Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 578

Leaving aside other things, the current size gap between Lin Bao and Jiufeng cannot be easily compensated.

But life has to go on, even if Lin Bao can't manage Jiufeng, it doesn't mean that Lin Bao will be knocked down directly.

Compared to other film makers in Japan, Lin Bao is the only one of them who can go two rounds under Jiufeng.

At least, in the fight with Jiufeng, Lin Bao still won a screenwriting award, and the films of other manufacturers won all participation awards at this time.

At present, the Japanese film market has one superpower and multiple powerhouses. Jiufeng as the "one super" has a certain dominant position.

But what is interesting is that Jiufeng is not particularly concerned about the Japanese market. From the beginning to the end, Jiufeng's eyes have been on Europe and the United States, because that is where their industrial profits are the bulk.

This also gave Lin Bao an opportunity. Now Lin Bao is not a ruler, but a chaser.

It loses the throne, but it can look more long-term.

At present, many small Japanese film makers have approached the thigh of Jiufeng one after another. After all, it is good to enjoy the cool under the big tree.

But small factories are willing to join the Jiufeng family, but are big factories willing?

Toei, Kadokawa, and Shochiku, facing the new boss of Jiufeng, the first response is definitely to be on guard.

Because Jiufeng is so huge, so huge that all of them are afraid of being swallowed.

Although Jiufeng didn’t intend to annex them, this group of people didn’t know this fact. Those guys whose eyes only focus on the Japanese market would naturally think that after sitting in that seat, they would definitely treat them in the second and third line. The powerful start.

Lin Bao's investigators quickly discovered this situation, and the mature Longgu Neng established Ma realized that this was a good opportunity to incorporate these old opponents.

Use their fear of Jiufeng to form an anti-Jiufeng alliance and let Lin Baolai take the lead.

After all, the skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although Lin Bao was hammered by the jiufeng, but the other guys like Toei are still having problems with the jiufeng.

Of course, he has already lost a game to Jiufeng, and Limbao, whose prestige has been greatly reduced, wants to be the boss of the anti-Jiufeng group.

Come up with a little achievement to stabilize the military spirit.

Entering the North American market with a fate role as a cameo, and getting no results from other people, this is the plan of Longgu to become the father.

The cause and effect of these things, the old man is very thief, and Qiye said it very clearly, but he revealed this meaning between the lines.

Probably, as long as I am a good spy for Jiufeng, I will come to a loyal counter to help you manage Toei's counter-thief, so that Jiufeng will have no worries about attacking the North American market.

That said, but Qiye believes that if there is a problem with Jiufeng, Lin Bao will definitely be the first to jump back.

If you changed someone else, you would probably refuse directly, but after Qiye thought about it a little bit, he agreed to the father's request.

To convince audiences all over the world that the Moon World is a world, it is impossible to rely solely on the programs produced by Jiufeng's company.

After all, when the shop is big, it is difficult to take all aspects into consideration.

In the last life, Marvel authorized some third-line characters such as Iron Fist and Luke Cage to Netflix, letting Netflix help itself produce web dramas to expand the MCU territory.

Although the authorization method is very limited, Netflix can only let the Avengers Tower appear in the poster, and the show can't even see the bricks.

However, the outcome of the cooperation between the two parties was not good. After the MCU empires such as Da Dizi and Marvel were formally established, they came directly to cross the river to demolish the bridge, and took back all the copyrights handed over to Netflix.

This led to a major change in the online drama department of Netflix at that time, and it was only after they re-produced a batch of online dramas such as "Black Robe Picket" that they once again stabilized their position.

Of course Qiye didn't plan to overplay it, but it's okay to rely on these popular characters to hold Lin Bao. You can go to the house to get the ladder. But I have the power to remove the ladder at any time.

As long as Lin Bao doesn't do anything out of the ordinary, Qiye will not learn from Disney to cross the river and demolish the bridge.

And if Lin Bao dares to play any tricks, Qiye believes that Jiufeng's legal department is not a vegetarian.

It’s just a promise. Of course, which characters should be given to Nanya. You must not think about the first-line characters such as Altria, Rin Tosaka, Shiro Weimiya, and the corners of Fujimura Ogawa and Serra. The role can be borrowed by Lin Bao.

"Master, I agree in principle to this cooperation. You can arrange for someone to talk to the employees of Jiufeng on specific matters, and I will inform them."

Qiye would definitely not be on the front line of the negotiation. The two previous unhappy troubles with Lin Bao were because he had directly communicated face-to-face with Ryugu Nosei and Eomiya Kirisu, and there was no room for relaxation after the fallout.

The well-behaved Qiye planned to hide behind the scenes this time, and just leave the matter to his subordinates to negotiate.

"Of course, I know all about it." If you can make a haha, "then you will have to trouble Qiye Kid for your help if Lin Bao recovers in the future."

"Easy to say, easy to say."

The two foxes, the old and the young, laughed at the other end of the phone at the same time they were pregnant with ghosts.


pS: This chapter is sent on a regular basis. It is 4:30 in the morning when this chapter is sent.

I was thinking about playing with sword and shield for a while before going to sleep, who knows from 11 o'clock until now.

It's not really fragrant, but it still leaves the essence of Pokémon, although Michan thinks that many places can be better.

The ancestral skills and so on, although it is really terrible, as an old player, it is still within the acceptable range.

All that is left is to get through the customs one week after the day.

Chapter 354

Although the exchange with the old man confirmed the intention of cooperation with Lin Baoxin, Qiye, as a capitalist, would definitely not be polite when she slaughtered people.

When giving instructions to the people at Jiufeng, Qiye directly made it clear that they could slaughter people vigorously and don't care about his face. Anyway, Qiye Tongsheng hadn't had much face with Lin Bao.

It's not that you end up personally, no matter how you talk, you won't talk about it, isn't it just talk slowly?

Anyway, the person asking for the door is Lin Bao, and Qiye is sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

After returning to North America, Qiye did not idle fish.

According to the current shooting schedule, fz and hf will start formal large-scale shooting in June, and Qiye still has a lot to do before that.

For example, determine the character design draft, and then let the props team begin to prepare special props and costumes.

This can be a very troublesome and cumbersome thing, but as long as the cost of CG does not decrease in a day, this kind of thing cannot be avoided.

Sometimes Qiye really wants to put a gun on the head of Cameron's truck driver so that he can finish the "Avatar" as soon as possible.

It's just that this kind of thing is impossible, so Qiye still has to solve the current problem step by step.

Then it is the matter of pulling investment, and we also need to go ahead.

Although the fz and hf projects have not been publicly approved so far, everyone is not a fool. Looking at Seven Nights in the world recruiting actors, and Lily Weiting began to frequently absent from idol activities and participate in action training classes.

The smart people in the circle immediately came up with the guess that the new fate project is ready to be established.

So countless movie investors and advertisers have come to the door, hoping to invest in Fate's new projects.