Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Episode 1677: Luxerion Nation - Expansion -
Kite, who had made various arrangements and rulings for going to the Luxerian country. As part of his adjustment for his departure, he had come to a meeting with Jake the Duke of Heisenberg and various dignitaries in his own room at the Duke's residence.
As such, he continues to make various adjustments, but cannot stay in the Duke's residence for long on the boulder, so he will return to the Guild Home. On the way back, he was the one who stumbled upon Sola, but Colette, who became part of the secretary's office, appears in such a place.
Such documents she had brought were intended to obtain a meeting between Liza, who had been protected by an earlier incident in the Principality of Miniera, and Lafita, who had turned to the McDawell family as a witness against her brother. So the day after dawn. Kate was coming to a hospital run by the Duke's family inside Maxwell with Sola.
"Oh, Heavenly Sound and... I'm sure it was Heavenly Castle."
"Long time no see, Chief Nurse"
Well, I used to bring people into the hospital run by the Duke's house every once in a while, and if I get seriously injured, I can't deal with the boulder at the Adventure Guild Home and rent an op room. So Kate seemed familiar with the hospital officials. So the head nurse asked for kite.
"Now what? Oh, is that the woman's visit?
"? Female?
"It's Nia's mother."
"Oh, was Maire here, too?"
Maire is the mother of a parent and child protected by Kate in one of the previous Marician kingdoms. He was already in the village of those who had been discharged from the hospital and had also come as refugees from the Kingdom of Marisia, but he was still observing the course of events due to the fact that it was all those major injuries. Today was coincidentally that day, so I guess. That's why I look at Kate's face in her first ear, and the head nurse tilts her neck.
"Oh... well, maybe not. I don't think there was anyone else in Tianyin's guild..."
"No, this is part of the job. I came as a messenger from the Duke's house. This guy looks familiar to him."
When Kate says so, she presents the documents she received yesterday to the head nurse. Besides, the head nurse nodded.
"Oh... well, go to the receptionist and talk to him, and he'll be right through. I'm already familiar with you."
"Haha. I'm not thankful that you're familiar with the hospital."
"Haha...... oh yeah. If you like, take a peek at the nursery on your way home. Besides Nia, there are a lot of kids here..."
"Yeah, if you have time"
Kate nods and agrees to one offer from the head nurse. Sure, I'm busy, but I've got enough time to play. You can do it if you want to show your face.
So when Kate finishes her conversation with the head nurse, she submits the paperwork straight to the receptionist. Then, the conversation soon passed to a tightly guarded corner.
"Mr. Risa. Long time no see. Even though I may not know..."
"Hmm?... Oh, it's Sola. You've changed a lot."
"Haha...... so, feet. What's the matter with you?
"Hey, your feet are frustrated when you run away. Now he doesn't use healing pills, but he's a natural healer... Now he's an animal man, so healing is fast. You'll be able to walk soon. Sounds like you've had a rough time too."
It was Lysa, who blinked her eyes for a moment, but apparently managed to figure out that she was Sola due to her appearance, etc. I was laughing a little shy. On the other hand, Kate was already face-to-face with Risa at Kate, so she didn't seem to have any doubts.
"So... Mr. Guildmaster? It's been a while since you've been there."
"Yeah, it's been a while."
"What's going on today? Both of you on purpose..."
"No. Another of your brothers sent me the paperwork... so I brought it with me"
To Lysa's inquiry, Kate handed her one of the documents she received yesterday. That's how I looked at the contents of the envelope, and one relief came to mind.
"Oh, this. Good... because you came out dressed. Without this, we won't be able to do anything."
"Something, that?
"Original Merchant Alliance Authorization Certificate"
To Sora's inquiry, Risa laughs. For once, she also has all the registration cards that prove her belonging to the Merchant Guild as a merchant, but this seems to be its original.
I'm still a merchant. Essentially, it's basic to deliver these documents, and that registration card seems to be for pedestrians like her to carry. So it seemed that it was okay to disappear.
"Sometimes I kept it in a vault in Miniera's bank. Because of some idiot, it doesn't seem like he's going to be able to go home for a while. I asked Rabbi to send me through the Merchant Alliance."
"Shh, excuse me..."
Lysa leans her neck strangely to Sora, who apologizes for looking sorry.
"Why are you apologizing? Some idiot is our brother, right?
"Rafi... our idiot brother, you betrayed the Duchy of Miniera, didn't you?
"No... I will"
Lysa told me to remind me that Lafita cooperated with the kites by betraying the Duchy of Miniera side in the first place. He was now hidden in an empire-controlled facility and was alerted in the unlikely event of an assassination.
"I didn't think that the idiot in charge of that was my sister's idea... but before that, he did something about the flow of supplies."
"As, well..."
As for Sola, who was helped by this, I can't resist voice-over about the flow of Rafita's supplies. Had it not been for the supplies that he would have shed, he would certainly have died. That is pure fact. So I just laughed vaguely.
"Well, it depends on how much you blame me for this... but I can't go home for a while either."
"? What do you do?
"Another brother... Yeah, the rabbi told me to keep an eye on him."
