Single brush Konoha

Chapter 12 Fudge Toad Pill

Toad Maru entered the house and saw Cauliflower Mingze drinking alone.

In the main hall of the house, there is a painting hanging.

There is a mysterious creature on the picture.

Toad pill was taken aback.

"Friend, what kind of creature is this?"


Cauliflower Mingze said slowly.

This is a dragon in another world, not in this world.

And the reason why he did it was to shock the toad pill.

In fact, the dragon is also a fictional thing in the world he was in, no one has seen it.

Now he is in this Naruto world, bluffing.

Toad pill is a little scared.

It thought it was true, and that kind of creature seemed to exist. Although it didn't draw eyes, it still awed it.

"I have lived for more than a thousand years, thinking I know everything in the world."

Toad pill slowly sat down.

Cauliflower Mingze smiled: "Not necessarily, just like the bottle of wine in front of me."

Toad Maru sniffed it, and exclaimed: "It seems to be a good wine. I once drank wine with the Six Dao immortals, the ancestors of ninjas in this world, but the first time I saw such a special wine, can I have a drink?"


Cauliflower Mingze nodded.

Toad pill was poured into a glass carefully, and then drank carefully.

"You say you know everything, I don't think it is necessary."

Taking advantage of this time, Cauliflower Mingze opened the topic.

"How to say?"

Toad pill looked at him.

"Do you know what is outside the world?"

"Moon, sun and sky."

Without thinking about it, Toad Pill answered.

In this world, there is no concept outside the world at all, and people only know the moon, sun and sky.

For example, Toad Maru knows that Kaguyahime, the mother of the Six Dao Immortals, came from the moon, also known as the goddess of Mao.

Moon, sun and sky.

How simple.

How monotonous.

And how ignorant.

Cauliflower Mingze smiled: "No, outside of this huge world, there are far more than three things you said."

"There are still stars outside, the solar system, the Milky Way, there are thousands of galaxies, and even black holes."

"What is the solar system?"

Toad pill's interest came, and his curiosity was aroused by his words, and at this time, he concentrated on listening.

"The solar system includes eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune."

"They are called eight planets, and each planet has zero, one or more synchronous satellites, which are equivalent to the moon you see."

Cauliflower's name has given it popularity.

Toad pill was seen today, and said shockedly: "Thank you for your advice, it turns out that this is all the elements in the world."

"No, the world is much more than that simple."

Cauliflower Mingze shook his head and denied his thoughts again.

"What else?"

Toad pill asked.

"I just talked about the macro, now let's talk about the micro."

Cauliflower Nazawa continues the topic.

"In this air, it is not empty, but there are many microorganisms!"

He pointed out.

"What?" Toad pill was surprised. It also guessed that there was something in the air, but it just didn't know what it was called.

"For example, after a person dies, or when a person is seriously injured, these microorganisms will play a role, or decompose the body, or make the injury worse."

"They have an interesting name, bacteria."


"Except for bacteria, each of us is a very large collection, composed of thousands of cells."

"The water we see is actually water molecules. The molecules are composed of atomic nuclei and electrons, and the atomic nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons..."

Toad pill became more and more fascinating as I heard it.

A huge world appeared in front of it, opening many unknowns.

For the toad pill, it has lived for too long, and its only interest is to contact the unknown and understand the unknown.

Now Cauliflower Mingze has fulfilled its wish.

Toad pill heard tears: "Thank you, by the way, I don't know your name yet."

"My name is Cauliflower Mingze, you can just call me Mingze."

"My name is toad pill."

Toad pill rarely introduces himself, the last time he introduced himself to the six immortals.

Suddenly, toad pounded his ears to hear a certain sound.

"Ming Zejun, sorry, I am going back to Miaomu Mountain, because there are small snakes from Longdidong attacking our territory."

Toad pill is sorry.

"Okay, you can go back." Cauliflower Mingze waved his hand and said very concerned: "Need help?"

"No, those little snakes can't actually cause any trouble."

"It's Ming Zejun, if you have anything, you can find me at any time, and I can provide support throughout Miaomu Mountain!"


Cauliflower Mingze sent toad balls to the door, and it returned to Miaomu Mountain.

It seems that the three holy places are not so peaceful.

Outside, only three generations are waiting.

When the three generations saw the toad pill leave, they relaxed and said with a smile: "Mingze, what did you talk to toad immortal?"

"It's nothing, I reached cooperation with Miaomushan, and we will attack and defend each other in the future."

Before speaking, Cauliflower Mingze glanced at three generations.

Offensive and defensive each other!

These four words are very meaningful, representing a holy place standing behind Cauliflower Mingze.

Three generations felt a little flustered, not knowing what Cauliflower Mingze wanted to do.

"Where does Ming Zejun want to attack?"

The old man asked nervously.

"It depends on who provokes me and who makes me unhappy."

Cauliflower Mingze is impatient now: "Old man, go, don't stand by me and affect air circulation."

"Okay, goodbye Mingze."

Cauliflower Mingze continues his quiet life.

In the Naruto office, the two big names, Koharu and Mito Menyan, are there, and powerful ninja families such as the mountain clan, the autumn road clan, the Hyuga clan, the Nara clan, and the oil girl clan are all present.

After all, a toad immortal suddenly broke into the village, and the whole village was in danger of destruction.

Three generations are finally back.

"Hokage-sama, what's the matter?"

"Three generations!"

"Sarutobi, what do you say?"

Everyone is very concerned, the movement made by the toad immortal when he appears is really terrifying, no one can ignore.

The three generations lit up cigarettes with solemn expressions: "The situation is okay, not the worst, so you can rest assured."

"What does that toad immortal come for?"

Everyone is most concerned about this.

"It came to Konoha and was invited to talk to that person. As for the content of the conversation, I don't know."

"But I know the result, that person and Miaomushan reached an offensive and defensive alliance."

Three generations told them.

"Offensive and defensive alliance!"

Everyone knows what this means, which means that from today on the back of Cauliflower Mingze, there is more Miaomu Mountain Holy Land.

Miaomushan has something to do with Zilai. I wonder if I can help.

Kakashi said: "Jilai should also be on our side."

"Jiraji also runs around. Like Tsunade, he has been traveling for a while, and I don't know where he is."

Three generations are in trouble.

"Master Naruto, I am willing to take over this task." Kai stood up.

"I'll go, you have to teach Xiao Li ninjutsu."

Kakashi grabs the talk.

This time the task is very important, so the level will not be too low, at least the S-level task.

I found Jiraiya and hoped that he could mediate and handle the relationship among Cauliflower Mingze, Miaomushan, and Konoha Village.

For this reason, Kakashi and Kai actually grab the task.