Single brush Konoha

Chapter 155, Suman Triumph, 2 in one

Many Ze took two people to the outside of the wooden village.

This action is not suitable for car in the village, like cultivating yourself in the village. I always feel weird.

Mingze Road: "Okay, let's talk about it, which is the most terrible in Chakra?"

Handge: "The most terrible is Ray, I see Sasuke and Kakasi in use, I feel that there is no way to deal with them."

Machi Lang has different ideas: "The most terrible sand."

The two have different views.

The famous Ze is holding the chin, and suddenly shook his head.


Mingze Road.

"Then you said, what is terrible?"

"The most terrible thing is the wind."

Under the gaze of the two, Mingze said his own opinion.


Is the most terrible?

Two people face each other.

The wind is given, it is a peaceful feel.

However, don't forget that the wind is everywhere.

Basically, there is only air, the ninja cannot escape from the wind.

Mingze Road: "There is an agent, called the wind."


Handcuffs have become serious because she feels this is a kind of wind.

"How to do it?"

She asked.

"This kind of surgery can detect the dynamics of the enemy in advance, and you only need to do it next to your ears, the sound will rebound, then enter your ears, this is the first step, the second step is to practice the wind Surgery. "

Mingze told her.

"How to cultivate?"

"It's actually very simple, the part of the person receives the sound is the eclip, there are three small bones in the ear, you only need to concentrate Chakra here."

Practice thousands of miles, do not necessarily receive thousands of sounds, just add a lot of hearing.

According to the practice of Mingze, the handcuffs remembers this skill.

Mingze Road: "I want to teach you, it is a comprehensive battle, which is a set."

"How to do it?"

"You are the wind, so you are the first batch of people, and the opponent is attacked, so that the other person's personnel decrease."

Mingze began analysis.

"First of all, the wind can blow the fire, if the enemy, you ignite the fire, then use the wind, all the power, the wind and the fire, the enemy will suffer a disaster."

"Secondly, the wind and soil match are also very good. Like the wind in the desert, you use wind, blow a lot of sand, can disturb the enemy move forward, reduce the weakening of the enemy."

"So the most suitable for you is a kind of tornado."

Mingze Road.

At this moment, the name of the name, a small wind swirl on the ground, he waves again, the strength of the wind is enhanced, blown up dust and deciduous, continuously.

"Good wind."

Handcuffs and Machi Lang have been blown back, and the face is blocked.

"This is the power of the wind, anything that is winded is windy weapon."

Mingze Road.

After this thing, the handcuffs recognizes the power of wind power.

But not enough.

Many Ze took the idea and launched a tornado.

In front, a wood is destroyed.

Cut it directly.

But a few minutes, there will become bare.

An emergence of the tornado that is connected to the heavens and the earth.

"Good tornado."

The two are very shocking, so if the enemy is hitting the enemy, it is very likely to cause a lot of killing.

Mingze Road: "This is of course just part, I will teach you a technique now."

"Which surgery?"

"Wind buckle."

The name of the name, a tree in front suddenly fell up.

Then, under their gaze, this tree quits five cracked.

Both people don't understand.

"This is the change of the simulated rope, the resulting winds, do you have a little wind that is generated on the trees?"

"See it."

Two nodes.

"Well, today taught you three techniques, the first is the wind and ear, the second operation is the dragon roll, the third operation is the wind binding, you can start cultivation." Mingzhi said not much.

Handcuffs is a smart girl who knows how to cultivate.

Moreover, named disciples need to seize the opportunity.

Mingze will not teach handle again.

Then he went to teach the nine and let the handcuffs ponder.

The handcuffs are unswerving: "I must cultivate outcomes today."

Just now, Shangze has demonstrated the oysters generated by her tornado, so she can temporarily demonstrate, then observe the principles.


A small tornado is produced.

This tornado moves forward to discharge the surrounding dust and leaves.

Therefore, the handcuffs actually do is to add the shape of the tornado when using the wind.

"Try a try."

The handcuffs began to use the wind, she took huge fan, fierce.

A wind is produced, sweeping off some small trees.

But this is not enough.

