Single brush Konoha

Chapter 59-The Fourth Generation Fengying's Death Asks for Recommendation

Three generations are too comfortable, and there are powerful ninjas in the village, so his pressure is reduced.

Although Danzo has been honest for a while, he is about to die again.

Tuan Zang is expecting a storm.

Feng and Truni are loyal subordinates of Danzo.

Fengzheng and Danzo are playing chess now.

Danzo is lucky and has won two games in a row. If you add this one, it will be the third game.

Feng surrendered in advance: "It's no more, but you can't get off the master Danzo."

Danzo: "It's not that I follow, but the situation is facing me."

Feng and Truni are puzzled.

"Just imagine how many Konoha's undamaged flowers are left after the storm?"

"It shouldn't be much."

The two said in unison.

This burst of rain can destroy Konoha, but it cannot destroy Danzo.

Danzo knows well.

'Sarutobi, our position should change.'

Danzo has been waiting for too long.

Danzo must take the position of Naruto. He waited until Shisui's eyes a few years ago, and then waited until the Uchiha clan was destroyed, and then waited until the death of four generations.

Therefore, this time Danzo felt that he would definitely be able to wait.

Perhaps it is the death of three generations, plus the position of Hokage.

But Tsunade suddenly returned to the village. This is a variable that Danzo is not easy to grasp.

The Zhongnin exam has not yet started.

Sand Shinobu came together one by one, they were dressed in different clothes, which were incompatible with Konoha.

Naruto encounters four ninjas blocking the way.

Naruto: "Why did you stop me?"

These four ninjas are all ninjas in the village. Because there is no malice, Naruto just asked curiously, without dissatisfaction.

"My name is Shiranui Genma!"

"I am the same!"

"Mountain Castle Aoba!"

"Moonlight blast!"

"We were both guards of the fourth generation of Hokage. I heard that you are a descendant of the fourth generation, so I want to fight you."

They found Naruto not for jokes, but for special ideas.

Naruto waved his hand: "I won't fight you, because you are my father's friends."

"In fact, we just want to test you. If you defeat us, we will be your guards in the future."

The four reached an unanimous agreement.

"Can you protect me?"

Naruto looked at the four of them curiously, that expression seemed unattractive.

"Don't look down on people, we will also fly Thor!"

And say exactly the same.

"Oh, it turns out that you all know how to do it, so let me compare the speed with you. As for fighting, it will be avoided." Naruto didn't want to hurt his people, especially when he knew that these people were his father's friends.

"The four of us unite to use the Thunder God."

I do not know Huo Xuanjian smiled.


Naruto is confused.

"Because Flying Thunder is difficult, we can't do it alone. At least three people need to work together to complete it."

"It turned out to be like this, then I will compete with you."

Next, Naruto started a speed contest with the four upper Shinobi.

Kakashi and Kay saw from a distance, only the moment they disappeared, as for where they went.

"too fast."

Kakashi was depressed, and she could only give up when she wanted to open the writing wheel to see.

Then he looked at Kai: "How many doors can you open to catch up?"

"I don't compare with them."

Kai's eight gates are used for battle, to protect what he cares about, and not for meaningless things.

Kakashi walked to Mingze's house.

According to the mission agreement, Kakashi can ask Mingze to help his eyes.

Mingze now has a small need.

"I'm slightly interested in Naruto's telescope technique, can you get it for me?"

"Very simple."

Kakashi agreed and went to find three generations.

After the three generations knew it, they felt trapped. The telescope technique was exclusive to the three generations. Now that Mingze wants to master it, it must be of great use.

Maybe something is plotting.

At present, the three generations do not want to break their skin with Mingze, and he does not have this strength.

He didn't know that he was wrong for the best time to deal with Mingze.

The three generations can only share the telescope technique with Mingze.

Looking forward to please someone.

Kakashi returned immediately after getting it.

Mingze looked at the water mirror in front, and there was a scroll given by the third generation. On the scroll was the technique of telescope surgery. He silently thanked the third generation.

"Mingze, what about my eyes?"

"You go back two days first, and I will now help you think about countermeasures."

