Shadow Brave's Readventure - Re-Tale of the Brave
Episode 1971: Seven Great Sins - Guardians -
Time goes back, when kite was only 'the other kite'. It's the end of the story. When the majority of the world finally started operating normally, Kite also waited longer. The world had exchanged kites and discussed future measures again.
"… < > System…"
"Oh. I found out about this one. Obviously, I'm not on my own enough."
That is especially true. The world agrees with Kate's point. As was said earlier, < > in the first place, < > was created to imitate Kite in response to the emergence of < > Seven Major Crimes (Seven Sins) >. Therefore, there were no < > Guardians yet in this era.
"Therefore, to protect something as the system side of the world... right. We need a presence that reduces the ability to respond appropriately to small projects."
'... do you have any hands?
"Besides, when you implement it, it's going to take a while again."
"Nothing. I'm not going to be hard on this. And time won't be a problem."
In response to the inquiries of the world, Kate talks about her thoughts. Needless to say, it builds itself as a mimic being. To this, the world agreed.
"I see..."
"If it mimics you, it is certainly useful and beneficial."
Anyway, I've solved this perennial anomaly by myself and defeated demons like that < > that could destroy the authentic world itself. Its beneficiality and usefulness were more certain than any other being and had been demonstrated.
'... ok. If so, let's get it over with'
"How much time do you need?
"Impact on the surroundings. A thousand years to find out how things have changed over time."
Already at this time, Kate was going through a month that wasn't hundreds of millions. The month of about a thousand years was therefore not an issue, only to accept it without any special emotions. So, a thousand years. If you noticed, you could have < >.
"... tell him to fight this"
"We can do it, but we need to see how much fighting power we have."
It was Kite the one who suggested making it, but it was all up to the world to figure out how and to what extent to make it strong.
No matter how many kites of this era represent the world in the first place, they don't understand everything about the world. The amount of information that can be processed is no different from that of a person. He is only a proxy for destruction. If you say so, you are nothing more than a God of Destruction. And at the same time, he was the strongest of the strongest at this time.
Fighting < > and letting him destroy it all, Kite looks down at the wreckage without any particular emotion. There was no particular interest, but it was necessary to give the evaluation beyond the test of performance evaluation.
"... well as a combat force, huh? If, on average, a degree of civilization were to come up with an entry into space, a hundred bodies would be enough to destroy the stars without damaging them. but... I don't think this level will work for any more civilized opponents."
'There is no problem. This is Class 2. It is used when an anomaly is discovered in the first place. It's only the least damaging thing around. "
"... I see. That would be enough."
The extent of the anomaly depends on the incident. So I let it have some power, but if I let it have too much, will it destroy it too much? Kate remembers her past and decides that this would be the best solution.
"No, good next time. It was the next stage, the next stage… it was possible to predict everything until the final stage. Kilometers in the next phase. Then the stars. At the end of the day, even the galaxy can be a knife… and at the end of the day"
At the end of the day. Here is where Kite speaks of the way ahead of what Kite of the Far Future told him. Naturally, he knows this. but I didn't tell you as a secret.
"A being that destroys even the world? It's a reasonable conclusion."
"In this one case, we decided that we should eliminate any possibility of being rippled into the world"
"If so, destroy one and protect everything"
Carneades board. Kate decides that the world's judgment is reasonable because it's what she's been doing. There is no mercy there, no forgiveness. sacrifice a few to protect everything else. That is the conclusion of the world at any time. Than anyone else, Kate understood.
'... then how did you ask earlier?
"... I saw the whole battle force. Evaluate in mass combat"
For once the world shows a slight silence in the words of Kate, naturally speaking. That's how one of the worlds speaks.
"As a basic performance, < > does not incorporate a defined program in group combat. Each time we gather information and derive an optimal solution '
'On top of that, let collective combat take place if necessary. Until then, there's nothing wrong with being destroyed. "
"We don't know the details of the anomaly either. That's why it's weird. Therefore, if a prescribed program is organized, there is a possibility that it cannot be handled otherwise. It could also be dealt with as a result '
"Well... sure you do"
The < > is like a white blood cell produced by the world. Loss is a premise. Resources are finite, but set to return to the world if destroyed, < > is designed so that no matter how much it is destroyed, there is no problem.
The only way to reduce the total number of < > Guardians is to seal them, but the number of < > that the world can produce is much higher than the total amount that can be sealed in a single world. And naturally, sealing is also very difficult.
When it is above Class 3, it is impossible to even seal it. Then there was no problem in trying to destroy a few, no, dozens of them during the intelligence gathering. Moreover, destroyed parts return to the world and are immediately reused for the next < >. The total number never decreased.
"But is there any way to take control of that information while it's being collected?"
…… What are you going to do? '
"When you need it, use it as a handkerchief. There have been many times that I have never had enough hands. If you can use these guys, it's just fine."
