Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Episode 1635: Inherited and Intent - Sudden Change -
Sola, who had been held captive by a compulsory labor facility in the Principality of Miniera, had passed approximately six months in time inside. That's how he managed to survive with Konrat, the Rank A adventurer who knew Bronzite's prestige, and Gustav, his fellow adventurer. Such was he again mining from noon when he purchased a vantage that protected his hands from a soldier named Rafita who would lay supplies on his captives.
"Hey, hey."
"Hey, Sola. I'll take it because it's full of wheelbarrows, but will it pile up at the end of the day?
"Ooh. Hold on. I'll be right there."
In Gustav's inquiry, Sola stops waving the tuluhashi once and carries the fragments of the crumbling rock wall.
"All right. That's enough."
"Hey...... well, I'm just gonna go"
Sola dropped off Gustav as he pushed the wheelbarrow and pushed it to the trolley, and took Tsuruhashi again.
(... good. erection of the frontal eye, and)
It was such a sola, but there was actually also a reason why he was eager to wield Tsuruhashi. If you also secretly devise a motion to wield the Tsuruhashi, you can arch sword moves. The center of gravity is not strictly together because it is different, but it nevertheless gave me a degree of remembering my senses.
(Six months...... it would take about the second half of the year, it was)
Sora remembers Bronzite's words and puts one back in the mood. He also understood in the words of Rafita earlier that Kate was probably embarking on a rescue. but due to the particularities here, I had to wait a long time.
(What the hell... Master, I'm going to do my best in human resources and wait for Heavenly Fate, is that it? I just have to do it for now... BE!
I don't feel any different. Though Sola thinks so, she strikes a rock wall with Tsuruhashi visible on her sword. It should be noted that it fits the meaning. So this is his fault. Nevertheless, despite doing so, he decided to continue mining and return to Building A at the end of the day.
After the mining, Sola sweated in the shower. He was off for the first time before class tonight.
Basically, there's no way we can get the material here, and the boulder bronzites couldn't make the material. That's why the class here is called a debate when it comes to global style. What to think and how to move. Teaching it was a class here.
"I wonder what it is today"
"Come on... I don't know"
Toryn tilts her neck at Sora's twinkle. Nobody knows what to discuss that day until Bronzite tells us. It should be noted that although it is its bronzite, it is currently in the shower. No, not exactly a shower, but a shower to wash the clothes I was wearing.
As surprising as it may be, a washing machine is actually also available in this room. I could also use it to wash my clothes. So basically I washed the clothes I wore every day and it felt like I was wearing them around.
He said that he was amazing, and that he could change clothes from someone who would flush him like a raffita, and he could change them to something else every day. Sola and the others also have two as spares for once. It was such a tragic place that each of them managed to survive with a little human life.
"Oh, the washing machine stopped"
"Grandpa! Machine wash stopped!
Seeing the washing machine stop, Toryn calls out to the bronzite in the shower room. but there was no response to that.
"Is that...? Grandpa!"
'... oh, oh! I'm sorry!
"The washing machine, it stopped!
"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
Apparently I didn't hear it with the sound of water. Bronzite rushes to reply to Toryn's words knocking on the shower room door. And I guess that's because I panicked. I heard a loud noise from the shower room.
"Shh, I'm sorry! It's okay! Just a minute, will you?
"Don't make me worry."
I guess it's a big deal or something like that. Toryn strokes her chest down on a bronzite with a dodgy side. This is the place. He in the old body will have something hard, and it's not surprising that he should fall at any time. For a moment, there was anxiety in the back of everyone's brain. A short while later, the bronzite emerged from the shower room.
"No, I'm sorry. Were you tired or out?"
"Are you all right? If you're tired, you should lie down today..."
"No, good, good. I told you before, didn't I? This happens a couple of times, and I know for myself when it's really awkward. I haven't traveled to Dada in hundreds of years."
Bronzite casually laughs and shakes his head at the words of Konrat, who seeped anxiety. I can tell you how it is all the time, and it certainly didn't look impossible.
"Well... what are we going to talk about today?"
With sitting water in his chair in his mouth, Bronzite rethinks today's lecture. Well, he's been lecturing boulders for six months. It can be said that although it was certainly not every day because it was dealing with accidents and it drained my strength, I did most of what I could do in oral communication format.
Besides, I can't even talk about Kite because Konrat and Gustav are here. It was a difficult situation to talk about. And that's where Sora remembered and opened her mouth.
"Oh, yeah. Speaking of which, Master."
"I just heard from the Raffita guy..."
If rescue could be moving on both the rabbit and the corner, you can't possibly not pass it on. Therefore, Sola tells Bronzite what she heard at noon.
Hearing about Sola, Bronzite roars one and puts his hand on his beard. So after a while of thought, I nodded one thing.
"First of all, there is no doubt that there are differences in Lord Kite's arrangements."
"Well, I don't know the details about him... a long time ago, eh?
"That's not who I am."
To the inquiry of the Konrat, the Bronzite laughs one bitterly. Well, this one doesn't know about Kite, so it's the only way. Nevertheless, his doubts are not suspicious either.
An adventurer's profession, it is common for him to lose his voice for about a month. The adventurer's kite, there were times, and many times it went out of communication. It's no wonder you suddenly come looking because you've been out of communication for about a week.
"But Hmmm..."
A bitter bronzite, but deepens the colour of bitter laughter. As always, I just have to say it sounds like him. but he doesn't talk about its contents in any way, he just waves his head and gets back on his mind.
