Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Episode 1824: Heavenly Hegemony Festival - Concerns -
Sola wanted to try how strong she got after a year of living in a mining yard. At his request, Kate was to allow him to travel to Nakatsu and participate in the Heavenly Hegemony Confusion Festival. So, a few days after the decision. Kate had come to drop off Noeko, who would compete in the qualifying round.
"I'll be a few days late... well, good luck with the qualifying. This qualifying round will be much tougher than the previous one... but there must be a lot to be gained"
To Kate's encouragement, Moment and Sola nod one thing. Again, this time the main battle is close, so there seems to be a very large number of participants. And many of them lost in the qualifying round held in the region, but they will also participate here in an effort to compete in the main game again. In other cases, the qualifications usually held in Nakatsu were higher than those held in various countries, and the struggle was inevitable with semi-productive arms. So Sora, who knows that, laughs one at Kate's encouragement.
"I'm just gonna do it to the point where I can. In the meantime, I just want to see how well it works because my master and Mr. Konrat have been working out this past year."
"Right. That would be more important in your case. The self-esteem you've been gaining must be transforming a lot. Put it back on the right foot."
Although fighting was a daily tea meal because it was still an illegal mining ground, the situation did not make it possible to fight using moves (skills) or magic. Therefore, the battle there was won in a row, and that did not lead to a legitimate evaluation, and the relative evaluation obtained in battles with magic and skills (skills) like this one is the exact evaluation for Sola. It was a good place to see his relative standing, which even Sola herself couldn't figure out because of that year.
"So... seniors. Seniors have no ties this time. If only we'd fought hard enough."
"Oh. I'm going to. Recently, I have also become accustomed to < >. I can fight with a knife... and yes. So what happens to < >?
"Oh, that one? If you say so, you didn't say it before... it's forbidden to use in the main battle."
As slightly surprised, the moment opened his eyes slightly. It is everything at the Basic Heavenly Hegemony Confusion Festival. So the guy who can't fly is bad for the guy who can't fly, and the guy who can't disappear through metastasis is bad for the guy who can't disappear.
but apart from this < > first soul (origins) > >, this was clearly stated in the rules as the only thing that should not be used. I wasn't strictly using < > at the qualifying tournament. It was just diluted so that I could use a knife in a pseudo way. I didn't strengthen my physical abilities or do anything.
"< > is a means of bringing in the self of previous life… so you don't know which self you're fighting as a warrior. And when I use that one, I push it through with force moves, so I can't see the moves. Of course, there is no problem using the technology acquired using < >. That's because you've made your technology your own in the past life."
"I see... for sure. Is it more than just a martial arts tournament?"
"That's what I'm talking about"
Kate nodded one the moment she understood her words accurately. I mean, that seems to be the case. Whether it's a flying technique or a metastasis technique, practice it and it can be used by anyone. Of course, there are moves available in < >.
At the same time, it can be seen that the moves that can be used in < > can be used as techniques acquired by previous generations while awakening previous generations. Therefore, there was no way to discern an unmastered move, and only < > was prohibited from using it.
It should also be noted that the moment does not seem to work, but there is no problem because there is no multiplier applied to physical enhancement and it fought based on the technology drawn in without activation. I'm guessing you're asking the Games Committee for confirmation.
"Therefore, use is prohibited. Well, you'll see when you see it. I don't even have a fool to use it."
"I see... ok. Be careful."
"You'll be relieved if you do."
Kate nods one to the instant response. That's how they took it, and they left ahead of the kites.
Now, right from the departure of Sola and the others. Once again, Kate had come to ask how the flying airborne was going to leave herself.
"What do you say?
"Mm-hmm. All in all, it's bad. Nevertheless, it is not the battleships that can be said."
Tina laughs at Kite's query, who was working at a maintenance dock on a flying airborne set up in the corner of the military factory.
"As for defensive performance, it's bad. Bear the blow of a Rank S Class demon. Whether it's a series, it's dangerous."
"That's good performance. If you think of it as a Throne Machine, it's good enough performance."
"Uhm. It has enough performance... rather than"
To Tina, who suddenly became Zito's eyes, Kate leans her neck without understanding why.
"There's something wrong with your Lord. Flagship an attacking pole-shaking attacker... this is normal. I almost fell out for a moment, but the general cut the front line and fought... I thought you were an idiot or an idiot"
'Cause I'm strong.
"If you're not strong enough, it's what Azuma does. All I can tell you is that the Lord will forgive you."
To some proud kite, Tina sighed heavily. Without a doubt, Kate is not exaggerating by saying he is the strongest warrior in the world. but still, there was a reason I had to include it.
"Nevertheless... your Lord is the strongest and not invincible. Know with the Lord. Scarsaha, for example. If any, it can undoubtedly reach you. There are other Gilgamesh that your Lord admires with your teacher. If he is, if he is with Enkidu, let him be the true Lord. There are other Nyalat hotels that your Lord once fought for. Was that right and mutual with your Lord?
"I know. I'm just the strongest. Definitely not invincible like some cheat. I've never forgotten that."
In response to Tina's point, Kate smiles slightly softer in a flinch.
"The strongest and the most invincible are apart... I am the only one who is strong."
"Bye. Understand that... I'm sorry for the rest of you getting a family and losing someone you love."
"I know... I'm not dying. I'm not gonna die."
