Single brush Konoha

Chapter 64 The First Necklace

After Tsunade woke up, Naruto arrived.

Tsunade took out a necklace and gave it to Naruto.

Naruto is puzzled.

"This is a blessing to you, I hope you can remain confident, stick to your forbearance, and persevere."

At this moment, Tsunade thought of the rope tree.

Looking closer, she felt that the faces of Naruto and Rope tree overlapped, and she was crying with a smile.

Mute: "Master Tsunade, you guys speak hard, why are you crying?"

"Because in the past some people fell when their dreams weren't realized."

"Ms. Tsunade, don't worry, I will never die before I become Hokage."

Naruto held the pendant of the necklace, his eyes gleaming.

"hope so."

Silence remembered what happened before, and felt that Mingze should have made tricks in the wine and deliberately dug holes.

And this pit happened to be stepped on by Tsunade.

At the moment, Tsunade was not angry at all: "Thanks to his wine, now I know that I am in awe, my strength is limited, and I will die one day and become part of the will of fire."

"But before that, I found a successor."

"Ms. Tsunade, what are you talking about?"

Naruto is confused.

"Take the Chunin test well and leave the outside affairs to me."

Tsunade touched Naruto's hair.

They leave the broken house.

Tsunade began to divide the worries of the three generations, determined to protect Konoha.

After Mingze studied it, he discovered that the blood of the Thousand Hands Clan possesses tremendous energy, which is something similar to the boundary of blood.

He understood that the Thousand Hands Clan had Yang Dun Chakra, but not all.

He also retained Naruto's blood.

So, now merge the two kinds of blood.

Saw the whole world?

Do not.

What you see is a kind of peace.

After the fusion, although the power is stronger, there is no violent rage, just like a drop of heavy water.

This is not enough.

Mingze added another thing.

The first generation of cells!

The first generation cells were obtained from Yamato, and are now added to it.

As a result, they blend peacefully.

A brand new power was activated, not Blood Succession Boundary, but countless times stronger than Blood Succession Boundary.

It is the power of Yang!

This kind of power exists in the first place, but it lurks in the deepest part of the primary cells, no one can touch.

But inadvertently, Mingze activated it.

The power of yang is continuously produced, unexpectedly melting fame.

At this time, Mingze's thoughts came into play, and thoughts absorbed and stored this yang power.

After that, the interpillar cells on the hands were burned.

Mingze checked his mind, he got a yang power, but it still seemed too little.

Nazawa has no Tsunade's blood, but Naruto's blood, Sasuke's blood, and fragrant phosphorus's blood.

Now join Naruto's, Aromatic Phosphorus, Yamato's.

Three in one.

The power of Yang reappeared and was collected again.

Then there is Sasuke.

He got the power of yang, and the power of yin should not be far away.

Sure enough, he got a completely different power, that is the power of Yin.

Two powers, one is blue and the other is red, are stored in the mind space by him.

After studying here, he found that he was a little tired. It seems that these two forces are really not simple, and they make him feel uncomfortable.

Up to now, for the first time, he felt the fatigue of his mind after work.

Can only take a nap.

When he woke up, Silent patted the door outside.

"Wake up soon, the food is cold."

"I'm coming."

Mingze got up to eat.

Mute and fiercely said: "Mingze, your life is too irregular, you actually sleep during the day!"

Phosphorus was a little frightened, and pulled the mute sleeve.

In Xianglin's memories, no one can be harsh to Mingze.

Mingze is not angry at all today.

"Thank you for cooking."

"Ha ha"

"A word of thanks just wants me to forgive, there is no door."

Silent smile.

Phosphorus dared not speak.

Surprisingly, the three of them did not make any noise during this meal.

After eating, Mingze can digest well, and he wants to take the cold.

Of course, he still moved out of the crystal ball, ready to see what Dashemaru was doing.

The super telescope technique is activated again!

Somewhere in the country of fire, Oshe Maru is playing the dirty soil rebirth.

Before the war, Oshemaru once again confirmed that his technique was correct.

However, Da She Maru did not expect that the whole process of his work was clearly seen by Ming Ze.

With the mind of Mingze, easily write down the art of reincarnating from the dirty soil.

"Reincarnated from the filthy soil! It's kind of interesting that the dead can return to the sun, and can use the techniques they used before their lives..."

Such a special technique attracted Mingze's attention.

Mute and talk to Phosphorus.

Mute and spit: "I'm secretly looking at others again, it really is a big bad guy!"


Xianglin didn't feel that way. She wanted to find Mingze and let him see where Sasuke was.

But Silent held her: "Don't look at any evil, you are so young, you can't let him break it."

Fragrant phosphorus had to give up.

the next day.

Kakashi finally made up his mind and went to the broken house to ask for help.

Kakashi's eyes kept him from the peak.

Because he hadn't even started the battle, his chakra was consumed a lot.

By reading books and forcibly diverting attention, Chakra can only consume a little bit slower, and treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

Mingze: "Can I help you, is it a guarantor or an eye protection?"


Silent couldn't help laughing as soon as he spoke.

He is so humorous.

It's kind of like that, it's just asking someone else's husband, "Whether he is the big one or the young one," during delivery.

Kakashi was in a daze for a second: "Guaranteed!"


"This writing wheel eye is half of my life, my forbearance is in it, and my companion's entrustment to me!"

Kakashi solemnly informed.


"You lie down, take off your forehead, and I will get your pulse."

Mingze ordered.

"You two don't run around."

"Who ran away?"

Silent retorted, no matter how she said she was a medical ninja, she might be able to help a lot at a critical moment.

'Wait later he should be useful to get my place, if he does not understand, should I tell him or not?'

Thinking, Mute is sure to stay.

Under his mind, Kakashi's body status is at a glance, and there is a big difference between him and Sasuke.

The skeletons are densely distributed near Sasuke's eyes, while Kakashi is sparse.

Those skeletal positions are connected to the meridians and help control the chakra.

Kakashi didn't, that's why he couldn't control Zhuanyan from time to time.

An analysis of Mingze's mind reveals a vague shape inside the eyes, like a three-leaf fan.

Inside the eyes, there are also corpses, which is to control the flow of Chakra.

Used to request chakras from the body.

However, two-thirds of this eye is dormant.

In other words, Kakashi can affect only one third.

This eye was wasted on Kakashi.

Mingze now has a bold idea, which is to create several corpses.

This is a big project.

Equivalent to alternative manufacturing creatures.

Nazawa is not afraid. He has seen the corresponding position near Sasuke's eyes. The total amount of work is too great to be completed in a short time.

Therefore, he intends to create a few major skeletal positions so that Kakashi can control the inflow of most chakras in the writing wheel.

He decided to take a few bones from the face for transplantation, and immediately asked Kakashi for his opinion.

"You will become facial paralysis in the future, would you mind?"

"will not."

After discussion, he took out the silver needle and started working.

At first, Kakashi's eyes were full of blood and tears, and the scene was very human.

Silent looked at the side with a shock: "It's too messy."

But she couldn't persuade, one of them dared to undergo surgery, the other dared to undergo surgery.