Single brush Konoha

Chapter 161 Xiaotian Shun 4300 words

After dinner, Sasuke is also drunk, this official Mingze and the ten-box sword wait for a great opportunity.

Therefore, Mingze and Silent said: "If you see what you see, you all don't disclose it."

Silent doubts: "What is the secret of God?"

Mingze: "You will know if you are waiting."

Silent first go to sing asleep.

She likes to kick the quilt, but they are very embarrassed before going to bed.

It's already dark.

The ninjasters in the village of the village have finished eating, ready to sleep, this is a little warm.

There is such a situation in the five major people.

Paps, I'm going to come in, I found that it is super good. If his identity is not exposed, you can continue to live here.


When you gradually look for, he wants to know where important items are stored, usually near the place where you live.

There is an important storage room with a large number of reels, including those banned reels.

When the three generations are, it is very strict.

The seal was stolen, the Naruto pursued, and finally recovered.

In the case of seal, there are many shadows of shadows, and the Naruto is accidentally, I have learned it.

But now the battle means of Naruto, there is better than many shadows, that is, the flying god.

Because the flying thunder and spiral pill are the hard work of the four generations, the Naruto prefer these two operations, which can be secured.

Today, the apeer has heard it, so I am upset, I went to the Ninja Hospital to visit the patient.

Although she does not have to treat, the treatment task is given to the mute completion.

However, she will still come.

Because the duty is off, give a great opportunity.

Snorked into the important storage room ...

the other side.

Mingze, mute has left the house, his figure flashed, drunk Sasuke and mute to the South Gongshe Basement.

Here, it was a secret intersession of Uchiomo.

When they arrive, a person is already waiting.

The face of the ten boxing sword is pale.

Obviously, he is suffering from a certain non-human pain.

Silent Word: "Are you ten punches?"

She knows such a person. When they invaded in Didala, they did not attack the ghosts.

Later, the Ten Boxing Sword came to the Ninja Hospital.

"it's me."

Ten punches nodded.

"Mingze, you are with help here, is it for this person?" Silent and more confused.

"His relationship with Sasukes."

Mingze Road.

"Who is he? Is it also a person in Unecao?"

"Once, there was a rebellious ninja in the village, joined."

Mingze did not say too much.

"It is you, Yuxi Pub!"

Silent stare at Utilia, suddenly refunded step, very scared.

Because this is a person who can be alive.

The evil evil evil.

What is done.

She is in Mingze: "I caught him, don't let him run, and we have to tell the master."

Mingze is shaking his head.

"He is like this now, you don't catch him, you will die soon."


This is true if you mute.

Now she is messy, I don't know what Mingze is going to do.

Mingze Road: "In fact, it is not an evil ninja. Unexpectedly is killed by the mask male and the group."


Silent frown, deeply suspected.

Mingze: "" "" is just to collect intelligence, he and the agreement of the three generations. "

With the eloquence of Mingze, it can be said to be alive.

Now take the initiative to master in the hands of Shangze.

Mingze also said: "Silent, if you don't believe, I am awakened to help, ask a clear."

"No, I will help you."

Mute sigh.

The biggest thing in the village is not nig, but Mingze.

Mingze wants to do something, the program cannot stop.

If you want to clear this, you will help.

Moreover, she has heard that the meal is dead.

I thought it was really dead.

I didn't expect to be here, I was buried in the village.

This is completely different from her expectations.

The news she heard is to die.

It is not.

There is also the ability to change the facts, and there is only Mingze.

Silent believes that Mingze is a person, he will not hurt the leaves.

Look out, he has feelings for the leaves.

On this matter, the mute decided to help the last help.

Then, they can exercise blood bleeding surgery, do not have too much, as long as part.

A part of the blood is introduced, and the blood introduced into the blood is weakened.

Compared with the past, he will live better.

Silent use treatment, give Sasuke recovery.

Sasuke wake up, there should be no findings, even if it is a bit weak, it is only the first time to drink sequelae.

The operation is complete, and the famous arrogance: "After waiting, give it to Sasuke and drink."

Silent: "Not you, he is so small, actually to bear the pain of the blood transfusion."

Ten boxing: "Mingze him is right, it is not good, I am the most dead."