"Though, bye. As the lords know, a month outside is a year here. It'll be a while before we find this place."
"Can't you move right away?
"Uhm...... right. Are we going to discuss them today?"
Apparently, Bronzite thought it was just fine. This one, Kate herself says, is against the Duchy of Miniera itself. You can't challenge a head-on battle. That's how, after a short debate, Kite's intention to deal with the state was told by Bronzite.
"I see... well, there was a guy who thought about it..."
"It's not. What can't be wrong is the notion of avoiding it… No, should I say that I don't think I can win"
Normally, he doesn't think he's going to beat the state. Gustav thinks he was listening to the bronzite in response to the words of a Konrat who couldn't hide his surprise, sipping alcohol to swallow beside him.
Indeed, the Principality of Miniera is not as powerful as the Empire to which the Solas belong. Given the size of the country, it could be called a small country. but it is still a state. It wasn't anything I could think of to beat that.
"In the meantime, your lords are making one mistake"
"Misunderstood, is it?
"Hmmm... what does winning here mean? You have to think about it."
Bronzite nodded one at Konrat's inquiry. That's how he starts to talk about it.
"In other words, when it comes to beating a nation, it sounds exaggerated, and everyone thinks it's difficult. But think the other way around. What are their terms of victory here?
To the Bronzite inquiry, Konrat thinks. And that's where Sora opened her mouth.
"Me and your master, rescuing Toryn..."
"Uhm. It's good for the three of us that they rescue. It's not even a duty of diligence."
"Oh, you know..."
After hearing what Sora and Bronzite said, he finally convinced Conrad too. Nothing. You don't have to beat the Duchy of Miniera. With that in mind, the terms of victory were at once lower.
"Regardless, it's hard to say that. This is the dark part of the Principality of Miniera. Let's just say it's one of the deepest."
As Toryn once said, one of the major industries in the Principality of Miniera is the abundant mineral resources that can be taken from the mines in the north. This is one of the backbones that will make that major industry a major industry, but the defense is therefore very tight and I fear the exposure here. The information must be pretty tightly sealed off, too.
"So how are they going to rescue the kid?"
Bronzite receives a contort inquiry and speculates from here on a possible kite's strategy. As such, we discussed how Kite would move over the course of a few days from this day on, and we used it as a lecture.
Meanwhile, around that time. Central building in the Principality of Miniera as well. There, the mining director was asking about the mining situation this semester.
"Master Huey. Can you hear me?
I'm listening.
To the words of the Deputy Miner, the Miner - who seems to be Huey - snorted in fright. That's how he asked.
"So, Aviel. We found that there was a delay in the delivery date. That's good."
"It's not good. It was His Excellency who entrusted this mining site to His Majesty. If the delivery is delayed, it will only violate His Majesty's letter."
"I know. I'm just saying I know... but it's a hassle. If so, let it work like a carriage horse."
What Huey is saying makes sense. If you mean late delivery, you just have to make more work to go with it. but Aviel - the deputy mine manager - showed difficulty in this.
"I can't."
"O Lord..."
To be clear so far, the boulder Huey also had to be accidentally shrugged. Nevertheless, it can be said that this is where Abiel is able to play Gustav and Konrat.
"My lord...... have you forgotten? It was in the meantime that building B beeped up. That shortage of manpower has not been eliminated. You were ordered to hide it."
"Mmm... Speaking of which, was it"
Apparently Huey forgot about the bee rise in Building B. Well, the passage of time in this is faster than outside. So it was already more than six months ago here. But it was only half a month ago outside. The shortage of manpower could not have been eliminated.
"Even so, it's a hassle. Speaking of which... what about Aldo's guy?
"Underground, as usual."
"Mmmm... tell me to keep it on track. Because of that, the cause of the bees during this time will remain elusive."
"Yes, sir."
Abiel nodded sighingly at Huey's instructions. As for this, I just think it is from him. Because it is true that there are a lot of problems because of him.
For example, earlier bees. The masterminds are being held captive for the bees that took place in Building B. This was more than natural than having to look into the back of the case.
And then later, it will be the turn of Aldo, who is either a torture officer or an interrogator. but he had killed the mastermind he captured at this time. Therefore, the investigation of the cause did not proceed as late.
"Speaking of which... what's going on with buildings A and C"
"Ha... so far, I haven't seen any strange movement. But..."
"What's up?"
"There's a strange move in building C. I just haven't been able to grasp if this is ready for a bee."
Abiel, prompted by Huey, reveals the current situation with a slight face of difficulty. That's what Huey told him.
"Such a thing, it would be good if we caught it as usual. Guilty free. I don't care. Out of my way."
"Rank A adventurers brought in after previous bees appear to be at the centre"
"Hmm... Surely there was no one from the Patriarchate in Building C"
"Yes, since the previous bees, half of them have been isolated in buildings A and C..."
Abiel nodded one at Huey's confirmation. I don't know what happened, but he also had several soldiers from the diocese captured here.
"Mmmm... it's troublesome when they cooperate. They're gonna have to cover it up."
"No… I actually have one proposal for this matter."
"Ho... say it"
To Abiel's words, Huey urged him to go ahead. He himself has the idea that Aviel is his own competent deputy. Therefore, it appeared that he trusted Abiel when he said he had a plan.
"… so. What do you think?"
"Ho... sure, that's a proposal. Let's move on. I'll take care of the prognosis, okay?
"Thank you"
Abiel bows one head to Huey's permission. That's how he left the room and quickly moved to pack the details of the operation.