In the first place, we were asked to make < > after the end of the anomaly and by Kite.
Well, there were points where he had already defined himself as close to the system of the world and had not thought about ending it, but still considered the possibility that the world would have to rely on Kite in the future. So, a little later. One of the worlds tells Kite.
'... I've been thinking about it, but it's tough inside'
"Being able to take control means that there will be a way to manipulate."
"It's Dangerous"
"... Hmm..."
Sure, that too. To the objections of the world, Kate gives her consent with a slightly harsh face. but then there were proposals such as the world that disputed the opinion further, and one conclusion was to be drawn.
"... I see"
"With permission from the system side of the world, we can manipulate"
"Sure, if you're a contractor..."
There will be no wonder you can manipulate the guardians of the world. Kate nodded as if she was impressed with suggestions from one part of the world. If you are a contractor, you can manipulate it. This was the conclusion.
This contractor, needless to say, is a Great Spirit contractor. If the system administrator on the world side admits it, you can manipulate < >. It's safe on the world side, and people in any world have the realization that the Great Spirit's contractor is close to the guardian of the world. No one will wonder.
"Class 1 < > later"
"Class 1 may not have combat power. In that case it is possible that it will be necessary '
As Kite said later in life, < > in Class 1, people are sometimes investigated for confusion and anomaly. So even though you are a < > Guardian, you are not combatant or even aware of your mission. If you can't manipulate < >, you may have problems in case. The assumptions of the world could have happened enough.
As a result, improvements have been made to < > for thousands of years with this discussion. With the end of Kite's lonely journey through the world's strange, < > will also be completed.
The spirit wears off and the memory is anointed by numerous tragedies. Kate sees < > unfeeling and emotionally complete. As he watched, < > came out for the first time.
The world is countless and vast. Therefore, just because someone in some world doesn't know, there has always been a difference in some corner of the world between large and small < >. As such, the completion of < > will completely spare Kite and restore her to her former world.
Then, hundreds of years in kite's subjectivity. Kite was back in one of the battlefields where the < > Guardians came out.
"Gather to my side, protect the world and guardians! I am your original! He once represented the world!
Along with Kite's decree, < > assembles and lines up with him. Once said, Kite added < > under his command under the authority of a contractor. For this reason, he came out on top of The Sin of Rapture (Gratney).
"I command the Guardians! Demons defending 'The Sin of Rapture (Gratney)' ignore anything and scatter! Destroy the demons he will attract to you! Range is 10 kilometers around him! Cut off all those who disturb you! Focus only on his annihilation!
In response to Kite's decree, < > is scattered across the board. Once again, it was said that < > will start a mass battle only after collecting information. Therefore, we were still collecting information, but with Kite's instructions in it, priority was given to you.
"Good... this will further reduce the bait"
It travels at super high speeds to disappear at times, and sometimes transitions to jump all at once in a group. With the < > guardian (Guardian) > > on his butt, Kate sees a bunch of demons contaminated with 'The Sin of Rapture (Gratney)' trying to chase it. As it is, the damage just expands. The perimeter had already been laid a siege net by the Laerian army, but that would also be dangerous.
"Yuri. Sorry, just a little please"
While leaving it up to Yuri to deal with a herd of demons contaminated by the sin of bulimia (Gratney), which also comes towards her, Kate concentrates her consciousness only once to clear her ears to the world's currents. That's how we find one stream in the great stream.
"... Divine Yin/Heavy"
In a breath, Kite generates a slash. It was unleashed with a huge stream of worlds and dusted with a single knife the demons contaminated by scattering "The Sin of Rapture (Gratney)". It was necessary to use all three depths if it was to be used against a superior opponent like Ishikusai et al., but if it was incomplete or good, it could be done in a vegan state.
"... Phew"
Like the remnants of the bow, Kite exhales small. Perhaps this will be the last time you can do this on this battlefield. Kate thinks about it from here, and I think so. It is true that it can be released even in a vegan state, but it only needs time to be released and ready in this way. It is not something that can be serialized into darkless arrow cod.
Nevertheless, there is still no problem. Now the Pursuit Squad is devastated, and then The Sin of Rapture (Gratney) will have to produce a new demon.
"Kite, I'm coming next."
"Oh...... cum"
"What's going on?
"Look, I finally got a turret. What the hell, that guy?"
Kite laughs unexpectedly at the metal turret that has grown from the part where she has no idea whether it's the back or the belly of "The Sin of Rapture (Gratney)". It was refreshing to see what the sin of bulimia (Gratney) was. but apparently he recognized Kite as a dangerous person. All the cannon openings were pointing at him.
"Yuri, please go up a metre from the enemy. It's troublesome when you're taken in."
Against countless artillery openings, Kite also creates countless weapons. As such, without anyone knowing about the crime of bulimia, Kite would begin a spectacular shootout.