"If that's what you want. Don't just tell me to get your Lord's arms all worked up."
"Jesus mum. We can't win, but let's have a good fight."
"Difficult position."
This time, Kate can't really win the job pattern she's been asked to. Given that, I still couldn't really fight it. So Tina was looking back for a different reason.
"If you don't, I won't be joining you. When I'm serious about the boulder, everyone leaves. Everyone will want that, but we'll carry it over next year."
"The rest of you will be attracted to me. It's going to look good inside."
"It's next year, isn't it? It's enough for the Japanese to show off this year."
"That makes sense, too"
To Kate's words, Tina agrees again with the idea. That seemed like the end of a serious discussion, but that's why I got to the point here.
"Ma, that's not true anyway. Let's get back to flying."
"Uh, speaking of which, yes, he did."
As for Tina, I have to tell you every word she says, but she got out of line late, but this is not the point. That reminded me of Kite, too.
"So, what's the adjustment?
"Let me assure you it's close to perfection"
"Otherwise, I'm in trouble... because when this falls, it's no bother."
"Wa Ru. So let's take it to perfection on the day."
Shanna will be traveling again as Kate travels to La Elia. If you look from the Empire, it equals two of the most important figures in the country riding the same boat at once. If it falls, my stomach won't hurt.
Well, it's the word of those who know him that Kate will return flat where she crashed, and it's about him. Normally, Shanna and all the women on her side would be safely brought back, which would be a dead end story. As close as I could get to him, there was no wind that I cared about at all.
"So, for once, let me ask you, what's the progress?
"Currently, it's customized so that you can link to fireflies. It won't be perfect when you're done."
"Does that mean it's almost over... why haven't you done it before? Synchronization to Firefly and Aigis is a basic system, right?
If Kite operates the fleet, Firefly or Aigis are basically bound to serve as his assistant. This is essentially because they can manipulate all the systems of the McDawell family where Tina's hands are equally in almost everything because Tina is the Creator.
If I put it bluntly, the core system is the same. And even as authority, they are set to come up. Because you two are aides to kite. It requires more authority than it does at the behest of Kite. So basically it was no exaggeration to say that it was the first system to be installed.
"Oh, no... I should actually say that this is the rest of the blind spot, which is an interesting story inside..."
"Terminally, please. Your funny story is mostly technical, and I have a lot to understand."
"Wah-wah... so if I say it in a nutshell, he does. He's afraid of being manipulated. No, if you dare, your fear of losing yourself."
If you look at it as one life, it's normal. Survival instincts if I say so. No wonder fireflies have the same thing as that. Therefore, it can be taken for granted by Kite, but I didn't understand why the work was behind me this time.
"Mm-hmm. From here on out, well, it's going to be a little technical... well, what if I say firefly big book? Oh, Smanu. You don't have enough words. It should be called the home of the soul."
"Yeah? Firefly Soul Base......? That's well... a demon stone, isn't it? Maybe Big Book is on the Golem side if you say so... you better tell her she's staying on the Demon Stone side now"
"Hmm. Well... but that's why"
Tina nodded one thing in Kite's response, so she nodded with joy and fun somewhere. Besides, Kate snaps her neck again.
So why not?
"Um... blah, blah, I'm afraid that the golem side will affect me. It was represented in the central laboratory of the Mars Empire during this time, let's just say."
"... are you wary that some kind of hacking was done to you?
"Mm-hmm. Therefore, the strength of the walls is considerably increased, even though he himself is unaware of them. I can't connect to this."
"But weren't you able to connect normally before?
Previously. That was before in the Patriarchate. At that time, Firefly was connecting to the airship to provide a variety of support from it. Nonetheless, I can't connect this time. It was a story that didn't quite make sense.
"Uhm. That would only be if I trusted the rest, to say the least"
"Well, I can only say I am."
"Ha. No... At that time, there were a number of devices between him and the airship that could be used as relays. I didn't connect directly to the ship."
"I was afraid of being manipulated."
"That's not what I meant... so he was also able to connect indefensibly. On the rest of the relay, then. But as the Lord knows, it's an extraordinary measure. It's the way the Church recognized it... but it's not there."
Once again, Tina sees the airship that was Shanna's dedicated aircraft. This fence is certainly arguably altitude. I can tell you, that was only a general level of talk.
"This inner fence is well... equals toy if you look at it from the rest. That is... even from them (the Death Warlords), it can only be said that it is. I'm concerned that I'm being manipulated through this when I'm connected to it."
"I see... in this one case, you have become unconsciously afraid of being destroyed from the soft, brittle inside,"
I could understand it as a kite if you ask me, and I can't tell you how happy I am to hear this from him. Anyway, she approached another person as one life, not a golem. There was no reason anywhere to rejoice or be angry at the hassle.
"Tina. In the future, there's also the number six thing. Thoroughly set up a relay for what they are involved in. Just in case there's never gonna be one."
"Who do you think the rest is? I've already thought about my hands."
"Sarasu is Mother. Aftercare is perfect... I'll leave that to you. Report everything you need. I'll arrange everything here."
"Mm-hmm. That's the Lord."
Kite doesn't allow any clues from her family to Tina, who never fails to take care of the product. Over the next few days, the two of them were going to fix the system surface of the airship so that the fireflies could operate safely.