Single brush Konoha

Chapter 78

"Wow, it turned out to be like this, no wonder Tsunade-sama treats like that sometimes."

"The meridians here are really dense and need to be memorized several times."

"Why are the words that vary from person to person in many places in the corpse?"


When looking at the memory of paintings, Mute has a lot of new understandings, but it also creates a lot of doubts.

In another world with scanning equipment, these diagrams can be easily completed.

But in this world, almost all medical ninjas save people based on experience, and their knowledge system is not so perfect.

Mingze added a special lesson to silent, which is equivalent to starting a small stove.

Not long time, Mingze completed the fifth picture.

Mute saw him closing the pen, and hurriedly said, "Why are there so many places that can't be described in detail?"

"Because the corpse position is related to the major families and blood inheritance boundaries, and even everyone is different."

Nazawa gave a slight explanation: "Many of the skills of the major families are unique, because the distribution of corpses is different, such as the Uchiha clan, they even have corpses in their eyes, and they are two-way."

"The Uchiha clan can copy other people's techniques, what is this?"

"Some can be copied, some can't. For example, the Uchiha clan can't assist in the blood inheritance limit. Generally, all the ninjas share the corpse position."

Mingze explained.


"I ask you, if a person's internal organs are gone, can he be saved?"

Mingze began to test her.

"This doesn't seem like..."

"Yes, it just requires two-handed preparation to stop the bleeding and find an organ replacement immediately."

"That's OK? Who will donate someone else's organ?"

"Where there is love in the world, there will be miracles."

Mingze told her.

"I remember Tsunade-sama's lover Suan, once died because his internal organs were blown up. According to you, he still had a chance at that time."

"You understand correctly."

"It's a pity that you died, why didn't you show up earlier?"


Mingze then asked Mute many questions.

Mute the answers one by one.

Sometimes she answered correctly, and sometimes she answered according to Tsunade's teachings.

Silent found that Nazawa was instilling new concepts into herself, and some even subverted Tsunade's teachings.

After asking for almost two hours, Mingze said: "You read the four pictures twice, and then come to me after reading them."

"it is good."

In terms of learning medical ninjutsu, Mute is still quite active and did not complain at all.

After another hour, Mingze throws out the fifth picture.

"this is……"

"This is not Tsunade-sama..."

"Yes, this is a diagram of the Chakra technique of Hundred Powers. After you practice it, this technique will collect your extra chakras every day and store it on your forehead. If you encounter life danger in the future, you can unlock your life."

Mingze finally had a showdown.

"How do you know this?"

Silent was surprised, this kind of thing is probably not even available to the Hyuga clan.

Even if the Hyuga clan saw it, it must have been on the battlefield at that time, and the Hyuga clan had no time to remember.

Once this picture is leaked, it is a provocation to Tsunade.

Silent now grasped the picture tightly, for fear of slipping away from his hands.

Nazawa: "I have this picture, of course, for a reason. For this reason, I only tell my future wife."


Silent blushed and didn't dare to look at him.

"So, don't ask anymore, remember well, and then realize for yourself that you are now on the way and it should be easy to learn."

Mingze said: "Don't worry, you know this picture, I know everything, and even Tsunade doesn't know it. You will burn it after you use it."

"I believe you for the time being. If you find a leak, I must tell Master Tsunade."

Silent is loyal to Tsunade.

Mingze yawned and went to bed.

Silent started to practice, and her understanding of the Hundreds of Great Arts gradually made breakthroughs, and this picture was just about teaching her how to get the seal.

And Yuyin, etc., Tsunade has already taught her, so there is no need to burden her.

Silent practiced tirelessly for several days, and every time she exhausted Chakra, she never left for a meal.

Mingze was a little bit patient and fed her food instead of someone else slammed the door out early.

A few days later, Mute finally lit up all the steps, and for the first time, she realized the whole hundred horrors.

"Oh, no, I eat more. Now I don't have enough chakras. No wonder Tsunade-sama eats so much."

Stop the Baihao technique in the mute, because this technique needs to absorb a large amount of Chakra for storage.

There are two stages in Baihao Art. The first stage is to enclose the chakra, and the second stage is to unlock the seal and release the chakra.

When enclosing, there is a limit to the minimum required.

After successful sealing, the seal will continue to absorb the excess chakra every day.

Using this technique will speed up the division of human cells, thereby creating regeneration.

Since no seal is required during use, the user can continue to fight and it is difficult to be killed.

It is equivalent to temporarily possessing an immortal body.

It's just that Tsunade is the only person who can use Hundred Powers at the moment.

Now, Silent is ready to join the ranks and become the second person to master the Hundreds.

Silent walked out with anxiety and said, "Mingze, let's buy a lot of delicious food."

"How much is better?"

Mingze teased her intentionally.

"It's a lot."

Silent bit her teeth, why would she be more specific.

"Three bowls?"

"Has the five bowls gone?"

"Forget it, if you can eat this, just buy a table of dishes for you to eat. If it is not enough, you can just see how much meat the dolphins have."

Mingze smiled lightly.

"Bad guy, come to laugh at me again."

Silent wanted to hit him.

When they were eating in the shop, a big man walked in outside, carrying seven daggers, wearing a turban, and wearing sunglasses, but he didn't wear a head guard. He didn't know which ninja village came from.

The big man was hungry and saw their table of sumptuous dishes and said, "My friends, I want to eat, can I sit here?"

"You didn't bring any money."

Mute dismantled this person face to face.


"I can rap for you and tell good stories."

Kiraby said.

Mingze stared at the big man, a burning furnace appeared in his mind, and the amazing Chakra was hidden inside this man.

Mingze is very familiar with this kind of chakra concentration, and he has seen it more than once.

That's right, this is the tail beast Chakra.

Mingze recognized this person, he had been to Yunren, and naturally he also knew the eight-tailed man Zhuli and the Erweiren Zhuli.

"Don't listen, you are not as good as Mingze."

Mute too much.

Mingze said: "Silent, take out 100 taels for him to eat, just as I owe you."

"If that's the case, I can still borrow you."

Silent took out a piece of money from her purse and handed it to Kirabi very reluctantly.

Kirabi said, "Thank you friend."

There was an empty table next to him, so Kirabi used the money to buy food.

Mute ate while saying: "Why are you helping him?"

Mingze: "I just want to see a good show."

"What's a good show?"

Mute is not very clear.

"Eat quickly, I'm afraid it won't be peaceful here for a while, maybe there are ninja fights breaking out."

Mingze reminded.

After what he said, Mute didn't care about elegance, and started to eat.

"Hey, friend, eat slowly, no one will fight you."

Kirabi started to persuade.

Mute was about to support it, Mingze handed her a cup of tea.


"It's delicious, I finally finished eating, I feel that my appetite is about to catch up with Tsunade-sama..."