Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Episode 1820: Heavenly Hegemony Confusion Festival - Killing Chi -
Just for a moment, the story leaves the stories of the kites. As I was told earlier, moments often dream a long time ago. It's not his own memory, it's an old memory engraved in his blood. It was the memory of the head of a ghost called the ancestral sake Heavenly Boy. Recently, I was starting to see various memories, especially because my blood was waking up.
This in itself is not a strange phenomenon for him to be seen as probably the ancestral return of ghosts, nor does he question himself. Because it had been proven that such things could happen if the ancestors had enough heterogeneity to return to their ancestors academically. So as usual, he just thinks about the memory of his ancestors as usual, even when he looks at his past memories.
"... how many times. This is how we fight."
"Well... did you get the three digits"
To the words of a drunken boy, the source light laughs with pleasure. Between the two, more slaughter was exchanged than the number of words.
"Not at all... you really surprise me. No way is he comparable to me."
"I'd say that's my word...... In this case alone, I'm just unusual."
Reliance light laughs joyfully at the words of a drunken boy. It is the name of those who differ from ghosts even in this time of peace. There was no one who feared him as an anomalous man, fighting each other against the head of the ghost, even said to be comparable to that and to God, and secretly but laughably.
No, that could have been more. For this reason he praised himself as an excellent samurai and was comfortable with someone from the Fujiwara family who was happy about him as if he were his own, and called him a friend about a drunken boy who could be said to be equal to himself.
'... that's a strange thing...'
Even though this is how they are called and fought each other, I now have those two bloodstreams. The moment I look at my two ancestors, who are very similar to me, I think so to my two children. but it was precisely because he was a third party who wasn't there.
"Oh, whoa!? Do it!? You can do it all day!
"Oh, Dad, I was a little drunk!
"Ra, my brother in trust!? Hey, thunder's flying! Do it! Everybody, pull behind me! I'll take care of the thunder!
"Fools, you guys! What a friendly getaway! Or Golden Hour! How many ghosts are you protecting?
Next to the two men who fight each other for fun. Next to it, two Four Heavenly Kings and Ibaraki Boy, the deputy chief of the drunken boy's side, were fleeing in great haste. The way it looked looked looked somewhere fun, maybe because the moment was still a third party.
The moment had to be painfully laughed at by the nine men who saw the battles of their ancestors and took their hands together beside them, irrespective of their enemy allies. And while I look at them sideways like that, the moment turns again to the battle between the two of us, if it serves as a reference for how to fight as a ghost.
"Speaking of which... I hear you recently conjugated"
"Oh. Not these days... so they wouldn't kill you, would they? I haven't even had a baby yet."
"Well... well, that's why I don't care"
"Mind your own business. There will be Tsubasa."
"That's not a weak woman to the extent that I'm dead... all the way"
The drunken boy laughed and jumped back a little to the light he told him to be shy. That said, that step would be hundreds of meters long if fitted into modern units, and he swung through the similarities as he jumped behind him.
"Oh... are you going to do that?"
"Oh... think of it as a gift of conjunction. You'd have given me an oversized thunder, too, wouldn't you? It's the size you deserve for payback."
It would be good. I'll take it. In response to a gift from his best friend, Asukai sets up a knife silently, laughing. That's how thunder began to emanate from his knife.
< >, not < > after he was called that, but another wave of his love knife, not even in the history book with the name of < >.
The power was not inferior to that of < >, but it was usually used as a charity because of its history. The power of this thunder was also greatly aided by its knife.
Come. Towards the reliance of the silent telling, the alcoholic boy, who severed the ground greatly with a wave of a sword resembling the great claw, got his hands on the ground that had been severed. Then the ground lifts up as if it were a mountain.
"< >... Don't be crushed."
A drunken boy lifting a 'mountain' is also a drunken boy, and a reliable light that has no fear whatsoever of it can only be described as a reliable light. I sincerely think so the moment I see this. And it was him, but there was something caught on the edge of his heart.
'... hmm?
Something is visionary. I think so in the blink of an eye at a drunken boy's < >.
"... no, naturally"
This is my own blood memory in the first place. Therefore, contrary to his soul, the blood looked familiar, slightly but there seemed to be confusion there. Such a drunken boy threw the mountain too lightly in front of him, against which the reliance also lightly smashed the mountain with thunder.
"... after all, am I a descendant of two"
Seeing such a sight, I honestly think so for a moment. Now he's good at thunder. That's what relies on light, and now he's harnessing the power of ghosts to strengthen his flesh. Needless to say, that's the blood of a drunken boy. It seemed to me that the use of the two powers was a sign of two descendants in an instant.
'Even if...'
Against the fun two, that's fun again. Moments see two Four Heavenly Kings and a Ibaraki Boy who don't know if they're running away or fighting.
"Yea! Don't you dare! Look, there's a rock coming with a broken trust!
"You're a little bit as good as your own general's attack!
"Brother Tsuna, no! Seriously, yeah! This, the one who can't prevent it, it's all gonna die!
"You guys. Ahhh! Seriously. Yeah! Yeah! Between enemies, I suppose!
Apparently, one person named Tsuna is a very serious person. I don't know if we're close or not, but the other Four Heavenly Kings - including, in this case, the Haunted Four Heavenly Kings - abhors their voices. but the way it looked instantly looked fun.