It is not the dragon roll of the dragon, so she wants to cheer.

the other side.

Mingze and Kiuben explore cultivation.

Here, Shangze didn't understand the surgery, but the second avatar is the second avatar, which is equivalent to the extension of the human hand and the foot.

Use a second avatar attack.

This is essential.

Famous Zeku has passed this rule, then it is simple.

It is necessary to upgrade a skill.

"Will you use it?"

Mingze query.

"I know a little."


"Then I and more."

Mingze laughed.

So, he put down ten five-character chess, and the chess pie was black and white, and this stone is all in place.

"At the same time, ten games."

Mingze and Jiesiro said.

"it is good."

The two began to get more.

At the same time, the next two plates, the nine lake is not slow, and when the next five functions, I can't think about it.

The name is at the same time at the same time, no pressure.

Khan Lang is cold, and the mind has been chaotic, only feeling around the eyes.

He is still not.

When I woke up, I hit the ground.

"This way, let's take it simple."

"I have two stories here, a story is" Mr. Dong Guo and Wolf ", the second story is" farmer in the snake ", you use the branches to write two story content."

Mingze gave a new test.

Two hands, just do two things.

However, now the two story contents are different, so they should also constantly switch and keep thinking.

"Borrow your donkey to play me."

Mingze Road.

"it is good."

At this moment, I didn't hesitate to borrow, two , a black ant, is called a crow.

Mingze is studying these two .

And Jiuro, how to grab two stories in pondering.

His two hands moved very slow.

Very slow.

This is a tough test, there is no bake, it is impossible to see the real gold.

Mingze has been pondered, and two directly.


I saw that Mingze demonstrates two embarrassments, that kind of attack rhythm, basically see unclear, fast to the extreme, Machi Glado widened.

The so-called exquisite is not broken.

Anything, as long as you can get to the extreme, you will have a strong job.

Mingze feel fun, caught hundreds of birds, let go.

Then, Mingze Control Black Ants captures them.

I saw a series of residual shadows, all birds were caught.


Seeing this scene, I greeted my eyes.

Is this a strength?

Also use a puppet, I feel the strength of the two people.

So, I will be determined to be fast.

Fast to the extreme.

Mingze came to a more embarrassing, collecting the leaves of dozens of trees, can have thousands of people.

But he still uses black ants to capture.

A piece did not fall.

Finally, all were stirred into pieces.

The drill is over.

Looking at the nine lang, now I have been in trouble, he wrote very struggled, slowly swallowed, he is anxious, urgently sweating.

This feeling is most uncomfortable.

Any skill, you need to bear the temper when you start, only to persist will have gains.

Mingze did not take him.

It is a little bit of a little bit of a little bit, and many mistakes in your mind.

But he did not stop.

Supporting him, is the sand ninja village behind him.

When I thought of the decline of the Slee Village, he boiled.

He is going forward.

Do you want to live up to my love and handcuffs trust.

Now that you have already arrived, you must never give up.

So, the next grair is like a madness, and the painting of the sleep is asking for food.

If you are wrong, you will re-change, once an error, correction once.

Now, Mingze can rest, quietly look at this world.

Suddenly, he hopped the direction of the village of the eye.

There is a familiar atmosphere over there.

It is Kakasi, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and Three Guards. They come back.

Naruto has returned, not only this.

Mingze also felt the breath of seven tail beasts.

One tail, two tails, three tails, five tails, six tails, seven tails, nine tails, this is this seven.

In addition to them, there is another tail beast in the village, that is, hidden in the four tails in the fragrant phosphorus.

After years of time, no one elmost eight tail beasts will gather at the same place.

Naruto: "Can Kakasi, have you feel?"

Cardi: "What?"

"That is the breath of Mingze, he seems to be outside the village, and there are two strange checks." Naruto.

"I feel, he doesn't cover up, it is to tell us."

"What do he mean?"

Sakura doesn't understand.

"Meaning, he is there, he has something to do, we don't hinder him." Sasuke suddenly opened, his write-wheel eye observation capabilities also exist, so I learned in advance.

Sasuke looked at the people, this guy actually felt.

