Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Episode 1540 Message from Earth - Small Pause -
In order to develop a communications machine sent from Earth, Kite was supposed to head to a cave called "Cave III" near the middle belly of a certain mountain in McDawell territory to secure the "space-time stone". That's how he spent a day and a half traveling, reaching the secret base of the Duke McDawell's Army, which guards' Cave III '.
"This way."
The guided female soldier knocked on the door as she guided Kate and Yuri to the base's command room.
"Commander, I've taken a guest."
"Come on in."
"Yes...... then, go ahead"
The female soldier in the guide opens the door and passes Kite inside. So, I took it and Kite went inside.
"Excuse me."
"Um... Mr. Sheave. Thank you. I need to talk to him in confidence for a moment, so please take it off. I'll call you back when we're done, so just wait till then."
Apparently, a female soldier named Sieve nodded one to the instructions of the base commander, leaving the room behind after the salute. That's how after she left, the base commander bowed his head to Kite.
This is one of the most important hubs in his territory. A military colonel who Kuzha decided could be trusted was leading the base, and she would be fine if she trusted him.
"I've been waiting for you, my lord, Dr. Felicia. I'm Olver Dooke."
"Long time no see."
Holding the hand offered by a base commander named Olver, Kate is led by him to a reception chair for the first time. It should be noted that he referred to Yuri as Dr. Felicia because he was one of his godchildren. He said it was decades ago, but that's why he's a teacher, not a school director. As such, where he sits on his chair, Kate sees the door where Sheave left. Slight pride seeped in his face.
"Good soldiers. From about ten kilometers away, I noticed my approach. Furthermore, you may admit that the secrecy of the reading is sufficient and good. The proximity was also quiet. I can safely rely on the base."
"Thank you"
Olver bows his head to Kate's praise. Regardless, it had the advantage of holding up the highlands. And they even teach me to come. but I don't know what time it is coming. It would be enough to be aware at the point ten kilometers away.
Even high-ranking adventurers travel ten kilometers in an instant, which is difficult without using metastasis. And this base also has connections that inhibit metastasis. This much distance would suffice. So after a single social dictionary, Olver inquired.
"So, my lord. I meant to get into the ground... but what the hell are you doing here? It's about getting into the ground, so it seems..."
"Haha. I know you suspect me of being sane. But it looks like my teacher's coming to get it."
"Master... is it Master Musashi or Master Kojiro?
"No, Earth's. Tina's calling, even one shot will come flat this way, so you're flying."
Haha, Olver unwittingly rounds his eyes against Kite, who laughs. but since he's Kite's teacher, he was convinced. He snorted even though he was taken aback. Nevertheless, he would probably have been perplexed if he had heard that the person was also such a gorgeous girl that she could have had a wind hole in Kate's earthen belly.
"Ha ha... so for what the hell reason this time?
"Oh. Actually, I suggest that the teacher use materials that are still undiscovered in Enefia to make some kind of magic artifact. For once, Lord Lil, Tina and other leading researchers have told us that they will also be present in Enefia."
"A certain material, is it?
"Oh. 'Space-Time Stone' is what we call material on Earth"
"'Space-Time Stone'... That's a nasty name to ask"
Apparently, Olver also understood that his name alone was troublesome. Well, I say the name stands for the body. I don't struggle so much to understand it's a name that would obviously depend on space-time. Besides, Kite nodded.
"Oh, there's a chance it'll work in space-time. The level of confidentiality of information is the highest. Think of it as the Colonel who can talk about this at this base. Orders have already been issued concerning the blockade of information more than His Majesty the Emperor. Similar orders will then fly from both the Intercontinental Conference and the Continental Conference"
"Not so much... I did. We will keep this strictly confidential."
Kite nods one thing to Olver's explicit statement. Basically, what you collect in the ground vein is recorded as an army record. Of course, it will be properly investigated for any falsehoods.
After a thorough physical examination of each item to be brought in. Therefore, it is inevitable that even if "space-time stones" can be recovered, they must be examined once. That's why I ordered him to seal off the information. That's why Kite, who asked what was necessary as a whole, now asks him the other way around as a ruler.
"So, Colonel. Have you ever been on this defense?
"No. This one has a particular problem. Strongly speaking, with recent technological developments, the performance of the Alliance's aircrafts has also increased… Are there some concerns about the clandestine nature of the crew's patrols?"
"A new type of junction deployment device is currently being developed for this. Until then, I'll burden you, but I'm sorry, but please."
"No. Everyone at the base understands the importance of this base. Rest assured."
Olver shakes his head against Kite's ambition. Besides, Kite nodded again.
"Really... is there anything you need to fix your base, etc?
"No. We did the renovation a summer ago, so we're not experiencing any current issues"
"Right. If there is a shortage of cold equipment, please report it immediately. I have understood the importance of this base since I took office. Especially now. That doesn't make it any less important. If the burden on the soldiers is to be reduced even slightly, it is the presence to deal with them immediately. Make me an offer without any objection."
