Single brush Konoha

Chapter 10 The Second Generation of Forbidden Techniques

Two daimyos, one Hokage, and the owner of the Yile Ramen Restaurant, the four of them are waiting for the answer from Huacai Mingze.

The shop is very quiet.

But the wind is surging outside.

Kakashi said: "I hope there is no fight today, my writing wheel is a bit uncomfortable."

Kai: "I want to practice more with Xiao Li."

Obviously, neither of them is willing to cause trouble.

But the initiative is in the hands of Cauliflower Mingze.

Tuan hides in the dark, with one hand wrapped in a band, and the other hand is knocking on the table, only one eye is revealed.

"Xiaochun, Sarutobi, Menyan, you three old guys appeared in one place. This hasn't happened for many years..."

In my heart, Danzo hopes that something interesting will happen this time.

For example, three people died violently at the same time.

In the village, the atmosphere of the air was a bit depressed, and the ninjas stopped working at the same time.

Something strange seemed to be mixed in the sky.

The interior of Yile Ramen Restaurant.

Cauliflower Mingze smiled: "Actually, I don't need too many scrolls, ten, ten is enough."

"Well, I will prepare ten scrolls for you right away!"

Three generations quickly agreed.

"Don't get me wrong, what I want is not an ordinary scroll, but a scroll invented by the second generation of ninjutsu."

Then, I heard Cauliflower Mingze's statement.


Everyone fell silent.

The scrolls were basically sealed up and kept under strict control.

After all, the techniques recorded on those scrolls are terrifying, and when they fall into the hands of the caring people, they may have extremely bad effects on Konoha and the Ninja World.

Three generations of themselves, of course, come out to study from time to time.

Three generations were not allowed to be viewed by others, even if the Dashewan was discovered in the first inspection, they were also driven away by the third generation.

Since then, Oshe Maru has gone farther and farther in the forbidden field, becoming a fearsome betrayal in Konoha Village.

At this time, the three generations said helplessly: "Those scrolls are not pretty."

"I don't like the techniques on those scrolls, I just like their materials."

Cauliflower name Ze said lightly:

"This material, I don't know if I can find more if I search through Konoha..."

"Well, I will prepare ten scrolls for you."

Having said that, the three generations knew that they would choose to compromise.

No way, Konoha can't be put in danger, the person in front can do anything if he is angry.

Dashewan is the first example, and the third generation does not want a second one.

Cauliflower Mingze got the scroll and slowly stood up and walked out.

When passing by for three generations: "The wind is a bit strong today, and I may not be in a good mood, so I need to find something to kill the time before the sun goes down."

When the voice fell, he walked out of the Yile Ramen Restaurant.

After waiting for him to leave, five more seconds passed, and several people breathed a sigh of relief.

Three generations said: "I will prepare the scroll."

"Sarutobi, thank you very much."

Turning to bed, Xiaochun said.

"Who made me Hokage, if Konoha's sky collapses, I will carry it until I die."

Sarutobi is still very powerful in this regard.

Now Konoha has a lot of things, and Sarutobi is carrying more and more things.

Turning to sleep, Xiaochun and Mito Menyan looked at each other, wondering how Sarutobi came here.

Shisui’s death, Uchiha’s annihilation of the clan, and Kyuubi riots.

These events made Sarutobi more and more uneasy, and it was urgent that a powerful ninja be born in Konoha's new generation.

Since the death of Watergate, the three generations have often had nightmares.

Konoha's affairs are endless, and suddenly there is a variable called Cauliflower Nazawa, which is very difficult to measure.

After going back, Sarutobi chose the scroll while not forgetting to discuss with Iluka.

"Is there any progress in Ninja School?"

Three generations asked.

After thinking about it, Iluka pointed out several names: "Ning Ci is good, now there is another Xiao Li."

"Ning Ci is a splitter, and Xiao Li is a commoner."

Three generations did not basically ignore them.

"One more term, Sasuke Uchiha."

Iluka said.

"Nor, he is a mourner, and he has the will to revenge." The third generation was suddenly ashamed, and by this time the new generation had not yet sprouted.

"Nara Shikamaru, Inuzuka Asa, Yamanakaiya, Yu Noshinoya, they all come from a large family, and their future achievements will not be low."

Iluka continued to summarize.

"It's too slow, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on to the day they take off." Three generations lit their cigarettes and looked out the window with their pipes.

"Spend more time for Naruto and be patient with him."

Three generations ordered.


Iluka didn't understand.

'He has nine tails, and everyone's future is inferior to him.'

Of course, these words are only hidden in the hearts of three generations.

Even if it was the trusted Iruka, three generations did not say it clearly.



Three generations were slightly surprised in my heart. Now Naruto needs to take a lot of responsibility.

Blame, blame, the three generations didn't rush to fight, when Kyuubi made a mess that day, he had every opportunity to help.

It's too late to say anything now.

Three generations are now alone in provoking responsibility, it is he who asks for trouble.

Time was fast, and the three generations didn't have time to think much, and took the prepared scroll to Cauliflower Mingze.

Iruka is going to take care of Naruto.

Sasuke, practice again alone.

At this time, Sasuke and Xiao Li had a fight, and Xiao Li was overwhelmed.

Kai came over: "Who did you fight with just now?"

"No, Teacher Akai, let's continue to practice."

Xiao Li didn't say much, he felt that Sasuke was very pitiful, he was the only remaining member of that clan, and he lived a very hard life.

Xiao Li had a bold idea, which was to challenge Ning Ci.

When he told Kay.

Kai said: "You are all my students, don't rush to challenge."

"But Mr. Kai, I want to know how strong I am now, Sasuke is not enough to look at it."

Xiao Li said.

Sasuke can't see enough?

After listening to Xiao Li's words, Kai wiped away his cold sweat, feeling that Xiao Li was mostly influenced by the famous cauliflower.

Xiao Li now speaks invisibly and puts up a cup, which has never been the case before.

Perhaps it is a manifestation of strength.

However, Kai still reminded: "Xiao Li, do you know the three basic qualities of being a ninja?"

"Which three are they?"

"Humility, vigilance, awe."

Kai gave him an analysis: "Humility is to keep you sensible and know your own strength;

Being vigilant is to make you be careful about everything and avoid being overturned in the gutter;

Awe is to warn yourself that there are still many powerful people in the world. You may never be the world's number one. Even if you become the world's number one, it is temporary. Someday someone may come out to defeat you."

"Teacher Akai, I know, I gave up the challenge to Ning Ci."

Xiao Li changed his mind.

"That's good."

Kai touched Xiao Li's hair and smiled.

In my heart, Kai was a little depressed, feeling that Xiao Li should be asked to go to the broken house, or he would be taken away sooner or later.

Broken house.

Cauliflower Mingze sneezed, and she knew Kay was scolding herself from a distance.

"A Kai, an ungrateful person, I helped him heal his disciple. I didn't thank me at all, and I secretly slandered."

Caucasus Mingze feels that life is so difficult, and the trust between people is gone.

Fortunately, three generations sent the ten scrolls he needed.

With the addition of the previous two, there are now twelve scrolls.

Two of them are psychic scrolls, and the other ten are forbidden scrolls, which suits him.

The ninja who gave the scroll was anxious: "Sir, can I go now?"

In fact, the three generations were outside the door and did not come in, let this name bear the responsibility.

"Let's go."

After getting the scroll, Cauliflower Mingze waved.

"Excuse me, is there anything I can convey to the third generation?"

The ninja asked for praise.

After returning, you must give an explanation to the three generations.

"Tell the three generations to be defensive."
