Single brush Konoha

Chapter 63 Six Earth Explosive Stars

"You are one!"

Mingze surprised the three-tailed beast with a casual sentence.

"how do you know?"

Four-tailed Monkey became uneasy.

"To be honest, I know about it now, I just want to hear from you."

Mingze was right. When they were summoned, he interpreted them through his mind and got the truth of the matter.

It turned out that the nine-tailed beasts were originally one, but the six immortals separated them later.

"Yes, we all come from a huge tailed beast called Ten-tailed."

The nine lama nodded.

"Nine Lama, why are you betraying us?"

Four-tailed Monkey is unhappy.

The nine lama slapped it: "I haven't hit you for a long time. Have you forgotten that I am the boss?"

Four tails were beaten up.

Although they are thinking here, they still feel pain. This is the most magical place.

Mingze: "You continue talking."

"There used to be a person named Datongmu Huiye. She came from far away and came here to pick the fruit of the sacred tree..."

Start to add at the end.

"Later it ate the fruits of the sacred tree and launched an unlimited monthly reading to quell the war."

"After that, Huiye gave birth to two children, one named Yucun and the other named Yuyi. Yuyi is the Six Dao Immortals."

"Hui Ye wants to recover Chakra and start a battle with her two sons."

"The six immortals killed his younger brother to awaken the eyes of reincarnation. He developed six earth-blasting stars to restrain Huiye."

In the process of listening, Mingze understood the process of Huiye being sealed.

After Huiye was sealed, the ten-tailed beasts also came into being.

If these ten-tailed beasts are reunited, the ten-tailed beasts will come to this world again.

He noticed a technique: six bursts of stars!

If you want to use this technique, you must have yin escape and yang escape.

The condition of Yin Evacuation is the reincarnation of Indra.

Yang Dun is the reincarnation of Asura.

Mingze was thinking of this technique, because according to the nine lamas, Yin and Yang escape can create everything.

"What are the characteristics of the two reincarnations?"

Mingze asked.

"I don't know, the last generation reincarnated are Zhuma and Madara, these two bastards!"

The Nine Lamas are very angry so far.

Whether it is between the pillars or the spots, the nine lamas are terrified.

Even though it is the strongest among the tail beasts, it is not worth mentioning before them.

"Yin escape can only be born in the Uchiha clan, and now Uchiha is the only one left with Itachi and Sasuke."

"Itachi is impossible, so only Sasuke."

Using the method of elimination, Mingze first gets the reincarnation of Indra.

But Asura is in trouble.

The Senshou clan are basically dead, and the only seedling is Tsunade.

Not Tsunade!

Suddenly, Mingze's mind flashed, and he thought of someone.

Uzumaki Naruto!

Naruto and Sasuke are bound.

It seems normal, but it's not that simple. The two of them also lost their parents.

The reincarnations of the previous generation, Zhujian and Ban both serve as patriarchs, wanting to grow the ethnic group.

Both of the reincarnated in this generation are orphans, so their fate is so similar.

On the surface, it seems that they are similar in life and experience, and they resonate and become good friends.

Mingze guessed that yin and yang should be affected.

After asking, Mingze asked the three-tailed beasts to go back.

"Just let us go like this?"

"Otherwise, what are you doing!"

The nine lamas still want to slap.

One thought, their thinking has returned to the body.

In the shop, Mingze ate the noodles, glanced at Naruto, and slowly stood up and walked outside.

Tsunade and Xianglin followed.

Before leaving, Tsunade smiled and said to Naruto: "Naruto, come to me when you have time. I have a gift for you."

Naruto: "Ms. Tsunade, what gift?"

Tsunade became angry and walked back to pat the table: "I'm not old at all. It's rude to call my mother-in-law!"

Naruto told her the reason: "Because when I practiced with Toad Immortal, he mentioned you, saying that you are an old woman, and you still pretend to be tender when you are so old."

"Jilaiya, I'm never finished with you!"

Tsunade was very angry and left in a hurry.

Tsunade looked around in the village that day, but she really didn't find Jiraiya.

Even if you run fast, your ribs will be broken again.

Kazuo didn't urge Gaara to escape again. It understood that when it came to Konoha Village, it would not be easy to leave.

Tsunade saw Mute in Naruto's broken house, and Mute was extremely scared.

I shed tears.

"Did you do something to her?"

Tsunade is ashamed.

This is her beloved apprentice and shouldn't be put here like this. If Silent is hurt, she is very responsible.

How can emotional matters be reluctant?

Tsunade felt that Nazawa was too impatient.

Mingze: "Mute, just say what you have, don't waste your tears."

Silent stood behind Tsunade, pointing at him: "This is the person, he put me..."

"What happened to you?"

Tsunade is relieved.

Smiled at Mute: "Mute, someone is such a nice person. It's an honor for you to be with him. I wish you happiness."

"Tsunade-sama, do you want me?"

Mute the sad.

"It is rare to find such a handsome and strong man. If I were as young as you, I would also marry."

"I want to say that there will be a lot of bad people in the village, Tsunade-sama, be careful."

Mute finally spoke out the information.

This information is very important to her.

Mingze didn't want to burst out.

Mute has to be said.

So after finishing talking, Mute cast a glance at Mingze, thinking that'Master Tsunade already knows that your plan has failed'.

Mingze was calm as usual.

Tsunade was not too surprised: "You don't need to say that I can know, I feel that some people use this Zhongnin exam to do bad things. As long as I am here, they are not allowed to go wild!"

"Great Tsunade-sama, I will help you with all my strength."

Silently smiled, holding Tsunade's arm.

Nazawa waved to Tsunade: "Let you a drop of blood."

"What do you mean?"

"I help you resolve your dizziness. I need to be paid."

"What if I don't give it?"

Tsunade was cautiously testing Nazawa's bottom line.

Mingze was silent.

Before he could speak, Tsunade had already admitted defeat and said, "Yes, but I want to get a bottle of your wine."

"One bottle will get drunk, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"I won't be drunk."

"Master Tsunade has a good drinker. No alcohol can make her drunk."

Silent praised Tsunade's drinking.

Tsunade was pissed and really drank a bottle of wine here, only to pour it on the table just after drinking.

Mute: "What's wrong with you Tsunade-sama."

Tsunade began to snore.

Really drunk.

After shouting several times, Tsunade didn’t respond. He was silent and discouraged. He suddenly looked at Nazawa: "Do you have any dangerous thoughts about Tsunade-sama?"

Mingze went back to the room by himself.

He studied the blood of the Thousand Hands Clan this time, so he didn't want to be seen by others.

"He was too much!"

Looking at his back, Silent snorted.

Xianglin: "Mingze is a good person."

"He's a nice guy? I really don't know what ecstasy he poured you."

Silent didn't know why, but suddenly minded Mingze's character, and began to pick and choose from him.

However, Tsunade really planted this time, planted on Nazawa's wine.