Single brush Konoha

Chapter 60: Tsunade's Heart Knot

Mingze continued to watch. After Dashemaru and the others killed the fourth generation of Fengying, they did not even dispose of the corpse and put them in the wild.

Da She Maru ordered the five people to go back, and the two of them continued on their way.

Soon, a familiar figure appeared.


Seeing this person, Xianglin exclaimed, this is the person he has always cared about.

"Stop, just see here."

Nazawa stopped telescope skills, and the scene above the crystal ball disappeared.

Xianglin complained: "Ming Zejun, why don't you let me look at it for a while?"

"Wait, it doesn't make sense to watch again."

Mingze said: "I'm hungry."

"I'll make good food for you, will you continue to see Sasuke?"

"No way."

Mingze did not discuss with her.

Aromatic phosphorus is annoying.

Mute and fight the injustice: "Mingze, Xianglin is so small, you bullied her!"

What is bullying her?

Mingze leaned against the chair of the Grand Master, thinking over and over again, but did not find his own mistake.

Phosphorus is still going to cook.

Silent feels that the situation is serious and needs to be reported to the third generation, at least to Tsunade.

She heard Mingze's words before she left the house: "Mute, are you worried about the third generation of Hokage?"

"Who is worried about that old man."

Mute the eyes.

"I want to tell Tsunade-sama so that she can prepare."

"You can't go, you are my person now."

Mingze said casually.

"What is your person?"

She felt a little nonsense, and she didn't expect him to be glib.

"You eat mine now, live mine, naturally you are mine."

"Konoha needs a disaster. The ninjas here have been at ease for too long. They look forward to being awakened again."

"So starting from today, you will stay in this room."

For Mingze, he didn't want to be a savior.

Even though he saw the conspiracy of Oshemaru through the telescope technique just now, he didn't want to destroy this big incident.

"But it will die!"

Silent was struggling, if she didn't tell others, she would be ashamed in the future.

"Every day people are dying, there are some things you can't stop."

"Look into my eyes carefully."

Mingze started illusion.

In the illusion, Silent told Tsunade about this, and she was finally relieved.

The reality is that she didn't get out of the famous ruined house before falling down.


Yamato is here.

Yamato was summoned by Mingze.

Nazawa told Yamato that some things will happen to Konoha recently, as long as it is not particularly serious, just ignore it.

Yamato obeyed.

Outside of Konoha Village, Sakura has developed a strange power, and can now control it stably.

A huge rock was broken by her, and the effect was ideal.

"Tsunade-sama, I finally caught up with Naruto and Sasuke."

Sakura is very happy.

Tsunade is bored on the hillside, and her mission here has been completed.

Tsunade jumped down from above: "You have succeeded, go on your own way in the future, goodbye."

"Tsunade-sama, don't you mean anything?"

Sakura seemed to think there was a reward.

However, Tsuna never looked back.

After a few days, what should Silent gain in Mingzawa's place, Tsunade asked.

Solve her difficult problems by the way.

Before returning to the village, Sakura ran into Naruto.

But this time, besides Naruto, there are four Kaminin follow him.

From this look, Naruto is still very good.

Sakura smiled and said, "Naruto!"

"Sakura, where did you come back from?"

Naruto looked at her.

"I went to practice just now, and I have cultivated into a very strong technique, and I am no weaker than you now."

Kozakura is confident from head to toe.

"Then congratulations."

Naruto smiled.

They returned to the village together and found that Tian Tian in the village was overthrown by the alien ninja.

Seeing Xiao Li's face was angry, there must have been a confrontation.

The other party is still confronting Neji.

Those were three very strong ninjas, the most powerful three ninjas in Sand Ninja.

When the two sides met, the battle was on the verge.

the other side.

Tsunai is in the broken house.

"What are you doing?"

"I am dizzy."

Tsunade Road.

"When did it happen? Why don't I know?"

"Just two days ago, that little girl, I was there when she subdued the four tails. She was still bleeding."

Tsunade looked unsteady.

"and many more."

"Let me straighten out my thoughts. You saw the blood of fragrant phosphorus two days ago, but now you are reacting. Are you so slow?"

Mingze smiled.

This is the reason Tsunade wanted to come and found a strange reason.

Tsunade faints blood, not every time.

Triggering depends on the event.

First, faint your own blood.

Second, I am most concerned about human blood.

Third, it is the easiest to faint when facing life and death.

Tsuna held his hand to him: "Anyway, I have been sick for a long time. I heard that you can treat any disease. You can help me see it."

Mingze said to Phosphorus: "You go kill a chicken and take out the chicken blood."

Fragrant phosphorus in words.

Soon, a bowl of fresh chicken blood was placed in front of Tsunade.

Tsunade felt weak.

"I'm a little dizzy, but I can hold it."

Tsunade held his chin with one hand, chicken blood was different from human blood after all.

"I started."

Nazawa's eyes were close, and there were many images in his eyes, which gradually enlarged in Tsunade's pupils.


Tsunade was in anguish because that was the scene of the destruction of Konoha Village.

Many ninjas were killed, and Konoha was turned into ruins.

"You need to stand up!"

"stand up!"

In the picture, a voice moves from far to near.


Tsunade looked in the direction of the voice.

One person walked out of the mist, and finally came into view.

This man has a handsome face, black hair, a tall body and a fiery red armor.


Tsunade's teary eyes were hazy.

She didn't know that everything she saw now was illusion.

And the Senshou Zhuma that appeared in front of her was only constructed by Mingze.

The Senjuzuzuma in the picture said: "Tsuna, Grandpa is gone, you can't hold up Konoha's sky."

Tsunade is ashamed: "Grandpa I'm sorry, Konoha was destroyed in my hands, I can't shirk the blame."

"Why don't you fight?"

"Grandpa, I can't mention Chakra when I see blood. I think of my two dead lovers, Rope Tree and Duan."

"Xiao Tsun, you were wrong."


Tsunade was stunned and stared at Senjuzuma.

Senjujuma looked at the ruined Naruto statue: "Ninjas are not born for the dead, but for the living, your brother Yuki, and your favorite Suan. I would never want to see you like this. fragile."

"Your Shindo direction is wrong."

Senjuzuzu said.

"Nindo is not for the dead, but for the living?"

Tsunade was carefully pondering the meaning of this sentence.

"Xiaozuna, I hope you can rebuild Konoha. Konoha village is destroyed, but as long as there is one person alive, Konoha's will will not dissipate, and the blood of those who have died will not flow in vain!"

"Grandpa, where are you going?"

Tsunade chased after him, but he was nowhere near Senju Zhuma, and finally he disappeared into the mist.

Only one sentence came out: "Although I am dead, I have become a part of Konoha's will."

"The Will of Fire?"

"The fire keeps burning, even if it is finally extinguished, I still dedicate my light and heat in the process."

Tsunade broke free from the illusion, she already knew it was an illusion.

Back to reality, the first sentence Tsunade heard was from Nazawa. She understood that everything just now was made by Nazawa.

"Thank you, Mingze."

Tsunade understood many things, and her heart knot was untied.

In her mind, she still thought of the rope tree and the scene at the time of death. They were two clusters of fire.

She has many thoughts.

The Will of Fire has been passed down from generation to generation, and now there is a ninja very similar to the rope tree: Naruto Uzumaki!