Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Episode 1905: Union General Assembly - The Basics of Adventurers
< > Make it the Alliance Master and Allegrass the first Union Master. The Adventure Department, which was challenging the maze (dungeon) he supposedly left behind.
In that, the moments were mixed up again. That's how Fujido and Ayazaki set foot in the labyrinth (dungeon) with their familiar faces, and as a result of some trial and error, he succeeds in breaking through the First Gate. Meanwhile, what a place for Corona and Alven's sister and brother to break through the first gate in fact the fastest way.
"Surprised -. Be careful because you're gaining momentum, I heard... it was more momentum than I thought."
"Haha. Only the first gate is fixed."
As I was told earlier, both Corona and Alven have challenged this labyrinth (dungeon) once. And on average, the only rank of adventurer needed to reach the end was rank B, not so much if only a breakthrough in the first gate. Therefore, at the last point, both Corona and Alven had figured out how to break through.
"Only the first gate?
"Information gathering is also an important skill for adventurers. Trials have already begun before they begin."
Alven speaks well of something against a nodded corona. but it was Corona who shook back at this.
"You... don't look great. That's what Mr. Hector told me."
Shortly after he spoke with his nose high, he was slapped on the nose pillar, causing Alven to hold his breath slightly. And, well, that's what I mean, anyway. Although this is the first trial, it seems that only this first trial has remained the same since the creation of this labyrinth (dungeon). At one reading, it was a great anticipation that it would remain the same in the future. And Corona regained her mind when she told him that.
"... well, but... I see you do. This place is used for entrance exams, so everyone tries to enter this labyrinth (dungeon) without prior knowledge. A place to show that the prerequisite is a mistake… so we can look into it properly."
"Hmmm...... that? But then, aren't we at a disadvantage in the first place?
What do you think? Both Corona and Alven slightly bother their heads with this inquiry. If you say it is, it is. Originally this labyrinth (dungeon) sees if it understands the importance of examining and challenging beforehand. but this time, the Adventure Department sometimes challenged it not as an entrance exam but as mere training, and everyone was challenging it without prior knowledge. With that in mind, Alven shakes his head in a sigh mix.
"... you don't know. Just what the master thinks."
This is a labyrinth (dungeon). It's hard to imagine Kate letting you try here without thinking about it. And it's about him. If it was being investigated in advance, it was thought that it would be directed to encourage a preliminary investigation.
"Well, we don't even know what we're thinking up there."
"... right. In the meantime, the third trial needs to find out something... Ah"
Another girl agrees with Corona's words. Thus, the three of them approached the strategy of the third trial at about the same time as the moment arrived at the second trial.
Well, just then the Coronas embarked on a third trial. The moment they reached the second trial one foot late, they were quickly embarking on the second trial.
The moment you land on dry ground, you first get up and observe your surroundings. The situation has changed since we hit the jungle earlier, and there is almost nothing around. Once there was something like a tall tree or a large weed everywhere, there was nothing like a landmark. Fujido and Ayazaki open their mouths, observing the surroundings just like him like that.
"... the view looks good"
"You don't have to take surprises..."
"Right...... right. Unless you're under the ground."
For a moment, try to tap the ground once with your feet to see how it feels. The feeling was rightly called wilderness, and it felt like very dry sand had been pushed and consolidated. Confirm that feeling, and the moment raises the policy for now.
"Well... what shall we do? Unlike earlier, if you proceed randomly, you will be lost."
"Is there an escape exit somewhere this time?"
"It would. Otherwise, you'll have to walk through this empty space without a trace..."
It's suicide to walk in this unmarked space on boulders without a mark, and most importantly, you don't know what they're trying. The three look around to see if there's anything that's going to mark them.
but no matter how staring, there was nothing anywhere. Even if something was somewhere in this state, it would be across the horizon. It was definitely not a situation where I could leave it to my luck. Nevertheless. Nothing can stop you from moving. So Ayazaki opens his mouth.
"How much magic do you use to keep the spear visible?
"A landmark... then I have something to keep. Just give me a minute."
The moment Ayazaki requests it, he closes his eyes only once. It's been a while since I've done this, so I needed to remember how to do it. That's how he braided the flag in every way he could.
"... did you also create the flag"
"Oh...... but I didn't just knit the flag with all the magic. Remember this if you're going into the desert of Urca. Sometimes nothing is marked in the desert, and sometimes the sand drinks it when it's a small pebble. As big as this, if they don't do something artificially, it'll be a landmark... well, if it's Mr. Augdyne or something, I can really knit something about the size of a tree... I couldn't get that far on a boulder"
The moment smiles slightly as he sticks his flag firmly on the ground. In his studies in Urca, he said that he had entered the desert several times, but during the first time, Augudine told him to learn this.
In < >, a country associated with banditry and many missions in the desert, those who were recognized as capable of leading a dozen parties were reminded to remember more than just being sub-masters of the Alliance. That's how he describes the characteristics of this flag.
