Single brush Konoha

Chapter 39 Hinata and 360-degree white eyes

"Naruto, this technique is too simple, I don't want to teach you."

Facing Naruto's request, Nazawa refused.

Jilai was also relieved.

Naruto was slightly disappointed and said, "Okay."

"Actually, he is good. At least he has enough time and patience. You can take what you need and learn Helix Pill from him."

"Where is Mingze?"

"I take a break, and then I will help Hinata become stronger."

"Then I won't bother."

Knowing that it was about Hinata, Naruto finally gave up his plan to study with Mingze.

Ji Lai also didn't dare to speak aside, but was very depressed. Mingze's saying of "getting what you need" was really scornful.

Is there anything Jiraji wants from Naruto?

Is it a transformation technique?

Bah baah baah.

Since Lili dare not think about it anymore.

At this time, Kyuubi said: "The ninjas nowadays are getting worse and worse. Old men like you can also be called the legendary three ninjas."

"who are you?"

Jiraiya was finally angry, but when he saw Kyuubi, it was as if he had seen a ghost.

"you you you……"

"You are Kyuubi, why are you here?"

"Naruto's seal..."

Ji Lai also broke out in a cold sweat, couldn't help but step back a few steps and almost fell to the ground.

Mizumon used to die because of Kyuubi, isn't it his turn today?

But Nine Tails didn't act, just laughed.


It gives an evaluation.

"I just suddenly got soft feet, so I couldn't stand firm. You little fox can't be a nine-tailed fox."

Jilai also denied it.

"Naruto, pull up your clothes."

"doing what?"

Naruto protected his clothes and stepped back, looking at Jiraiya with a guarded expression.

Jilai also rushed over and pulled it up to see that the gossip seal was still there.

At this point, Jilai finally breathed a sigh of relief: "If the gossip is sealed, you are a fake, not the real Kyuubi."

"Wrong, I am Nine Tails, one quarter of Nine Tails, and the other quarter is still sealed in his body."

Kyuubi self-certified.

"Ming Zejun, you go first."

Naruto says goodbye.

"Where are you going?"

Jilaida was not sure if it was Kyuubi, and now Mingze was on the side again, he couldn't explain his doubts.

"I was pressed by the bad old man, so I went back to wash my bad luck. If it's late, my bad luck will disappear by itself."


Jilaida didn't expect Naruto to have a cleanliness habit.

Xianglin said: "The old man just now was weird, why did he stealthily look at me?"

"He has no bad ideas."

"Then why?"

"He just thinks you are like someone."

The so-called someone is naturally Uzumaki Kushina.

Jilai also saw Xianglin's fiery red hair, and immediately thought of the whirlpool family.

In fact, Jilaida had seen more than one Uzumaki clan, including Uzumaki Kushina and his apprentice Nagato.

The chakras of the vortex clan are very weird and can be used to practice seal art, or have super perception, or strong vitality.

Because the Uzumaki clan and the Qianshou clan are distant relatives, most of them possess some of the characteristics of the fairy body.

The immortal human body is not like the writing wheel eyes of the Uchiha clan. Its characteristics are strong vitality, amazing chakra volume, super high-level skills, and strange powers.

Regarding these, Mingze made a small summary after reading the books of the Maelstrom family.

Naruto can only learn Helix pills from Jilai, because there is only this old man who will, and he doesn't want to disappoint his father's wishes.

Two days passed quickly.

Hinata finally came to the broken house.

"Ming Zejun, I am here."

Hinata looked at her toes, she didn't know what would happen next.

"Your white eyes are precious, do you know?"

Ming Ze Road.


"I can see that there are countless tiny threads around your white eyes. These threads will help you release the chakra in the white eyes to your whole body."

"In other words, you can have a 360-degree view."

Nazawa's words made Hinata seem to understand.

"It will be very painful for me to get the needle later. You can drink a bottle of wine to indulge yourself."

Nazawa pointed to the wine on the table.

Fragrant phosphorus came in: "Don't worry, I will help you watch the whole process."

After Hinata was drunk, Mingze's plan should also begin. He needed to open the corpses one by one, and those corpses were connected with the silk thread at the white eye.

This is so special that other races don't.

For this tricky question, Nazawa worked for several days, and now he finally started to try.

360 degrees, 360 experiments are required?

No, because normal people have at least a 120-degree viewing angle after they are born, and the Hyuga people are born with a 180-degree viewing angle.

Their perspective will get bigger and bigger after practicing, and eventually they may reach 360 degrees without blind spots.

At Hinata's age, he already has a 200-degree viewing angle.

Ningci has a 270-degree viewing angle and is growing rapidly.

Hinata is now being transformed.

Just beside her eyes, one by one tiny silk threads connected the corresponding corpses.

Mingze saw the location of these corpses through his mind, and slowly and carefully lowered the needle.

After three minutes, get one through.

After five minutes, get 10 through.

After eight minutes, 30 were opened.

Half an hour passed and 100 were opened.

It took a full two hours before he opened up all the dead positions.

A total of 160 were opened before and after.

In addition to the 200 originally opened, it is exactly 360.

There was a kind of blue chakra in her eyes, and it actually reacted with the chakra in her body.

This strange phenomenon can only be seen by Mingze. After all, his thoughts are omnipotent.

After it was over, Mingze asked Xianglin to take care of Hina.

After half a day, Hinata finally woke up.

Xianglin said: "You wake up, do you feel okay?"

"No, but the eyes hurt a bit."

"This is a natural reaction, just go back and take a rest." Mingze told her.

"Okay, thank you Ming Zejun."

Xianglin originally helped Hinata go back, but when they went outside the yard they met Japanese feet.

Rizu said: "Hinata, your eyes?"

From what he saw, it was natural to notice that the chakra on Hinata's eyes had changed, which was much more than before, and there was an unbreakable mysterious energy.

"I do not know either."

Hinata shook his head.

"Thank you Nazawa, I thank you for the Hyuga clan."

"you are welcome."

Mingze's voice came from inside.

"walk home."

They went back to the Hyuga clan.

After Hinata went back, he felt very strange, saying: "Father, I always feel that I can see all around. I seem to be in a drop of water, and all the objects around, up and down appear in my mind."

"Okay, this is a sign of awakening to the extreme!"

Japanese football is very excited.

It has been many years that no one can get a 360-degree field of vision with a blank eye. Today it reappears, indicating that the Hyuga clan is about to rise.

"Hinata, our Hyuga clan has many advanced ninjutsu. We can only practice with a 360-degree field of view and sufficient pupil power. I will take you to see..."

On this day, Hinata received a lot of new knowledge and was exposed to a lot of new ninjutsu.

Ning Ci had always been a genius, but now he was overtaken by Hinata. Instead of complaining, he went to the broken house.

"Ming Zejun, I figured it out. My value is to avenge Yunren and kill those who participated in the incident."

At this moment, Ning Ci was half kneeling on the ground.

Mingze said: "It's fine if you can think about it this way. You have passed the eighty-one hardship, so there is no need for the Curse."

Mingze naturally knew what happened back then, and at that time he had already unlocked the power of mind.

He witnessed the three major events of Kyuubi's chaos, Shisui's death, and Uchiha's extermination.

And there is also the death of a day slack.