Single brush Konoha

Episode 92

In the courtyard, Xianglin opened his eyes, and there was a small seduce spinning in his left eye.

She saw a lot of ants, and saw pictures of ant nests under the ground, ants working hard, carrying food, digging aisles, feeding young ants and so on.

Earlier, her perception ability was outstanding, and she could feel other people's chakras from a distance.

It's all right now, with the blood of the Uchiha clan joining, the left eye matches her perception, even more outstanding than ordinary observation eyes.

Mingze sat in the courtyard and said, "What did you see?"

"I saw a lot of wonderful pictures, these pictures have not been seen before, there is an ant nest here."

Fragrant phosphorus pointed to the ground.

"It looks like your eyes have adapted."

Mingze was relieved.

Xianglin's mentality is calm, Gouyu hides, she looks the same as before.

She jumped, and beat Mingze on the shoulder here.

So diligent, sure to ask for something.

Sure enough, Phosphorus still has a routine. She beat it for a while and said: "Mingze, can you agree to a request?"

"What request?"

"You promise me first."

Mingze would not be fooled, just staring at her.

Xianglin pouted her mouth and helped her glasses, she felt nervous.

Nazawa points broken: "Want to go to Sasuke?"


She smiled brilliantly, naively thinking that he would agree.

Mingze: "No, this time you stay in Konoha honestly, you don't need you yet."


Xianglin breathed with him.

Ming Zedang didn't see her small expression, and took the cool leisurely.

Phosphorus chops the wood vigorously, and then picks water after the wood is chopped.

After picking the water, she cut the flowers and plants in the yard, and the flowers and plants were cut to pieces by her.

Nazawa finally pointed out: "You go to send some food to Naruto, he may be very tired of practicing, then you go to Tsunade, if she agrees with you to find Sasuke, I have no opinion."

"Okay, thank you Mingze."

Xianglin was happy, enthusiastic and active like a flame.

Soon, Xianglin took a lunch box to see Naruto.

Naruto wondered: "What do you look at?"

"Your chakra?"

Silent was surprised, as if he didn't know Naruto.

Naruto has been practicing hard during this time, and it is no longer what he used to be. He is able to use most of the nine-tailed chakras to fight.

"Sister, don't be afraid, I won't hit you, I will only protect you."

At this moment, Naruto believes: "I will protect Konoha and all my partners."

"Brother smelly, you are swollen, I won't lose to you at all."

Phosphorus pinched his waist.

"Fragrant phosphorus, you are still young, I don't care about you."

Naruto's words crit every word.

"You can eat it yourself, I will go to Tsunade-sama, and she will agree to me to go to Sasuke."

Watching Xianglin run away, Naruto shook his head.

Naruto said: "Uncle Yamato, shall we go to Sasuke?"

"Don't go, Nasawa told me that Sasuke may be better than you now, so you have to work hard, or you will be left behind by Sasuke."

Yamato lied.

To accompany Naruto to practice, Yamato has a mission. Tsunade and Nazawa both hope that he will train Naruto with all his strength.

There is not much time left for Naruto.

Naruto said: "Is Sasuke so good? Then I can't relax, we will continue to practice after eating."

Xianglin broke into Hokage's office, and because of her small size, no one stopped her.

As soon as she entered the door, she threw herself at Tsunade and said, "Tsuna-sama, I miss you so much."


Such a small girl actually routines herself.

Tsunade was a man who had lived for several decades at any rate, and knew that phosgene had something for him.

"I miss you too. Have you had a good time in Konoha?"

Tsunade looked down at her.

Aroma Phosphorus is very cute, with fiery red hair, wearing glasses, looks cute.

This image reminds Tsunade of two people, one is Uzumaki Mito and the other is Uzumaki Kushina.

Xianglin squeezed his face and said, "I'm not happy, I've lost weight."

Tsunade touched her head: "Why is Konoha so good? Why are you unhappy? Do you miss your loved ones?"

"I have no relatives. Everyone in Konoha is my relative. I like everyone very much, especially you, Tsunade-sama."

Seeing that the time was ripe, Xianglin said, "Tsuna-sama, can you agree to a request?"

"What request?"

"You promise me first."

"Oh, that's not okay, it's a big man." Tsunade squeezed Pho's face.

Xianglin's eyes were faintly resentful, almost crying, and that little expression was easily pitiful.

"I want to go to Sasuke, Tsunade-sama, send me a task!"

Fragrant phosphorus gritted his teeth and finally raised this matter.


Tsunade cruelly refused.

"Why? You don't love me, I don't like you anymore." Xianglin seemed to be electrocuted, making trouble with Tsunade.

Tsunade is now a Naruto and cannot be delegated arbitrarily.

In particular, Aromatic Phosphorus is still so young.

It is estimated that as soon as he left Konoha Village, he was caught by a hostile ninja and tortured severely.

In addition, Tsunade also knew that Xianglin had four tails. She was no longer as simple as a girl, but had important strategic significance.

Thinking back to her eyes, Tsunade said, "Fragrant phosphorus, don't cry, just listen to me."

"Say what?"

Xianglin carried it back.

"If you leave Konoha, you may be killed before you see Sasuke."

"I will help you figure out another way. In the name of Hokage, I will find you the strongest partner, but you need to gather four people before you can set off. Go back and wait patiently."

Tsunade chooses to stabilize the phosphorus first.


"It's a fool to lie to you."

Tsunade and Phosphorus are hooked.

Xianglin was finally persuaded to go back, and Tsunade waited for her to walk out of Hokage's office, and gradually smiled meaningfully.

Mingze drank a little wine. The wine he was drinking now was made from the spices and dry food brought back from the mission posted before, and he finally got his first sip.

The wine in this world really has a different flavor.

At night, there are moon and stars in the sky.

A special guest came from Konoha Village.

"come in."

Nazawa did not sleep, but sat in the hall in the house and waited.

This person came in and said, "Mingze, visit late at night, I hope you can Haihan."

Mingze looked at this man.

This is a guy wearing a mask, in his eyes a dead person.

"To see me with a corpse, despising people."

Mingze was angry.

That's right, this person is still turning around, and the person who came is carrying soil behind him, so he didn't think about his name.

"This is not important, what is important is what I want to discuss with you, Mingze."

Take the dirt road.

"Why is it so annoying, I still can't help it, get out!"

Mingze finally took action, blasting away the elephant sent by the soil and turning around.

It is an insult to Mingze that the deity cannot be brought out.

In this case, Mingze didn't need to save any face for the soil, Fei Lei Shen directly moved away and turned around.

Nazawa instantly came outside of Konoha Village, following the opposite direction of Chakra.

To his mind, this is nothing but a small matter.

Tai Tu was waiting to sigh, and suddenly there were more people in front of him.

The man came with his hands on his back and stepped on a meteor.

Bringing the soil is extremely vigilant: "Mingze, I didn't expect you to come in person. I was abrupt just now."

Mingze is straightforward: "I have something to say, I have to go back to sleep after I say it."