Then we'll talk about it. "

"Thank you"

On the raven and on the corner. Now I ask for instructions from the Emperor Leonhardt. Kate bows her head to his words. This is a good place for an aristocratic society. Normally, even if a number of meetings are necessary, moving the top can often help. And it's a letter from Earth. Inevitably, I had to turn to the Imperial instructions for its circulation. So Kite, who succeeded in getting his plans vacated in a hurry, sits deep in the conference room chair again when she finishes communicating there.

"Well... sorry. You made me wait. As for this outfit, well, meditate on your eyes."

Sitting in a chair in the conference room, Kate will, for the time being, apologize to the assembled face. Even so, although there have been reports that not all of them are in the boulder yet, and that all of them will return about the faces out there, we have not yet been able to do so.

And, in response, suddenly, but also bewildered Rui Shu asks after being instructed to gather at the Duke's residence. She was summoned during Leia's training with Yuri, so she did not hear the details.

"So, what is it? I was told to gather together suddenly..."

I hear he got it from Earth.

"From Earth...?

Looking at the envelope presented by Kate, Faceko opened her eyes not only to Rui Tree, but also to whom she had no idea what the situation was. What arrived was an envelope from Earth. On the cover is his address. The sender wrote the name of his father, 'Heavenly Sound Caiduo'. As such, Kate may not have time, so she decided to explain to her returning face later and check the contents one foot away.