Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Episode 1792: Fall Travel - Measures -
Corona and Alven. Sister and brother, a native of a small country called the Arvent Kingdom. Corona, the sister of this sister and brother, was arranged as an interrogator in her home country for slaying the lord.
but knowing that it was in fact self-defense when he was about to be mausoleum by his lords, Kate was discussing with them how to help them with Tauri, a sub-master of the "Prairie Traveler" Prerey Lupasange "who was exploring the demons that would become the" Leading Heavenly Horse (Angel Feather). Nevertheless, for that reason Kate was first talking to the 'Prairie Traveler' Prerey Lupasange 'guild master.
"... ok. So let's do it."
'Oh, I'm sorry. As the size of the guild, it would be easier for you to talk to me about a lot of things that you undertake over there'
"No, I saw both, so let's give them a hand, to the extent. Besides, there wasn't any profit or anything."
'Ha ha. No... I'm glad your place is here, though. We don't have enough information. "
"My place is an informant, too. I'm not so different from you."
To Tayne's words, Kate shook her head laughing over the phone. I have trouble coping with it even if it is lifted too much, and most importantly, I also understand that this is just lifting this one. And they've known each other for some time now.
'Ha... well, I'm sorry, but please. There's a wise man there too... but he's inferior to you'
"Doesn't it mean lifting... At this point in time, you're gonna give it away."
Unfortunately. How many guild masters think your intelligence is biting your umbilical cord? "
To Kate's reply, Tain says so foolishly with a laugh of fun. I'm still an adventurer, albeit an ally. Moreover, he is a wise enough opponent to form an alliance. Many are feeders, and few seek to secure their own interests by striking several hands. When that happens, the adventure department, which is said to be comparable to the young guild master and only medium in size, in a sense appears on the duck.
but if you actually meet with kite, it's a monster that can't be boiled or baked. Many guild masters thought they were reliable, but felt bitter in their hearts, that they could not do anything to plunder their profits.
"You hate me. If he's that cute, he hasn't grown up like this."
'No... well, it's your place, so I can trust you, and I'm sure that coming to another country and doing something, there's no other purpose besides this. Crush it, and we'll remember better from the McDawell family. If a nerd bites, let us bite too'
"Rikai. Well, it looks like we should both temporarily pick it up here."
'Right. You have total responsibility there. I'll keep you in the position that we brokered only as allies.'
To Tain's words, Kate laughs, including a little bitterness. Tain's intentions are quite obvious. As far as his intentions are concerned, we don't want to put ourselves in a position of being responsible for things at the same time.
So I guess I'm going to give the majority of the blame to Kite and the others, and if so, that's all wrong. The opponent is noble, albeit from another country. I didn't want to rub it badly, which was something that Kate could understand. After finishing the discussion that way, Kate turned to Tauri again with a bitter laugh.
"You know because I heard you say it's over..."
"I'm sorry. Our guild master."
"Ha ha. That guy must be like that. Still, you can be a conscientious adventurer if you refuse to move in good faith."
To Tauri's apology, Kate made it clear that this was enough. I'm still an adventurer. For those who can also take mercenaries, there is no one to say that money is all. So if there is no gold involved, it does not move, and it is never uncommon for a person to do so, and they are never condemned without money involved and without trying to save a girl with good intentions.
In view of that, it is good to say that the 'Prairie Traveler' Prerie Lupasange 'had shown enough goodwill for Tauri not to deny moving in good faith and on the contrary showing a cooperative attitude towards Kate.
Well, if you say that, on the contrary, the Adventure Department can't give out personnel, and it's not a move as an guild. As a guild, I gave my permission, and I ran out of words that "Prairie Traveler" Prerie Lupasange "was better.
"So, Corona. I'm sorry to hear that earlier, but I'm going to keep your figure here once..."
"Oh, no! Thank you. But was it good?
"Ha ha. We have no problem with my decision alone. Because it's on a scale. It's easy to get one or two people into the paperwork."
What criteria are used for affiliation to guilds depends on each guild. In this regard, the Adventure Department subscribes with the permission of the Kite Hereafter Alliance Master or Submaster. So accession was possible at the time Kite allowed it.
And there is no problem at the point where he says ok, as the final court decision will also be kite with regard to the documents on accession. Of course, since it's him, the disguise of the documents is also a good thing. You'll be able to accompany him from the beginning in no time.
"Well...... Alven. I'm sorry, but you're temporarily under my command to protect Corona."
"I'm not complaining. Sister, if you can protect me."
"Good... so, Tauri. What are we gonna do now?