Mingze: "Okay, don't worry, you die, take a lifetime pain."

"When can I confirm with Sasuke?"

Ten boxing mirror is excited.

This is a question he has been asking, but he feels that he is deeply, worried about the proceeds after recognition.

So, this time the ten boxing is kept induced.

Silent heart hurt: "No matter what, death is the worst plan."

Mingze: "It should be fast, as long as the knowledge is solved, this series of events will be solved, and the endurance will get peace."

Ten boxing nodded.

Look at the time, they go back, and the ten boxing mirrors.

The South Harcophardn Basement, there is another ten boxing mirror, here is cold and clear.

Only the mantry stone monument, witnessing the Yisi Bo family from falling to Sheng, and then from arrival.

Ten boxing slowly and dragged the tired body.

This night is particularly long.

Time will leave them.

Who are they?

It is those who protect the dark.

Some people use darkness, such as.

He released a long snake in his hand, looking for each item, finally won something.

A small bottle causing his attention.

This bottle is immersed in some kind of liquid, the internal turbidity, can't see the situation.

"This is the breath of the person, the target item."

I don't know if I have to find the body organization of Yuxibo spots, otherwise it will be excited.

Get this small bottle, he got into his arms and hurried away.

The book of the seal is still here.

Unfortunately, the attraction to the pocket is not enough.

I have my own goals now, he wants to be the ninja like the big snake pill.

He wants to die.

I want to live my true meaning.

He leaving this storage room easily, like a ghost.

However, his whereabouts are still discovered.

This person is a young field.

Today, the young fields were shouting to the Ninja Hospital, and she had to check the body without her.

I suddenly saw a black shadow on the road, she opened a pair of white eyes: "Who is there? Come out, I saw you!"

Pull your breath.

Just kidding, let me find yourself with you?

"Your Chakra is familiar, who are you? Do I know you?"

The young field is walking step by step.

She is calm, but she takes courage today.

She continues to catch up with the song.

Naruto became very strong, and she didn't do their own positioning, which made her quite annoyed.

Therefore, it is urgent to prove that she is useful to prove she is useful.

Tonight, this opportunity is in front of her, she never wants to miss.

In the heart of the young field, I think of the enemy.

Seeing that the girl is approaching, I know that I can't hide anyway, because he has seen that the other party is a nationality.

On the day, the family has white eyes and is naturally suitable for observation.

I can't afford to hide.

He slowly came out from the dark, said: "Yes, we have seen it, my name is."

"It's you, the defelling of Wumi Village, you and the big snake pill!"

The young lady has been reminded by his reminder.

"If you know, you sleep first."

The faster pounces in the young field, Chakra operates, only to stand by life.

The young fields do not evade, she is in a critical moment, using their recent studies, called.

Spiral diamonds.

This is taught by Mingze, and the young fields have not been used.

"Puff puff"

In an instant, the young fields played three cold lights, and the defense of no visibility, penetrating his arm directly.

"What is my hand?"

The plum is always confident, and now the face is changed, because the hand of Chakra surgery knife is unachable.

Three important meridians were closed, and Chakra was blocked.

Moreover, three cold lights also penetrate his arm.


That is the blood dropping sound, in this quiet night, special clear, avocado, is a panic, is more horrible.

Now, when he looks like a young field, it is simply like watching the wild and fierce.

What is the girl's girl hurt myself?

Of course, it is a force.

Confident power.


If you don't hesitate, you have chosen turned to escape, and he quickly jumped in the house and fully uses the instant.

It quickly disappeared in the dark.

But the young field is still chasing.

"What is it?"

At a moment, big and from one side.

Then Carti.

The Tiantian Tao: "Someone broke into our wooden village, it seems to be the person with the big snake pill,"

"It's he."

Big and Kakasi look at it, I just don't know what to do in the village.

Carti inquiry: "Then?"

Tiantian: "Then he doesn't hide, run out and fight, but I was injured, immediately escaped ..."

She has a dragon to go to the dragon.

The two were very surprised.

Now Kardi and the big sum are important to endure in the village, they don't necessarily hurt their pockets.

It is still a bit powerful, after all, follow the big snake pill.

But a photo, but it is hit by a young field.

Not really true.