"Watanabe Tsunami..."
If you think about it, are they both quite famous people? The moment I look at Watanabe Tsunami, I don't think it has any benefit. And, like that, he opened his eyes.
"...... ah"
At the same time I noticed something in my dreams, the moment jumped back from my dreams.
"... what, now I realize what...?
I noticed something important. Yet I can't remember what it is, and moments hold my head. If I could have dreamed of it like that, I could understand it. I was just so sure that it seemed so, but I couldn't stay but I couldn't figure it out. And that's the time. As if he shouldn't have noticed it, but suddenly he felt cold.
What are the signs of this rush? The moment I understood that there was someone beside me, and I couldn't help but think of my hair. Frogs stared at by snakes. He got that feeling here. I mean, what I felt was killing me.
Moments squeeze their full strength and do something to someone beside themselves. but no reply. But I feel it. Killing till it gets too cold. That is how he becomes conscious several times and breathes repeatedly to become conscious and restore calm.
Several breaths are meant to adapt the spirit to fear. The moment he was thus accustomed to terror, he immediately created a spear, and for now he shook the spear to the side as he thundered towards his surroundings.
"... disappeared...?
"One! What happened!
"... concurrently?
'Oh! We're going in!
Apparently, the other faces are with us. The moment is alert, slightly manipulating his fingertips to make him unlock it. That's how he led the kite, and the chief of the division came in with some of the people who are also known as the arms handlers in the adventure club called Al and Rufaus. Suddenly, enormous magic burst inside the Alliance Home. I guess everyone jumped up and instantly noticed an instant anomaly from the place where the magic was unleashed.
"What's up?
"I don't know...... but there was definitely something"
As soon as he remains alert, Kate tilts her neck. So I looked around once and understood that Rufaus was there, and I gave him instructions.
"Senior Fujido. I need you to be alert to entering and exiting a senior room. Others will be notified that there are no problems with other Alliance members… but keep the headset on at all times. Rufaus, I'm sorry, but you need to be on alert in the house, too. Al, you stay here. It's troublesome in case there were more than one."
Copy that.
"Got it. Lord Fujido, I'd like to borrow a few people."
"Okay. Everybody, let's go."
On Kite's instructions, the department manager, led by Fujido, leaves the room behind. That's how the only thing left in the room were Kite and Moment, and Al.
"For more information... but he was definitely there"
Kate listens to the words of an instant, exploring the signs around her. but he turned and shook his head.
"There's no residue of killing..."
"What? But sure..."
"I was falling asleep, or what?
I'm surprised. I guess Al wasn't there or anything about Kate, he thought. In a strange moment, ask him to smile a little bitterly.
"... No, there isn't. I was awake a while back in the first place. There's nothing to sleep with."
At least it doesn't seem to lie about what the moment is saying. Kate thinks about the status quo and decides so to him in no way shy. So he decides that maybe the unexpected big guy was caught.
"... Al. Get me that watch there."
"Oh... I'll borrow it"
"I don't mind... what are you doing?
Moments tilt their necks at Kite, who suddenly took his own alarm clock. Thus, Kite closed her eyes for the first time and used something. Then the footage of the room a moment ago comes to mind.
"... this is..."
"The magic of reading memories of things… but should I say it? I don't know much about it."
"I mean... it's a magic trick that the police use that allows you to master and use..."
"How many minutes have you been lord?"
Kite quickens the footage with a laugh at Al's pointing back. Then a few moments jumped. Seeing that, Al smiled bitterly.
"No. It was after this that I realized"
"Of, sounds like..."
Before the three of you watched, the moment in the video trembles like you noticed something. That was a difficult time to say I did fall asleep, and a situation I couldn't even describe as acting.
"... Sure, it's hard to say I fell asleep at this time..."
Sounds like it.
To Kate's words, Al also narrows his eyes with a slight seepage of swordswallowing. Apparently, he decided he really had enemies. Nevertheless, soon Kate pulled out her shoulder strength.
"... well, you would have already pulled it off even if you were there. No sign of boulders."
"... well. Then don't worry."
"Oh... but you better stay alert... for once, hit the assassination guild"
"Assassination guild......?
Why is that name here? Moments surprise me with Kate's words. Besides, Kate sighed.
"They're the only ones who can get this far through me and Tina's security net without a trace... there's no chance that a senior will be targeted by a boulder. There is a possibility of some kind of mistake… If we don't get to talk before we can rub it, it will be troublesome for Mr. Almina to come back from the other side."
"Oh well..."
Apparently, before you get into any trouble, you want to crush the possibilities. Moments draw cheeks to Kate's words. And he apologized to Kite one thing for making him feel a little safer with those words.
"Even so... was it bad?
"What? It's only natural that you were wary of a raid or something, and you wouldn't care."
"No, the... the outfit. I mean, that's what happened... Was it?
After a moment of pointing out, Kate confirms herself again. That's how I understood and laughed.
"Oh, this. Well, I guess so."
To Kite who laughs, I just have to laugh at both moments and Al. That should be it, too. Kate was only currently weaving her feathers of every single white long coat on top of her half naked.
"Don't worry. Time's up."
It's already three ugly times when grass trees sleep too. Everyone was asleep, and so was Kite's room. So in the slightly relaxed air, nothing eventually came to an end this day.