Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 586

Qiye didn't know what made the Sith the Great in the past make this choice, but some things didn't make sense at all. Qiye only needs to know that "Star Wars" and even the entire Lucasfilm is not for sale.

The money matters are left to Jiufeng to solve, as long as he keeps brushing his face in front of others to maintain a good impression.

Qiye smiled and said, "Should we make a bet, I think the other party will sell their property before retirement."

Originally, Qiye thought Shion would refuse, because she had said long ago that she would not bet against herself because she had never lost.

I don't know that this time Ziyuan nodded and smiled directly: "Okay. That's good. If you win, I will kiss you; if I win, you will kiss me."

"Everyone is almost here, let's get to our seats quickly."

Qiye immediately retreated, and he hurriedly walked to the seat, looking a bit of a runaway.

"Hmph, really shy."

Shion didn't insist either, she followed Qiye at the same pace.


Although the premiere ceremony was held in New York, Jiufeng still tried to achieve simultaneous screenings in several important ticket warehouses including the United Kingdom and Japan.

No, Shi Zhifeng and He Gu came to an IMAX theater in Minato, Tokyo, waiting for the first screening to begin.

Speaking of it, Shi Zhifeng's movie ticket was given by He Gu, and it was still an emperor that most people couldn't grab.

From this point of view, Shi Zhifeng should be very happy, after all, a movie is not said, it is still such a good seat.

However, Shi Zhifeng is very upset now, because the dog men and women who are with him are sending out dog food unscrupulously.

Shi Zhifeng felt full without even eating the popcorn in his hand (he asked for it).

"Hey, Kazuya. I heard that the main character of the movie, Shiro Wimiya, will perform very well this time."

"Wow, Asuna is amazing, she even knows such things."

[Oh~Gosh, let's start the movie!

Probably after hearing Shi Zhifeng's request, the lights in the auditorium finally dimmed.

On the huge IMAX screen, after the routine title and the producer's logo flashed past, the film officially opened.

The first opening is Father Mapo’s iconic opening remarks about the Holy Grail War, and the screen is a summary review of the upper movie.

This is to let some viewers who have not seen the upper movie or have a vague impression of the upper movie have a rough idea of ​​what stories have been told before.

"...So in order to defeat Caster, Shiro Eimiya and Rin Tosaka went to Einzbern Castle and sought the help of Berserker lord Ilia."

"But there was someone who found each other first than Shirou."

The solemn BGM ended, and a forest in dense fog appeared on the screen. A man in casual clothes was walking among the trees, and his trademark blond red eyes told the audience his identity.

Of course, Mr. Jin’s real name was not announced in the movie, and the only fans who knew his name was Gilgamesh who paid special attention to the news of the fate movie.

But this does not affect everyone's understanding of the plot, because from the other's arrogant eyes, it can be seen that the other party is looking for fault.

"So dragging, did he go to hit the place?"

He Gu looked at Mr. Jin on the screen and couldn't help but spit out.

He guessed right, Mr. Jin went to fight.


Less than 5 minutes after the opening, the first battle of the film started with the sound of Mr. King blasting the gate of Einzbern Castle.


pS1: There is a special training after the class today, so the update will be later in the evening, but it shouldn’t be silly.

Today, I should have plenty of time for the course. I hope I can add more to pay back the last chapter._(:з∠)_


pS2: Star Wars is indeed the number one IP in the film industry, and it is still the same today.

Although Marvel has overwhelmed Star Wars at the total box office (not counting inflation), Star Wars is indeed better in terms of influence, commercial IP value, and peripheral development.

However, Marvel has always been catching up, and it is currently the closest movie IP to Star Wars.

Especially on the side of the celestial dynasty, because of the lack of Star Wars cultural heritage, Marvel is undoubtedly overwhelming Star Wars.

Chapter 359 UBW Opening

"Does this start the action scene?"

Seeing Gilgamesh and Berserker Hercules who were already fighting on the screen, George Lucas raised his eyebrows.

Generally speaking, it is rare for commercial movies to have such a fierce action scene in less than 5 minutes.

Because this time is still at the stage of explaining the relationship between the characters in the movie, and it is not time to deal with the contradictions between the characters.

For commercial films, action drama is the simplest and most direct way to deal with contradictions.

So the opening action scene is easy to make people confused, because the relationship between the characters has not been clarified, just starting to deal with contradictions directly will only confuse the audience.

There is also a handling method that shows contradictions through action dramas and attracts the audience to continue watching.

But for such an unconventional narrative rhythm to succeed, it requires a high level of rhythm control ability.

George Lucas doesn't think that the young director named Kiryu Nanya has this ability.

"Ha ha."

Peter Jackson chuckled softly. He who has been following the Seven Nights movie directly answered George Lucas: "Because the audience has been looking forward to this battle for a whole year, Kiryu is actually accumulating a year. The audience is a catharsis."

"Fate's results last year were really good."

Lucas shook his head noncommitantly, his gaze looking at Kiryu Qiye behind him a little bit more tastefully.

Although George Lucas was considered a pioneer of Hollywood directors in the 1980s, in the current period of 2006, he is also regarded as a traditional Hollywood force.

The director Kiryu Nanaya was a stranger to George Lucas before today.

Although knowing that this young man's status has improved rapidly in recent years, Kiryu Qiye is just a fledgling kid from Lucas's perspective.

There is no dislike, but no good feelings either.

After all, the rise of Qiye is too fast, so that traditional filmmakers like Lucas feel like the other party is a nouveau riche.