But it really happened.

Spiral diamond?

"Can you use the technique you said once?"

Big and go chase, Kasi left.

The young Tiantian is nervous and can't make it, biting his dental road: "Sorry, I didn't lie."

Kakasi Road: "Well."

Not long, big and back.

When you meet, you will shook your head, obviously being ran away.

After they went to the scene described in the young field, I found a few drops of blood.

Take these blood, three people went to find a hand.

After the hand was laid, "Yes, this is the blood of the pocket, his Chakra is atmospheric, our wood is specially reserved."

What is true?

Two people look at the eyes and face each other.

Today, the young fields have almost seized an endurance. She didn't have much combat experience, and the opportunity was not good enough.

Operators: "Okay, you are fine here, you go back first."

Young Tiantian: "Well."

Big and don't worry, said: "I will send a texture."

After that, the big and send a texture to return to the home.

Today's things have mystery.

Operators and Kassi analysis.

Kakasi said: "There is a storage room near that, I don't know what to do."

Operator: "Will it be a back to steal?"

Two people directly go to the storage room.

Here is a ninja to look at it, but now I am asleep, this ninja is an endurance, it is red beans.

The program wakes up red beans: "What happened?"

Red bean cold sweat: "I dreamed that I was entangled by a big snake, and then I was almost killing."

Operators: "That is not a dream, you are indeed attacked, there is still traces on your neck."

The red bean looks down and suddenly scared.

She knows what I have been injured by this force.

That is a big snake pill.

Only the big snake pill can become a snake.

"You are first attacked, and it has grown dizziness." Kakasi analyzed.

"It should be a pocket."

The master understands.

Only with these two power at the same time, the plum is not only a trustworthy, but also a strong medical ninja.

After the attack, the red bean thought it was a dream, this is the most terrible.

It is also the result of your favorite.

"The storage room is opened."

After that, the three people went to the storage room and gently pushed, and the door opened.

The program was checked in and found a small bottle.

When she came out, her expression was quite dignified.

Kakasi Road: "Adults, what happened?"

Operator: "That small bottle, according to the second generation, it is to store Yu Zhiwei spots body organization."

Kakasi blinked his eyes: "Why will this something in our village?"

Interpretation: "That is the second generation in order to study various surgery, the reservation did, when the spot and my grandfather waved many times, the two have something left, these things were collected by the second generation, he always likes to invent Various techniques ... "

Kakasi understands: "It turns out."

Red beans: "Solid a master, because my dereliction of duty, makes the leaves to take a risk."

Kakasi Road: "This should be nothing."

"Do not."

The hand wrinkled.

She remembered a thing, Mingze once made her legacy of the initial generation, when she gave it.

Later, Mingze used a cryothology to block the enemy's attack.

At that time, I talked about the test.

She will not forget.

This time, the danger of life is to steal the organization here, I am afraid that it is to use criminals.

After the Chinese tolerance, and the various battles behind, the intelligence has been perfected.

The master knows that the big snake pill can be used to compelt.

But the spot is not dead.

How to reincarnate?

In the heart, the apeer is puzzled, and the fog is heavy.

Reality and speculation conflicts.

The next day, the prime hand didn't help but, I went to the house to find the famous release.

At that time, Sasuke was drinking chicken soup.

Xiang Phosphor is looking at him.

This treatment is not, but the fragrant phosphorus sees that the pale face is not awkward.

The program is straight to the door, said: "Mingze, what happened last night, you should know, I want to know if Yuxi Bo is dead, didn't you end?

As soon as this is, Saso will take the spoon, even the chicken soup does not drink.

In the yard, a few pets are lying, and strive for the best position.

They don't need to sun, but it is necessary to install like a animal, in order to let people forget their identity.

They are a noble tail.

The three tails are very excited, climbed up: "Yu Zhibo spheres this bastard!"

The spot has been controlled.

The three-tailed people at the time of four generations of water.

Mingze Road: "He has already been ancient."

In an instant, the Sasuching stood up and held his fist.

The apeer is even more vocal: "So, we have been dealing with the mask male is not a Zhizhibao?"

"Yes, he has another person, but it is just a shadow."

Mingze nodded.

Things have come to this step, no longer need to hide.