In response to Kite's inquiry, let the discussion resume. Talking to Thein earlier is to prove that he is a proper sub-master. At the same time, on the contrary, if "Prairie Traveler" Prerey Lupasange "knew Kite, he could prove himself to be a decent person again by having Corona present. We could say it was for each other.
"In the meantime, after seeing how they get out, I'd like to... oh, yeah. Did our father say how much the bounty was on Corona? I also asked for an investigation..."
"They don't know yet. Corona. What's the last bounty you know?
"Uh... uh, don't be surprised... can you?
Apparently, a considerable amount. Corona giggles half as she swims her gaze at Kate's inquiry. Besides, Kate urged ahead.
"... 30 Great Mithrills....... Alive only."
Ooh. This is another amazing amount of money. Together, we accidentally lost our words. 30 Large Mithrills. If converted to Japanese yen, it is approximately 3 million yen. As for the sweepstakes that can be hung on one girl, it's definitely good to say it's broken. So Kate and Tauri accidentally whispered with their faces close together.
"... hey... did you really just slash that one?
"Yes, no... you're actually a fact. If that's not the case, we won't be able to chase anywhere else."
"Well, yeah... Thirty big misrils, huh? If you don't do something else, you won't be able to hang this far."
Tauri was satisfied with Kite's response, but adds further objections to that. When it comes to breaking, it's breaking. There is something behind it. And Tina forgets about those two, reveals the information.
"Oh, no, I forgot to mention, the sweepstakes will go up - 50 Big Mithrills."
""... Seriously?
"Mm-hmm. Apparently, you resent him pretty much, don't you? Naturally."
No, I guess so. As the same man as Kate and Tauri, there was no wonder they had resentment for getting their male organs slashed. Metaphor, even if it was a rebellion.
"Apparently something about it. He said he was confident in his size. That hurts me and makes me come to Tosaka quite a bit... even if it's smaller than your Lord's. Because your lord's sucks."
Around pinching a joke at the end, I guess it sounds like Tina when it comes to looking like Tina. Nevertheless, I guess being able to make jokes means someone who, paradoxically speaking, doesn't have to be too serious. And that's all I thought about, and Fukite noticed.
"... dude. Normally, can you get that far from a small piece of cake?
"Oh, now I'm in real time laughing and laughing and giving you information."
"It's not real time..."
Seeing Tina point to a headset-shaped demon prop attached to her own ear, Kite also starts a headset-shaped demon prop. Then, at the end of the communication, he was a discerning figure.
'Yes, darling. It's your salia.'
"Yes, sir. All the time. I thought that might be the place."
'Right... there's money where Darling is. Darling is going to do something interesting, so we're going to keep an eye on him this time. "
"Hey... don't I have any privacy..."
There. Kate reads the signs and finds something to keep an eye on herself. Ai hasn't changed. It was the Viktor Chamber of Commerce who doesn't know where the gestures are lurking. So Kate waves to the surveillance and decides to just say hello for now and move on.
"Oh... she's adorable."
"Have you eavesdropped on that one too... that's enough. So?"
"Yes. Hey, an employee of my company put my hand on it. I was gathering evidence."
Oh, you're touching this upscale. Kate unexpectedly senses that Salia is blue-headed. Salia cares about her employees. And she's the kind of woman who clears up hundreds of years of personal grievances. He said he got his hands on the employee. There was no way she would shut up. Luckily for me, I guess I'm going to head to the takeover.
"That means?
"Yes. If you don't mind, I was wondering if you could have one."
"Quack, quack, quack. It's not good to piss off your scary sister. I'll be careful not to get resented."
Apparently, pissing them off has pissed them off. Kate keeps her hands together in prayer for some end of the road that she will follow.
"Oh, darling is crying on my bed all the time. It's too late. '
"Ha ha... ok. Then I'll give you one to apologize for."
'Thank you. Well, you're looking forward to it. Oh, he's the recipient, please.'
Apparently, give it to the guy who's been watching himself since earlier. Well, if I tell you to give it to me, but leave it, he'll collect it on his own. Therefore, if I said it quickly, it would be fine if you would make it impossible for me to escape.
"Okay. Support from my scary sister confirmed. Don't worry, you can do whatever you want."
"Who was it?
"One of our sponsors. My frightened sister refrained. Apparently, that nobleman. I hear you've got your hands pretty wide."
To Tauri's inquiry, Kate shuddered with pleasure. What he is saying is not a mistake from nothing to nothing. Then that would be enough.
"In the meantime, if anyone attacked me, we could just get one of them. That way they'll do it later."
"... who are your sponsors..."
"Frightening sister"
To a stalled tauri, Kate shuddered with pleasure again. Now you don't have to think about anything difficult. It was easy and good. As such, Kate decided to wait and prepare herself for her exploration journey tomorrow.