Single brush Konoha

Chapter 27

Causa Nazawa is studying the simplest illusion provided by the Uchiha clan. He replaces the role of Chakra with thoughts, and tries again and again.

The auxiliary research is Aromatic Phosphorus.

He communicates the space with his thoughts, imagining the shape of a tree, and at the same time, his thoughts enter the mind of the fragrant phosphorus through his eyes and interfere with the flow of the nerve chakra.

"This is a tree, do you see it?"

Nazawa pointed to the front.

Xianglin shook his head blankly.

With a bang, the mind tree disappeared.

Of course he would not give up like this.

"This is a leaf, do you see it?" He started with the simplest thing.


"did you see it?"


"look into my eyes."

In the beginning, he needs to keep reminding the other person to look in his own eyes before he makes a little progress.

Later, Mingze explored an important way, that is, to say what the other party cares about.


Mingze puts forward the key words, Xianglin will look into his eyes on her own, because this matter is of interest to her.

"This is a tree."

"Why is there a tree here?"

After many attempts, illusion was finally realized by his mind.

And his thoughts were too powerful, and he didn't dare to break into the minds of others unscrupulously, so he could only explore again and again to estimate the amount needed.

"Sasuke, you are here."

Later, he explored and depicted Sasuke's appearance, forming a group of figures outlined in mind before him.

The incense phosphorus caught it with his eyes, and the real image of Sasuke appeared in his mind.

She smiled and said, "Hello."

Looking at the faint smile on her face, I really thought Sasuke was in front.


It only lasted for a second, and the figure shattered.

Xianglin returned to his senses and hurriedly said, "Where is Sasuke, didn't I see him just now?"

"Sasuke is angry at you and hides. Let's continue. He will always come out."

Mingze said solemnly.


Among the half-truths, Xianglin is still his tool.

"Sasuke, are you angry?"

"Sasuke, why are you ignoring me?"

"Sasuke, you murder me?"

"Sasuke, did you feel sorry for me?"


The simulated scene was monotonous at first, and then became more and more complicated. Mingze now has no teacher, so he can only explore by himself.

Gradually, Fragrant Phosphorus was caught by hallucinations, and she sometimes cried, sometimes joyful, sometimes stomped, and sometimes ashamed.

As if ahead of her, Sasuke did all kinds of bizarre things.

Actually Sasuke didn't know these things.

Time flew fast, after a morning of rehearsal, Xianglin fainted. She probably suffered from the troubles she shouldn't have at her age.

Mingze had to make a meal, and when she woke up, she was very hungry and hurried to eat.

Mingze gave her a small bowl of wine: "This kind of wine is helpful to your physique, you drink a little."

Xianglin was curious and said, "Can I really drink it?"

"Eat first before drinking."


After she had eaten, she hurriedly picked up the wine, but couldn't bear the strange smell and wanted to vomit.

"If you don't drink it, you won't be able to keep up with Sasuke in the future and become a drag oil bottle."

He persuaded.

Fragrant phosphorus hurriedly drank it.

She has no friends here, so she must make Sasuke her first friend.

Must be approved by Sasuke!

With this kind of belief, Aroma Phosphorus drank all the wine in the bowl.

I fell asleep as soon as I finished drinking, and slept for another hour.

After waking up, she said: "I am very strong now and want to do some housework, can Ming Zejun?"

"There is firewood outside to chop, and the water tank is not full."

Mingze reminded.

"Then I will help you chop wood and fill the water tank for you."

Xianglin helped her glasses and went out, don't look at her as a young girl, she was actually quite sensible.

When there were more people in the yard, Kyuubi chattered more.

Watching her chopping firewood, Kyuubi smiled and said, "Girl, your clan used to be very powerful, but now you are reduced to chopping wood?"

This is a hundred steps in fifty steps.

Phosphorus wiped his sweat and said, "I like it."

She continues to work.

Nine Tails despised her for her hard work, and was even more weird: "The Maelstrom family has fallen. I wanted to kill all of you. Now it seems that there is no need to waste energy."

"The whirlpool clan died too fast, I should go to their graves to pay homage and laugh at them."

"The whirlpool clan, there really isn't a good thing..."

Nine Tails couldn't stop talking for a long time.

At this moment, someone outside walked in and said, "Who said that the whirlpool clan has nothing good?"

"Who are you? You have blank eyes? The same as the younger brother of the Six Dao Immortals."

Kyuubi looked at the boy.

"The Uzumaki clan is one of Konoha's heroes, and after Naruto Uzumaki is the fourth generation of Konoha Hokage, I don't allow you to insult people at will!"

This person walked in, it turned out to be Ning Ci.

Neji had a prejudice against Naruto before, but changed his attitude after knowing his identity.

Neji now only wants to do one thing, wait for Naruto to become stronger, and then compete with Naruto.

"You are a bird in a cage, a frog at the bottom of the well, what do you know?"

Kyuubi's mouth couldn't help.

Hearing the word'bird in a cage', Neji was very upset, and rushed up to shoot the nine tails flying.


"I am the great nine lama, created by the six immortals, you little kid, respect it."

Now that Nine Tails are locked in strength, they can only complain: "When my strength recovers, I will cast your eyes!"

Ning Ci mobilized his palms and slapped them. If it were a normal person, Chakra would have been sealed.

But his attack on Kyuubi could only be scraping.

In fact, Kyuubi in his current state feels no pain.

Xianglin watched the farce while chopping wood, and muttered, "Not as handsome as Sasuke."

Neji stopped and looked at the strange girl.

Ning Ci said, "Hello."

"Do you know where Sasuke is?"

However, Xianglin was only talking about one person, and directly asked where the other person was.

Neji was embarrassed.

Neji hasn't changed his situation so far. He is still controlled by the caged bird, so his fate is still in control.

"Ning Ci."

Mingze spoke.

"Ming Zejun." Ning Ci said respectfully.

"If you find the right target, I can give you freedom." Mingze just mentioned a little bit.

What goal?

Practice goal?

Or the goal in life?

Now, even though Ning Ci is hiding well, he has resentment towards the clan in his heart, so if he has enough power, he will destroy the clan.

This is his current goal. This goal is distorted.

Nazawa doesn't want the people he cultivated to waste his mind on such things.

Even if Nenz's goal is to travel around the world.

The important thing is that Ning Ci understand it by himself.

Ning Ci is gone.

Xianglin said in the back: "Oh, you haven't told me where Sasuke is."

"You don't recognize him, let him talk to you again."

Mingze smiled.

Xianglin stubbornly said, "My first friend must be Sasuke."

"Then don't blame others for ignoring you..."