Naruto feels hate.


Of course, after the Naruto and the nine-tail fusion, the 'sequelae' generated.

Naruto: "Mingze him is very busy now, I don't bother him first."

They returned to Woody Village.

In the first time, many people gathered in the village, welcome Naruto to come back, they are familiar with their faces.

Everyone's face is filled with a happy smile.

This is unity.

This is a warmth of family.

This is a numerous recognition of love.

The Naruto felt that everyone liked himself, like welcoming their rigid return, he laughed.

The man is behind, the ten boxing is far away, and then leaves.

"Naruto, you finally came back."

"Naruto is okay?"


"It's okay, it's okay, we don't have to worry."

Everyone is surprisingly enthusiastic.

Now, Naruto is not only four generations, this is announced, but also a small hero. Not long, save the village, so that the village is from Di Dram.

Everyone regards him for a young nighu.

And this award, only the Naruto can get it.

Sasuke and Sakuraware only envy.

Xiao Sakura: "Naruto, I really didn't see it, you are now very popular."

Naruto laughed: "Where."

Cardi: "Let's go to the master, and I will definitely pay peace to her first."

"it is good."

Everyone went back to find a hand, but the custody of the village of Woody Village.

When I saw a hand, people were stagnant.

Because one is standing next to the board.

That is a tall figure, with a coniferous hair, his face is very conspicuous, but he is not a smell, but a gentle old grandfather, his lyrical care, give him a little exotic.

Naruto rushed over and said: " ."


When the two were separated, I met again, and the Naruto was very happy.

In the eyes of the Naruto, this coming is the same as Iluka, it can be used as a relative.

"Laters are also."

Kakasi Road.

"Of course, I left him, otherwise he has to go."

Outlet laughed.

Naruto face, said: "Do you really want to go?"

Late: "You are not a child now, I don't have to stay with you, I have my own business."

Naruto asked: "What?"

Never say yourself.

"I go first."

Sasuke feels warm, they are not himself.

I think that the people are, they can't integrate, and I don't feel anything.

Sakurabbow is compared, chasing it out.

Today, fragrant phosphorus also gets the news from them to the village, and immediately goes to find it, she can't manage myself.

Plus Shangze is not there, she can be wild and crazy.

Xiangcho: "Sasuke, can you take me next time?"

Sasuke: "What to do with you?"

He gently squats the fragrant phosphorus, and it seems to be a little looks down.

But the fragrant phosphorus patted a little hand, said: "I am very powerful now, I tell you, we have two battles, who is not necessarily."

Xiao Sakura: "You come with me."

Sasuke did not speak, but the eyes are also like saying ', you will pass her first.

The fragrant phosphorus is very uncomfortable, rolled up, and the Sakura battle.

As a result, Xiao Yak was less learned.

It's so long, and the fragrant phosphorus learns, and I also learned to find the weakness of the enemy.

She uses multiplications to be five or five, and then use illusion.

Sakura is instantaneous by illusion.

When Sakura was hit, the Skilla will stand up.

At this moment, Sasuke is quite a shock.

Just because he saw the eyes of fragrant phosphorus, it was a write-eyed eye.

Only the people of the Yisi Bo will have write-eyed eyes.

However, today's fragrant phosphorus shows this eye.

This is also an accident.

Sasuke grabbed the bracers of the fragrant phosphorus: "Say, where is your write-eyed? Who gave you?"

Obviously, he is very excited at the moment.

Xiang Phosphorus frown: "Sasuke, slogan, you hurt me."

"I let you go, you said."

Sasuke let go, and backwards.

Xiang Phosphorus: "I am not happy now, very unhappy, so I will not tell you."

Sasuke wants to use illusion for fragrant phosphorus, but suddenly calm down.

He has guessed the source of this eye.

There is only one possibility.


Sasuke lost interest and turned around.

Xiang Phosphorus chase: "Sasuke, you don't do this, you still have the meaning of living, even if you all have to abandon you, you still have me."

Sasuke looked at her, and suddenly he had an idea, which is not bad.

If you are married after yourself and the fragrant phosphorus, the Yishibo family will be brilliant.