"Thank you"
Olver bows his head again to Kate's words. This word of Kate is not a lie, and I firmly recognize the importance of him and his base. Therefore, we have made it a top priority to reduce the burden on this base, and we have also made it a top priority to proceed with the deployment device of the junction to ensure the secrecy of this base. And when he heard some of the current state of affairs, he nodded.
"Right. First of all, is the pulse stable?"
"Yes, something went wrong yesterday, I haven't received a report."
What Kite was getting a report on was the results of an examination of the situation of the ground vein over the past few months. Naturally, the situation of the ground vein beyond that on the side of the ground vein is also included in the monitoring contents.
It's a mechanism that is regularly collected and sent to Maxwell's military base and reported to Kite if there are any anomalies. But I still heard that there may be things that I can tell from listening to people who are looking at me right away.
This is not going to have much to do with his activities this time. This is about the resurrection of evil gods. Evil gods and their families are now sleeping in the earth veins.
If so, it is inevitable that in the resurrection, there will be a variation in the ground vein. All this is more inevitable than being in a ground vein. If we can detect it, we can prepare for an enemy attack.
"Is the resurrection still far away or will you wake up somewhere not in the Empire... don't you see that in boulders..."
If there is a sign of resurrection near here, we can surely grasp it. If it is the latter, there is no choice, but if it is the former, it probably means that the resurrection is still far away. I'm glad I decided it was the right thing to do when I turned my hand to investigate the ruins.
"... All right. For one thing, if there's no problem, there's no problem. but if an anomaly is found in the ground vein, immediately activate the emergency call system to report it. I also grant the abandonment of the base if necessary. Don't even think about stopping them for a second. Plans are already under way for counter-attack operations as well. You don't have to die of mischief. If you need to stop, I'll take care of it. In this counter-attack operation, besides me, there are many main players in the fight. You don't have to worry about my wear and tear. Let one soldier participate in many counter-attack operations."
Olver acknowledges Kite's order. Counter-offensive operations have already been drawn up and approved. Kate herself believes that there is no such thing as losing. I believe that I have no problems without myself. If so, he had also judged himself to be a stepping stone if necessary.
"Good. Now, I need you to continue monitoring the veins."
Kate nodded at Olver's acceptance, one nod. As such, I told him what was necessary and I heard him, so the meeting ended and Shiv led me back to my room.
Well, a little from my meeting with Olver. When Kate returned to the room where she would be based for a while, she was preparing for the last time tomorrow.
"Right. Have you left, too?"
"Uhm. I can handle adjusting the golem. In the meantime, this one can move on to the investigation '
When Tina deploys the Golem footage on the monitor, she presents it to Kite. The formation of the "flying stone" that she will investigate, but this is not a huge "flying stone" that can be tens of meters. One of the formations of a star called Enefia was a formation containing a large amount of 'flying stones', which reduced the gravity that was occurring in the center of the star.
And this formation, but it seems that during the three hundred years that Kate and the others were leaving Enefia, scholarly investigations had progressed and the approximate depth was known. According to this, at least a few dozen kilometers underground. Apparently, at the border between the crust and the mantle, that was the current legend.
"Well, you can't do a bowling survey for dozens of kilometers on a boulder."
"Instead, whether or not we're doing a boring survey to the mantle layer, even on Earth."
"I guess I can't do it to a boulder... well, that's good. So, and."
Nodding at Kite's words, Tina once again presents the appearance of the golem to Kite. It resembles a small car in shape. but the drill is on the tip, a structure that allows you to dig into the basement.
"The cutting-edge drill is coated with scarlet gold (Hiirokane) to ensure strength. It has a small magic conductor furnace provided by Legado, so you don't have to worry about running out of fuel. Sonar's exploration radius isn't that wide at roughly 1 km... well, since we can move around, there's no problem. '
"What about demons in the ground?
"Whatever, I've taken care of it. Even so, you can't just hide it. I'm not letting the boulders have combat capability on this. It's not the size, and we don't need space to collect samples."
"Well... well, I'm counting on you for that one. If there's nothing wrong with that, that's fine."
Kate nodded one to Tina's commentary and decided to leave it to her to continue. Instead, she left it to her because she couldn't help herself in the first place. And she knows that, too. So I'll just keep Kite for another brief report as well.
'Um... So, how about you?
"This one starts tomorrow. I just finished my meeting with the base commander."
'Hmm... has anything changed?
"No, he hasn't had a problem for now"
I was going to hit the prep for the whole day, both on the raven and on the corner. I knew from the beginning that if anything was wrong with the base, I was going to deal with it, and it would arrive after noon. Traveling poorly, you cave in with tired bodies, in case there's trouble. It would be the right decision. Therefore, Kate decided to discuss possible problems, etc. with Tina and prepare for tomorrow.