"This flag emits heavenly high light with one of my intentions. If it comes off, mark this... let's just mark the sun and walk"
In the words of an instant, the other two nodded one. In doing so, the three of them decide to walk out first, marking an instant flag.
I don't suppose we can break through this trial with this. The three of them only walk away from each other if they think so, without any particular thought. Nevertheless, there was no random way to walk on the boulder, so the three of them were talking about what was just before they left.
"... Mm"
To the ringing electronic sound, the three of them stop on their feet. That's how Fujido took the smartphone type comms out of his nostalgia with that sound and turned off the alarm. What was ringing was an alarm for the timer function that was provided for his comms. So when he stopped the alarm, he nodded instantly.
"That's enough... one"
"... apparently, he's staying away"
Ayazaki nodded one at the light that went up in the distance in response to Fujido's words. The first trial ahead was long enough for me to walk back and forth in a matter of minutes. It was only big enough for me to make a grand tour of the same place, but it doesn't mean I'll be put back where I am. So the three people who confirmed it stop there once and the moment sticks the same flag as the flag ahead on the spot.
"Now, good"
"No, I don't mind. I don't have a problem with this. Besides, they often use this for super long periods of time. It takes less magic than you think."
The moment laughs at the words of Ayazaki, who apologized for one thing, checking the stabbing of the flag. This can only be seen if he knits a spear with magic, but this flag is really big, but it seems to be a shadow over the fruit. The contents were empty, so much so that if it wasn't sticking firmly to the ground, it would sometimes fall due to a gust or something.
"... good. No problem with that."
"Now, if you're not going straight, you know, and it's easy to fix directions."
This place is also equal to a space of nothing in the first place. I can barely tell the difference between the grass trees that are likely to be marked. It can't be a landmark. So what the three of them thought was that they would raise another flag. By doing so, we would know if we were going straight from the light of the two flags.
"Later, just walk thirty minutes,"
"I hope something happens to you."
Ayazaki laughs just a little at the words of an instant. Originally, this kind of thing doesn't work. If anything, we could make money. We only thought of the three of us. So we're going to walk out again, but then thirty minutes later. The electronic sound rang again without finding anything.
"That's probably the place."
I didn't expect anything in the first place. The three of them are just laughing, on a walking journey that is duly over. If I could measure this, I'd have a lot of patience. but now I don't know what awaits me ahead but I'm therefore just walking normally, to the extent that if I were someone with flying skills I would normally be able to see far away. If there were any landmarks, we could rush through at full speed at that point. It won't even be a test of patience. So the three of them decided to settle down and discuss it all over again from here.
"... hey, before that. Moment. For once, can you ask me to make sure it's moving properly?
"Well, yeah, I guess so."
To Ayazaki's words, the moment nods one and signals to the two flags, causing them to emit light high in heaven. Note that the two colors were changed so as not to be mistaken. Look at that, the moment squeaks.
"... both, stay the same. Even so, it looks a little far apart..."
"Then, on the contrary, there's a real possibility of an extended space here."
"Right...... come on, here's the real deal"
Laugh momentarily for just a little fun and make another observation of the surroundings. I don't know what to do or what to do. That seems to be fun. Though, that's how Fujido got stuck on him.
"Even so, I raised the flag because there was nothing there."
"Right...... well. There's no way there's anything."
If there's nothing here, it's a dead end. I just have to go back in the first place. < > is available at the first test site so that you can return, but it is a last resort. I needed to think of something for now. but there's no way if they say there's really nothing. The ground, for example.
"... I don't want much downstairs."
"Or I hope it's enough to cover this whole area."
Ayazaki also smiles bitterly at the words of the bitter moment. If something is buried underneath, just like the first trial ahead, it will have to be found inside this vast estate. When that happened, it was an area where there was nothing more to be done. Nevertheless, if you have any clue, Ayazaki rings his hand.
"Both of you, stay back a little bit."
"Good... Phew..."
Make sure the two of them back off, and Ayazaki takes one deep breath. In so doing, he punched the ground as much as he could with natural movements as if exhaling.
"Huh! You've lifted your arms again!
On the heavily swaying ground, moments and the two of Fujido endure a slight sway. Nevertheless, the reason it was so big was because Ayazaki dared to deliver vibrations far away. It was a blow that weighed more on impact than destruction. So, a few seconds. The shake subsided.
seconds. The three men carefully observe their surroundings as they lay down their weapons. As a matter of fact, this could make the demon happen, because it was supposed to. Rather than, it could even be a clue, he thought. but those three pale expectations quickly collapse away.
"of... Now, when this happens, it's going to be hard inside"
In the words of Ayazaki, who unraveled the structure, he unravels the structure and shakes his head as well for a moment. So the three of them decided once again to squeeze their wisdom for a breakthrough in the trials.