"Oh... but I'm not going to lay it on the boulder anymore... do I?
I also understood what Lysa said. So it was a bittersweet mixed question, but Risa shook her head in a sigh mix.
"Right. But brother... I won't allow the rabbi to come back. I hear you're pretty important about this one. He was lying around about it, which means he's pretty crowned."
Well, for Risa, the brother - abbreviated as Rabbi - is a merchant. I can't forgive Raffita for running supplies, but I can't help it.
It should be noted that the fact that this other brother was angry was that his youngest sister, Lysa, was involved in this case. I guess that's where the lateral flux fits one cause. Nevertheless, it seemed to be even more difficult because there were people who were angry at the sidelines.
"So, don't come back,"
"Either way, Rafi's waiting for you at home when you get back. So, it's the rabbi that's inheriting that home. Perhaps my father, who is hiding in hiding, is more Cancún and won't kill Rafita. What the rabbi is showing so angrily so far in the sidelines is a pose for my father, a pose. Until it's almost cold."
"Ah, haha..."
I guess they have a lot going on with them, too. Sora laughed bitterly at Liza, who was frightened.
"That's why I'm resting here for a while, and Raffita's gonna make love to me until most of it cools down together, so"
"So, Mr. Guildmaster. Is it good with this guy?
"Oh. Sure, I checked. Best regards,"
To Lysa's inquiry, Kate nods one and offers her hand. And Risa nodded one, and bowed her head. It was a sign of intent that Kate changed her tone to treat her as a human being.
"Oh, it's nice to meet you too. After the injury healed."
"Oh. Well, I'll bring you another contract or something"
Sora tilts her neck at something that only the two of us will understand. What was kind of refreshing.
"What do you mean?
"No, there's been a little bit of trouble, and I was hoping to get Risa to work for us."
"Get out of the way."
"It's the management of supplies. Basically buying supplies, negotiating prices, basically upper management, right?
To Sora's surprise, Kate talks about the current Adventure Department situation. For example, with one of the previous communications machines, negotiations for the purchase of materials were often carried out directly by the upper management. Nevertheless, this is inefficient under normal circumstances.
Essentially, the upper echelons of the Adventure Department are highly skilled in negotiation, but at the same time they are the highest group in the Alliance as combat abilities. This long hanging of them in administrative negotiations can be described as a loss as an guild.
"Basically, those accountants are left to the maple... but they still can't leave it to the combatants at all times. I was wondering if it would increase as the scale increases. I was thinking about setting up an accounting department. Maple, you're staying this time, right? That's because you're asking me to take over for Mr. Risa. Cherry blossoms go, so there was school control."
"So, I didn't want to go. I heard from you."
Take over Kate's words and Lysa will tell you why. Besides, Sola asked.
"Is that good?
'Cause it's profitable.'
"Well... I guess there is"
Even from Sola, it was seen as profitable if Risa worked in the Adventure Department. Merchants move because there is always profit there. but I was a little sceptical when I said if it was profitable until I left the familiar locality on purpose.
"I want more connections with the Viktor Chamber of Commerce than you think. Especially since it's a private store that can't make mass deliveries like us."
"Is that so?
"That's not true. Especially when you're over there, it's hard to get new products from the Viktor Chamber of Commerce. It's convenient to have a connector. If you can't go home for a while anyway, it's better to get connections with the Viktor Chamber of Commerce over here after you leave."
I guess that's what it is. Since Sola had been taught the importance of Conne by Bronzite, she could not disprove it in particular. That's why he asks what's natural when it comes to it.
"That means Raffita, too?
"Oh, my stupid brother isn't. I've got a priori who was lying on a boulder."
"I couldn't excuse the boulders."
"So what do we do?
To the words of Kate, who laughed, Sora asks Lysa. Just keep an eye out, that's an order from both parents.
"My father, who heard me, found a handout of the shop I knew over here. I hear from someone I know once a week and report to my father that I am a rabbi. He told me to work as a merchant while trying to defy my father's anger."
"Well, he was quite a businessman. Isn't he okay?"
"I guess. That stupid brother. If you take it seriously, it's going to be there. Just don't be serious."
Lysa also laughs a little bit at Sora's praise in a way. And if you make a rumor, the shadow falls. Talking about that, the door opened and Lafita came in with a man of epic age.
"Hey, Risa. Long time no see."
"Uncle. Uncle, were you here?
"Well, to say I know you..."
Apparently, the magnificent man who came in and Risa knew each other. He was showing surprise.
"Oh. With me...... oh. This is... Tianyin. Long time no see."
"Long time no see"
Well, Kite's already one of the city's faces. So I sometimes show my face there at meetings in McDawell territory, and I hear I knew this magnificent man. So after a few social decrees, a magnificent man tells.
"And so I say. I'll take good care of Lafita. You too, work hard at Tianyin's place."
"Yes, I'd like this stupid brother"
To the clear words of a magnificent man, Liza lowers her head because she was small - lying in bed. So, with Lafita, the grand man left, and now Kate started talking about the contract in a little detail with Lysa, and Sola would be joining him again.