Single brush Konoha

Chapter 62 Three Tailed Beasts Gathering

After signing up for Xianglin, he can finally let go.

Fragrant phosphorus shed tears, holding Mingze's hand.

"Mingze, I will not cook for you in the future, or carry water for you, you must miss me."

This is the girl's feelings.

Mingze pushed her away: "Cry and cry, don't you want money for your tears?"

"Because Mingze, you are the first to treat me like a relative. You are so good to me, I haven't repaid you..."

Fragrant phosphorus is whirling with tears.

"I knew I should have left you on the streets of Konoha."

Mingze turned and left.

Fragrant phosphorus chases out.

Everyone was full of emotions, but they didn't dare to take care of it. This was equivalent to Mingze's family affairs.

As soon as he came out, Nazawa ran into Tsunade head-on.

"Why are you crying?"

Tsunade wiped away tears for the incense phosphorus when he said.

Xianglin: "I'm too stupid to help Mingze. Now I want to run away from home."

"Then you deserve it."

Unexpectedly, Tsunade changed his face in a second.

If Tsunade's grandfather was still alive, Tsunade would definitely stay there.

Fragrant phosphorus tears are coming out again.

Gang pulls Mingze: "Go, let's eat ramen."

Mingze: "We are not so familiar."

"My treat!"

Tsunade smiled.

"okay then."

It happened that Mingze was also hungry, and it was not time for dinner to go back to the house.

The three of them went to Yile Ramen Restaurant.

As soon as he entered the shop, Tsunade said, "Eat the king's meal, three!"

Several customers in the shop sprayed noodles.

Someone dared to do this.

However, when they looked at the face of the lover, they all had nothing to do with themselves and hung up on it.

Yile: "Tsunade, are there just three? Are there any more?"

For Tsunade's identity, Yi Le is worshipped.

Because Tsunade is the granddaughter of the first generation, the first generation established the village of Konoha, and Ichiraku can open a ramen restaurant here.

It is equivalent to saying that the first generation is a benefactor of Yile.

So no matter how many bowls of ramen Tsunade eats, Yile is very welcome.


The three are already seated.

"Okay, I will do it right away."

A happy smile.

Today is a lucky day for Ile, because Tsunade went to the store to eat ramen.

Outside the Yile Ramen Restaurant.

Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara went shopping and passed by.

"There is a noodle restaurant here. Go in and try it?"

Temari proposed.

"Go away, stay away from here, if it's late, it's too late!"

Shouhe was panicked.

Only Gaara can hear Shouhe's voice. At this moment, he is motionless and his eyes are fixed at the Yile Ramen Restaurant.

"Go in and see, can it be Hokage from Konoha Village."

Measure a breath, Gaara makes a decision.

"it is good."

The three are going to enter the ramen restaurant.

Naruto, Sakura, and Sai meet again with the three Sand Shinobu.

Naruto now has four guards, and he walks with wind, and these four ninjas are all ninjas.

After the speed competition of Fei Lei Shen, they have recognized Naruto's identity and now become his guard.

When the three generations knew it, they couldn't help but sigh: "Naruto is the one who prepared Hokage in Konoha Village and is destined to inherit the last wishes of the four generations."

Originally, the three generations wanted Tsunade and Jiraiya to become the fifth Hokage.

Now that there are more choices, Jiraji is also eliminated by him, and the candidates become Yamato, Tsunade, and Naruto.

Gaara was confused, then jealous.

Gaara has never been treated like this in Sand Ninja Village, and has always suffered from cold eyes.

The people of Sand Shinobu were afraid of him. He had been alone since he was a child, and he killed many people when he was angry.

Where is Naruto?

Naruto now has four stamina like a shadow, which is simply too good.

Sakura said: "I can have my own guard anytime."

Sai smiled: "Sakura, stop dreaming. If you want a guard, I can take the post temporarily."

Sakura: "No need!"

At this moment, Naruto said: "You three Sand Ninja, how can you be everywhere."

"We want to eat ramen, you can't control it."

Temari started to appreciate Naruto a little, after all, he has the strength.

"Naruto, I bound them with shadows, hit them."

Suddenly, Shikamaru's voice came from the other side.

When Temari turned his head, he saw a shadow under his feet communicating with their shadow.

Sneak attack?

"Shikamaru let them go, no need."

Naruto shook his head: "If you want to fight, it is also a fair fight."


Shikamaru let go of the Temari three.

"What kind of tricks are you doing?"

Temari felt that Naruto was already powerful enough, but he didn't expect to come up with a ninja at random, and even let himself get caught.

"I won't tell you unless you ask me to eat ramen."

Shikamaru said.

"Naruto, you have been talking outside for a long time, come in and talk."

Mingze Transmission.

Naruto passed the crowd and stepped into the first ramen restaurant.

Sakura, Sai, Shikamaru, etc. also filed in.

Shouhe shuddered: "Yes, that's the voice, its owner!"

The last time I felt this kind of powerlessness can be traced back to the Six Dao era, when only the Six Dao immortals made Shouheguai like a pet.

Now, Mingze has awakened the deep memory of Shouhe.

As everyone knows, when Shouhe is in shock, Kyuubi is rejoicing.

"Shouhe, you finally taste the fear."

Kyuubi felt pity for Shouhe Chakra.

"Go in!"

Gaara's face is sweating.

Sand Shinobu also entered the Yile Ramen Restaurant.

As a result, the Yile Ramen Restaurant became extremely lively, and the few tables were full of people.

Temari said: "Can I sit at your table?"

"Ask Naruto."

Shikamaru did not dare to make up his mind.

"I might hit someone when I am angry."

Sakura saw that the other party was also a beautiful girl, and didn't want to sit together, so she was commented on.

Temari's face hurt, and he remembered the previous punch.

Naruto: "Sakura, you are too much. She doesn't have a place to sit. What's the hindrance to letting her sit here? We are from Konoha Village. Should we entertain guests like this?"

"Well, I listen to Naruto."

Sakura does not refute, but always maintains her relationship with Naruto.

Gaara was sitting on the bench, and now motionless, some cracks appeared on his face.

Ken Kuro was surprised that this was Gaara's armor of sand, which broke apart on its own.

This change was only because Mingze glanced at Gaara.

Xiang Pho: "Brother smelly, if you like girls, just say it yourself, don't find so many reasons."

Of those present, only Xianglin dared to criticize Naruto so much.

Naruto knocked on the table: "Delicious your ramen, sister Xianglin."

"It's them! I feel it, one is the Nine Lamas, the other is Monkey King!"

Shouhe was even more disturbed.

No one thought that in a ramen restaurant, the three-tailed beasts would meet again after many years.

Four-tailed Monkey King: "I feel it, it's the bastard Ichio Morizuru."

"Ha ha"

This second, a sudden change occurred.

One tail, four tails, and nine tails entered a bright place at the same time, and there was a blue light flashing not far away.

"This is where?"

Shou He backed back again and again, Gaara temporarily petrified outside.

"Mingze, come out and speak, don't scare me."

Kyuubi shouted around.

Mingze appeared.

This is not another place, but Mingze's mind space.

With a thought just now, he pulled in the thinking of the three-tailed beasts and prepared to talk to them.

Mingze said: "Let’s talk about the Six Dao Immortals and you. Before, only Nine Tails said it was true and false. Now you say it, I listen!"