Mingze did not look up.

Kakashi was sent away, and now there is no other way but to believe in Mingze.

Mingze can cure it at any time, but now he is focused on telescope surgery and has to do it first.

Silent couldn't understand: "Does he want to do bad things?"

Xianglin was at a loss: "I don't know."

Silent knows that telescope technology has surveillance capabilities, and it falls into the hands of different people for different purposes.

According to Mingze's personality, he may be biased.

After thinking about it, Mute finally went to Mingze and said: "Would you like to secretly look at others?"

Mingze: "It's enough to see you."

Hearing this, Silent blushed, and stomped his feet and did not dare to talk to him again.

"Sister Mute, what's wrong with your face?"

"It's nothing, I met someone who was speechless."

Mute and puck.

Mingze studied the telescope technique by himself, and the seal on it was relatively easy for him. In less than half an hour, he had already learned the telescope technique, and with the monitoring crystal, it could cover a very long distance.

Konoha sent a corpse this morning.

There is a peculiar chakra on the body, which may not be understood by others, but Mingze is very familiar.

It's Chakra of Oshemaru!

In other words, Dashewan participated in the process of corpse transformation.

The faint remnants could not be discovered by others, and could not hide from Mingze's fiery eyes.

Mingze fetched these chakras.

"If you can see Dashewan, you will know only after trying."

Mingze joined these tiny chakras, but he decided to use the telescope technique, supplemented by his own ideas, to achieve the effect of amplification.


First, the scene was very fuzzy, and after three seconds a clear picture suddenly appeared.

"What is this place?"

Both Fragrant Phosphorus and Silent couldn't help but come up to watch.

In the picture, a man in a cloak is headed, rushing towards Konoha.

The target Naze saw was the person next to the cloaked man.

"Master Fengying, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Ahead, a big snake pill stood on the hillside with his hands on his back.

Nazawa felt that he was tracking another person, which meant that the Oshe Maru that appeared now was a fake.

"Oshe Maru, how do we cooperate?"

Feng Ying removed his hood and looked at Da She Wan with a smile.

"Yes, it's just that I represent Shinobu, not you."

This big snake pill psychic the ten thousand snakes.

As soon as Ten Thousand Snakes appeared, they made a large-scale attack and swept everyone.

Feng Ying and his men were in a rush.

Feng Ying repulsed Wan Snake.

"Oshemaru, you want to kill me?"

Feng Ying was furious.

The two forces of Feng Dun and Tu Dun were confronting each other, and Feng Ying was indeed very powerful.

It's a pity that when Fengying and the fake Oshemaru were fighting, a huge sealed enchantment appeared around, and everyone could not escape.

"You lead someone to break the seal barrier, and I will kill this big snake pill."

Feng Ying ordered her most loyal guard.

Outside, the four Otonin who maintain the enchantment: Tayuya, Sakon, Guidomaru, and Jirobo.

This formation is called Si Ziyan formation.

What happened inside the Seal Array will not be felt outside.

Now Fengying and others will die in a flash.

Suddenly, many bone spears impacted under the ground, and Feng Ying retreated again and again.

Feng Ying gave his back to his most trusted subordinates, but unexpectedly suffered a backstab.

A bright sword penetrated his body.

"You are not my subordinate, who are you?"

"I'm Oshomaru."

The people behind tore their faces and showed their true colors.

Feng Ying felt the vitality passing quickly, and then looked at the opposite Oshe Maru, remorse and unwillingness intertwined.

The Oshemaru on the opposite side suddenly turned into another person.

It's a pocket.

A person jumped out of the ground, the bone in his bones, that was Junmaro.

"This sword is called the Caozhijian. It is the strongest sword in the world. It is stronger than the golden cudgel made by the three generations of Naruto Ape Demon. You should be honored to die on it." Dashemaru smiled evilly.

Four generations of Fengying sighed: "I haven't found the fifth generation of Fengying successors, my forbearance disappeared..."

At the moment of death, the four generations of Fukage thought of Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara.

Maybe Sand Shinobu's future will belong to the three of them.