Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1729

The audience really had a strong sense of frustration with Merlin on the screen.

Before "Warcraft Battlefront" Merlin hadn't played in Fate movies.

Although Merlin has never shown a face, it still seems to fit the image of the wise man in the traditional story.

However, when Merlin actually appeared on the stage, many viewers felt that the idol was disillusioned.

"Aside from the personal setting, Downey's acting skills are really very good." Kenneth Turan, sitting in the seat of the film critic, commented.

Turan even thinks that the main reason Kiryu Qiye wants to make Downey's face younger with CG is that he doesn't want the audience to play with the MCU next door.

After all, the way Downey opened his mouth was more or less similar to Iron Man.

Downey's ability to play cheap is undoubtedly top-notch, and his endless smashing mouth made the chaldean current two managers Romani and Da Vinci angry enough.

Because it is a whole-age classification, Downey can hardly use a word that starts with F when he complains.

But this made Merlin's mockery more interesting and impressive.

At the same time, it is more in line with the image of a behaving cultural person.

After all, cursing people don’t have dirty words~

At the same time, the audience also knew why Fu Fu would give Merlin a kick when they met.

Such a guy, everyone wants to come here.

And when the two protagonists met Merlin, the movie officially entered the main storyline.

Under the leadership of Merlin, Lixiang and Matthew went to Uruk to meet Gilgamesh.

Compared with all the thousands of times at the beginning, the plot is relatively flat.

Even in order to ensure the length of the movie, Merlin simply explained Gilgamesh's identity and background, and the group had already reached the gate of Uruk.

When entering the city to face interrogation, Lixiang was still hesitant to sneak in.

"According to previous experience, it will definitely change from a quarrel to a fight..."

This official complaint made many viewers knowingly smile.

Although there are not too many similar situations in the movie, in FGO mobile games, similar situations have occurred countless times.

This can be regarded as a stalk that only FGO mobile game players can get.

However, when Gilgamesh appeared on the stage, most of the audience were happy.

Although part of it was revealed in the trailer, Gilgamesh was seen sitting on the throne, handling state affairs conscientiously.

Fate fans really have a strong sense of disobedience.

In everyone's impression, Gilgamesh is the kind of singular king in heaven and on earth.

According to the images of FSN and FZ, the audience would think that when Gilgamesh was king, it should be the kind of "miscellaneous repair" on the left and "junk" on the right.

For his own courtiers, he should also be constantly talking about all kinds of vulgarity, and even be very impatient.

There are even a lot of people on the Internet saying that Gilgamesh’s rule of the country is to use the treasure of the king to clean up the opponents.

It is precisely because of such a bad inherent impression that the audience was very surprised when King Xian appeared on the screen.

Because Gilgamesh was really serious about dealing with state affairs, from national border defense to maternal nutrition, Uruk handled all matters of all sizes very carefully.

Probably because this kind of image has changed too much, Lixiang's comment that "I always think he should be a very cruel king" can be said to express the aspirations of all the audience watching the movie.

"Is this really that tyrant?"

Ma Zhongbo, who is half a Fate chef, opened his mouth.

He who made up for the previous Fate movie certainly knew what Gilgamesh should be like, but now...

"Zhuge Kongming fined more than twenty, and everyone sees it personally. Isn't this king almost done?"

If you use one sentence to describe the mood of most Fate fans, including Ma Zhongbo, it is:

I watch few Fate movies, don't you lie to me!Is this the tyrant?!

The audience's comments naturally reached Qiye's ears, but he just curled his lips.

Because the audience soon discovered that the virtuous king is indeed the virtuous king, but in terms of being unreasonable, it is not much different from the Gilgamesh that everyone knows.

For example, if there is a disagreement, it will fight in the temple, and the "hahahaha" will not stop when it is over.

Such a wayward king, it is estimated that this is the only one in the world.

The only thing that puzzled the audience is that the way everyone communicates with this singularity is fighting.

After Gilgamesh played, in order to test the strength of the Chaldean side, it was enough.

The same is true for Istarin who appeared suddenly, and he was about to fight without saying a word.

"The people of Mesopotamia are militants."

Although Qiye basically explained it clearly, why these people would fight.

But such a high frequency of fighting has surprised some film critics.

The average audience just thinks that this kind of fight looks very lively, but the insider looks at the door,

Although in the previous Kiryu Seven Nights movies, there are no such small fights, but it is obviously not as dense as this "Warcraft Front".

"Yeah... Kiryu Nanya is very ambitious this time."

Turan made a judgment.

"Why do you say that?"

Asked another film critic nearby.

"For action movies, small fights are used to pave the way and set off." Turan explained directly, "So the more intense this trivial fight, the more it means that the movie's dinner will be very luxurious."

"In case it is..."

The man originally wanted to say if it was the director who couldn't tell the priority, but he shut up before he could say it.

Who is Kiryu Nanaya?He is currently the champion of the movie box office, and the low-level mistake of commercial film action imbalance will certainly not happen to him.

"So, what do you think the final battle will be like?"