Single brush Konoha

Chapter 97 Tsunade notices something wrong with Mingzawa

Is Itachi really dead?

Sasuke, looking at his brother's body, a kind of sadness filled.

In order to avenge him, he suffered countless days and nights, just to wait for this moment.

It turned out that Sasuke felt at a loss when he was revenge, what he really wanted.

Is the killed ferret the end of everything?

"Itachi, what on earth did you hide? Did everything you did in the first place have a secret..."

Next to Itachi's body, Sasuke thought a lot.

Sasuke decided to investigate the truth of the matter and let everything surface.

Kakashi said, "Sasuke, although Itachi is dead, his eyes should be preserved."

"I know."

"Itachi once said before his death that his biological brothers can exchange their eyes to obtain eternal light and achieve eternal kaleidoscope writing round eyes."

Sasuke said.

"Ha ha."

"Itachi's eyes belong to me."

The belt soil that was thought to have left suddenly appeared, using time and space ninjutsu to take Itachi's body.

Neither Sasuke nor Kakashi reacted.

Upon seeing this, Sasuke became furious: "Asshole, return Itachi's body to me!"

That was his most important elder brother's body, how could it be handed over to someone he didn't know, it was tantamount to being desecrated!

"You killed Itachi."

"Are you Sasuke? You are so good at such a young age. Itachi is dead. You will take his place, join Akatsuki, and follow my orders."

Bringing soil to look at Sasuke, like discovering a treasure.

"Bara, you are too much."

Kakashi couldn't stand it, Lei Che was ready, lifted his forehead, left eye with scars, and forwarded that one of the writing round eyes Gouyu.

"I'm not in a hurry, I have patience, Sasuke, you will definitely come to me, I will wait for you."

Bring the soil hey and laughed, mobilizing the power to leave here.

Even escaped.

"You come back and return Itachi's body to me, bastard!"

Sasuke roared and furiously attacked everything around him, but the dirt was gone.

Kakashi sighed.

It is definitely a variable that the body of Itachi falls into Madara's hands!

Konoha is likely to be attacked because of this, after all, Madara is not a good man.

He took the body of Itachi with soil and took the bait in order to attract Sasuke.

"The thorns are gone, it will be more convenient in the future. Itachi, I really have to thank you for speaking of it."

Bringing soil is thinking about the next plan.

From this moment on, Sasuke had one more goal: to kill Madara and take back his brother's body!

Konoha Shinobu Village.

Mingze is in the shade.

Next to him, Tsunade was really boring and looked outside.

Mingze saw a leaf fall because of withered yellow, it was the alternation of new and old.

"Let's talk about something interesting and choose anyone at random."

Mingze started the topic.

Tsunade looked over, "Who is it?"

"Let's talk about you Tsunade, were you this big before?"

Mingze smirked.

After finally coming over, did he make fun of himself?

Tsunade has always been serious about this.

Today, I didn’t lose my temper. I can talk about it: "I also grew up from a baby, from one to 50 years old."

"What about your appetite? Where did you eat so much?"

"Mingzawa, you are very boring!" Tsunade groaned.

"Just kidding, our topic is about to begin. It's Itachi! Itachi Uchiha!"

Mingzeyan returned to the subject.

"Killing the whole family, there is nothing to talk about. When Sasuke defeats him, he will definitely be frustrated!"

Tsunade was angry.

Tsunade missed the time his family was around.

Grandpa Senjujuan!

Lovers break!

Brother Rope Tree!

And itachi?

Itachi became an evil betrayal because of his actions that day.

Itachi joined Akatsuki, just to fight the village.

As for Itachi's genius name, everyone gradually forgot.

In fact, things back then were too complicated.

Mingze has only one attitude towards Itachi: disagree, just watch.

Mingze comes from another world and is more important to his relatives.

No matter what the reason is, you can't kill the family.

Therefore, Nazawa slightly helped Sasuke become stronger.

Sasuke's revenge speeds up as a result, and it should be achieved now.

"Once it meets Sasuke, he will definitely not be able to beat him."

Name Ze judge.

"That's the best. His death is more valuable than his life, and his life will only add chaos.

Tsunade snorted coldly.

"You are so cruel. If Itachi sees you, he will hide away."

Mingze moved back.

"Why don't you like Jiraiya?"

Mingze asked again.

Jilai is also one of the three ninjas, so outstanding.

Tsunade, who is also Sannin, dismissed it, and liked to cut off instead.

Tsunade said instead, "Nasawa, tell me the truth, where did Jiraiya go, do you have any entrustment to him?"

"This one……"

When it comes to Jilaiya's whereabouts, Mingze faltered.

"We see that the things in front of us are better. Jilaiya is probably on the verge of getting away now. He is collecting materials from somewhere."

As Mingze spoke, Xianglin came from outside.

Xianglin said: "Mingze, Lord Tsunade."

"what happened?"

"My eyes, my eyes have a problem."

Xianglin was about to cry, her eyes kept consuming her Chakra, she still didn't know how to close it.

Tsunade stood up in shock, "Her eyes...this is Sharanan!"


It was indeed writing round eyes, because Tsunade saw a Gouyu clearly.

This time, it must be Mingze's ghost again!

Tsunade squinted Nazawa.

Mingze said: "Relax, just relax."

"How to relax."

Xianglin stomped her feet in a hurry, and her mind was full of her tortured memories.

It is precisely because of this that Xianglin Shaluanyan continued to be activated.

Mingze entered the door and took a bottle of wine: "This kind of wine is different from other wines. You can pour half a cup. You can drink it."

Tsunade narrowed her eyes. She was drinking well, but Nazawa was drunk and embarrassed.

Xianglin was not sensible, and took a few sips.

After drinking, there are stars spinning in front of me and falling down on the spot.

Tsunade grabbed the bottle of wine and came over: "Why do you make this wine so easy to get drunk?"

Mingze covered his face: "I don't know."

Xianglin was helped back, and naturally relaxed when he fell drunk, and Shalanyan gradually retreated.

Tsuna pulled him in hand: "I found out that you did a lot of incredible things when you got to Konoha. You are going to turn Konoha upside down, right?"

Naruto can fly Thor and Helix pills.

Hinata's ability to roll eyes is advanced.

The bird in Neji's cage was released.

Sasuke Kaisusa.

and many more.

Many things, Tsunade can't count both hands.

There are so many things that Mingze is the culprit, and I don't know what An's heart is.

Now, Mingze is even more focused on Xiangphosphorus, using her as an experiment, and giving her a writing wheel eye.

Tsunade was worried that Nazawa couldn't think about it, so he did it for himself.

Nazawa smiled: "Tsunade, if I am malicious to Konoha, the first person to deal with is you, because you are Hokage."

In order to enhance control, Mingze started a second operation to add primary cells to the phosphorus.

When he finished, Tsunade remembered one thing: "Silent Silence is so weird these days, did you do it?"

"I will be responsible."

Mingze did not give any explanation.