Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Episode 1745: Luxerion Nation - Next -
The father of my former best friend, Lux. Kate, who was visiting his grave, one of the first knights she met in another world, remembered the past as she was rocked by a carriage without knowing the leaps of Kusu and the others. And I rang as Alice remembered in that place.
"Ah, Mr. Kite."
"No, to put it that way, I met the branch manager of the Luxerio branch in the meantime..."
"Branch manager of the Luxerio branch?
I wonder what it was. Sometimes Kate was totally alarmed, and she couldn't figure out what it was about. but that's why Alice pictured it as if Kate had completely forgotten. No, I actually forgot.
"What's wrong with that?
"No, that hasn't come to register, so I left it blurry..."
"Ah... uh, uh! Speaking of which, you weren't there! Hahaha!
I completely forgot. Kite laughs out loud like she hides that. I wasn't able to go after all because I was kind of really busy. So after pulling in the lightning laugh, Kate makes it clear again.
"I'll be there after this. No, I've been kind of busy here for a while..."
Well, it's a fact that Kite was busy. As head of the Adventure Department, even on holidays, I have plans, and weekdays are the unification of the lab's research. I can't help it that he hasn't been able to go.
"Speaking of branch managers, Shayla... so to speak, Alice. Was she a breath disaster?
"Ah, yes. He looked fine."
"Right. I wondered what would happen for a while when I was replaced by a knockout adventurer from a previous generation... someone who understands the outside story. I had a lot of bones broken. Did he say anything?
"No, especially about us."
To Ludwig's inquiry, Alice shakes her head thinking just a little bit. Indeed, as far as Kate was concerned, he didn't mention anything about Ludwig or Rufaus during that launch. Besides, Ludwig nodded one thing.
"Well... originally she wasn't from here."
"Oh, I talked to you a few years ago when I was still an adventurer. Captain of the emblem...... oh, it's modern. They met him when he was in martial arts training and came here with him saying he was on good terms. She's young, and she's incredibly strong."
Heh. Was he such an amazing person? Rufaus and Alice nodded as impressed. Rufaus, in particular, seemed particularly surprised because she was the only one who knew him as branch manager.
"In fact, Lou. Wouldn't I be able to compete well with you right now? No matter what you do, if you do it right, you'll win... but if you get distanced, you can be tough."
"With me... no, naturally"
The opponent is an adventurer. They're the ones who get into the danger zone everyday. In fact, not long ago, Alice and I fulfilled a request that no one had broken in twenty years. Even those who are stronger than themselves may be within this Luxerio. That's what Rufaus rethinks.
"Maybe the other two Mr. Laurent and Mr. Kite are stronger than their brothers."
"Ha ha."
I can't say anything because I just lost now, but that's why Rufaus dropped his shoulder and Ludwig laughs with fun. but this is not the case.
"Oh, no. Mr. Kite is Mr. Kite, but the adventurer also has Mr. Kite. They originally came here somewhere else, on the way back to Urca. He says he belongs to < >."
"Heh. Same name as me. No, no wonder."
It's about me. To Alice's words, Kate nodded with interest as she thought about it. Plus, Alice nods. Naturally speaking, there are other boys named kites besides kites, and if you say cherry blossoms and other common names, there are girls in school.
It's the name of a flower, so if it's a cherry blossom, it's in this Enefia. There was nothing strange about having a boy of the same name as Kate, who left his name in another world.
"Yes. That person was from Nakatsu and used a knife. After that, I had demonic eyes... but it was congenial, so the color of my eyes was red"
"Well, aren't they?"
"Is there such a person..."
Rufaus was intrigued by the only word he could say about Kite. He groans slightly more intriguing like that.
"Hmm... Seeing you with Lord Shayla, are you quite handsome? Temple, do you know anything?
"No, I don't... No, I know too much to be exact, maybe"
I said something strange. Rufaus tilts his little neck in the instant response. but this is something we'll see.
"Oh. There were really many people over there who would take the name of a line of brave men... so did Mr. Berntaine himself, and I wonder if Mr. Berntaine's grandson did have a child with the name of Kate..."
"Right... Speaking of which, is it?"
On second thought, Urca is an area with a particularly strong valiant faith. It was a common story to get their names somehow. So Rufaus seems convinced.
"But wouldn't that be a lot if you had a demon eye?
"Yeah, but... Mother count is mother count, right? I can't remember a boulder."
"Hey, so much for being..."
The words you are saying for a moment were too logical. Whatever it is, it is the world's largest guild. A 10,000 unit adventurer belonged to it, and there was no way I could tell it was simply a demon-eyed kite in Urca.
