Single brush Konoha

Chapter 3 Naruto's Experience Bank

Cauliflower Mingze left his ruined house and went to the most prosperous place in Konoha Village. He often went out to stroll around.

Only, never left Konoha Village, this is out of cautious consideration.

Cauliflower Mingze stopped in front of a restaurant, and looked ahead, it was a brand: Yile Ramen.

"Datongmu came out with joy and was demolished!"

Cauliflower Mingze said.


With a bang, a middle-aged man with wrinkles on his forehead ran out, still holding a spoon in his hand.

He is Otsuki Yile, Konoha's special person.

When I took a closer look, I saw that it was Cauliflower Mingze that he relaxed, and said: "Mingze, don't you scare me."

"I'm here to see you."

"Have you brought the secret recipe?"

Otsuki Yile asked.

The so-called secret recipe is the soy sauce that Cauliflower Mingze said, which is very common in modern times, but it is not seen in the Hokage World.

Before, when the two were drinking together, Cauliflower Mingze mentioned soy sauce, and Datong Ma Yile remembered it.

Cauliflower Mingze certainly didn't bring it, because it takes time to make soy sauce. His soy sauce has only fermented for half a year now, and it's still about to start.

"In another half a month, it should be possible."

Cauliflower Mingze said.

"Don't leave if you come today, I'll treat you to ramen." Yile invited him to a table.

"How can it be done."

Cauliflower Mingze is a bit sad.

"Don't be polite to me."

Go and cook ramen happily.

At this time, Cauliflower Nazawa saw a young boy looking outside, with golden hair, a pair of light blue eyes, and a swirling pattern on his clothes.

Cauliflower Mingze met this young man, Naruto Uzumaki.

Now, Uzumaki Naruto's face is slightly painted, as if he had just painted.

"Naruto, come here."

Cauliflower Mingze waved to him.

"Ming Zejun, are you calling me?"

Naruto looked around.

After all, everyone hates him, except for Iluka, he really has few friends.

Moreover, Iluka is busy today.

Bored Naruto can only brush the Naruto statue.


Cauliflower Mingze nodded.

Naruto walked in nervously.

"Eating Ramen?"

"No money."

Naruto spread out his hands and looked down at his fingers.

"It's free, no money."

Cauliflower Mingze smiled.

"Who said it's free?"

When he came out with joy, he brought a bowl of ramen on the table and said, "You have to hand over the secret recipe after you have eaten my ramen."

Seeing that Uncle Yile was so fierce, Naruto was nervous and did not speak.

Cauliflower Mingze slapped the table: "Okay, give me a bowl of ramen and give it to him."

"He is a monster."

Uncle Yile said.

"You are the monster, you are the old monster."

"You are also a monster, you will not grow old."

The two hurt each other.

The picture can hardly bear to look directly at it.

I thought that Naruto himself was a monster, and he felt uncomfortable when others said it.

Hearing their conversation behind, Naruto suddenly relaxed, staring at them with big blue eyes, as if he had found the same kind.

After all, Yile is stubborn, so he will cook another bowl of ramen.

Cauliflower Mingze and Naruto sat down face to face and said, "Naruto ignores him, this old monster has only moths."

"Ming Zejun, I have a question for you."

Naruto glared at him.


"Are you a monster too?"

This question makes Cauliflower Mingze dumbfounded, but it is very important to Naruto.

As long as Naruto is not a monster, he will not be alone.

Cauliflower Mingze said earnestly: "It's been 13 years, and my face hasn't changed. If I'm a monster, it's not surprising at all."

Otsuki Yile started to cook the noodles, and the aroma of the noodles spread from inside, causing Naruto's nose to snort.

Naruto touched his stomach: "I really have no money."

"It's okay, I just said it's free, I won't lie to you."

Cauliflower Narusawa told him.

The current Naruto, who is still learning ninjutsu at the ninja school, must have come out quietly.

No wonder I dropped classes later and kept skipping classes.

Cauliflower Mingze said, "I'll give you this bowl of ramen."

"No, this belongs to Ming Zejun, I can't eat it."

Although Naruto wanted to eat, he stared at the bowl for a while and shook his head after all.

"Then wait together, wait until the second bowl of noodles are served by Old Demon Yile before starting."

Cauliflower Mingze said.


Naruto nodded obediently.

Seeing him, Cauliflower Mingze seemed to be near a fire, and his heart palpitations were inexplicable.

On Naruto, the veil of mystery was slowly lifted.

Therefore, Cauliflower Mingze asked, "I will help you look at your hand. Did you fall on it just now?"

"I'm not afraid."

Naruto often plays pranks and has many scars on his small hands.

In order to attract the attention of others, he did some incomprehensible things until he was taken to talk to the third generation.

At this time, Cauliflower Mingze secretly diagnosed the pulse, and found that Naruto's pulse is very strong, not only the body energy is far beyond ordinary people, there is also a kind of terrible energy dormant.

To put it bluntly, it looks like a monster lives.

Cauliflower Mingze carefully explored, and a picture quietly appeared in his mind.

In the picture, there is a huge cell, and a pair of lantern eyes emerge from the dark cell.

Then the owner of that eye poked out.

"Hehe, another human being can see me."

A pair of white and sharp claws scratched on the iron pillar of the cell.

It is a big fox.

It has a lot of tails, because the darkness cannot see everything.

"Being able to see me, without any influence, shows that you are not a good person."

"I am the Nine Lama, who are you?"

Kyuubi is alert.

"My name is Cauliflower Mingze."

Cauliflower Mingze introduced herself.

It turns out that this is Kyuubi, a monster that can brush Konoha alone.

That's why Naruto is called a monster.

Cauliflower Mingze said: "Who was the last person who saw you?"

"I don't know, that's a man wearing a mask, called the mask man for the time being, he seems to know Watergate and Kushina!"

Speaking of Kusina, Kyuubi became gritted teeth.

The masked man who came to look for it last time released it and used it to destroy Konoha Village, but he didn't know what purpose the man had this time.

"Can you save me out?"

Kyuubi said: "I can give you infinite power, do you have hatred? Do you want to dominate the world?"

"Sorry, I am not interested in these."

Cauliflower Mingze responded faintly.

"If you let me go, I can teach you the ninjutsu of six old men."

Nine Tails coaxed.

"Not interested in."

Cauliflower Mingze said: "As for you, stay in Naruto's body honestly, don't think about making trouble."

"What did you say, be careful I tore you."

Nine Tails stood on the ground.

"You continue to taste this loneliness, I will go first."

With that said, Cauliflower Mingze withdrew from that state of mind, and his thought quickly faded.

Before retreating, a figure emerged.

"who are you?"

This is part of the soul left behind by Watergate.

Caucasus Mingze said: "I saw you on the Hokage statue. It should be Watergate. I have no malice against Naruto."


The figure of Water Gate appeared for a while, then disappeared again.

"I will go out one day, just like the last time, destroy Konoha and destroy the comfortable world!"

The Nine Lama bared his teeth and grinned.