"Well, he'll be in Luxerio for a while, too, won't he? Then maybe we can fight if we're on the brink, right? Why don't you find yourself some free time and take a request, too?
Or I'll think about it.
Rufaus smiles bitterly at Ludwig, who asked with a laugh. Again, I can't show you all the bad looks in front of me, my brother. Then I could say it's not a bad idea to play a game with Kite - the adventurer.
"Ha... right. Well, you should have gone outside and figured it out. There are still many strong people out there. Don't let you lose."
Rufaus nodded honestly in response to Ludwig's words. Thus, the carriage carrying them continued slowly, returning to the city of Luxerio.
The next day after Kate finished visiting Lux's father's grave. On this day Kate had been summoned to the Pontifical Unil, leaving the leadership of the investigation team to Cherry Blossom and Tina to come to the Single Diocese Church.
"Oh, you're here"
"Bishop of Life. His Holiness called you..."
Kate, who came to the Church, came again apart from the clerical office of Pope General. I was at Life's place. The reception of the Church - the Cathedral Church has a reception because it also serves as a government center - was passed through here when we spoke about the situation.
"Yeah, I was..."
"What's wrong?
"Yes, the archpriest, who is a little far away, was in an accidental accident last night, and he was rushed out this morning. So he told me to go through with it."
"That's... that's worrying"
In the words of life, Kate will first state his concern for the safety of the High Priest that he was in an accidental accident. Still a high priest. Pope Yunal's memory also seemed good, and I guess he left immediately. and life bowed his head to Kite, who stated such an understanding.
"Thank you. Fortunately, he said that he had crossed the line... an old friend under the Pope, so he said..."
"No, I think it's the right thing to do. Wordless to me, even legend can handle it. But if something happens to your friend, you'll regret it later."
"Thank you very much for your understanding."
Life bows its head again against Kate's words. These are both social dictionaries when it comes to social dictionaries. So when I exchanged the social dictionary, I decided to get back to the point.
"So, how was your business?
"Oh, right. Excuse me, while you're busy... I'm going to tell you this, so you're going to prolong. Let's be careful… Now, let's get to the point, remember when we talked about going to the homeland of Popes and Ayuls before?
Was it still this story? Kate had no particular doubts about Life's words. It's enough to call yourself in, even though you have to go out of your way to tell the story. All I could think of was either this or a story involving fireflies. So life tells kite like that.
"What about a week from now?"
"A week later, is it?
"Yeah... we'd still be better off together if we were going home," he said. I feel a little rushed... "
"No, as far as I'm concerned, no problem...... were your plans under the Pope good? I do think there was a mass the day before that..."
"Don't worry about that one. I'm the understudy."
Lifes nodded with a soft grin in response to Kite's inquiry. Mass that we have talked about here is also different from what is routinely done. It is a special thing that is carried out with the participation of high priests. Especially the one that this Pontifical Unil attends only takes place a few times a month, which was particularly special, and which he hosted.
"Haha. Actually, I was supposed to be the understudy at this Mass. So don't worry, it's not like the Pope said he couldn't."
"Yeah. There was a little bit. It's in a brochure about Mass this day."
Life laughed and said so, taking a single calendar out of his desk. It was written about the dates and appointments of worship officially issued by the Patriarchate and was used as a reference for believers to come to the Church.
If you look at this, it's obvious which day will lead the Mass. If you look at it that way, indeed, that day was supposed to be led by Life, not Pope Unil. As far as this is concerned, it is presumed that it has been prepared for quite some time.
"I see... you sure do"
"Yeah. So don't worry."
In the meantime, there seems to be no problem. If so, as a kite, I can only accept it with difficulty. And that's how he cleared up the issue, and Kate decided to ask him.
"Speaking of which... what time will you be back under the Pope?
"Oh, didn't I tell you that? You'll be back the afternoon after tomorrow."
"The day after tomorrow?"
Kite's question is not surprising indeed. Although the opponent is the High Priest for once, both Pope General and his opponent are principals. Given that, I didn't think it would be too good to give priority to personal matters. Although, naturally, that's how much the Church knew. So there was a good reason.
"Yes. I was originally scheduled to be out from noon today... coincidentally, I was only allowed to leave half a day earlier because the directions were together. It's a little off the side..."
"Oh, I see. So,"
Sure. Then no wonder this impossibility passes. It would be understandable that the High Priest, too, was caught in an accidental accident. I could tell it wasn't a public or private confusion.
"Okay. Well, thank you for your time."
"No. Good luck to you, too."
To Kite, who bows his head and quits on the spot, Life also drops off that back with a smile. As such, on this day and again, Kate decided to return to the investigation.